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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Kyousougiga 08

Fantastic episode, I'm glad Old Myoue
isn't the main villain as I thought he was gonna be
. I want the family to end up happy together, plz no sadness at the end of the anime.

Kyousougiga 08

"This is what playing house has got us into!" Head priest describes the conflict like a boss.

This show has done a really great job of transitioning between funny, sad, and dramatic without it seeming schizophrenic at all. This was probably the most dramatic episode yet.

The characterization of the parents has been really well done. I like that, while they're clearly good people, they're not perfect like, say, the parents in The Eccentric Family (mostly the dad). They're people.

Episode pv:
Everyone being all happy and then Myoue Prime stabs Koto. What.
Next episode next episode go go.

As to the preview
I don't think it's as simple as shown, this show has rarely been. Maybe his sword has a special function or special power just like Koto's hammer. I don't think he'd slash Koto, his own daughter he cares for very much (as the preview dialogue showed) for no reason


At least you're learning.

It's just like when I was in elementary school and had to learn how to lie to pass standardized tests!

You don't understand it's like organic, maaan.

Truly, golden shit is the most organic thing ever.

You don't even know.

I mean, Casshern was a Jesus who preached that y'all had to die because that was the most beautiful thing in life. Technically Chris is just an eco terrorist Jesus, but Casshern, who actively butchered people with his bare hands, still comes across as better. That's how far this entire show's message is backfiring.

You need to learn faster.

I'm just not high enough up on the mountain yet.

You don't clean food with soap, that's silly

No, you see, you don't clean food. Cleaning food is silly. That's what they're saying. Pick that up out of the shit and EAT IT. But don't kill it. Eat it ALIVE. WHY KILL?

Wait for episode 9 Corvy.
Are you READY?

No. Honestly I'm not. I struggle to finish a full episode of this show already. It's just so ridiculous.


Kyousougiga 08

Fantastic episode, I'm glad Old Myoue
isn't the main villain as I thought he was gonna be
. I want the family to end up happy together, plz no sadness at the end of the anime.

As to the preview
I don't think it's as simple as shown, this show has rarely been. Maybe his sword has a special function or special power just like Koto's hammer. I don't think he'd slash Koto, his own daughter he cares for very much (as the preview dialogue showed) for no reason

Well that's exactly why I'm confused! :D

Also, I'm totally anticipating some kind of melancholy ending.


It's just like when I was in elementary school and had to learn how to lie to pass standardized tests!

Truly, golden shit is the most organic thing ever.

I mean, Casshern was a Jesus who preached that y'all had to die because that was the most beautiful thing in life. Technically Chris is just an eco terrorist Jesus, but Casshern, who actively butchered people with his bare hands, still comes across as better. That's how far this entire show's message is backfiring.

I'm just not high enough up on the mountain yet.

No, you see, you don't clean food. Cleaning food is silly. That's what they're saying. Pick that up out of the shit and EAT IT. But don't kill it. Eat it ALIVE. WHY KILL?

No. Honestly I'm not. I struggle to finish a full episode of this show already. It's just so ridiculous.

Do you like the music? It does have a good OST IMO.
Samumenco 09

Jesus this show even managed to make the full-retard nature mundane. Now I can truly see their goal of making Kick-Ass the animu. Even when that got crazy it was still over-all very real-life and mundane in its presentation and made sure to emphasize these were all "real" people playing superheroes and villains.

All the characters just seem so.. ugh.
Samumenco wants to exclaim that fighting evil isn't something to be popular about and that he does it to protect everybody, but holy shit he sucks at explaining this. I wanted to punch every character, especially the Flamenco Girls, for treating the fighting of villains as show business. Flamenco Diamond is fucking annoying and I'm glad she got beat up mercilessly. Fucking needed to have her ego turned down a notch, no better way. But at the same time Samumenco is pissing me off with his fake righteousness and no way to explain it

If I go by the episode title it seems next episode is the last one of this arc. I hope they manage to save the show because they did what I wanted with the evil creatures and villains, but turned it so boring and everyday. Which again I'm sure it's their goal but they suck at showing it.

Well that's exactly why I'm confused! :D

Also, I'm totally anticipating some kind of melancholy ending.

I hope that the melancholy ending, if there has to be one, isn't
Koto or old Myoue dying. I want them to be happy waifu and husbando
Muv Luv alternative - 15
SO i guess this is the start of a new arc .

The Mc ( yuuya ) seems to have grown up ( a near death experience does that to you ) and the whole cast welcome new faces.

I like that ...


