I dunno, this community has its share of perverts (hey I'd even include myself in this to an extent).
I always read your nick that way
the inability to kill those shitty kids is a failure of the game designerYeah, it was a joke. I just wanted to give a progress update on where I am in the game because FUCK THOSE KIDS AT THAT PARTY.
I never thought I'd hear somebody say the fanservice was tasteful in Yozakura Quartet.
In fact most of the people here that I've read have started out with "oh look panty shots, I guess I can live with them" to "was that even necessary?" to "now it's just harming the show for being unnecessary"
Sakura Momoi - Yukari Tamura
Madoka Magica Rebellion!
[praise and stuff]
Madoka Magica Rebellion!
If Kizumonogatari looks anything like this film, it's going to be fucking amazing.
Ah, I see. Why do they do the previews? I can't think of other animes that have done something like that, it's kind of weird...
Anybody who thinks the fanservice in Kill la Kill or even Yozukura Quartet was bad should watch YuuShubu, I can take a lot, but the fanservice just utterly killed that show for me.
The fan service is kind of the point of that show. It's not really the same as out of place fan service in a show that isn't built around it.
Anybody who thinks the fanservice in Kill la Kill or even Yozukura Quartet was bad should watch YuuShubu, I can take a lot, but the fanservice just utterly killed that show for me.
Anybody who thinks the fanservice in Kill la Kill or even Yozukura Quartet was bad should watch YuuShubu, I can take a lot, but the fanservice just utterly killed that show for me.
Ahahah, yeah, I wasn't expecting YuuShibu to be such a massive fanservice-fest when the season started, and my first episode impressions were basically a giant rant about its utter shamelessness.
Then I accepted it for what it was and moved on. =p
If you're okay with the fanservice and rape jokes in Kill la Kill I don't see why you should have problems with the fanservice in YuuShibu.
THANKS OBAMAhow does this show fucking get away with shitting on FREEDOM?
"Considers fanny-packs to be the utmost in haute fashion. :x" ?<----
I remember back in the last thread when people were ranting and screaming about the ending because of how blatant the spoilers were (along with me). Everybody was screaming it was terrible when they haven't actually SEEN The film (again, along with me).
Anybody who thinks the fanservice in Kill la Kill or even Yozukura Quartet was bad should watch YuuShubu, I can take a lot, but the fanservice just utterly killed that show for me.
The elevator pitch back of the poster marketing quote: "Madoka Magica Rebellion is what Rebuild of Evangelion could only imagine achieving."
Yea I now understand why the summaries for the movie were a mess and hard to decipher as the movie is kinda complex and dense. If I wrote a summary right now, people would be asking what the fuck is going on.
I also really have no clue why the Japanese reception to this was so insanely negative. There are certainly some issues with the movie but it's not utter derisive dog shit.
The most unassuming shots and situations, somehow managed to contrive an up-skirt shot. There was also their fondness for having lingering focus on underwear, whenever they wanted a transition between scenes.
It definitely became less common as the series progressed, but it was something that was definitely noticeable.
Thanks! Though I realize that you're thinking about my Birthday before I am!
There are people here who actively enjoy and seek out fanservice, such as Zach and Theonik, so you can't generalize too much.
Fanservice? Depends how fluffy the tail is.
I guess I'll start K-ON when it's over, I've been interested in it for a while.
I thought the movie doing great in blockbuster?
EDIT : Apparently its on pace to pass K-ON Movie box-office gross : http://www.mania.com/aodvb/showthread.php?p=2010470#post2010470
Candy Store is secret best girl, never expected that![]()
Best decision you'll ever make.
agreed, also i want more Candy Store/Renge interaction dammit!
I was referring to the impressions that came out when the movie started airing not so much the sales.
Troll always louder, didn't you guys got spoiler from 2ch or something?
Got two packages from Rightstuf today with:
Dirty Pair TV
Garden of Words
Grave of the Fireflies
K-ON! the Movie
Michiko and Hatchin
Rose of Versailles Part 2
But my order of Wolf Children is still MIA...![]()
Yozakura Quartet
Anyway, I'm just really enjoying the show and look forward to whatever it is that comes next.![]()
I am vehemently opposed to all forms of fanservice in anime with the exception of everything that appeals to my own personal proclivities.
Best hype!
Alright guys, time to watch some more baby-raping Arjuna. I'll make up for lost episode 6 and try and get through episode 10.
Arjuna 6
This episode begins with a lengthy bludgeoning about how free trade is almost as shitty as freedom. Yes, that's right, Arjuna hates freedom. At this point I would like to ask BluWacky to explain why he likes this show, because I'm interested in actually hearing an opinion of this show that's very different from my own. Until such time, though, all I can say is how does this show fucking get away with shitting on FREEDOM?
