ZaregotoI aint even mad.... just
Tokyo Ravens 2 cour isn't exactly confirmed? I'm a bit worried in regards to production though since 8-Bit are doing it along with IS 2 and Walkure Romanze this season. And they've like only done 2 series before this, well 3 if you want to count a 5 min anime. (Though they did help alot on Aquarion EVOL and the Frontier movies).
I haven't seen confirmation for TR's 2 cour myself. 2ch's still guessing it's very likely base on circumstances (like VA still recording even though they started a while back, the drama CD's sale date, and a volume 2 character comes out episode 4 etc. and becomes recurring every episode until the end), but I want to see official words etc. Split cour might actually be better than 2.
As for 8-bit, I could've sworn they stopped hiring a little while ago, but apparently they were hiring animators (though deadline was end of August). PV looks ready so can't be worse than how Samurai Flamenco is looking right now scheduling wise ... right?