The fuck is this shit?
Oh god please let that be true. Holy shit.
Just how many anime designs have they stolen on a single show? I felt like watching characters from different series mashed up in one trailer.
It's what we in these parts like to call anime.
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
Valvrave 21
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
Suddenly Galilei Donna is back on everyones list lol
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
I saw Valvrave 21 up on CR a few minutes before it's simulcast airing and now it's gone. Apparently Crunchy does this sometimes. I wonder what the reason is.
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
I look forward to reading your impressions for episode 05.Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito - Episode 4
More forgettable characters introduced, then they die so no changes there at least. Preview for next episode looks...interesting to say the least.
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
Even if this is bogus, I'm a sucker for a Kamiya Hiroshi main role.
this is blue because electricity, guys. it's not a filter just because.
I look forward to reading your impressions for episode 05.
CorvoSol: It's more about the rampant overuse of anti-biotics and the attitude that all bacteria are bad. Now, you might wonder why wasn't it more clear about this and why didn't it go about things differently, but then it wouldn't be Arjuna.
A lot of what the show brings up are valid and important issues. The show is just incapable of handling them well.
Because Chris is kind.Well yeah, like I said, I don't think the message is what pisses me off. It's the delivery, specifically that every single thing is overblown. Why couldn't Tokio just feel ill? Why does he have to be dying?
Because Chris is kind.
Nah, I hate her because she seems to be that ditzy, happy about being klutzy character that Japan seems to find to be cute yet to me seems absolutely moronic. Also super generic.
after years of following this thread, trying to keep up on fansubs torrents, etc... I finally gave up. Now years later I find crunchyroll and have to say... best $7/month spent, ever. Watch through my apple tv and I feel like I am finally able to keep up on this stuff.
So far just making it through Samurai Flamenco (hilariously offbeat) and Attack on Titan.
Galilei Donna ep9 spoilers:
can't say that I don't want it to memorably go down in flames if only to give meaning to my suffering.
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito - Episode 4
More forgettable characters introduced, then they die so no changes there at least. Preview for next episode looks...interesting to say the least.
What kind of person actually looks at water and says "Oh no there's fluoride in this, it isn't artsy at all." I mean seriously, that's who the writer is: that nutso who was worried about bodily fluids from Dr. Strangelove. This entire episode is like this. Observe:
THIS HAMBURGER TASTES LIKE DEFORESTATION!!!! Meanwhile, SEED, the good guys, have apparently released a virus that causes paralysis if you eat GMOs. These people are actually eco terrorists. Eco terrorists who are busy mind raping a teenage girl into doing their bidding. Oh and hand sanitizer is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL.
Query: does CGI that is the visual equivalent of ethnic cleansing help the environment?
Fuck you and your feelings mom! The environment is trying to teach us a lesson by making this hamburger kill my not-boyfriend! I don't give a shit about human beings! GMOs, mom! G MOTHER FUCKING Os.
And now medicine is poison. I'd just like to point out that this show is actively encouraging teenagers to not use medicine. I mean, sure, sometimes people take a pill for everything, but teaching people that they can get along without relying so much on the artificial, but teaching people that medicine is poisoning them is seriously problematic.
And that's the problem with Arjuna. More than the message, its the delivery. Nothing can be done in a subtle way. The idea that Arjuna can't eat city food after enjoying delicious natural food could work and send the message that maybe we should eat more delicious natural food and less manufactured food (or whatever), but making Arjuna scream after barely biting a burger and making medicine and burgers kill Tokio is just way, way overboard.
To be perfectly honest, I'm sort of annoyed with the idea that food and medicine make Juna freak out, but not clothing, which is just as mechanical. Not that I honestly want to see Juna naked because she probably doesn't shave because its killing hair or because razors are Satan's swords or God only knows I mean hand soap has already been shown to be evil.
45 bucks is "half price", I guess.Man, the Yamato 2199 US release is kinda looking like a trainwreck...
Yami to Broccoli to Hon no Tabibito: Episode 5
So the whole broccoli thing takes up about 5 minutes of the entire thing. What is broccoli? Is raw broccoli good? How seductively can we make a scantily clad girl eat a piece of broccoli? It's all answered here!
Going past the ethics of broccoli and the harshest filters yet lets go to see some cave people who are even more braindead than the ones in the Super Mario World cartoon. Our Oogtar of the group is called Quille Remember that!!!
Did I mention before that the music in this is really bad. That random panflute noise halfway through this episode is really jarring and I'm not sure what they were thinking there.
Then Quille then gets offered to Lillith as her dinner tonight and she's completely fine with that but then a strange cat thing with massive lopsided eyes appears and causes no trouble at all because this anime can't do tension properly.
In the next episode:
Yami to Broccoli to Hon no Tabibito: Episode 5
So the whole broccoli thing takes up about 5 minutes of the entire thing. What is broccoli? Is raw broccoli good? How seductively can we make a scantily clad girl eat a piece of broccoli? It's all answered here!
Going past the ethics of broccoli and the harshest filters yet lets go to see some cave people who are even more braindead than the ones in the Super Mario World cartoon. Our Oogtar of the group is called Quille Remember that!!!
Did I mention before that the music in this is really bad. That random panflute noise halfway through this episode is really jarring and I'm not sure what they were thinking there.
Then Quille then gets offered to Lillith as her dinner tonight and she's completely fine with that but then a strange cat thing with massive lopsided eyes appears and causes no trouble at all because this anime can't do tension properly.
In the next episode:
Let's review.
What was her name?
This one's it...Quilt?