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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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How many films are even going to be voted on? What's the point in ordering 2-3 titles?

I guess you could use that category to highlight certain movies moreso than actually ranking them.

Edit: So how many categories should there?

The obvious ones are:
Best Animation
Best Direction
Best Art Style
Best Storytelling
Best Male Character
Best Female Character
Best Movie
Best TV series
Best OVA
Best Soundtrack
Best Episode

Also could have some Worst categories.


That was my original proposition but it was deemed a bit unfair because someone voting for one show really only gave one point to their AotY vs a ten show voter being able to give ten points.
They can simply solve that by watching more shows. Well, either that or troll vote. Both are perfectly fine!


How many films are even going to be voted on? What's the point in ordering 2-3 titles?

Hmmm, let's see. I can think of Wolf Children, Blue Exorcist, Madoka 3, and Eva 3.0 for films. And probably LWA and Death Billiards for short films. Clearly not much at all.


Setec Astronomer
In terms of getting the shows you want higher up the ranking, there's no downside to voting for less shows if you care about less shows.

Hmmm, let's see. I can think of Wolf Children, Blue Exorcist, Madoka 3, and Eva 3.0 for films. And probably LWA and Death Billiards for short films. Clearly not much at all.
So basically Wolf Children or LWA.


Gintoki, the High School Years 01


I think i'll like this show.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hmmm, let's see. I can think of Wolf Children, Blue Exorcist, Madoka 3, and Eva 3.0 for films. And probably LWA and Death Billiards for short films. Clearly not much at all.
Maybe the Lupin TV special will be subbed by then (if ever).


Setec Astronomer
Having various "best of" awards is probably more self-congratulatory than restrictions on voting.

...which I wouldn't be entirely against, given the "lol anime is for pervs/pedos" crowd.


The Light of El Cantare
Hmmm, let's see. I can think of Wolf Children, Blue Exorcist, Madoka 3, and Eva 3.0 for films. And probably LWA and Death Billiards for short films. Clearly not much at all.

Garden of Words, One Piece Film Z, Asura, GitS Arise, Fuse, DBZ Battle of Gods, Mystical Laws, Aura, Nijiiro Hotaru. Not advocating for or against any of these, but it's a healthy selection, especially if we just end up combining the film and OVA categories together and limit the list to 3 or 4 entries.


Subete no aware
Well, what is the criteria anyway?
Can someone vote for Kaze Tachinu or the Takahata film?

There are also older films that just came out recently here on disc, but are of the 2012 vintage...

(I would vote for Gintama on blind trust, because why not. lol)


Well, what is the criteria anyway?
Can someone vote for Kaze Tachinu or the Takahata film?

There are also older films that just came out recently here on disc, but are of the 2012 vintage...

(I would vote for Gintama on blind trust, because why not. lol)

Might as well be lax about it. No reason why somebody shouldn't be able to vote for a movie if they saw it in Japanese.


The Light of El Cantare
Well, what is the criteria anyway?
Can someone vote for Kaze Tachinu or the Takahata film?

There are also older films that just came out recently here on disc, but are of the 2012 vintage...

(I would vote for Gintama on blind trust, because why not. lol)

The rule has traditionally been that film eligibility is based on year of retail release rather than theatrical release.

most pantyshots category

At least Yozakura would win something that way.


Well, what is the criteria anyway?
Can someone vote for Kaze Tachinu or the Takahata film?

There are also older films that just came out recently here on disc, but are of the 2012 vintage...

(I would vote for Gintama on blind trust, because why not. lol)

The rule is usually a disc release of some form within the calendar year.

That's the reason Wolf Children was left out last year and why both Ghibli movies will be out this year.


I would totally vote for Kaze Tachinu if I could but that would be equivalent to throwing my vote away since not enough people would have watched it for it to amass enough points to place.


The Light of El Cantare
I hope somebody tallies up dishonorable mentions again because I forgot to make any last time.


Subete no aware
I would totally vote for Kaze Tachinu if I could but that would be equivalent to throwing my vote away since not enough people would have watched it for it to amass enough points to place.
Vote your heart!

This is actually why I like rankings, because you can "waste" a top spot on something that no one will vote for but still have things you do want to win actually win.


the gundoh award for budgetary excellence

the wounded man medal for most empowering female role

the 80's pantsu for most lolicon show


Macross 34-
Holy shit. The saddest part of this episode is that I don't know who was a bigger scumbag this episode, Kaifun or Hikaru. Both are becoming legendary in my eyes. Scumbags of the fucking century. This might be funny if it was intentional on Hikaru's part and it wasn't so goddamn sad. Misa deserves better than this dickweed. The shit Hikaru tried to pull off this episode, I wouldn't even do to my casual friends let alone someone I was remotely interested romantically.

