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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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I have a friend who's obsessed with monster girls in anime and like 90% of his chat messages to me now are "would you want to get together with [insert moe girl creature]"

For some reason I don't think he's getting the message that I'm not into that. And I've made it explicitly clear. By saying "dude I am not into that, stop asking". I don't find it possible that a different selection of words could give a clearer message. This has been going on for months now.

First World-senpai Problems?

Sounds like you're Blue Regina and your friend is Mana ie You say no, but he won't take no for an answer.


I have a friend who's obsessed with monster girls in anime and like 90% of his chat messages to me now are "would you want to get together with [insert moe girl creature]"

For some reason I don't think he's getting the message that I'm not into that. And I've made it explicitly clear. By saying "dude I am not into that, stop asking". I don't find it possible that a different selection of words could give a clearer message. This has been going on for months now.

First World-senpai Problems?

Find an more off-putting fetish and turn it around on him, see if he leaves you alone.

Also what you got against monster girls?

Just kidding

Or am I?


I wouldn't judge here since I know people aren't obsessed with them.

Infinite Stratos S2 8 - Ugh. This episode is the worst episode of this season, hands down, and is one of the worst in the franchise as a whole as well. Only S1E11 compares. In this episode, Russia the younger has a generic falls-in-love plot with Ichika. Ichika chases her around trying to get her to team up with him, she refuses, then he
saves her when her not-finished IS fails and she's falling from the sky (she may have lived anyway, because I imagine it'd have still protected her, but yeah, she'd have gotten hurt...)
in an incredibly generic, predictable, and unwanted scene. I'd almost have rather seen
her get hurt or something
than THAT reused stupid "guy saves girl and then she realizes she likes him" trope...

As for the rest of the episode, it's about the two of them working on her IS and her realizing her generic harem-character feelings for this incredibly unworthy guy. Of course every girl at the IS academy is probably a latent haremite of Ichika's, but that doesn't make the episode any better. And regardless of that, the contents of the episode are generic, bland, and uninteresting most of the time. The one highlight is that Nohohon (Pika-tan) FINALLY gets an appearance, and she's as silly as ever. It's a short appearance, though, and does not make up for how tedious and subpar the rest of the episode is. Oh, and Russia (Elder)'s scenes with Houki were great, both when she trolls her a bit, and in the more serious part of the conversation too (about siblings). Russia has been consistently great this season, and that continues here. The same cannot be said about her sister, unfortunately. In the previous episode she seemed to maybe have some promise as a character, but in this one it all falls apart into generic tedium. Ah well.

At the end of the episode,
Russia the Younger realizes that her older sister was behind the whole "get Ichika to help you finish your IS" plan, and runs off to her room to cry. Because even though her sister actually did use some help to finish her IS, she thinks that she's got to do everything on her own... okay, I understand the sentiment, but seriously, if it could avoid things like that accident earlier in the episode, accepting some help isn't that bad!
The end. Yes, no progression of the main plot -- that is, whatever the villains are doing -- this episode, none at all. Great.

So yeah, it was bad.


Sword Art Online (Toonami Watch, English Dub): 17

I don't drink alcohol. That being said....

I need a drink. Preferably something strong.
Sword Art Online (Toonami Watch, English Dub): 17

I don't drink alcohol. That being said....

I need a drink. Preferably something strong.

Well, I have a friend who's an alcoholic with a degree he's not doing anything with so he lives with his parents.

Vodka seems to be his drink of choice. Maybe it helps with depression.

lol no it doesnt


At least Jun Maeda made something good once. More than I can say for David "I couldn't be a filmmaker so I just write terrible games" Cage.

I suppose I shouldn't admit how much I adored Heavy Rain (it was my game of the year that year). Of course i also don't really get the Jun Maeda hate.


I have a friend who's obsessed with monster girls in anime and like 90% of his chat messages to me now are "would you want to get together with [insert moe girl creature]"

For some reason I don't think he's getting the message that I'm not into that. And I've made it explicitly clear. By saying "dude I am not into that, stop asking". I don't find it possible that a different selection of words could give a clearer message. This has been going on for months now.

