Chibi wolfrun at that. Best Smile episode I never watched!Aw, Madp gave you a Yayoi doujin with Wolfrun on top.
Chibi wolfrun at that. Best Smile episode I never watched!Aw, Madp gave you a Yayoi doujin with Wolfrun on top.
Nekomonogatari 1
Fucking imoutos ruining my glorious cat-girl dedicated series. There are four episodes. GTFO imoutos. OUT I SAID.
Let me bask in glorious cat girls.
Another awesome member joins team goggles/visor.
I think I'm done mourning the butt now.
Anyone want to take a crack at making this transparent? (no scaling just transparency wanna experiment with the scaling myself)
Edit: on second thought the transparent one would look shit because it's cut-off.
Edit2: Or not. Not suuuuure. Dude's face definitely looks weird.
Love this shot
That's because she is a great character so farWell she is a cutie. Whoever she is.
That's who she is cajun !Gundam Build Fighter - 10
So the girl does have emotions! And a taste for meatbuns too! +5
And lol at thirsty Ral trying to get points with Rinko. The fuck outta here old man!
The end of this arc is like the best thing EVER ... trully one of the highlights of guntama ( 2011)Gintama 239-240
I'm dying over here, this show has a direct line to my funny bone. I'm in tears! Everything about this pair of episodes was perfect and Gin trying to juggle everyone and failing was hilarious. Stand outs were the curry feeding at the end of 239 and mouth to crotch in 240.
Ojamajo Doremi Naisho 4
Whoa man. Onpu episode of the forever.
Was this what they call...firehawk?
Ojamajo Doremi Naisho 4
Whoa man. Onpu episode of the forever.
Was this what they call...firehawk?
Sisters will always exist nyah
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 (War in the Pocket) - 01
Decided to check this out since I'm caught up on both Unicorn and Build Fighters. Enjoyable first episode, and Chris seems like a pretty down to earth character, a big difference in regards to the previous female characters/leads that we were introduced to in previous installments (save for a few). I was expecting the story to focus on her from the get go but it looks like our main character is actually Al instead? If so, looking forward to what role he'll play in the remaining episodes.
I don't remember right now. Was this the episode that 7Th's mentioned before for being so good and people should at least watch if they watch any Doremi?
I'm glad you liked it! I kinda agree with everything you said here. I guess my issue with the CG was twofold, one I probably was spoilt from having seen REDLINE before and I couldn't help but compare it to that. But also it felt like a bit of a waste of all that delicious flat (DFS) shading to have shiny CG in there. If the CG at last tried to match the art by going with a different shading model I'd probably have been more lenient towards it.Tailenders
Theonik just recently posted about this movie and it sounded interesting enough to take a look at. It's a bit shorter coming in at around 28 minutes as well so it's more like a long TV episode rather than a full movie.
I have to agree that I quite liked the art and the style of the movie. Games like the F-Zero racing series are some of my favorite, so the fact that it had kind of a similar feel to it along with the already mentioned Redline was of interest to me. The way that the first race initially sets up this kind of "Ghost" racer and people trying to best its time reminded me very much of F-Zero again and the idea of the "Staff Ghosts" as well. The fact that this great racer was actually named "Loser King" was kind of funny as it's not the kind of thing one would initially expect.
The CG was kind of hit and miss for me. While it was always noticeable, I found sometimes it had the usual contrast to the hand drawn but other times I didn't think it was as bad due to the colouring and shading better resembling that of the hand drawn. Overall for this movie I'd probably say it wasn't that big of a deal for me personally.
The story, while not bad, wasn't really anything that interesting initially as it looked more like Redline and this racer guy, Shiro, trying to best some earlier great racer. As the movie went on though and kind of talked a bit more about the state of the world as described at the beginning, it got more interesting for me. It kind of stands on its own anyway but I actually wouldn't have minded to see more.
I suppose I feel somewhat similar to Theonik in that the movie maybe wasn't great but not really bad either. It might end up having more of a forgettable story and minimal character development due to its shorter length of time but it had really nice art, animation and designs, as well as a fun enough premise, that overall I liked it and thank Theonik for mentioning this show.
Oh yeah, and the goggles girl, Tomoe Mikagura, is voiced by Ryoka Yuzuki. She is voicing Satsuki in Kill la Kill right now, so that was a plus for me as well.
My photo editing skills are pretty much non existent and maybe someone else already helped you out but as thanks for mentioning the show I took a shot at it anyway. It's pretty rough so maybe you'll need someone to touch it up for you anyway but here you go. The edges don't seem as bad when it's downsized but it does lose that kind of lighting/shading factor, I agree. If you don't want it that's fine as well, as it gave me a little bit of practice into this kind of thing anyway.![]()
7th is a doremi hipster. Watching before it became cool or something.Didn't even realize 7Th watched Doremi.
I don't remember right now. Was this the episode that 7Th's mentioned before for being so good and people should at least watch if they watch any Doremi?
