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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Yeah Gazoinks you seem to be forgetting this is a 24 episode series. If you really are disliking it so much and you're hoping to finish it like people are doing with KnK then... yeah you might want to drop it.


Bakemonogatari 10

So girl is being crushed by invisible curse snakes and now them snakes're out for revenge. We're not out of this arc yet, I suppose. And of course she has a big ol crush on Araragi. Araragi is at least not abusing his bizarre power over women, for what that's worth. Kanbaru sort of reminds me of Allenby from G Gundam, which is perhaps why I cannot see Kanbaru as Best Girl. Also that dang head tilt again.

REALLY tired of the "Black, Red, White" unnumbered cuts and "voice/line" things. Like there were way too many in this episode and it's become a garish annoyance rather than a cute visual quirk. I really don't enjoy too many distracting visuals in an anime, no matter how special they might be to the poor souls who spend too much time analyzing this shit.

Someone please tell me that later series don't do these unnumbered cuts, because I may not watch them at all if they do. It's just really annoying when half the episode is made up of sound effects and a still that says "RED".



Samurai Flamingo 9



Still love the speed this is moving at. In hindsight, makes it feel like the first half of the season moved at a snail's pace. The weirdly meta conversations they have that tie it back to 'real world' rules are especially great. When the professor stops Masayoshi from his TV show train of thought are kind've what I wished Kickass was going to amount to.

Also glad they're not actually going to end up pairing off Sumi and news site dude. It seemed like up until the end of his last scene he could've been 'redeemed', but going full heel seems like the logical progression for his character.


Pretty much. I love lolis, but I couldn't care less about RKB.

I tried to watch it but...ehh

I'm sort of neutral on RKB. It's not a terrible show, and for what it was, it could have been a lot worse. I went into that show expecting plenty of heartwarming moments, and I got just that.

What I wish I also got in that show was just a little more character development for the girls. I mean, all the girls are pretty much the same personality-wise from beginning to end. As Cajun says, the designs do look a little too generic. What we're left with here is more of a middle-of-the-road kind of show. Could have been a lot more, and could have been a hell of a lot worse.

Fully agree with this assessment.


Welcome to SHAFT!

Thaaaaat's Shaaaaaaft! :p





Kill la Kill 10

This was a pretty awesome episode. Really love the way this show is turning out. It was also interesting to see that Satsuki has her own, personal version of Mako. It's also interesting all around that Satsuki seems to have something akin to friendship with all of her minions. She almost doesn't seem that evil when you think about her in that light.


Nagi no Asu Kara 10

That's our Manaka, forging brand new frontiers of moe. I certainly can't say I've witnessed
moe before. It's a little weird, but it works because it's Manaka. Actually I think Manaka may have a special talent for
moe in general. Not that she isn't adorable the rest of the time too.

Speaking of people who are adorable, hnnnnnng Sayu and Miuna. It's super-precious when they're all
worrying about everyone's lives but their own
. My yuri goggles flared up massively when Miuna had her emotional
"I don't want you to die, Sayu!"
outburst. Though of course yuri goggles seem a little out of place when Sayu's one true love is clearly Kaname. Wait Kaname what are you doing oh no you did NOT just go there.

I can't wait to see the looks on the underwater grown-ups' faces when Hikari finally manages to
get the whole boat ceremony thing on the road
, though. They're all going to look pretty stupid
getting all ready to go to sleep for a hundred years or whatever and then the snow stops the next day

Non Non Biyori 3

Teacher and Natsumi are good trolls.

Is the brother a mute? Don't really mind either way but I kinda want him to do something besides being ignored/messed with by everyone. That scene with him picking up his sisters was sweet though.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Golden Time 10

Really enjoyable episode, which is great after the relative trainwreck of last week. I was smiling all throughout the scene with everyone in Banri's apartment. Some really sweet moments between Banri and Koko, as well. Good stuff.

Koko > Nana > Chinami >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linda


Yeah Gazoinks you seem to be forgetting this is a 24 episode series. If you really are disliking it so much and you're hoping to finish it like people are doing with KnK then... yeah you might want to drop it.

Yeah, as I said above I figure I might as well finish out the first half so I can pretend I get closure. :p
Bakemonogatari 10

Someone please tell me that later series don't do these unnumbered cuts, because I may not watch them at all if they do. It's just really annoying when half the episode is made up of sound effects and a still that says "RED".

The best way they found to use the subtles parts of the books that are hard to put in an anime when you adapt a book.

Shaft version is an EXTREME case but that's shaft for you.






Kill la Kill 10

This was a pretty awesome episode. Really love the way this show is turning out. It was also interesting to see that Satsuki has her own, personal version of Mako. It's also interesting all around that Satsuki seems to have something akin to friendship with all of her minions. She almost doesn't seem that evil when you think about her in that light.



