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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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I would do anything for Tolkien.

My ass may be bony, but it's also nice and round, and kinda sticks out. I have a better ass than many girls that I know. Also better eyelashes. And eyebrows when I choose to.

I'm just too fab.

God I need to gain weight and then just go sparring and get my ass kicked. Turin, you down?

I can't wait to see Thranduil bad ass around in 'Five Armies'. <3

I don't really like to spar guys that are lighter than me. :\

Maybe I should though. Had a nasty headache two days after the last time. Advil was my friend.

Funky Papa


I'm reconsidering things.

Is there a seat left in Jake's wagon?


I know that feel. Woke up in a cardboard box in some cellar once after a rough night full of pot and beer. Since then I avoid to mix the two things.


I ended up getting the Thanksgiving Bundle from Amazon because it came with 12 months of live and two other games. I can just buy the Master Chief Collection later.
I think I've reached a new low

I'm watching an LP of D&D

To be fair it involves amusing people

Including one of the people who made Roundabout which is a rad game

EDIT: Actually if you count voice actors, 2 people. The guy who voiced Jeffrey The Skeleton's in it.

Follow up:

This is amazing. They're playing an internet version and one of them clearly accidentally set his chat name as his character name and instead of either fixing it or just having both chat name and character name be the same, his character is now "Wolfshirt's Character".

"Good news everybody.

I don't care."
I'm feeling super generous
it's not someone else's sloppy seconds, I swear
, does anyone want Dishonored or Skyrim(inb4 trashrim) on steam?

That Sanic game is still up for grabs too

I'll take both Dishonored and Skyrim if you still have them!

Yeah, it's Trashrim. But modding it could be fun and could make it into an acceptable game. Sonic can stay not being taken.
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