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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Oops, forgot about the concert one. But yea I did, I actually like all of the Minmay songs except for the Shanghai theme one.

I don't like MF enough to watch the recap movies.

Oh and lol came across the Robotech Minmay English dub.
Well even the plot is different, they basically remade the whole thing.. but if you said so.

It works fine as a standalone. Yea there is some context missing such as the Kaifun stuff but the TV series isn't really required viewing material before the movie.

Yeah its worked just fine, but I feel due to the compressed nature its worked better if you have knowledge about the character and just add anything from the movie from there.


Well even the plot is different, they basically remade the whole thing.. but if you said so.

I'll look into it. If I can ever get through Macross 7, I'll probably just burn through the movies.

Yeah its worked just fine, but I feel due to the compressed nature its worked better if you have knowledge about the character and just add anything from the movie from there.

No, I understand perfectly. I'm just still annoyed by Kaifun and Hikaru hijinks.


I have a friend who's obsessed with monster girls in anime and like 90% of his chat messages to me now are "would you want to get together with [insert moe girl creature]"
Sounds like you're in the wrong here.

Haha, yeah, have fun with this. Obsessed with monster girls? Well, I know of a world that many who are aren't fond of delving into.

Look up メスケモ on Pixiv.
Oh there is worse to do if he just wants of be vindictive. On the flip side this might get him even more interested in fetish sharing if he gets a positive response!

Oh yeah, there's also that route. You could get him to read Hot House or something.
Or any Horihone Saizou work for that matter. For maximum effect he could go with Sewer City. I also have a list of other candidates he might wanna try for that.


Nay, Ai oboetteimatsuka.

The leading up to and peaking with the last Itano Circus in the tunnel is just goose-bump inducing in so many aspects. Animation, storyboarding, music, composition, you name it.
It's also awesome because the combination that occurs in the scene sounds so hilariously crazy whenever you try to put it into words, but it works anyway.

Another thing that has occurred to me is that Macross DYRL has sort of a sombre feel to it that I never got with the other series. It's induced both by the use of music and the dark visual tone. Space has a sort of mysterious and foreboding feel to it that just seems lost in just about any other sci-fi series I can think of, really hammering home how screwed humanity
(e.g. the Macross inhabitants)
at least consider themselves to be.

Also, The Macross in DYRL, more than any other that I can recall, really seems like a larger than life thing rather than just some vessel. The intro scene with the Macross slowly being unraveled as the title is unveiled along with the title theme sets about this really well imo.

And I don't think Izubuchi did any animation work on DYRL either. Just design elements.
They do that for every show.

For what it's worth, CR only freezes up on me if I've paused the video for several minutes or longer. It'll play for thirty seconds to a minute, then suddenly freeze. Other than that, it always works fine for me.

I get that kind of freeze here as well, and videos sometimes not loading.

Daisuki seems really inconsistent, which is a shame because it could be a good alternative. When they work it's good, but it seems like they've had a lot of trouble with episodes being timely, as well as errors with the episodes themselves.

How many shows do they have available for the US? Only 7 shows available to watch here.

Feels, the Anime

Haha. So true.
Aceof Diamond 8

Covering only two chapters, but the added scene with the medicine ball was good, starting to really like kuromachi (roommate).

I couldnt help laughing to even feeling embarrassed for Eijun
that had to be so awkward to be so wrong


Izubuchi mostly does design work. I was surprised though to see Anno's name on the key animation stuff.

Altira city laser bombardment? Pretty sure that's Anno. The blowback (? don't know what to call it, not familiar with terminology) effect is a dead giveaway like in Daicon IV.


I'll look into it. If I can ever get through Macross 7, I'll probably just burn through the movies.

You should watch Macross Zero, too, given that it's a prequel to what you've just watched. Parts of it are Kawamori at his most Arjuna-esque which probably clouds my opinion, but I had no familiarity with Macross before watching it and thought it was pretty good.

Avoid Macross 2 AT ALL COSTS, however.


Macross- Do You Remember Love (Deculture Edition)

Well this was interesting. I wasn't expecting this to be as remotely interesting as it turned out to be. It's a much more serious and darker take on the events in the original series. I mainly expected the movie to be roughly on the same level as the television series and I found this really surpassed the OG TV series on almost every level. I could easily recommend this to people who have never seen Macross before as it holds up both on a visual and storytelling level. Why did you assholes tell me to watch the TV series when I would have been better served just watching the movie?


So Anime-GAF, I am going to get into Gurren Lagann next as I hear good things.

However, looking at Wiki I can see that two anime movies were also made. Are they worth it or should I just get the series?
So Anime-GAF, I am going to get into Gurren Lagann next as I hear good things.

However, looking at Wiki I can see that two anime movies were also made. Are they worth it or should I just get the series?

The movies are just recaps of the first and second parts. If you are short on time I guess watch those. But really you should just watch the main series if there is nothing in your way


So Anime-GAF, I am going to get into Gurren Lagann next as I hear good things.

However, looking at Wiki I can see that two anime movies were also made. Are they worth it or should I just get the series?

For time saving

Watch the first 15 eps and watch the 2nd recap movies. because for me its better experience than the 2nd half of the show.

If not interested you can watch the whole TV series and revisit it again with the movies, because its not just usual recap, its have additional/redo scene that alter a bit of the plot


I have a friend who's obsessed with monster girls in anime and like 90% of his chat messages to me now are "would you want to get together with [insert moe girl creature]"

For some reason I don't think he's getting the message that I'm not into that. And I've made it explicitly clear. By saying "dude I am not into that, stop asking". I don't find it possible that a different selection of words could give a clearer message. This has been going on for months now.