Oh and what the fuck is up with this ending? Like the show is giving Kaifun some moral high ground bullshit as he walks off like he's cool. Jesus Christ. This fucker deserves to be smacked with a brick and then dumped in the gutter.


Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita 4


I want more anime to include engrish.The world would be a better place if we had more scenes like this
I think the real answer here is to just get more Miyukichi to do English roles.
More proof as if it was needed that everything becomes better with moe Miyakishi really.

Seriously, might as well just do an AnimeGAF only AOTY and then do a separate one for the dirty casuals in the OT.

AnimeGAF version requiring something like five posts in an AnimeGAF Thread throughout the year and a minimum of three shows while the OT version has no restrictions.
We should also require a blood pact and $12 as well as a contract stating we can recruit them to work on an AnimeGAF podcast at this point.

A 10-1 point format would be fine, but only if it adds up depending on how many votes one actually casts.

One person puts down 10 votes = Their #1 gets 10 points, their #2 gets 9
One person puts down 6 votes = Their #1 gets 6 points, their #2 gets 5

That's what BGBW is suggesting.

How many films are even going to be voted on? What's the point in ordering 2-3 titles?
As many as is necessary for Wolf Children to win something.

Fluffiest Tail
The Mofu Mofu award of fluffy excellence.
  • Log Horizon 07 END :(
Now including your daily dose of pushing up glasses.

Why is everyone so pretty in this world. I mean, I guess it's the same problem in Sword Art Online and all MMO-based fiction, but like. Everyone is so attractive, and if they're not, then they're like people who are clearly not in the demographic for a game like this, with tons of old guys.


Marie's boobs get bigger every episode, I swear.


Woah, Henrietta's got a REAL job? Hard to believe she has the time to pour into an MMO.

Animation quality has completely taken a dive this episode.


"Money isn't the point of this plan."
>aren't you trying to get 5 million gold

welcome to good burger home of the good burger can i take your order

So I guess noob girl is that girl featured opposite Akatsuki in the OP. I wonder if she'll be competing for love with Shiro. Also rice paddy hat girl wasn't logged on apparently?? That's gotta be confirmed bullcrap.

gonna miss the database. let's see how much of the manga I can speedread tomorrow.


One major complaint I have about KLK is that Ryuko is the worst character on her show. There's really nothing to her other than rah rah revenge, and she doesn't even feel strongly about that. I mean she grew up in a boarding school environment so it's not like she interacted with her dad that much and even during the ep 3 fight, she didn't seem too upset about the whole thing. So we have the main character seeking revenge mostly out of obligation. I mean her main personality trait is that she's lonely. With Simon, we kinda knew what the endgame was going to be for him pretty early on. With Ryuko what I'm getting is that she gets friends and becomes better at fighting. She's not exactly intelligent or a good fighter so far and she's just there. She's not annoying but or bad per say but she's not really notable.

Ryuko isnt that interesting but I think its really just Mako being a genki goddess.
Its unfair to compare.

Non Non Biyori 02

Damn, son, Hotaru is thirsty.

Not enough Renge-chan.

Ren is so adorable. Theres never enough Ren-chan


Why is everyone so pretty in this world. I mean, I guess it's the same problem in Sword Art Online and all MMO-based fiction, but like. Everyone is so attractive, and if they're not, then they're like people who are clearly not in the demographic for a game like this, with tons of old guys.

I thought this, but then I'm also pppppppretty sure that the players don't look like their character in this. So it only makes sense that everyone running around is pretty! (but not that they're all pretty much the right gender)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA 01

Maybe people will remember this nondescript bridge and confuse this show with Fate/Zero.
It's funny. I actually just re-watched the first episode of Fate/Zero today. In spite of the complex rule set of the premise in F/Z the pace at which it doles out new information is highly digestible.

Kaleid is an entirely different beast. Even having some background on the universe, I am finding myself more confused than ever about the world of Fate/Whatevers and what goes on in them. The main character is a little girl who spends most of the episode naked. As expected, this leads to sexualized situations, but the only other character is her stepbrother (which I guess makes it okay in anime?). On the periphery things are just all over the place. There are these things called Kaleidowands, which are plastic wands that float around and complain about things. They should not be let near children, because they like to form binding magical contracts and look at little boy private parts. A bunch of other stuff is piled on and things got even more confusing. People float around and have cat ears. There is some magical girl anime otaku. All of those cool characters you remember who did the fighting like Lancer are now collectible cards. And most uncomfortably of all the CG wands have tails. Who would do such a thing?
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