Dragonz had vanished. In her absence, the previous thread lasted almost a year and a half. However, many new gaffers arose from the ashes of the fallen queen.
With the support of his fellow comrades, the brave You Know Nothing continued on the thread in Dragonz' stead. However, he was desperate to find his lost sis and gain her help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy.
YKN had set his most desperate Skype message to the queen, and she returned.
This is their story.
With the support of his fellow comrades, the brave You Know Nothing continued on the thread in Dragonz' stead. However, he was desperate to find his lost sis and gain her help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy.
YKN had set his most desperate Skype message to the queen, and she returned.
This is their story.