First World-senpai Problems?

Monster girl love is a healthy obsession.
The show was really good. Like REALLY REALLY good. Then Urobutcher wasn't satisfied with that. And introduced the second arc.

Which was ok. But the first part was so good.

Except for that fucking squirrel. With its chi chi chi. I hated that thing.
The show was really good. Like REALLY REALLY good. Then Urobutcher wasn't satisfied with that. And introduced the second arc.

Which was ok. But the first part was so good.

Except for that fucking squirrel. With its chi chi chi. I hated that thing.

I actually thought the squirrel was cute.

I wouldn't pet it, though, since it's probably carrying some nasty disease.


Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet 2

Annihilation unit indeed...holy shit. This guy can wipe out the entire planet...Moar! MUST WATCH MOARRRR!


Valvrave the Liberator 17-18

Eh, these episodes were kind of disappointing by this show's standards.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 9

Nice boat.

Steins;Gate 9-10

Lapsed anime viewers would be pleased by this turn of events.

Sword Art Online 17

Alfheim was literally created for rape culture.


Winning isn't the same thing as getting the girl.
Cyclops Girl Saipu

Well those were some lewd shorts about a sister who's DTF. And a dash of yuri pandering.

Feels bad having this being the only thing I watched all day.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Ah yes Clannad. After watching that I've pretty much decided not to watch any other romance anime involving a high school, because I don't think any of them will go as far and beyond the boundaries like Clannad did.

Clannad was the one rare occurrence that did something different and went a step further than your usual anime high-school romance.

There's a few ways to interpret your post but I'll focus on the aspect of a
full-life arc
. It's something anime series just fail at for the most part. Its like the complexity and the challenges of the main character have to be confined within the mental age and environment of the tropes selected when the series introduces its plot. The concept of evolution is never addressed as emotional or mental development but rather power-level or simple realize-ones-destiny. Clannad is the French roast of anime where most anime can be described as unroasted beans soaked in cold water for a minute. I'm not going to claim I don't enjoy bland coffee but it tastes crappy knowing I could be drinking something better :(


Setec Astronomer
Find an more off-putting fetish and turn it around on him, see if he leaves you alone.
Haha, yeah, have fun with this. Obsessed with monster girls? Well, I know of a world that many who are aren't fond of delving into.

Look up メスケモ on Pixiv.
Love Live 2
Honoka makes this show fairly enjoyable. The songs are still ok but not stellar and its averagely cute right now. I like their groups name.


Haha, yeah, have fun with this. Obsessed with monster girls? Well, I know of a world that many who are aren't fond of delving into.

Look up メスケモ on Pixiv.

I am fighting to put down my morbid curiosity right now.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So apparently there are summaries of Ep.8 and 9 out for SF.
The tone shift is legit.


This is very good news.
I'm glad they don't back pedal. It's a huge tonal shift, to be sure, but I feel it's always been kinda heading in this direction in a weird way.

I'm just reminded of the TDK concept that the introduction of a hero creates the need for bigger badder villains. A superpowered arms race essentially. I really hope they touch upon the concept that Masayoshi might have inadvertedly created King Torture.


This is very good news.
I'm glad they don't back pedal. It's a huge tonal shift, to be sure, but I feel it's always been kinda heading in this direction in a weird way.

I'm just reminded of the TDK concept that the introduction of a hero creates the need for bigger badder villains. A superpowered arms race essentially. I really hope they touch upon the concept that Masayoshi might have inadvertedly created King Torture.

The possibilities are interesting but the way they handled the tone shift itself wasn't exactly great, in fact it's kinda poor.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
The possibilities are interesting but the way they handled the tone shift itself wasn't exactly great, in fact it's kinda poor.

I'm inclined to agree that it wasn't handled well, but I have a feeling that there's going to be more to it.


Hajime no Ippo Rising - 9

Man, this guy really went to the 'Over the Top' school of boxing villainy. Could he be any more of a straight up cartoon monster?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
The tone shift was so jarring and out of place it makes me suspect they did it on purpose.