Question. If I were to watch one of the Happy Science films which would be the best one to watch?

If you're looking for the first one to watch, The Laws of Eternity.

I've only watched that and Rebirth of Buddha though so I can't tell you which is the craziest or the funniest. Laws of Eternity was more fun than Rebirth of Buddha though.
Kill la Kill 10

This was a pretty awesome episode. Really love the way this show is turning out. It was also interesting to see that Satsuki has her own, personal version of Mako. It's also interesting all around that Satsuki seems to have something akin to friendship with all of her minions. She almost doesn't seem that evil when you think about her in that light.

One thing I forgot to mention about that episode is how strange it was for Satsuki to be speaking that way at such a young age. Like, I can understand high school. Middle school at a pinch, but kindergarden?

What kind of world was that girl living in that would cause her to talk like that at such a young age? It makes her all the more interesting.

It's almost scary how all the signs are being showed. Ryuko is getting really strong really fast, we've been shown the backstories and sense of comradery the elite four have with Satsuki, while we barely know anything about Ryuko. The only thing we know about Ryuko is the fact that she grew up into a delinquent and wants to find the truth about her dad's murder. That's it.

With all the power she's getting, I can definitely see her turning into the villain one way or another. It's like what was said at the end. The suit's evolving too quickly.


Samurai Flamenco 9

I wish they would just keep it silly. The tone just feels like a mess when they have the gorilla and King Torture along with all the ridiculous minions.


Galileidonna 9

Well, if anyone was still doubting that Hozuki is the star of this show and her sisters are just secondary sidekicks, I think they can put their doubts to rest now that
Hozuki has timeslipped to the past and taught Galileo Galilei himself a thing or two

Anna's "betrayal" went just about as expected. Stupid indecisive woman, can you not even pick a side properly?


One thing I forgot to mention about that episode is how strange it was for Satsuki to be speaking that way at such a young age. Like, I can understand high school. Middle school at a pinch, but kindergarden?

What kind of world was that girl living in that would cause her to talk like that at such a young age? It makes her all the more interesting.

It's almost scary how all the signs are being showed. Ryuko is getting really strong really fast, we've been shown the backstories and sense of comradery the elite four have with Satsuki, while we barely know anything about Ryuko. The only thing we know about Ryuko is the fact that she grew up into a delinquent and wants to find the truth about her dad's murder. That's it.

With all the power she's getting, I can definitely see her turning into the villain one way or another. It's like what was said at the end. The suit's evolving too quickly.

What kind of world and indeed what kind of parents does she have?
Kill La Kill 10

Was more interested in Gamagoori and Data Dude's banter with Mako tbh.

Although the suit stuff might lead to the major shift in the show.



I know you did not just show me pony fan art.

One thing I forgot to mention about that episode is how strange it was for Satsuki to be speaking that way at such a young age. Like, I can understand high school. Middle school at a pinch, but kindergarden?

What kind of world was that girl living in that would cause her to talk like that at such a young age? It makes her all the more interesting.

It's almost scary how all the signs are being showed. Ryuko is getting really strong really fast, we've been shown the backstories and sense of comradery the elite four have with Satsuki, while we barely know anything about Ryuko. The only thing we know about Ryuko is the fact that she grew up into a delinquent and wants to find the truth about her dad's murder. That's it.

With all the power she's getting, I can definitely see her turning into the villain one way or another. It's like what was said at the end. The suit's evolving too quickly.

It all plays into my theory that this is a prequel to Gurren Lagann. Think about it. This happened after Lord Genome witnessed the Anti-Spiral attack on Earth. During that scene from Gurren Hen when the towers are rising to the sky in spiral formation, just as Honnouji academy does. Satsuki is trying to unite people, atop a spiral, in an effort to raise an army to fight the Anti-Spirals. Somewhere in that mass of One-Star Students is a young Lord Genome, taking careful note of the struggle between Satsuki and Ryuko. And because Ryuko is at least partially villainous in appearance, much of what Lord Genome will do makes sense afterward. He joins the winning side of this conflict and they go off to fight the Anti Spirals. The Anti-Spiral King then meets with him, and tells him of the danger of the Spiral Catastrophe. Remembering how much damage Ryuko and Satsuki caused, he agrees, turns on the Spiral Alliance and then forces mankind underground. In an ironic gesture to Satsuki's pigs-in-human-clothing rhetoric, Lord Genome populates the Earth with spiral-incapable beastmen.

On a side note I'm pretty sure now that Revolutionary Girl Utena and Inferno Cop are also prequels to Gurren Lagann.

