My life has been so much better since deleting Facebook. It only ever used to annoy me with people posting stupid shit. And there was so much drama with family and friends, it just became unbearable to use. I haven't had it for nearly three years now, and I don't miss it at all. The only social media I use now is Instagram and Twitter.
Not too bad, then. I've just started working at Three. The people I work with are sound, and the job itself is pretty good, but man, do you get some stupid people come in to the store,
oven repair guy is coming tomorrow.
I blew up the lawn service phone with messages. I can't stand that my lawn looks like shit currently
side you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I wish deleting Facebook isn't as hard as it is
I mean I don't use it (only rarely) as I just stick to Twitter and Snapchat but I just can't get myself around The fact of not having it. It seems like a required social thing in life
Everything in my life is linked to Facebook like friends from school, keeping in touch with them and when I go off to Uni this year not having Facebook would be social suicide lol
Might just stick through it and when I'm like wise and old I'll just delete everyone I'm not close with haha
I got excited!Stop cumming in your eggs bro
I just have facebook send any messages I get to my email and beyond that I never use it. works well
facebook is trash, get rid of it
why doesn't everyone just listen to me
facebook is trash, get rid of it
why doesn't everyone just listen to me
So addicted to Suits at the moment! Working my way through season two... So hyPED!
The main characters are awesome especially Donna! Anyone else think Donna is da bomb?
If any of you watch it of course lol
There's a core group of people I enjoy seeing things from, as well as various private groups that are great. Everyone also uses it for party planning so someone in the house has to not agree with you to avoid being social pariahs.
Most of what I see people doing on Facebook is utter complete bullshit, just sitting around wasting time with horseshit
If you're the 1% of people who use it efficiently to keep up with some private group where there's truly no other way to keep in touch, then fine
Everyone else GET RID OF IT
Most of what I see people doing on Facebook is utter complete bullshit, just sitting around wasting time with horseshit
If you're the 1% of people who use it efficiently to keep up with some private group where there's truly no other way to keep in touch, then fine
Everyone else GET RID OF IT
Misha called your bluff.
Jobbs has no chill.
If this thread started to resemble the Facebook feeds I see like on my sister's feed or whoever I happen to observe wasting time on Facebook
Then I'd make like Nick Cage and be Gone in 60 Seconds
You WISH you had my chill
If this thread started to resemble the Facebook feeds I see like on my sister's feed or whoever I happen to observe wasting time on Facebook
Then I'd make like Nick Cage and be Gone in 60 Seconds
You WISH you had my chill
Super gross. I change my underwear at least twice a day. Once after my morning shower and once after I shower when I get off work. Why the fuck would you sit around in your own filth.
Most of what I see people doing on Facebook is utter complete bullshit, just sitting around wasting time with horseshit
If you're the 1% of people who use it efficiently to keep up with some private group where there's truly no other way to keep in touch, then fine
Everyone else GET RID OF IT
I think the underlying point here is being missed
The underlying point being fuck Facebook
by a whole monthEdit: Misha you beat me![]()
facebook is trash, get rid of it
why doesn't everyone just listen to me
What's the difference between wasting time on Facebook and wasting time on NeoGAF? Because we all seem to do plenty of the latter, but yet, it's FB you have a problem with?
Edit: Misha you beat me![]()
I change my underwear every day, but I have probably let it roll from a lazy saturday into a lazy sunday a few times, but that's because I haven't showered or worked up a sweat, or done much of anything.
Also I find that my $20 per pair type of underwear don't retain smell. Also I don't smell.
Thing 1 is the Monster or Thing 2? Are they both monsters? Hmmmm?
I don't like this everyone shitting on Jobbs thing
you are cool with me bro
I don't like this everyone shitting on Jobbs thing
you are cool with me bro
It just annoys me to no fucking end when people act like "X thing is trash so you must be trash for using it / liking it, you should stop doing that."
Thank you for your opinion that I did not ask for, but it's not any of your business.
It just annoys me to no fucking end when people act like "X thing is trash so you must be trash for using it / liking it, you should stop doing that."
Thank you for your opinion that I did not ask for, but it's not any of your business.
Seriously though, Facebook is great if you don't use it to actually update anyone about what's going on in your life and just use it for keeping social engagements organized.
Though mostly I use SLACK for that now.
SLACK > All.
Seriously though, Facebook is great if you don't use it to actually update anyone about what's going on in your life and just use it for keeping social engagements organized.
Though mostly I use SLACK for that now.
SLACK > All.
I have an irrational dislike of Facebook, you probably shouldn't take my shtick too seriously. =)