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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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I dunno. the same people who would give somebody shit for fucking a wolf I'd imagine.

Dragon Route

Man walks into a tavern. He sports a great big bushy beard, a sword the size of himself, and a badass shield. His muscles are glistening with sweat, and he sits down to order a drink. He has a scottish accent.

"Ah if it ain't Ol' Beardly. You want the same as always"
"Aye that it is. Three full tankards of your raunchiest mead"

The men around him are shocked with awe at the manliness of this human being. A mere kid of twelve walks up to him.

"Mr. Beardly sir. You have a tale for us, in this small scottish town?"
"Aye that I do son. See this scar on my back?"
"Yes sir, I do!"
"Well you see son. I got that scar-"

he drinks a whole barrel of mead, throws the barrel into the air, cuts it with his sword and points at the air

"Fucking a drrrrrrrrrrrragon!"
The tavern is filled with cheers. Nothing manlier can be said.

Wolf Route

"You see this scar on my back?"
"Yes sir, I do!"
"Well you see son, I got that scar-"
he drinks a whole barrel of mead, throws the barrel into the air, cuts it with his sword and points at the air
"fucking a woooooooooolf!"

The tavern looked at Beardly with disgust. He was shamed by the townsfolk, shaved as he didn't deserve such an epic beard and kicked out of town within hours,.
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei 06

Best marriage ritual? Best marriage ritual. This episode was even more ridiculous than usual, and it was great. Hope we see Itoshiki's siblings again. I love they have a single normal girl in their class, which makes her abnormal.

They kinda dropped blond girl's gimmick after she was introduced, didn't they?

I've been relatively light on criticism for KLK, but the pacing is definitely starting to get to me. They keep threatening to shake things up, but then end up just returning to the status quo by the end. REALLY hope it isn't just three more fight episodes.

One of them becomes a part of the main cast.


Gingitsune 8


second best girl gets an ep about her and her somewhat obsessive driver father's assistant. it wasn't anything special but i'd take this over the annoying monkeys from last week or the backstory of that mopey baby
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni - 12

Welp, just about everything is solved now, from whose committing to the murders, how they are doing it, and why they are doing it. However with only just halfway into the season I can pretty much tell this time loop/arc is going to end in tragedy despite all that positive buildup over the previous episodes.

Oishi getting sniped off at the end tells me that Rika, Keichii, Rena, Shion, Mion, and Satako are alone in this fight and the episode preview hints some badass fighting going to be going on (dearly hoping for Rena to bring out the machete again) but again with this time loop most likely ending in tragedy it will be most saddening/infuriating for Rika to repeat the next time loop with no progress after just informing her friends.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Samumanco 08

None of the following are spoilers, just machinations from my anus.

I have a theory that Masayoshi got fatally wounded in episode 7 and we are just seeing a dream of his as he dies. Yup... that's it.

I honestly think the show is winding up for another curve ball and it'll probably ice someone (or some people) to do so.
Samumanco 08

None of the following are spoilers, just machinations from my anus.

I have a theory that Masayoshi got fatally wounded in episode 7 and we are just seeing a dream of his as he dies. Yup... that's it.

I honestly think the show is winding up for another curve ball and it'll probably ice someone (or some people) to do so.

And Pokemon is just a dream of a vegetable-state adult Ash with all these explanations as to why shit doesn't change.


There was a moment during this episode where the main character's motives were called into question for being selfish and ultimately petty. Deep down I began to reach for some small sense of hope that maybe this was foreshadowing, and that something of greater meaning would eventually be applied as the drive for the main character (and the show itself). Getting my hopes up for something like that is usually not a good idea though.

I've been calling that aspect of her out repeatedly. For all these characters have been saying about resolve, Ryuuko's fairly confused mission does seem petty by comparison. If it doesn't get acknowledged by the end of this arc, the writing is a great deal less intelligent than I've been giving it credit for.
Either way it really doesnt matter does it?


Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! 38


Look at those eyebrows!

Another surprise! Why are they asking now about the fucking blue seed Milk planted.... over TWENTY EPISODES AGO! MAYBE THIRTY! Because Scumbag Syrup got some memories G!

Nozomi has been attempting to steal everyone's pairing buddy, because I guess Coco's nuts aren't enough for her! Or she's trying to let loose the heterosexuality that has been pent up for this particular season, as if the movie for her birthday wasn't enough.

And A new power up for Dream and Rose. DREAMING ROSES (I don't know the fucking name, I'm making a name joke).

Yes, clearly, I chose to watch this over Kill la Kill and SamFlam, but that's because I'm tired, and that was probably enough to make me get through this episode.

NEXT TIME, Karen cheating on Milk (or returning to her original lover who cheated on her with Nuts....)

And that this show reminded me of just how ugly this and the prequel is ugly.
Samumanco 08

None of the following are spoilers, just machinations from my anus.

I have a theory that Masayoshi got fatally wounded in episode 7 and we are just seeing a dream of his as he dies. Yup... that's it.

I honestly think the show is winding up for another curve ball and it'll probably ice someone (or some people) to do so.

Clearly the "Ash is in a coma" theory of our generation.

