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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Star Driver end

What hell was that? Terrible terrible ending, I absoultly hated it. I enjoyed the ending fight and all but wut at the last part.
Wako didn't chose either one, a major plot point in the show. After he got freed why did Sugata still fight? Did the earth explode? Is there mechs in the real world now? Fuck this shit.


Star Driver end

What hell was that? Terrible terrible ending, I absoultly hated it. I enjoyed the ending fight and all but wut at the last part.
Wako didn't chose either one, a major plot point in the show. After he got freed why did Sugata still fight? Did the earth explode? Is there mechs in the real world now? Fuck this shit.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to be in love with two boys at once?


Do you have any idea how hard it is to be in love with two boys at once?

It was a stupid over done plot point to begin with but at least she should have chosen one or said no to both at the end. Don't make a very important plot point during the whole show and don't resolve it. Fucking Bones.


They actually all look interesting to one degree or another. Although you can't just too much from just a few seconds of footage, other than art direction.

Yeah I think that it's extra interesting this time because all the staff on each piece have something different but unique to offer, and they're all relatively established in their own ways. The most questionable one is probably the Studio 4C one, since it's trying to be mysterious and weird, and Naoyuki Onda is a pretty weird artist. If we're lucky though, even that short could be good!


It was a stupid over done plot point to begin with but at least she should have chosen one or said no to both at the end. Don't make a very important plot point during the whole show and don't resolve it. Fucking Bones.

The decision was obviously


Yeah I think that it's extra interesting this time because all the staff on each piece have something different but unique to offer, and they're all relatively established in their own ways. The most questionable one is probably the Studio 4C one, since it's trying to be mysterious and weird, and Naoyuki Onda is a pretty weird artist. If we're lucky though, even that short could be good!

Honestly, it seemed to me like it'll be the most "anime" short of the four. It didn't look half bad in the footage though.


Yeah I think that it's extra interesting this time because all the staff on each piece have something different but unique to offer, and they're all relatively established in their own ways. The most questionable one is probably the Studio 4C one, since it's trying to be mysterious and weird, and Naoyuki Onda is a pretty weird artist. If we're lucky though, even that short could be good!

Studio 4C doing something weird isn't unusual.

I'm probably looking forward to the Yoshiura short the most, just because it looks like Time of Eve 2.0.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Will Yoshiura ever stop remaking Time of Eve?

I hope not.
The setting was nice but the characters and overall story was ... just not for me.
How so? You liked it when it was about the thieves stealing stuff, but not when it's about Chiko and her friends solving mysteries and (soon, but probably beyond whichever episode you stopped at) fighting superpowered opponents? That's understandable, but it mostly is still the same (mixed-quality) show, it just gets weird (no longer grounded in a semi-plausible world) later and some people didn't like that about it. Maybe try it again sometime in the future... but definitely don't put off Lain or Haibane Renmei any further, they're the best TV animes ever made for a reason!


What kind of person actually looks at water and says "Oh no there's fluoride in this, it isn't artsy at all." I mean seriously, that's who the writer is: that nutso who was worried about bodily fluids from Dr. Strangelove. This entire episode is like this. Observe:

THIS HAMBURGER TASTES LIKE DEFORESTATION!!!! Meanwhile, SEED, the good guys, have apparently released a virus that causes paralysis if you eat GMOs. These people are actually eco terrorists. Eco terrorists who are busy mind raping a teenage girl into doing their bidding. Oh and hand sanitizer is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL.

Query: does CGI that is the visual equivalent of ethnic cleansing help the environment?

Fuck you and your feelings mom! The environment is trying to teach us a lesson by making this hamburger kill my not-boyfriend! I don't give a shit about human beings! GMOs, mom! G MOTHER FUCKING Os.

And now medicine is poison. I'd just like to point out that this show is actively encouraging teenagers to not use medicine. I mean, sure, sometimes people take a pill for everything, but teaching people that they can get along without relying so much on the artificial, but teaching people that medicine is poisoning them is seriously problematic.