Absolutely done on purpose. I have a feeling that this will make a lot more sense as we get deeper into the series. I have faith that they'll make good on it.


Macross- Do You Remember Love (Deculture Edition)
Well this was interesting. I wasn't expecting this to be as remotely interesting as it turned out to be. It's a much more serious and darker take on the events in the original series. I mainly expected the movie to be roughly on the same level as the television series and I found this really surpassed the OG TV series on almost every level. I could easily recommend this to people who have never seen Macross before as it holds up both on a visual and storytelling level. Why did you assholes tell me to watch the TV series when I would have been better served just watching the movie?
I'll first off by talking about the artistic direction and the animation level. The first thing that struck me was the color palette of the movie, the colors used are much darker than the TV series. The shading also got one hell of a boost. Otaking probably jerks off to this level of shading. It's a movie so surprise, the animation is leagues better. The battles are mecha porn for the most part and have some great choreography mixed with some good storyboarding, especially the part where Max goes into the Meltran spaceship. Hell even some of the static shots are mecha porn. It wasn't a surprise to learn that people like Yutaka Izubuchi worked on the film. The dogfights in this are awesome.


One thing I haven't talked about is the Itano Circus stuff. I'm a fan of Eureka 7 and the Itano Circus stuff became prominent with Macross. Both in the TV series and movie it's there and it's noticeable, but it isn't as elaborate as future TV series such as E7. The movie as a whole had some great layouts and really did a great job with the background art. I do like seeing some of the proto stuff both from a historical standpoint and an artistic one. The more detailed backgrounds for the city really made it feel alive in a way not found in the TV series. Blown out ruins look deserted and there is a sense of tangibility to the art. The lighting is also phenomenal in the movie and this really adds to the atmosphere in certain scenes. This is a bit of a tradeoff though as the city looks way too normal of a location to be found inside a spaceship, that the citizens did posthaste, where as in the TV series, that sparse look did fit the setting a bit better. The Minmay concerts looked much more in line with stuff from Macross Frontier, which I thought was kinda interesting as Sheryl views Minmay as her idol in Frontier and the movie portrays why this would be the case, better than the TV series. The Zeltran's spaceship also has a more organic look that make it more alien and less 'aliens in space'. The Zeltran in general look more alien which I liked a lot instead of just 'tall humans'. The detailed look in the anime also add to the scale and tension in the story as stuff that is merely numbers in the TV series are given life here and it really helps demonstrate how desperate the situation is. The art direction does give it a darker tone compared to the anime and it works, partly due to the writing holding up as well. The character designs took a really big leap and look so much better than the TV series. Haruhiko Mikimoto decided to up his game apparently. They look less like something out of the 70s and Misa got one hell of an upgrade. The movie really is fucking gorgeous. I can't emphasize that enough. I think I took like fifty screencaps of the movie.
The soundtrack is amazing and that is mainly due to Minmay's songs again. They add a few good ones to the mix although my favorite is still Silver Moon Red Moon. I had heard the final song "Do You Remember Love" before in the Macross franchise, due to Macross Frontier(had to look it up). It was placed very appropriately and I think the slower pacing of the song really works well as a contrast compared to the normal more popish Minmay stuff. Also there is obviously less run time than the TV series so Minmay's songs are enough to uphold the movie compared to the TV series where I felt her stuff wasn't enough. Kazuhiko Katoh did a good job and it's really sad to hear that he committed suicide.
The pacing is on the slower side for the most part which works out surprisingly well. I expected it to be a breakneck recap of the TV series but it kinda does its own thing and it works. The scenes where Hikaru is alone with either main girl are touching and portray the different personalities and the encompassing relationships. It was really interesting seeing the contrasting dynamics between Misa and Minmay in those two relationships. When Minmay and Hikaru are alone, Minmay is at first pretty submissive and Hikaru is in charge however this changes to the point where it's seemingly like Minmay is in control. Then later on Earth, Misa is ordering Hikaru around but later becomes more submissive and softens up. The relationships as a whole are handled so much better compared to the TV series. I can't understate that enough. There isn't any of Hikaru's bullshit or any stupid hijinks. It feels much more grown up in how the material and characters are handled. Less Kaifun dickriding helped out a lot. The characters outright state their feelings and
there is a clear winner compared to the shit in the TV series where it's kinda just left in the air in this half-assed manner

