I dunno. the same people who would give somebody shit for fucking a wolf I'd imagine.
Dragons are more mainstream in interest though, not to mention fucking a dragon would make you an alpha among alphas.
I dunno. the same people who would give somebody shit for fucking a wolf I'd imagine.
I dunno. the same people who would give somebody shit for fucking a wolf I'd imagine.
Dragons are more mainstream in interest though, not to mention fucking a dragon would make you an alpha among alphas.
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei 06
Best marriage ritual? Best marriage ritual. This episode was even more ridiculous than usual, and it was great. Hope we see Itoshiki's siblings again. I love they have a single normal girl in their class, which makes her abnormal.
They kinda dropped blond girl's gimmick after she was introduced, didn't they?
I've been relatively light on criticism for KLK, but the pacing is definitely starting to get to me. They keep threatening to shake things up, but then end up just returning to the status quo by the end. REALLY hope it isn't just three more fight episodes.
Samumanco 08
None of the following are spoilers, just machinations from my anus.
I have a theory that Masayoshi got fatally wounded in episode 7 and we are just seeing a dream of his as he dies. Yup... that's it.
I honestly think the show is winding up for another curve ball and it'll probably ice someone (or some people) to do so.
There was a moment during this episode where the main character's motives were called into question for being selfish and ultimately petty. Deep down I began to reach for some small sense of hope that maybe this was foreshadowing, and that something of greater meaning would eventually be applied as the drive for the main character (and the show itself). Getting my hopes up for something like that is usually not a good idea though.
Either way it really doesnt matter does it?
Look at those eyebrows!
Samumanco 08
None of the following are spoilers, just machinations from my anus.
I have a theory that Masayoshi got fatally wounded in episode 7 and we are just seeing a dream of his as he dies. Yup... that's it.
I honestly think the show is winding up for another curve ball and it'll probably ice someone (or some people) to do so.
Im just kinda curious why people see the artwork for a show and immediately deduce that it will be shit.
Im just kinda curious why people see the artwork for a show and immediately deduce that it will be shit.
visual medium
It's the Precure Difference
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Some people like to think about factors beyond just 'her ears are so kawaii' and 'i can see her butt.'
Im just kinda curious why people see the artwork for a show and immediately deduce that it will be shit.
and these factors can be deduced from a picture of character art how?
"hey this looks pretty bad"and these factors can be deduced from a picture of character art how?
and these factors can be deduced from a picture of character art how?
Samumenco 8
Samurai Flamenco 08
I really don't understand why they introduced Jijo into this series or what his role is supposed to be. Every episode with him in it has been "Oh I have to travel see ya". Such a compelling character.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - 11
Satako mustering up the courage and finally calling out for help really connected with me on a personal level, teared up during that scene as it was finally resolved.
I've been calling that aspect of her out repeatedly. For all these characters have been saying about resolve, Ryuuko's fairly confused mission does seem petty by comparison. If it doesn't get acknowledged by the end of this arc, the writing is a great deal less intelligent than I've been giving it credit for.
Gamagoori literally called her out on it in this very episode. I appreciated that.
That said, it's hard to blame Ryuuko for not having some kind of lofty goal when everyone is refusing to tell her what the fuck is going on. Hopefully once we reach the mid-series turning point and Ryuuko gets the revelations she's after, they will give her the boost from simply cute-and-badass to cute-and-meaningfully-badass.
Link to the deal for anyone interested.$50 12 month anime sub on CR is up.
Damn. Maybe I should get rid of my furry phobia and give Wolf Children a try. I mean I was surprised with how decent one of the recent Ghibli films was.
Damn. Maybe I should get rid of my furry phobia and give Wolf Children a try. I mean I was surprised with how decent one of the recent Ghibli films was.
Since I might not have been clear (Gamagoori did acknowledge it), I mean that Ryuuko needs to recognize that it's holding her back, and take that next step. Senketsu keeps bailing her out and delaying this moment of realization.
Oh boy, all the Golden Time hate in this thread is making me morbidly curious. Looking forward to watching it this evening and finding out what has got everyone so angry.
The comedy was pretty good this week. The scenes with the old men got me. Those facial expressions.![]()
The teaching power of Seitokai Yakuindomo.
Can't wait for the L-Elf refrain episode.VVV
This one seem gonna reveling into R2 area.
You know what? Fuck you too man!Some people like to think about factors beyond just 'her ears are so kawaii' and 'i can see her butt.'
Use your e-cred on used goods?Redeem that shit at Gamestop or something.
Silver Spoon season 2 staff change. The assistant director Kotomi Deai has taken over as director of the series. This means that Tomohiko Ito is finally free.... to direct Sword Art Online season 2! Let's get excited for an announcement on New Year's Eve.![]()
It's also interesting that the monsters don't even seem to do anything evil anymore at the end (they even bought the fucking apples), don't put up much of a fight, and are really quick at committing suicide.Samurai Flam 8
You know I think the way things have progressed is weirder than the sudden change in direction of last episode. I figured this would turn into an edgier Toku style show, but outside of some minor morality questioning, it's pretty much a normal one with shades of the earlier parts of the show. I'm guessing that could be part of the plan, since they're really trying to drive home the "no casualties" thing, but based on what's available, this is just really weird all around.
Well, that sounds about right. "Ultra-pleasant harem action" is such a great name for a genre.The January 2014 issue of Shueisha's Jump Square magazine is announcing on Wednesday that the To Love-Ru -Trouble- Darkness manga is inspiring a PlayStation Vita game. FuRyu (Unchained Blades, Exstetra) is making the To Love-Ru -Trouble- Darkness: Battle Ecstasy game in the "ultra-pleasant harem action" genre.
The magazine teases that the player can meet the heroines of the manga in the game and do things like "battle them and touch them!?"
Im just kinda curious why people see the artwork for a show and immediately deduce that it will be shit.
Silver Spoon season 2 staff change. The assistant director Kotomi Deai has taken over as director of the series. This means that Tomohiko Ito is finally free.... to direct Sword Art Online season 2! Let's get excited for an announcement on New Year's Eve.![]()
I lost all motivation to finish Death Note after Episode 25. for some reason. Worth finishing up?
Good ending. Everything leading up to it from 25 sucks though.
Silver Spoon season 2 staff change. The assistant director Kotomi Deai has taken over as director of the series. This means that Tomohiko Ito is finally free.... to direct Sword Art Online season 2! Let's get excited for an announcement on New Year's Eve.![]()
Link to the deal for anyone interested.
Amusingly enough, it looks nice on their page what with the "save $33.41 (40% off)" -- but that's acting as if you would be subscribing on a month-to-month basis for 12 months; it's normally $60 anyway if you buy a year in bulk, so in practice it's only really saving you $10.
I guess it makes sense that they wouldn't do an all-access deal at that price like last year, so this time around the all-access deal is $70 for a year of anime+drama+manga, plus $15 worth of credit for their online store.
I agree but I'm not dropping thisGolden time - 09
Linda , what the heck does "being an adult " mean ?
Seriously ? That was like the dumbest move ever. This solves NOTHING ..heck i can bet 10 bucks that.the guy that was looking at banri is the one responsible for the bike accident
What's with this turn of events ? This is like unnecessary padding almost. What are you doing koto ? what's with the uncertainty ? did i miss a forshadowing somewhere , or does she have a 6th sense ?
How does thisWhy am i wasting my time ? i feel like dropping this show.body swapping works , anyway ? The result is painfully obvious because there is 1 heroine in this gigantic mess and it's NOT LINDA