And that's the problem with Arjuna. More than the message, its the delivery. Nothing can be done in a subtle way. The idea that Arjuna can't eat city food after enjoying delicious natural food could work and send the message that maybe we should eat more delicious natural food and less manufactured food (or whatever), but making Arjuna scream after barely biting a burger and making medicine and burgers kill Tokio is just way, way overboard.

To be perfectly honest, I'm sort of annoyed with the idea that food and medicine make Juna freak out, but not clothing, which is just as mechanical. Not that I honestly want to see Juna naked because she probably doesn't shave because its killing hair or because razors are Satan's swords or God only knows I mean hand soap has already been shown to be evil.

CorvoSol: It's more about the rampant overuse of anti-biotics and the attitude that all bacteria are bad. Now, you might wonder why wasn't it more clear about this and why didn't it go about things differently, but then it wouldn't be Arjuna.

A lot of what the show brings up are valid and important issues. The show is just incapable of handling them well.
Yeah, the overuse of antibiotics, particularly on animals but also on people too (as seen in things like antibacterial soaps and hand cleaners) is a huge, huge problem. However, Arjuna the series never manages to figure out how to address its issues well. And this part of the series, episodes 1-8, is the good part of the series, too! It falls apart after that, but I did find the first eight episodes interesting. The show brings up some important issues, and even if the presentation is deeply flawed and Chris is a completely horrible person, I did find the first eight episodes interesting and sometimes good, despite their definite problems and the always-weak handling of the issues at hand that Hito accurately mentioned. After that, though, as I said, forget it. Ep. 9 was pretty disgusting, and the last arc was just stupid.

Before that, though, CorvoSol has things to look forward to such as the episode when the series takes on language! Fun stuff. :)

Well yeah, like I said, I don't think the message is what pisses me off. It's the delivery, specifically that every single thing is overblown. Why couldn't Tokio just feel ill? Why does he have to be dying?
The series' philosophy has to be something like "anything worth doing is worth massively overdoing", or something like that. Every episode is completely excessive in some way, even in the episodes where the issues are relevant and noteworthy. I guess the idea was to make the problem clear by going completely overboard in showing its consequences, and that is a valid choice, but it definitely didn't always work.

Episode 9 is going to break Corvo.
Episode 9 broke all positive feelings I'd previously had for the show, for sure.

I don't think I read this, but Hiroyuki's Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to (The Comic Artist and His Assistants) will be getting an anime adaption. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-12-04/hiroyuki-comic-artist-and-his-assistants-manga-gets-tv-anime This is the artist behind Doujin Work, and others may recognize his art from this meme.


I really hope the Drama CD seiyuu are kept. Seiyuu can be found under the Credits section.
Or...Crunchyroll has the Drama CD cast.
I've read the manga; it's a moderately amusing (at times) harem series. Will I watch an anime, though? Eh... I don't know. If it's anything like the manga it won't be anything GOOD, for sure. Maybe?


Kill la Kill 10
The fight scenes in this series continue to be pretty lame. With standard attacks being largely meaningless there's kind of just empty swathes of the fight where characters kind of flail at each other. The formula for how fights play out is too ingrained, but that stuff is magnified when you have the characters sparring on the same boring platform in this super spartan environment. The heavy telegraphing of distant events helps to cement just how dull this series is, as though Kill la Kill has become so bored with the current scene and happenings that it has to run off to set up future projected side stories just to keep itself engaged.

The singular tone is really beginning to grow wearisome. There is no strategy or thought to Ryuko's actions, she is simply pounding on the door. The one character who had the opportunity to elevate some kind of strategic element to the show was quickly snubbed out as awkward new attachments and powers are continuously piled on to Ryuko to instantly secure unearned victories.
I've got 8-10 to watch but I'm guessing it goes right back to being crap again? I knew in my minds heart eye that it wouldn't last. The only decent fights have been against blind guy and mako

edit oh and needle gun.


