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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Tokyo ravens - 10

This is an episode i enjoyed from start to finish.
This is like the first time this happenned.

Having someone to mess up the cast was like the best thing that could have happenned to this anime
I'm not even surprised you like it.

But it's also why smile is better . The character relations are set and they just run with it with fun moments ...sometimes they run too far and most of theirs new ideas are flat ( the bookshelf mecanics is completly underused ) but at least you have a nice sense of progression in the dynamics in the group.
The fight choregraphy was also better ( in smile ).

In gogo the cast was boring because they didn't replace the intro mecanics ( those episodes when you get to know the characters ) by something worthwhile it's alright that you don't need to introduce the characters again , but with that new space they didn't put anything new .

By having 6 characters to take care of ( in battle ) they managed to make almost every fight boring It was bad in Yes! ( stock footage stoock footage ) and i say that knowing that stock footage is always used but they didn't even feel like they put any effort in it.

In the end there is no need to like Gogo , what one should do is to acknowledge that it is better than yes! despite the "soft reset" because :
-milky rose
-cure mint has an attack ( yeeeeeeahh )

Fun fact i tried to mix : coconuts , milk & syrop , but it wasn't tasty at all

But like I said, the soft reset is what makes the cast even more boring, Rin especially suffers from it because she no longer has much of a connection with anyone, so she's basically there. And I would hope that a series that comes out far after the earlier would have better animation, so I don't really know what the point of mentioning that.

My general concerns are with the characters. It was easier to deal with in Smile mainly because it didn't flush a bunch of connections down the toilet and went hint hint nudge nudge. It was pretty much a blank slate, so there's less reason to be upset over what GoGo did.

And general group dynamics came more into play in the second half, which again, gets like one episode that was it. It establishes a connection, but then doesn't do anything else with it. Squandered potential. Much like DokiDoki trying to set something up, but then demolishes it with a single handwave. Only far worse due to undermining a good intro (among other things).


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Kyoukai no Kanata 11:

I love this show. So much. The show just oozes passion out of every pore, and I love it for that.


Maybe what Minmei wanted was a piece of Max. I can't blame her. He's so dreamy.

Not gonna lie I thought Max was a girl until he spoke.

The 08th MS Team 3

This episode, to me, is what the 08th MS Team is all about. It really shows you what the One Year War was like: a war fought by real people, in which a single Mobile Suit could turn the tide of the entire battle. Later conflicts in UC are so space and mobile suit oriented that they almost entirely lose the human element as Tomino's battle dialogue crumbles under the crushing weight of actual sanity, but the One Year War was a really human conflict. Even the original Mobile Suit Gundam was better when it kept things on Earth and out of space. I'm sure this is blasphemy, but the battle between Amuro and Ramba Ral really is the series' high water mark to my eyes. Amuro and Ral are enemies, but neither sees the either as bad, and their mutual respect one for the other lends a reality and credibility to their battle which later series would spoil with melodrama (looking at you, Kira and Athrun), and their actual combat is brutal, and makes use of the humanoid forms of their weapons. It isn't just flying robots shooting colorful energy beams at bits fired from an egg shaped drone, it's two men, wielding melee weapons, dancing the dance of death and life, and desperately trying to kill the other even as they really, really don't want to.

And that's something I feel that Gundam has almost entirely strayed from from Zeta onward. The talk of "They're Newtypes and they can understand one another's emotions better than us!" has almost entirely poisoned Universal Century's conflicts. Kamille doesn't have anything near the relationship Amuro did with Ral in his series. He routinely beats the shit out of Jared and whines at Sarah for not getting anything. Haman and Poptarts Sriracha are almost completely unknown persons to him, and their battles almost exclusively take place in space, rather than on the ground. It's ironic that they talk so much of breaking free of Gravity, because at times Zeta's battles have been utterly and entirely robbed of gravity. There's no weight to those fights.

Then ZZ rolls around, and while Haman's obsession with Judau and Judau's rage against everything else is great, the only case where Judau even comes near the greatness of that Ral fight is against Puru Two, for what I think are obvious reasons.