The storyboarding for this shot in particular overlays the importance of Minmay on Hikaru and Misa's coupling relationship. It's a great scene that becomes even more fantastic later with additional context.
I know when a love triangle has done its job properly when I get uncomfortable watching it. That's because I know it's going to end in tears for one of the parties and all the characters in said triangle are seemingly good people. That stands in contrast to the TV series where I kinda didn't give a fuck near the end. Minmay's concert at the end was really handled excellently
as it did show her isolation and loneliness but also how she is moving on
. Idol culture indeed.

Just a little bit rapey. Good to know that the movie retains some of the sexism from the show.
They twisted some stuff from the narrative of the TV series and I think it helped quite a bit. The Meltran vs Zeltran stuff where they're actually quite hostile helps give some more context as to why the two don't interact compared to the TV series. That little change really helped ground the story a bit instead of "Oh wow culture and kissing. Holy fuck!" as seen in the TV series. It's still there but it doesn't feel as corny as the TV series. Also the scene where Misa and Hikaru
land on Earth is dark as fuck. Like the entire human race is wiped out. It wasn't anywhere near as bad in the TV series and here you really get a sense that the Earth is done for. I mean they were eating radiated fish. Earth looked like a barren asteroid with some water scattered here and there.
I do think the Zeltran fleets
changed sides just a wee bit too fast in the movie against the Zeltran overlord but whatever,
I understand there are time constraints. I also thought Misa being some sort of xenolinguist was a bit wtfish as she seemingly isn't one in the TV series.

An idol needs to stay trendy!

So right now my current Macross ranking is: Macross Plus=Do You Remember Love> Macross Frontier>Macross


So I suppose this was good Kawamori before he descended down into a pit of madness. I really write way too much.


Misa has the best reaction faces.





At least the MF characters didn't make me want to strangle them.

The final one?

Nay, Ai oboetteimatsuka.

If you like MF well enough, you may want to check the retelling movie.. I feel its also have the case for being better than the series.

EDIT : miss this one

Why did you assholes tell me to watch the TV series when I would have been better served just watching the movie?
because its worked better if you know the character from the TV series IMO


So right now my current Macross ranking is: Macross Plus=Do You Remember Love> Macross Frontier>Macross

I don't want to be all "Internety" and simplify a pretty good post down to a single silly point but reallllly.

I really don't actually think DYRL works particularly well as a stand alone property because I feel a lot of important character context is lost. Moreover, I feel that the pacing is far too leaden and dull.

Finally, where's my non-censored DYRL BD?


Nay, Ai oboetteimatsuka.

If you like MF well enough, you may want to check the retelling movie.. I feel its also have the case for being better than the series.

EDIT : miss this one

Oops, forgot about the concert one. But yea I did, I actually like all of the Minmay songs except for the Shanghai theme one.

I don't like MF enough to watch the recap movies.

Oh and lol came across the Robotech Minmay English dub.

because its worked better if you know the character from the TV series IMO

It works fine as a standalone. Yea there is some context missing such as the Kaifun stuff but the TV series isn't really required viewing material before the movie.

I don't want to be all "Internety" and simplify a pretty good post down to a single silly point but reallllly.

I really don't actually think DYRL works particularly well as a stand alone property because I feel a lot of important character context is lost. Moreover, I feel that the pacing is far too leaden and dull.

Finally, where's my non-censored DYRL BD?

Both are heavily flawed but in different ways. MF has the stupid alien crap at the end and Macross has the characters being infuriating in the back 10.

I think it works fine because there really aren't that many elaborate character relationships prior to the events of the movie's universe. What I mean by that is Hikaru and Minmay don't know each other in the movie universe and so their relationship is built up properly in the movie along with the audience's understanding of their relationship. Same thing with Misa. It's also different enough that it's not really bound by the TV series either. The only one I could say got shortchanged would have been Max as that relationship is more fanservice to the TV series.
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