First World-senpai Problems?

You should tell him you're a fan of Horitomo's work.


You should watch Macross Zero, too, given that it's a prequel to what you've just watched. Parts of it are Kawamori at his most Arjuna-esque which probably clouds my opinion, but I had no familiarity with Macross before watching it and thought it was pretty good.

Avoid Macross 2 AT ALL COSTS, however.

Eh, Macross 2 isn't actually that bad - it has some nice mechanical design if nothing else - but I guess it's kinda completely irrelevant these days.
So Anime-GAF, I am going to get into Gurren Lagann next as I hear good things.

However, looking at Wiki I can see that two anime movies were also made. Are they worth it or should I just get the series?

Watching the first 15 episodes is kind of necessary as the first movie sort of rushes through some scenes where important characters are introduced. The second movie doesn't do that, but I would recommend just watching the show first.

The anime is amazing already by itself, and the movies are basically the icing on the cake. So I would recommend to watch the series first, then the movies.


Yozakura Quartet - Episode 8

Pretty bland looking episode. It was outsourced too, so it's not surprising. It wasn't terribly off model, but there's nothing special visually, with really generic layouts. It's a decent bridge episode though. It acts as a quiet epilogue for the events of the recent arc, while also explaining certain things and setting up things to come. I like how the explanation given for tuning here is pretty much exactly what I posted in response to cosmicblizzard earlier. It's so weird to see them say pretty much the exact same thing. Humans are selfish bastards, confirmed!

As for those wondering how they're going to tackle the OAD...
they won't. The end of the episode foreshadows the OAD events after the ED, but the preview for ep9 makes it pretty clear they're skipping ahead. So yeah, if you haven't seen the OAD, it's time to watch it before ep9.


So Anime-GAF, I am going to get into Gurren Lagann next as I hear good things.

However, looking at Wiki I can see that two anime movies were also made. Are they worth it or should I just get the series?

Watch the series first then watch the movies.


Eh, Macross 2 isn't actually that bad - it has some nice mechanical design if nothing else - but I guess it's kinda completely irrelevant these days.

In all honesty, I agree with you (based off watching one of those Saturday night anime-on-the-SciFi-channel broadcasts in the early 00s) - my thinking was that, if Jarmel didn't care for large parts of Macross TV, he's never going to tolerate Macross 2 :p

Am I okay to like Macross Frontier again yet, incidentally? I mean, I've admitted to really liking Macross Zero, so I may as well get that back out there. I guess I have a higher tolerance for plot contrivance than I thought given my fondness for the show!
Phi brain S3 - 08

They actually
bailled out and didn't show the puzzle solution
Can't believe they did that.


Those final artworks are so intresting :)

Anyway 2 things to note in this episode : Some melancholy character develloppement , this was quite needed , especially after season 2 . These revelations give us plenty of new information on her motivations ( especially with knlondike lol ) . I liked that .

This episode proved that freecell is like rook or kaito , he still has a bit of potential left from the "days of the ring" . This reinforces the fact that he is a cheat code , just less cheated than kaito.
Lol @]gaimon blurting his feelings out loud.

Now that cliffanger and that preview showed us that things will get a bit more complicated now. Ratsel now
realises fully that enigma is having another agenda
( finally ) i especially loved the enigma face in that preview. Ratsel you have a chance to do something awesome next week , don't miss that !
For enigma , there is now a 70% chance that it's
rook related
, given by the opening animation , ratsel & rook are probably experiments , this would mean
that this new face , labushka is VERY IMPORTANT ..her hair just make me think of rook , it's too obvious but i can't shake the possibility ....

The mind fuck phi brain is preparing for his 3rd season will be awesome ...


Yozakura Quartet - Episode 8

As for those wondering how they're going to tackle the OAD...
they won't. The end of the episode foreshadows the OAD events after the ED, but the preview for ep9 makes it pretty clear they're skipping ahead. So yeah, if you haven't seen the OAD, it's time to watch it before ep9.

That's a pretty interesting choice, but I suppose it makes perfect sense.


Phi Brian season 3 ep 8
Wtf, so in the end what is the answer to the puzzle? And a Freecell x Melancholy? I'm in for that shipping.


Ace of The Diamond Episode 8:

I can't help but feel that this program is spinning its wheels as all of this training is just not all that compelling.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
ANNcast - Burnout Paradise
This didn't really have much to do with the actual topic of burnout. Like most ANNcast things, it wasn't much more than self-centered whining about the feasibility of one person watching and reviewing literally every show coming out in a season in a single article. Looking up the article yielded that less than one was written every month. Honestly this doesn't seem like the most difficult task if you're getting paid for it.
played through some (most?) of the first release, really disappointing =/
Part Three sort of runs into this issue where the angles are just boring and look like normal people, and the monsters have become mish-mashed nonsense in an effort to create something new. It gets better in across the midstretch though, and from what I understand the stretch to the ending is pretty rad.


played through some (most?) of the first release, really disappointing =/
I intend to play it all when it's done. Not spoiling my experience!

Shit, I still need to beat part 2, playing H-games is too risky when I have room mates to deal with. My fluffy tail is ready.
That's when you tell them all to fuck off and/or initiate them into the ways of mofuwa mofuwa.

Part Three sort of runs into this issue where the angles are just boring and look like normal people, and the monsters have become mish-mashed nonsense in an effort to create something new. It gets better in across the midstretch though, and from what I understand the stretch to the ending is pretty rad.
The former was sort of expected, as for the later I just hope they don't outdumb anglerfsh girl or something.
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