Nah I think she is already dead.

I keep telling you guys that Goto doesn't have a girlfriend and she's made up to hide the fact that he likes boys.


I know you did not just show me pony fan art.

It all plays into my theory that this is a prequel to Gurren Lagann. Think about it. This happened after Lord Genome witnessed the Anti-Spiral attack on Earth. During that scene from Gurren Hen when the towers are rising to the sky in spiral formation, just as Honnouji academy does. Satsuki is trying to unite people, atop a spiral, in an effort to raise an army to fight the Anti-Spirals. Somewhere in that mass of One-Star Students is a young Lord Genome, taking careful note of the struggle between Satsuki and Ryuko. And because Ryuko is at least partially villainous in appearance, much of what Lord Genome will do makes sense afterward. He joins the winning side of this conflict and they go off to fight the Anti Spirals. The Anti-Spiral King then meets with him, and tells him of the danger of the Spiral Catastrophe. Remembering how much damage Ryuko and Satsuki caused, he agrees, turns on the Spiral Alliance and then forces mankind underground. In an ironic gesture to Satsuki's pigs-in-human-clothing rhetoric, Lord Genome populates the Earth with spiral-incapable beastmen.

On a side note I'm pretty sure now that Revolutionary Girl Utena and Inferno Cop are also prequels to Gurren Lagann.

I keep telling you guys that Goto doesn't have a girlfriend and she's made up to hide the fact that he likes boys.

Gurren Lagann is the St. Elsewhere of anime.


Yeah, as I said above I figure I might as well finish out the first half so I can pretend I get closure. :p

Thats just weird. Though not as weird as continuing to read/watch something you are not enjoying in some kind vain hope it will 'get good again' like some xmen completist. Just drop it.

I didnt mind the episode...better than I hoped. Still it really is odd. I mean he could have just got his memories all back, no need for the supernatural like this.


Thats just weird. Though not as weird as continuing to read/watch something you are not enjoying in some kind vain hope it will 'get good again' like some xmen completist. Just drop it.

I didnt mind the episode...better than I hoped. Still it really is odd. I mean he could have just got his memories all back, no need for the supernatural like this.

Yeeeah you're probably right. I just don't really like dropping things, I guess. But waffling doesn't really make it better.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Kill la Kill is really starting to pick up. Nonon is completely different from what I imagined she would be.

Were you ever introduced to Kirinopony?

RIP thread.
It all plays into my theory that this is a prequel to Gurren Lagann. Think about it. This happened after Lord Genome witnessed the Anti-Spiral attack on Earth. During that scene from Gurren Hen when the towers are rising to the sky in spiral formation, just as Honnouji academy does. Satsuki is trying to unite people, atop a spiral, in an effort to raise an army to fight the Anti-Spirals. Somewhere in that mass of One-Star Students is a young Lord Genome, taking careful note of the struggle between Satsuki and Ryuko. And because Ryuko is at least partially villainous in appearance, much of what Lord Genome will do makes sense afterward. He joins the winning side of this conflict and they go off to fight the Anti Spirals. The Anti-Spiral King then meets with him, and tells him of the danger of the Spiral Catastrophe. Remembering how much damage Ryuko and Satsuki caused, he agrees, turns on the Spiral Alliance and then forces mankind underground. In an ironic gesture to Satsuki's pigs-in-human-clothing rhetoric, Lord Genome populates the Earth with spiral-incapable beastmen.

On a side note I'm pretty sure now that Revolutionary Girl Utena and Inferno Cop are also prequels to Gurren Lagann.

If Kill la Kill actually does end up taking place in the same universe as Gurren Lagann, then this anime will have risen to a new level for me.

But then again, if the show ends up doing well, I can see an OVA being made where Gurren Lagann is a special boss or something. Hey, Hiro Mashima did it for Fairy Tail and Rave Master, so it's possible Imaishi could do something similar here.
To love ru darkness Oav - 04


i repeat : NOT SAFE FOR WORK


and what else do you feel ?

This was a nice oav , following the manga to the letter with Too many lewd things in it ..i can't count.
I've seen hentai less detailled and animated.. Xebec like went all out on this one.

Were you ever introduced to Kirinopony?

OMg , no , please ..don't ...


Samurai Flamenco 9

Wasn't as fun as the last episode. I don't think a tonal shift here is bad, just that it comes way too soon after the end of episode 7 for me to really bask in what the show was doing at that point. And besides,
how can you start preparing for a final showdown with King Torture when he only appeared for the first time two episodes ago?

Least we do know that King Torture is not the dude with the stubble (he seemed a little too collected after being tortured for apparently hours, btw). People are speculating that it's Goto's girlfriend...I dunno, I don't really buy that.
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