Don't get me started on Char's Counterattack. The only fight worth mentioning in that entire trainwreck is Amuro vs. Char, and they're on a meteor. The rest of that movie, just no. Especially Quess. Just no.

Unicorn peaks out with the Banshee fight because Marida is basically the only character with whom Banagher has formed this manner of relationship.

Victory is shit and I hate it and it is shit and I hate it so fucking much and did I mention how shitty Victory is?

Don't get me wrong, I think that villains themselves can pose credible threats without having the kind of relationship that Ral and Amuro had, since the Turn A vs Turn X throw-down at the end of Turn A was excellent, and certainly fights in Unicorn, Wing, Zeta, ZZ, and a few from SEED have been worthwhile, too. I just don't think a white knight and a black knight fighting each other is as human as two soldiers who happen to be on opposing sides and forced to kill one another is. That's what I am getting at here.

I mean, can you really say that at any time in 00 there was that kind of tension? In SEED Destiny? In AGE? In Stardust Memory, or in Victory?

The only fights I would call more human, more emotional and more meaningful than the ones in MSG are the ones in G, where a central theme is communication through battle. In non-UC and non-G, the best example of what I'm talking about is when Athrun and Kira finally do give up their "join my side" talk and out and out try to kill one another.

But honestly, as cool as Newtypes are, I really do think there is something that psychic powers and hilariously overpowered Gundams rob from the series. Maybe part of that is due to Tomino's incapacity to write good battle dialogue, or maybe it is just a matter of my personal preferences getting in the way.

But two mechs struggling in a vicious clash of steel on steel as their pilots face the reality that they are going to kill someone they don't want to kill is where it is at. Those are the real fights. Those are the ones that make this all worth while.
Gundam Build Fighters 9


Aren't you the cutest thing ever?

Bearguy-san really is the best. The cartoony battle between him and the SD Knight made for a welcome change of pace.
I had to laugh at the cotton surprise. This really is a successor to Angelic Layer.
But like I said, the soft reset is what makes the cast even more boring, Rin especially suffers from it because she no longer has much of a connection with anyone, so she's basically there. And I would hope that a series that comes out far after the earlier would have better animation, so I don't really know what the point of mentioning that.

My general concerns are with the characters. It was easier to deal with in Smile mainly because it didn't flush a bunch of connections down the toilet and went hint hint nudge nudge. It was pretty much a blank slate, so there's less reason to be upset over what GoGo did.

And general group dynamics came more into play in the second half, which again, gets like one episode that was it. It establishes a connection, but then doesn't do anything else with it. Squandered potential. Much like DokiDoki trying to set something up, but then demolishes it with a single handwave. Only far worse due to undermining a good intro (among other things).

Rin ? rin is the one left behind , but across both series , even with the reset , urara is the most underwhelming character in the yes! saga , she get nothing , nothing at all except some "moments" that are mainly the consequence of rin & nozomi actions than hers. the most urara tried to do is some curry from her mother.
Even her friendship with syrop is something that doesn't even try to go somewhere , at some point , "there" they are.

i'd say rin has it easy , she doesn't do much but she had moments like with murcadia or her opening moments with karen ( they didn't get along ) ..that's so much more that i can say than about urara.

Yes rin didn't evolve a lot ( or at all ) after gogo started ..but at least she didn't get worse.
Nozomi actually got SEVERAL STEPS back once gogo started.


Kyousougiga 09

Great episode, we're right at the climax but some things are still unknown, especially
what the hell Myoue Prime is really up to. Seems like he's trying to remake the world I guess?

Some great visuals in this episode too.

Next episode already come on.


The Golden Laws

Alright, let me try to work this whole Happy Science thing out here:
-We have Hermes, who was not the son of Zeus but rather some elder of his who taught him wisdom and truths and whatnot (I don't really remember). He was then reborn as Buddha in India. And then I guess that Sorano or whatever guy from The Rebirth of Buddha (is this guy supposed to be real? I forgot to ask this in my Rebirth of Buddha impressions). Also his woman was Aphrodite (let's leave aside all the dudes she slept with on the side in Greek mythology to the side for a moment) who herself is reborn as what's-her-name. Some special woman from Buddha's time who I guess acts as some spiritual messenger or something.
-Then Chih-I becomes a messenger for Buddha in 7th century China. Or something.
-Also Jesus is involved here. Was he a reincarnation of Buddha too?
-And then this kid Satoru who becomes a great religious leader in his time, the 25th century.
-Also Yuko and that schmuck from Laws of Eternity, who I guess were reincarnations from people in Atlantis during Thoth's time.
-And Thoth is El Cantare.
-And Prometheus, the Greek mythical figure who introduced man to fire, was some fake God heathen during ancient Greece. And Nietzsche and Hitler are presumably similar.