Thursday needs to hurry for Samumenco
It's good to be back![]()
So cute .... but but it's ....
What ? no ! tsundere makise is pretty good
Drunk kurisu is like the best thing ever
How has that show been? I only watched Ep1 then stopped because I was bored as fuck. Has it gotten better?
i always wanted a third season of psycho pass.Depends on your definition of better. If you think it's going to be a deep show about two men's definition of justice, you're going to be very disappointed.
Didn't even realize 7Th watched Doremi.
I'm glad you liked it! I kinda agree with everything you said here. I guess my issue with the CG was twofold, one I probably was spoilt from having seen REDLINE before and I couldn't help but compare it to that. But also it felt like a bit of a waste of all that delicious flat (DFS) shading to have shiny CG in there. If the CG at last tried to match the art by going with a different shading model I'd probably have been more lenient towards it.
Edit: I think I'll stick with what I have avatar wise lest I redraw parts of it which I might. Thanks anyway!
Edit2: Also I should be thanking you again for Birth!
7th is a doremi hipster. Watching before it became cool or something.
Yes... or was it episode 9 of Naisho? Actually both count.
i always wanted a third season of psycho pass.
noDid psyho pass ever get good?
Did psycho pass ever get good? It always seemed so needlessly depressing.
I stopped around the time whenthe female inspector failed to shoot the guy holding her best friend hostage.
Did psycho pass ever get good? It always seemed so needlessly depressing.
I stopped around the time whenthe female inspector failed to shoot the guy holding her best friend hostage.
Nope.Did psycho pass ever get good? It always seemed so needlessly depressing.
I stopped around the time whenthe female inspector failed to shoot the guy holding her best friend hostage.
Although Flamenco Girl seemed liked a sign of the end times, at least these first 11 episodes really were amazing and put it as one of the best anime of the season after Tokyo Ravens, Kurobas, DiaLover, and Valvrave. You should have kept watching though especially at least to ep7.How has that show been? I only watched Ep1 then stopped because I was bored as fuck. Has it gotten better?
Although Flamenco Girl seemed liked a sign of the end times, at least these first 11 episodes really were amazing and put it as one of the best anime of the season after Tokyo Ravens, Kurobas, DiaLover, and Valvrave. You should have kept watching though especially at least to ep7.
Masayoshi is one of the most endearing and passionate lead characters this year, and good looking, so he keeps it good.
Golden Boy, Lesson 4
"From the velvety depths, beneath those leathery bindings, it called to me: THE BEAAAATHHHHT! THE BEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAST!! RARRRRRR!"
"I was just making stuff up to say." NOOOOOOOO. Really? "And to top it all off NO NIPPLE COVERS OR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This entire show. This entire show.
Corvo pls, that gif is 22 megabutts!
How did you like his swimming?
And god damn, almost 23 megers
I am not a .gifmagifician. I wanted to show the humorous bit from start to finish. Should I put the thing into a link instead to spare poor mobile users?
Yes. Granted, 23 MB is pretty hefty no matter what. Also smaller res and shiz.
Golden Boy, Lesson 4
"From the velvety depths, beneath those leathery bindings, it called to me: THE BEAAAATHHHHT! THE BEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAST!! RARRRRRR!"
"I was just making stuff up to say." NOOOOOOOO. Really? "And to top it all off NO NIPPLE COVERS OR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This entire show. This entire show.
Golden Boy, Lesson 4
"From the velvety depths, beneath those leathery bindings, it called to me: THE BEAAAATHHHHT! THE BEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAST!! RARRRRRR!"
"I was just making stuff up to say." NOOOOOOOO. Really? "And to top it all off NO NIPPLE COVERS OR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This entire show. This entire show.
I'm going to be watching Kara no Kyoukai once I knock out my last two finals.
Free ain't got shit on Golden Boy's swimming sakuga.
I still don't recommend DTL watch this episode. Probably traumatize him for life. That one dude with the dolphin fetish should, though.
I watch anime too!
Previously Watched
Kenichi: Mightiest Disciple (first anime)
One Piece (up to like ep 580 then quit)
FMA: Brotherhood (favorite)
Angel Beats
Sword art Online (1 and 2)
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya (those repeats tho)
Attack on Titan
Sunday Without God
Currently Watching
Hunter x Hunter
Log Horizon
Golden Time
Beyond the Boundary (Kyōkai no Kanata)
Nyarko-san (haven't started yet)
I'm going to be watching Kara no Kyoukai once I knock out my last two finals.
I watch anime too!
Previously Watched
Kenichi: Mightiest Disciple (first anime)
One Piece (up to like ep 580 then quit)
FMA: Brotherhood (favorite)
Angel Beats
Sword art Online (1 and 2)
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya (those repeats tho)
Attack on Titan
Sunday Without God
I now distinctly remember a dolphin BJ gif/video. THANKS A LOT
I didn't need to remember that.