I haven't even watched the new Samumenco. I haven't watched any anime at all this week. Gonna have a ton to watch later today.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Im just kinda curious why people see the artwork for a show and immediately deduce that it will be shit.

Could it be a weird superficial sexual fetish they have with visual mediums? Being superficial, they never look to see what's inside the show and judge it based on its external artwork. The anime is never picked at recess because kids can be cruel. That cruelty never leaves them when they become adult and in high school, Kristie just wants to be friends and she loves you as a friend and feels really bad and because you love her, you tell her is ok even though I'm dying inside!
and these factors can be deduced from a picture of character art how?

Having a lot of experience with Precure in general.

Granted, that being said... With Doki Doki designer doing Fresh previously.... it certainly isn't as good as Fresh as a fair warning to people.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - 13

Well this arc had ended like I predicted, but damn was it an exciting right to get here.

Rena bringing out the machete was awesome but too bad she didn't kill anyone with it like I was hoping. The deaths of Shion and Satako were the most painful to see and I was surprised the spirits of the group were present before Rika before her death and in the limbo area after they all died.

Since they were all present in limbo I've a feeling in the next time loop they will have all their memories present. While I like this idea I feel it's a bit too 'happy' or 'positive' in that I believe the only ones who should remember are those that succumbed to the disease which are Rena, Keichii, and Shion (to an extent Mion too if you want).

Previews of the next arc is going to focus on Takano now. While I'm glad this will give a chance to explain her motives rather than leaving it as 'crazy woman' I hope in the end she dies (by Rena's machete of course) or atleast suffers somewhat and is not redeemed in anyway.
I hope the civilian forms for Cure Lovely and Princess don't suck though considering I don't like their Cure design as it is.

EDIT: In the meantime, I think about YPC5's pros and cons.... and how Smile has the EXACT OPPOSITE Pros and cons.


This anime club party has not one, but two anime music cover bands.

Their mixing is terrible, but the lead singer for the second one is pretty good
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - 14

Well here comes Tanako's arc... well I guess I have to refer to her as Miyo now because, well things.

Child-abuse whooo! Didn't we cover this with Satako already? Oh well, I'm more interested in how Miyo changed from scared-as-shit/rebellious girl who engaged in escape plan to flee from child abuse household to revering the surname of her own abusers. Perhaps the lightning bolt right at the end means something? And I assume the one she calls grandfather is not of the Tanako surname.

Anyways in all the excitement I totally forgot about Hanyu (because let's face it all she did was whine to Rika). What exactly is her origins and why does she exist solely for Rika as a spirit? Preview to next ep seems to shed light on that.

Another thing is the time placement of this arc. While it is true that it is Miyo-centric and will explain her character/motives it also takes place as memories/dreams for present adult Miyo in the tragic/bad ending from the last arc, an extension. She already succeeded in commiting the mass genocide so... I guess what's left is burying Hinamizawa in cement?


Holy shit.

They clearly didn't plan for an encore, but they kind of knew the first pokemon theme song, so they played that but the lead singer didn't know the lyrics, so they crowd sourced the singing.

A dude in an ash costume stormed the stage and stole the mic and did an impromptu duet with the lead guitarist


Oh boy, all the Golden Time hate in this thread is making me morbidly curious. Looking forward to watching it this evening and finding out what has got everyone so angry.

Samumenco 8


Thanks to this I have realised that there were two shows I saw yesterday evening that featured antagonists in ballgags. Why is this a thing.

I mean, Gamagoori's didn't even stop him from talking.

Samurai Flamenco 08

I really don't understand why they introduced Jijo into this series or what his role is supposed to be. Every episode with him in it has been "Oh I have to travel see ya". Such a compelling character.

Jouji is a joke. Like, that is the whole purpose of his existence, to be a complete farce. Personally I find him fairly amusing, but I agree that the show wouldn't really lose much of anything without him.

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - 11

Satako mustering up the courage and finally calling out for help really connected with me on a personal level, teared up during that scene as it was finally resolved.

Best scene of entire series? Best scene of entire series.

I've been calling that aspect of her out repeatedly. For all these characters have been saying about resolve, Ryuuko's fairly confused mission does seem petty by comparison. If it doesn't get acknowledged by the end of this arc, the writing is a great deal less intelligent than I've been giving it credit for.

Gamagoori literally called her out on it in this very episode. I appreciated that.

That said, it's hard to blame Ryuuko for not having some kind of lofty goal when everyone is refusing to tell her what the fuck is going on. Hopefully once we reach the mid-series turning point and Ryuuko gets the revelations she's after, they will give her the boost from simply cute-and-badass to cute-and-meaningfully-badass.


Gamagoori literally called her out on it in this very episode. I appreciated that.

That said, it's hard to blame Ryuuko for not having some kind of lofty goal when everyone is refusing to tell her what the fuck is going on. Hopefully once we reach the mid-series turning point and Ryuuko gets the revelations she's after, they will give her the boost from simply cute-and-badass to cute-and-meaningfully-badass.

Since I might not have been clear (Gamagoori did acknowledge it), I mean that Ryuuko needs to recognize that it's holding her back, and take that next step. Senketsu keeps bailing her out and delaying this moment of realization.


