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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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I was editing raw VO just now and it's hilarious how many times I say these things or some variant of them:

"Do that again, but, like, different."

"That was good. I think we've got it. Let's do it again."

He said me haffi


He see me do mi
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt
So me put in



apparently I'm going to play all the borderlands through with my friends.

Where were all of you when I was playing Borderlands 2?! I did Borderlands 1 with my friends but my other friends that owned the 2nd one only had it on Steam. I still need to finish the Pre-Sequel.


Where were all of you when I was playing Borderlands 2?! I did Borderlands 1 with my friends but my other friends that owned the 2nd one only had it on Steam. I still need to finish the Pre-Sequel.

We're still on bl1 tho and its only once a week so we'll be awhile.


Don't know about the movie. The game doesn't unlock for another ten minutes and my friends who made way too many pancakes are still here. I'm sure I'll have impressions really late tonight or tomorrow some time.
Oh shit I thought it came out last week. Well whenever you get around to it.

How'd the Borderlandsing go?
Two weeks.
Wait really? I haven't seen any trailers or advertising for it anywhere. Is it limited release?

*will read responses when I get home from work tomorrow bye bye bbs*


After playing Dark Souls 3, I think I'm gonna upgrade my Video Card this year...
GTX 1070/1080 are launching soon, should be adequate for VR too...
Oh shit I thought it came out last week. Well whenever you get around to it.

How'd the Borderlandsing go?
Wait really? I haven't seen any trailers or advertising for it anywhere. Is it limited release?

*will read responses when I get home from work tomorrow bye bye bbs*

So I'm about two hours into Ratchet now. I have to be honest I'm not loving it. The screen is way too busy and enemy bullets are the least flashy thing buzzing around so it can often be really hard to read. I find myself getting shot way too frequently thanks to the low visibility of enemy fire.

The game is extremely vibrant and colorful which makes it absolutely beautiful to look at when you're just walking around exploring and platforming, especially at night. But it's a clusterfuck in the middle of battles and I don't think I should be taking this much damage since I've played all the others (hell, Crack in Time was my first platinum) and I'm just on normal difficulty. But maybe I'm just rusty? There's also this godawful orange screenglare effect whenever something blows up (so every three seconds) that looks exactly like the hurt/bloodstain/jelly look that games have been doing sing Call of Duty, not to mention the HUD brings up your health bar along with the xp bar every time you gain experience (after every slain foe), so it constantly looks like you're taking damage when you're actually not.

It pretty obvious to me when it's the CG movie and when it's a realtime cutscene. I don't know what I expected, but to me it would have almost been better had all the CG scenes been ported to the game engine so that everything was on the same level. Actually, I don't know. A couple of the PS3 titles had prerendered cutscenes as well. Maybe what's more jarring is how obvious the story beats are. It's pretty jarring going from one to the other for me, like they were developed completely separately as reboots of the original game and then spliced together badly.

The platforming is super tight. Climbing is faster, jumping is snappier, swinging bits work better, and the environments read super well. Some of the color work reminds me of the first couple Spyro games with how good it is and how neat the lighting is.

I like or love enough of the game for me to want to keep playing. It's just not perfect.

Edit: a few more thoughts. The character animation in the realtime cutscenes is boring. It's not bad, just extremely by-the-numbers and not very creative. It also has super hit-and-miss lip syncing, like they used the realtime phoneme manipulator from Crack in Time gameplay and never bothered to clean up the animation. When you're playing and not really looking at the characters faces this bit of mouth motion is great even though it doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but in the cutscenes it looks like a corner they cut. And I get it. Animating lip syncing is a fucking chore. But it looks bad right now.

The music is good. I actually think it's better than the original Ratchet music though definitely less iconic. There have been a few places where the original score is lightly mixed in, but you have to really be paying attention. Otherwise the sound design is good, normal for Ratchet. I'd honestly be surprised if they cut much new audio that wasn't VO for this game.

Oh and they push a shit ton of new weapons on you at the start of the game. As a consequence I find myself running out of ammo for one gun really quickly, like the game is forcing me to play with all the guns even when one or two are clearly better for the fight at hand. So that kind of sucks.

Borderlands was a lot of fun. We unfortunately had to end our marathon right before the final mission, but I'm sure we'll finish it eventually. Now that is a game that knows how to be both flashy and readable at the same time. Grr...
After playing Dark Souls 3, I think I'm gonna upgrade my Video Card this year...
GTX 1070/1080 are launching soon, should be adequate for VR too...

Same. I'm definitely upgrading this year. Just waiting for the new cards to roll out.

My current card is an AMD and positively anemic.


Same. I'm definitely upgrading this year. Just waiting for the new cards to roll out.

My current card is an AMD and positively anemic.

I'm currently using a GTX 470 that got RMA upgraded from a GTX 280.
I haven't purchased a Video Card since 2008. :|

It actually has held up well for a 2010 card.
Played everything I've thrown at it.
Still plays Dark Souls 3, but at lower res and settings.
That reminds me of high school. Smelling like burning wood for days every summer week.

And evading curfew cops.

Oh, yeah, those are a lot of fun. But I haven't done a beach barbecue in quite a while, this was just a small one in my backyard.

The best curfew evasion story I have involves skinny dipping on the water after midnight, and then running in naught but our towels for over four blocks


Neo Member
Sometimes, when I don't shower, I study the fragrances. I want to smell, taste, touch the experience.

Is that tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Clyde is back!

Dude, biological classifications sometimes make no sense. Gorilla gorilla gorilla.

I follow David Mitchell's advice " if it doesn't belong in a fruit salad, it isn't a fruit"
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