Kill la Kill 10

Data guy's fight was a dud. I enjoyed the fight with pinky hat so far though. Her Goku uniform is the most ridiculously overpowered thing ever. Can only hope the fight will end in similar fashion.

Real highlight of the episode was Mako in the stands, of course. "It looks like your friend has finally started cheering for herself." Lol. Her interactions with Gamagoori and the data dude were good too, especially when that tension was building between the latter two.

Probably another two episodes of fights with the Elite Four, and then hopefully something major will come along. Hoping for awesome soon though, cause

Yowamushi Pedal 3

Was a given that he would lose. But that certainly didn't stop me from wanting to cheer him on.

Nice to see Imaizumi being impressed with Onoda and the one who starts his interest in joining the club.

Red hair finally appears. Can already tell he's going to be the hot blooded, loudmouth of the group.
Kill la Kill - 10

oh my goodness.

This episode just goes to show that my theory from last week might actually end up actually becoming true.

Ryuko is getting more and more powerful with each episode. I mean, Senketsu at this point can pretty much, well, do anything. Any time the opponent brings out his/her super special move, she pulls a deus ex machina out of her ass every time, and they're getting bigger and bigger. Normally this would be considered bad writing, but from the looks of things it may turn out badly for her the way I thought it would.

And seeing that the Elite Four are getting stripped of their uniforms upon losing, I can see the next arc involving them trying to get their uniforms back to fight Ryuko should she go evil.

So excited for the next episode to see where the pieces will fall.
Especially with Nudist Beach apparently making a move now.
Naruto Shippuden Episode 341 – Orochimaru's Return

Suigetsu was just as hilarious as in the manga as in this episode, perfect adaptation of the material. Sasuke too and how he selectively listens too Suigetsu and dishes orders and Suigetsu always sticking too him no matter what.

Finally the mask cracks
Golden Time 10

I'm glad the episode wasn't completely ruined with what happened at the end of the last. It still is the WEAKEST aspect of the show as a whole. I wish the plot device would just leave.

There's something strange!
Im my animu!
Who you gonna call?

The 2D-kun and what's his face comedy variety hour with the bouquet of roses was hilarious. No joke 2d-kun is the best male character. I can't stand Linda because it's obvious she wants Banri but she's denying her feelings all over again. It's like a less tsundere Touma and I'm starting to hate these character archetypes. I also dislike her because she's not Koko, and Koko is best girl and best girlfriend.

Not only is she hilarious when she's in front of people she's also very sweet and insecure when alone. The true Koko. I like that
they basically discussed they don't want to wait for Paris but sax on the beach. I really do hope the ghost banri aspect of wanting to be with Linda disappears soon, because fuck that plot. I'm pretty sure Koko suspects there was something between Linda and Banri and that's why she's acting gloomy every now and again. Shows how much she cares, hence best girl. Banri is still a wimp, if I had a girl staying the night with me I'd offer to share the bed. Spooning ftw


NouCome 9

So many mental choices! And yet not even an attempt at an alternate route after the credits this time?! FOR SHAME.

Kind of sad that there's only one episode left already, though. Screw you Diomedea - first Mondaiji, now this? Why you make your shows so short. =(


Golden Time 10

Everyone, I bring good news! The
ghost Banri possession shenanigans has been delayed (though probably not prevented)!

Expect to see Koko with low confidence, Nana and last but not least 2D-KUN!

Delirious Banri is (2nd) best Banri. Obviously
Koko impersonator Banri
still has the lead
NouCome 9

So many mental choices! And yet not even an attempt at an alternate route after the credits this time?! FOR SHAME.

Kind of sad that there's only one episode left already, though. Screw you Diomedea - first Mondaiji, now this? Why you make your shows so short. =(

Blame Kadokawa - it's the company funding these 10-episode shows.


Golden Time 10

SHOW REDEEMED, Beach > Paris!
Seriously, to anyone doubting Kouko's potential as a great girlfriend were out of their mind. There is no way some two-face like Linda can be a better match for our MC, get it straight yo!
K-ON!! 4

After seeing Kyoto from a fantastical angle in Eccentric Family and Kyousougiga, it's nice to see it from a real-world perspective here. I have to say the pacing and editing of this episode was perfect; so many good cuts which kept the light humor and causal hanging out moving smoothly. The bedtime scene before the eyecatch was perhaps my favorite; it perfectly captured the moment of friends sleeping together. Graduation already looms on the horizon though.
In RKB's case the character designs are too generic and not cute enough.

I'm sort of neutral on RKB. It's not a terrible show, and for what it was, it could have been a lot worse. I went into that show expecting plenty of heartwarming moments, and I got just that.