...Yeah this is pretty hilarious. ;This was a pretty fun watch.

Edit" And also Angel Edison/ Who's the reincarnation of Guttenberg and the guy who invented paper. Can't forget him.
Rin ? rin is the one left behind , but across both series , even with the reset , urara is the most underwhelming character in the yes! saga , she get nothing , nothing at all except some "moments" that are mainly the consequence of rin & nozomi actions than hers. the most urara tried to do is some curry from her mother.
Even her friendship with syrop is something that doesn't even try to go somewhere , at some point , "there" they are.

i'd say rin has it easy , she doesn't do much but she had moments like with murcadia or her opening moments with karen ( they didn't get along ) ..that's so much more that i can say than about urara.

Yes rin didn't evolve a lot ( or at all ) after gogo started ..but at least she didn't get worse.
Nozomi actually got SEVERAL STEPS back once gogo started.

Urara at the very least was able to play off Nozomi, and her connection with her led to a point where she stuck with Nozomi when she fucked up royally (I think Milk was also partly to blame). This one didn't mean much in GoGo, granted she gain a Syrup connection (Shame Nozomi resorted to NTR to get Syrup). Rin had connections with a couple characters (Nozomi, Karen). The former pretty much ends up being meaningless, and the latter character already has two other connections. Rin basically suffers from a regression, because she goes from "having a reason to exist" to wondering why she's even there (I wouldn't be surprised if this is why she's bottom tier in popularity).

Nozomi though, god yes. She pretty much became a Miyuki. Didn't even give a fuck about that Fiancee princess. Too busy going after Syrup instead! At best, both Karen and Komachi pretty much kept their places, where three others basically suffer (Urara less so because she had less to lose overall.)


Not gonna lie I thought Max was a girl until he spoke.

He had 8 kids with Millia. He's all man.

Don't get me started on Char's Counterattack. The only fight worth mentioning in that entire trainwreck is Amuro vs. Char, and they're on a meteor. The rest of that movie, just no. Especially Quess. Just no.

If you asked me which anime character I would choke out in real life if I could, I would choose Quess.


If you asked me which anime character I would choke out in real life if I could, I would choose Quess.

I feel like I would actually like that movie if not for her.

Bakemonogatari 15

This was a great episode, and an excellent end to the series. Making Araragi's final foe the one person who had supported him throughout the entire show, and of course the wrath of unrequited love worked well in what was a very soft harem drama. Cat Hanekawa is still Best Girl. Having Araragi solve his problems himself was also a great way of bringing things full circle. I really enjoyed this series. So what comes next?


Hoshi no Umi Kotoha fight was awesome. It's nice to see a creative power actually used creatively *coug*Green Lantern*cough*. Only going to write full impressions once I finish the arc since it's short.
Coppelion 11
Aren't Coppelions suppose to be immune to the radiation and have supernatural healing abilities? How come Haruto is dying? The wind wont kill him and his wounds should just heal up in a day.


Golden Boy Lesson 1

She slapped him so hard her tits jiggled for a full minute straight afterward. I think I laughed about three times that length when he stares down the Yakuza then turns the corner at the last possible second.



A keyboard of paper. Bwahaahaha. I don't know which makes me laugh more. C-Base, or that a woman dressed like that can somehow call someone else an unstable pervert.

VeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeery educational.

A BLACK! BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! God, the delivery of this line is comedic GENIUS. "Life is a mystery! I LOVE RESEARCH!" This show. Is a. HOOT.

I have never once had a learning experience which made me make those kinds of sounds. My life feels pretty damn empty right about now. OH GOD NO DON'T UNPLUG THA-

Her boobs. Never. Stop.