$50 12 month anime sub on CR is up.
Link to the deal for anyone interested.

Amusingly enough, it looks nice on their page what with the "save $33.41 (40% off)" -- but that's acting as if you would be subscribing on a month-to-month basis for 12 months; it's normally $60 anyway if you buy a year in bulk, so in practice it's only really saving you $10.

I guess it makes sense that they wouldn't do an all-access deal at that price like last year, so this time around the all-access deal is $70 for a year of anime+drama+manga, plus $15 worth of credit for their online store.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - 15

Welp looks like I was wrong on some things inferred form last episode, glad they were solved in this one though.

'Kay looks like Miyo was dropped off at an abusive orphanage of sorts rather than at Tanako's place. Makes better sense that the idea I thought originally.

Anyways now Miyo's motivation is established which is carrying on her late adopted grandfather's legacy, but I wonder how this good-intentioned motivation resulted in mass genocide of a village.

Then we have Hanyu appear right when Miyo comes to Hinamizawa and its shrine only to her. Due to Hanyu's raging reaction... is this in fact the next time loop but only restarted a great time before than the previous time loops? If I recall Hanyu was as in the dark as Rika in trying to figure out whose behind the murders. And I thought Oyashiro was a doctor from way back then, not a little horned girl...

Right before I thought everything was solved more questions pop up!


Since I might not have been clear (Gamagoori did acknowledge it), I mean that Ryuuko needs to recognize that it's holding her back, and take that next step. Senketsu keeps bailing her out and delaying this moment of realization.

I haven't seen this week's episode but if they're not gong to bother giving Ryuuko a reason or drive for any of her actions other than some bullshit reason that even she knows is bullshit then they need to kill her off. Flat out just write her out of the show. She loses, dies, and the main protagonist switches.


Oh boy, all the Golden Time hate in this thread is making me morbidly curious. Looking forward to watching it this evening and finding out what has got everyone so angry.

Heh. I think its overblown, but it really depends on what the ending really means. In any case it was hardly a surprise...it was obvious as anything that this was going to happen at some point. I'm just surprised it was accidental and not a deliberate scheme.


Samurai Flam 8

You know I think the way things have progressed is weirder than the sudden change in direction of last episode. I figured this would turn into an edgier Toku style show, but outside of some minor morality questioning, it's pretty much a normal one with shades of the earlier parts of the show. I'm guessing that could be part of the plan, since they're really trying to drive home the "no casualties" thing, but based on what's available, this is just really weird all around.
It's also interesting that the monsters don't even seem to do anything evil anymore at the end (they even bought the fucking apples), don't put up much of a fight, and are really quick at committing suicide.
I assume the plan is to ease Masayoshi into effectively killing innocent people/ monsters without thinking about it and ultimately corrupting him.
So apparently To Love-Ru Darkness is getting a Vita game.
The January 2014 issue of Shueisha's Jump Square magazine is announcing on Wednesday that the To Love-Ru -Trouble- Darkness manga is inspiring a PlayStation Vita game. FuRyu (Unchained Blades, Exstetra) is making the To Love-Ru -Trouble- Darkness: Battle Ecstasy game in the "ultra-pleasant harem action" genre.

The magazine teases that the player can meet the heroines of the manga in the game and do things like "battle them and touch them!?"
Well, that sounds about right. "Ultra-pleasant harem action" is such a great name for a genre.
Im just kinda curious why people see the artwork for a show and immediately deduce that it will be shit.

There is this thing as getting a good or bad impression from a work , kinda like you might watch a movie at theaters after seeing the Cover picture.( without seeing a teaser or a trailer ) Making an opinion out of the information available is something well people does , even if it's better to wait for more info


Link to the deal for anyone interested.

Amusingly enough, it looks nice on their page what with the "save $33.41 (40% off)" -- but that's acting as if you would be subscribing on a month-to-month basis for 12 months; it's normally $60 anyway if you buy a year in bulk, so in practice it's only really saving you $10.

I guess it makes sense that they wouldn't do an all-access deal at that price like last year, so this time around the all-access deal is $70 for a year of anime+drama+manga, plus $15 worth of credit for their online store.

Man the price is nice, but I don't know if I want to do this. Their web player has been absolute shit for so long now. Yesterday, when I tried watching Golden Time, anything over SD quality wouldn't load, not even 480p. Though maybe that was a sign for me not to watch it since Ghost Banri sucks. Not to mention it tends to stutter like hell, and mid episode freezes. Bleh.


Golden time - 09


Linda , what the heck does "being an adult " mean ?

Seriously ? That was like the dumbest move ever. This solves NOTHING ..heck i can bet 10 bucks that
the guy that was looking at banri is the one responsible for the bike accident

What's with this turn of events ? This is like unnecessary padding almost. What are you doing koto ? what's with the uncertainty ? did i miss a forshadowing somewhere , or does she have a 6th sense ?

How does this
body swapping works , anyway ? The result is painfully obvious because there is 1 heroine in this gigantic mess and it's NOT LINDA
Why am i wasting my time ? i feel like dropping this show.
I agree but I'm not dropping this
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