Samumenco 9


The tone shifts really haven't bothered me this much but the way episode 9 handled that stuff was just really weird. Not sure what to think really.
Golden Time - 10

Bomb has been defused!

In all honesty I can see the whole situation being brought up again. Nice and funny group dynamic between Mitsuo, 2D-kun, Kaga, and Linda. Nana was also nice to see and Linda is still best girl.
How so? You liked it when it was about the thieves stealing stuff, but not when it's about Chiko and her friends solving mysteries and (soon, but probably beyond whichever episode you stopped at) fighting superpowered opponents? That's understandable, but it mostly is still the same (mixed-quality) show, it just gets weird (no longer grounded in a semi-plausible world) later and some people didn't like that about it. Maybe try it again sometime in the future... but definitely don't put off Lain or Haibane Renmei any further, they're the best TV animes ever made for a reason!

Pretty much.


Full Metal Panic! 6

This show has a lot of pantyshots, doesn't it?

Is Al going to be Sousuke's personal mech pal from now on?


Full Metal Panic! 6

This show has a lot of pantyshots, doesn't it?

Is Al going to be Sousuke's personal mech pal from now on?

The pantyshots are a Gonzo thing. They're not present after this season. I mean fanservice continues, but not as many pantyshots. At least from what I recall the shots are toned down.

And Al is Sousuke's personal Chambro.


The pantyshots are a Gonzo thing. They're not present after this season. I mean fanservice continues, but not as many pantyshots. At least from what I recall the shots are toned down.

And Al is Sousuke's personal Chambro.

KyoAni did Fumoffu, right?


Tragic victim of fan death
Valvrave 21

Did that just happen? WHAT THE FUCK. This episode felt so long but at the same time so much shit happened it quickly went by. Seriously. What the fuck.
Oh come on. And here I thought Valvrave hit its peak with its shenanigans in episodes 10 and 12!

Oh well. Time to marathon Valvrave again to find out what the hell is happening in episode 21.


Tragic victim of fan death
I will say that the episode definitely reminded me of a lot of other shows but it surprisingly did it well.


Sounds like the complaints people had with the show by episode 2. I hope the less "wacky" S2 hasn't made people forget the true face of VVV!


Tragic victim of fan death
I would say that the show was whacky and had a lot of stupid shit happen to it but things flowed well from one event to the next. Characters were consistent and didn't erratically break character and events were sort of... well... done well. UGH. I'm not being articulate right now. Sorry. The point is that I found the latter half of the show to be EXTREMELY cringeworthy and I actually caught myself cringing, to my shock.
Samurai Flamenco 09

It's pretty funny how much they keep saying something's gonna happen in this episode just from all the banter they had at the start of the episode.

I'm definitely interested in how they can keep this crazy up episode to episode now.


Kill la Kill 10

Another episode, another wonderful Mako time. The fights are bringing out some cool shit out of Ryuuko, though I didn't like the implications of that teacher at the end.
Heartcatch Precure 1-25

I've been making my way through this since last week and I'm fairly surprised at how much I powered through, almost neglecting currently airing stuff and most backlog stuff. It's been nothing but an incredibly fun ride so far. Our protagonists Tsubomi and Erika (and later Itsuki who may be my favorite, aw yiss that tummy) have an incredibly fun dynamic that works well not only with each other but with the rest of the cast, which is pretty big considering almost every episode thus far has introduced a new character that turns into a scary anthropomorphic whatsit. Said characters usually have pretty touching issues that never cease to entertain me, and I think they're resolved rather nicely either during or at the end of the fights where the Precure do their thing. The Desertrian fights are usually pretty nicely animated, though sometimes I don't feel like the Cures beat up their opponent enough to warrant the winning super move, which is my only real complaint about the show so far which will hopefully happen a lot less what with Itsuki joining up. Really looking forward to the second half of the show with an additional main cast member (Maybe two SOON???) and hopefully a cool endgame.

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