Oh, okay, so Kintaro is actually a super genius who quit school so he could actually study life and stuff. That's impressive. Not as impressive as the half assed way the announcer wonders whether or not he'll save the world, though,


I feel like I would actually like that movie if not for her.

Bakemonogatari 15

This was a great episode, and an excellent end to the series. Making Araragi's final foe the one person who had supported him throughout the entire show, and of course the wrath of unrequited love worked well in what was a very soft harem drama. Cat Hanekawa is still Best Girl. Having Araragi solve his problems himself was also a great way of bringing things full circle. I really enjoyed this series. So what comes next?

The Hanekawa prequel. Have you seen that?


The Hanekawa prequel. Have you seen that?

As Bakemonogatari is my very first Monogatari series, the answer is no, no I have not. According to Wikipedia the next in line is Nisemonogatari. Am I to believe that Nekomonogatari is a prequel series, then?


Golden Boy Lesson 1

She slapped him so hard her tits jiggled for a full minute straight afterward. I think I laughed about three times that length when he stares down the Yakuza then turns the corner at the last possible second.



A keyboard of paper. Bwahaahaha. I don't know which makes me laugh more. C-Base, or that a woman dressed like that can somehow call someone else an unstable pervert.

VeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeery educational.

A BLACK! BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! God, the delivery of this line is comedic GENIUS. "Life is a mystery! I LOVE RESEARCH!" This show. Is a. HOOT.

I have never once had a learning experience which made me make those kinds of sounds. My life feels pretty damn empty right about now. OH GOD NO DON'T UNPLUG THA-

Her boobs. Never. Stop.


Oh, okay, so Kintaro is actually a super genius who quit school so he could actually study life and stuff. That's impressive. Not as impressive as the half assed way the announcer wonders whether or not he'll save the world, though,

Kintaro's English VA is basically the best dub voice of all time, and you haven't even got to the most iconic moment. It truly is the most educational anime ever made.
Aikatsu! 1

>Both have Kenzaki as their last names



Oh hey, I think I started watching this show at one point, but never bothered to post my impressions before. From what I remember, the Idol scenes were pretty awkward to watch with the CG, but it wasn't anything unbearable. The music was pretty enjoyable too.
Ah there is a slight difference in last names

Kenzaki and Kanzaki

MAN that's totally enough to make me not give the Erika stare.

Wait, no it isn't. *doesn't even give a fuck about the other card symbols* I might call Ichigo not-evil Regina because why not (even though Ichigo existed before her). Aoi can stay the same, I rather not call her Miki.

EDIT: Honestly, if it wasn't for that, I'd probably comment more on the other weird shit in Aikatsu. Like Idols having CG vision in a CG world. Feels bad.


The Light of El Cantare
Oh hey, I think I started watching this show at one point, but never bothered to post my impressions before. From what I remember, the Idol scenes were pretty awkward to watch with the CG, but it wasn't anything unbearable. The music was pretty enjoyable too.

Unlike most plastic shit shows, Aikatsu's CG actually does get better over time, so it does have that going for it at least.



Clannad After Story Another World: Kyou

Another pretty good AU episode. Liked the Tomoyo one a little more, mainly because I didn't fully buy some of the lead-up to the drama, but the drama itself was good and the ending was really nice. Kyou remains best girl, and Ryou even had an actual personality.


Gunbuster 1

AW HELL YEAH PRINCESS ZELDA'S LIGHTNING KICK. So I've been told this show is like, one of the greatest mecha anime ever made or something. So far I've seen that teenage girls shouldn't be entrusted with giant robots, but hey, first episodes are rarely the crazy awesome point in Super Robot Shows, plus it's only 6 episodes long, so what's the rush?
Gunbuster 1

AW HELL YEAH PRINCESS ZELDA'S LIGHTNING KICK. So I've been told this show is like, one of the greatest mecha anime ever made or something. So far I've seen that teenage girls shouldn't be entrusted with giant robots, but hey, first episodes are rarely the crazy awesome point in Super Robot Shows, plus it's only 6 episodes long, so what's the rush?


Gunbuster is so fun. Yep, take your time and enjoy :D
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