It's interesting to see that Juna DID try and go back to normal. Chris' brainwashing won't let her, I bet. Oh boy Juna goes out for an awkward lunch with her deadbeat (I assume) dad! What preachy hijinks will we get into now?
OH FUCK YES. Juna starts out with the balls to chastise her dad for leaving her, and what does he say "It was easier for me to leave." NOW, before we go any further, in the real world divorce is a complicated and touchy issue and a smart and polite person whose job it is not to study divorce will just shut his goddamn mouth. BUT NOT OUR AUTHOR. He gone shove his points about divorce right down our throats! I mean, I might even agree with some of the points he makes, but I can't wait to have it hamfisted to the point of parody.
"You may be able to build sturdy boats, but you can't build a sturdy family!" Well, I mean, for one, Juna, he just told you even sturdy boats break and it was his metaphor for families, but also don't be such a jerk to your dad. Still, this is the most believable thing she's ever done, sooooo.
I can't tell if this episode is more depressing than it is awkward or not.
OH BOY IT'S A TWOFER! Not only are we tackling the subject of divorce, we're gonna take the bull of children's education by the horns and run with our pants down! Oh here it is, then. The education system boxes us all in to our boxed in lives and so teaching people is evil. You should learn from shit eating ephebophilic hermits and not from dudes whose faces are glued to books! I mean look at this teacher. He's a goddamn caricature with his face shoved into the book and with his flat out ignoring Juna after she stands up in the middle of class.
LET ME HEAR YOUR TRUE VOICE. Okay, because he's muttering or because the education system trains us to be
Cabbages? I don't know. Oh it IS education, okay. So glad to know that LEARNING is symbolized as vomiting a freaky red worm demon. The show flat out SAYS it: "The Teacher is Bad. The School is Bad." The writer friggin HATES human civilization.
Stalking your teachers is a good thing and not at all creepy or illegal. Teacher has a lot of books. I bet THEY ruined his marriage. Yup. "There's no meaning to books." This fucking show. Are there even characters or is everyone just a head to spout the author's undying hatred for humankind?
"Why is it necessary to raise efficiency?" PROBABLY SO MORE PEOPLE CAN RECEIVE THIS AMAZING SHIT WE'RE MAKING, DUDE. Grocery stores carry perfect produce because people don't want to eat shit. Why is this show so obsessed with making human beings eat shit?
Oh so now we just hate easy things? Boy this guy'd fit in with half of Gaming Side. That said, the argument that things should be harder is bullshit, because man evolves his extensions and not his body, and ease allows for further progress. Of course since the author hates human beings on a fundamental, basic level, this should really come as no surprise to me.
This show is special needs.
But by that you mean all together and not "Watch these at once, young man!" right? Because nobody should have to watch 5 episodes of this show in 1 day.
Nice pic for the 2nd Persona 3 movie due out in early summer
Golden Time 01 - 04
This is really a fun show, after the first 3 episodes I was wondering how the show going to have enough material for 26 episodes. Then I got to the end of episode 4,this is going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride.
Unbreakable Machine Doll
2 more episodes left? I'll miss Yaya.![]()
Anybody who thinks the fanservice in Kill la Kill or even Yozukura Quartet was bad should watch YuuShubu, I can take a lot, but the fanservice just utterly killed that show for me.
Hey cajun, do you approve of my FF14 character? This is important.
Candy Store is secret best girl, never expected that
I can't believe it's ending, my life won't be the same without Non Non Biyori, it's seriously one of my favorite animes ever.
I guess I'll start K-ON when it's over, I've been interested in it for a while.
No there were some animegaf impressions too.
As an author of one of those impressions, I really didn't like it.
The ending rubbed me the wrong way a lot, but even besides that, a lot of the visual symbolism, and especially all the scene-setting faffing about early on, felt like it was wasting my time. Reminded me of a lot of the stuff I hated about Bake before I dropped it.
It's possible that the language barrier caused me to miss something, but I don't feel like the movie's density really served it in any way. It had its moments, but I don't feel like it properly built to where it ended up.
3.0 had a lot of the same problems, but it didn't stink of money-grubbing and fanservice the way Rebellion's conclusion and various cameos do.
Horo and Maou Sadao as support characters.....wtf SEGA.
Horo and Maou Sadao as support characters.....wtf SEGA.
Why they would include Spice and Wolf in a fighting game is beyond me. Sure she can get serious, but like 85% of the anime was this calm economy romance.
Why they would include Spice and Wolf in a fighting game is beyond me. Sure she can get serious, but like 85% of the anime was this calm economy romance.
It's definitely the best SoL anime this season for sure!Non non biyori 5
Holy cap this show is so good. I wanted to screencap, like, ten moments from this ep. Except I tend tui watch on my tablet... sigh