What I wish I also got in that show was just a little more character development for the girls. I mean, all the girls are pretty much the same personality-wise from beginning to end. As Cajun says, the designs do look a little too generic. What we're left with here is more of a middle-of-the-road kind of show. Could have been a lot more, and could have been a hell of a lot worse.
Galilei Donna - 09

As usual the spoilers were off , and like i said earlier this turn of event does make sense if you paid attention to the clues provided.
The devide in question is an hourglass after all.

Now it's obvious that hozuki
won't fall in love with galileo , but the opposite will happen , leading birth to the poem in the sketches. Now i wonder how enzo will react when i'll see that the power source isn't a power source but a much better way to control the world.


Kyousougiga 8

Shit is getting extremely real up in this joint.

That dimensional admin guy or whatever the hell he is has a weird voice though. Can't seem to reconcile it with his face.


K-ON!! 4

After seeing Kyoto from a fantastical angle in Eccentric Family and Kyousougiga, it's nice to see it from a real-world perspective here. I have to say the pacing and editing of this episode was perfect; so many good cuts which kept the light humor and causal hanging out moving smoothly. The bedtime scene before the eyecatch was perhaps my favorite; it perfectly captured the moment of friends sleeping together. Graduation already looms on the horizon though.
Is this your first time through K-ON!! ?
If so you are in for one of the more :firehawk rides I've seen in recent memory.
K-ON!! 4

After seeing Kyoto from a fantastical angle in Eccentric Family and Kyousougiga, it's nice to see it from a real-world perspective here. I have to say the pacing and editing of this episode was perfect; so many good cuts which kept the light humor and causal hanging out moving smoothly. The bedtime scene before the eyecatch was perhaps my favorite; it perfectly captured the moment of friends sleeping together. Graduation already looms on the horizon though.

It's one of the best episodes ever, no joke.


Golden Time 10

If we weren't this close to the end of this season I'd probably drop this show, but at this point I might as well ride it out. This episode wasn't as bad as the last one, but the attempts at drama alternate between being uninteresting, stupid, and hilarious (
Banri going after Linda, slipping and hitting his head, and having his personality rejiiggered set to sad sax music.
) and the only characters I find truly likable are 2D-kun, Nana, and sometimes Koko (she was pretty good in this episode).

This might be the stupidest possible way of making the main character attracted to two different girls. Too much effort to make them both likable for different reasons, gotta throw in stupid plot points to compensate.
Ghost Banri
supports all of a lazy writer's needs!

Ending was sweet, definitely the best part. The show is definitely at its best when it's focusing on nice character moments instead of decent comedy and stupid drama.


Bakemonogatari 10

So girl is being crushed by invisible curse snakes and now them snakes're out for revenge. We're not out of this arc yet, I suppose. And of course she has a big ol crush on Araragi. Araragi is at least not abusing his bizarre power over women, for what that's worth. Kanbaru sort of reminds me of Allenby from G Gundam, which is perhaps why I cannot see Kanbaru as Best Girl. Also that dang head tilt again.

REALLY tired of the "Black, Red, White" unnumbered cuts and "voice/line" things. Like there were way too many in this episode and it's become a garish annoyance rather than a cute visual quirk. I really don't enjoy too many distracting visuals in an anime, no matter how special they might be to the poor souls who spend too much time analyzing this shit.

Someone please tell me that later series don't do these unnumbered cuts, because I may not watch them at all if they do. It's just really annoying when half the episode is made up of sound effects and a still that says "RED".
Bakemonogatari 10

REALLY tired of the "Black, Red, White" unnumbered cuts and "voice/line" things. Like there were way too many in this episode and it's become a garish annoyance rather than a cute visual quirk. I really don't enjoy too many distracting visuals in an anime, no matter how special they might be to the poor souls who spend too much time analyzing this shit.

Someone please tell me that later series don't do these unnumbered cuts, because I may not watch them at all if they do. It's just really annoying when half the episode is made up of sound effects and a still that says "RED".

Welcome to SHAFT!


REALLY tired of the "Black, Red, White" unnumbered cuts and "voice/line" things. Like there were way too many in this episode and it's become a garish annoyance rather than a cute visual quirk. I really don't enjoy too many distracting visuals in an anime, no matter how special they might be to the poor souls who spend too much time analyzing this shit.

Someone please tell me that later series don't do these unnumbered cuts, because I may not watch them at all if they do. It's just really annoying when half the episode is made up of sound effects and a still that says "RED".

Thaaaaat's Shaaaaaaft! :p

You know this is a 24-episode show, right?

Yeah, I'm not going to bother watching the second half, but I figure I might as well finish this season's allotment for at least some vague sense of closure.
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