Next year. Believe!
Although at this point I would just settle for a decen translation of the novels.
Possibly Myriad Colours of a Phantom World, a LN, which was announced at the event. If KnK is Nisio then Myriad has been described as Nasu.
Log Horizon 9
Illustrator is this guy, I think.[img]
Ichika no ecchi[/QUOTE]
Hey DTL, I'm curious. Has there ever been a female you liked in an anime? Not tolerable but actually liked.
Strike Witches 01
Been a rough and busy few days. not much time to watch anything. Anyway I finally started the show. Nobody wears the pants in this anime heehee.
Seems like a show absolutely perfect for Zach, with ample fun, and butts and fuwa fuwa for sheer audacious hell of it. My kind of show. Surprised to see hand drawn cars, but there plenty of CG ships and set pieces to offset it. Too early to rank witches yet, though Sanya is the cutest one imo.
Try your best to find someway to watch those last 3 episodes, they were aired online so im sure some legal site or whatever would let you watch it, after that, you could watch nisemonogatari, but if your going in the order that they aired, it would be after nise
This anime remains as entertaining as I remembered. The last few episodes added a ton of new characters too (or rather properly introduced them) and I 20 even went Gunbuster on us. Amazing.![]()
Androgynous mecha Darwin and asshole brat Edison
Ichika no ecchi
so, which of these are his imoutos? all of them?
Illustrator is this guy, I think.
For anyone wondering, this is the new Disney movie Frozen.アナと雪の女王
Huh. This must be how girls feel about the Elric brothers.
It's the real moonrune title actuallyLMAO fake moonrune title of that are longer than actual title
Log Horizon 09
I fucking love Shiroe. He hasn't done shit besides be a fucking genius. USE DAT ENGINEERING BRAIN, SON!
God I want to read the LN's. If I had any doubts before, now I don't. This is the show for me this season. I'll reiterate that the pacing is absolutely breathtaking on how good it is. I was again cursing that the episode was over. And having to wait a week to find out more is killing me yo :'(
The thread has actually slowed down a lot from what I have been noticing.
Yeah, I love how badass Shiroe manages to be despite spending the last five or so episodes standing around talking. This show's really grown on me a lot. I liked it at first, but it seemed like basically slightly dumb fun. It's become surprisingly sharp and smart with this arc though, and the pacing's great as you said.
From what I hear the author is the same as the one that did the show about the giant tits demon lord and the hero a season or two ago. Where it also had a lot of economics and strategy talk. The fault with that show was that the characters weren't as great as in here. So that's why I'm not surprised it's doing as well as it is with just talking segments.
I just want to see Shiroe's brain keep working. Here's a guy who is famous in this world as a genius strategist and he has not disappointed.
It's the real moonrune title actually
When does the Winter Season for anime start? In January?
Don't know about the LN's honestly.
But I won't mind when it goes back to adventuring as then it means we get to see his strategy thinking in combat. Previous battles didn't use much of his brain besides the one when they first had Nyanta helping. Dat unspoken teamwork.
My understanding of anime seasons is that they're basically three months each. Winter January-March, Spring April-June, Summer July-September, and Autumn October-December.
In other words, yes.
I will begrudgingly give you credit for actually looking up the title for the movie's release in Japan, though.
That's true. The last couple of battles were cool, especially the first, but they all felt kinda like trivial encounters. Hope we encounter someone who's a real challenge for Shiroe so we can have an awesome strategy battle.
This had better happen.(Crossing my fingers for a cowboy themed american guild with engrish)
Man I'm probably not gonna watch White Album 2 till tonight so hopefully it isn't as you say for me and that the shark has been kept at sea-level with a barrier in its vicinity.
My fears for Golden Time going where I was fearing it was going to go have been calmed down by fellow GAFer spoilers, even if the ghost busters storyline is stupid it won't detract from Koko.
White Album 2 on the other hand started out as such a calm slice of life but yeah, episode 8 was boring as shit.