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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars Nova Episode 2
Like how much strategy and depth goes into the action in the show, dont know much at all about submarine warfare but the author seems to know his/her stuff.

We're talking about someone who was traumatized by wet lolis and passionate sister loving via the mouth, cut him some slack.

Thats nothing.
most people would be traumatized by that to be fair.


I could, but telling him to start reading Kodomo no Jikan would be the more fun option I think

I don't think he'd last through the first season in general. Fuck, too much for me.

Thats nothing.

Corvo is a sane person losing every fiber of his mind over time. It will be nothing when he fully declares being insane. And the only way to do this is to not react as much.

It would be the death of Corvo as we know it.


I guess the presentation matters to me. The optimism and ability to "fight back" exhibited in episode 4 of Diebuster blew the more subdued, yet similar thematic instances of Gunbuster's highs out of the water for me.

We're not going to agree on this, but while the end of Diebuster 4 is hella cool, I found Nono to be a really flat character whose outlook doesn't really change over the course of the series. As a result, her moments of triumph meant a lot less to me than Noriko's struggles, where we see her overcome her initial uncertainty, doubt, and fear to become a powerful leader and fighter.

I see a lot more of Simon in Noriko than I do in anybody in Diebuster. Lal'C is really the central character in that show, but I couldn't really connect with her, especially with her behavior leading into the finale.

I want to like this premise, but I'm not feeling the PV at all.


I would like Diebuster better if I'm not seeing TTGL basically perfected the concept. While Gunbunster is very unique on its own.
White Album 2 - 8-9
Yeah, it's a tad more melodramatic than before, but it's not so much where it feels overbearing to me. If anything, it's still trying to maintain that fairly low key tone while juggling the fully in gear love triangle. But now that the festival has passed, it does feel like its meandering, and I can't quite say that the characters are capable of carrying it on their own.

You think you might be jumping the gun a bit too soon there, Kitahara? I sure do.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars Nova Episode 3
another good episode, the lighting was really good here, and helps make the models look alot better, its all how they work the camera really, and can iona only attack from her ship?


Well after questioning in animeGAF about their hype Yozakura, I finally gave in. The fanservice IMO isn't that bad, or I'm just so immune to it nowadays. (Maybe Monogatari is to blame. . .) It's not like Senran Kagura or Ikki levels extreme.

That said, holy what a surprise Hana no Uta is. Completely caught up and also devastated about the OVAs being so spread apart XD. Also the fact that they're released in such a manner instead of being a two cour. But really, the overall package is just fantastic. From the animation, the absolutely fantastic sound direction, to a very lovable cast of characters. They share such a cohesive team dynamic.

So that's 3 shows(Monogatari, Kill la Kill and now Yozakura) I'm following this season, with 2 of them ending soon D: But still glad I gave Yozakura a chance. Consider me a believer in Ryochimo now.
Golden Time - 11

This was a good episode all around. Linda and Nana are best girls of the show and looks like Banri is starting to see the truth in this. And dat Mitsuo. As for Kaga, while I'll normally feel sympathetic for her she is starting to get a little bit annoying with her repeating her flaws in every damn episode and just being all around clueless. This is not a relationship anymore, this is literally Banri owning a puppy.

Log Horizon - 11

Interesting so far. Not much input here aside from wondering if there's going to be any conflict between the People of the Land and the Adventurers. And I really like how we getting two separate, but important, stories at the same time.

I suppose the weird colors are how the show is trying to channel Misato Hata's weird art style. I see a number of people have written the show off already, and I think the PV is poorly put together, but the content looks good enough to me that I'm still looking forward to checking it out.

Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha PV looks nice


Yep, looks good. Nice art direction and pretty good animation. Will certainly watch.
Sometimes I read zeroshiki as zettai ryouiki. I have issues.
It happens to me too , only when i'm lacking sleep after i'm doing too much programming stuff
This is so exciting! I never use my twitter for any reason, so now I can use it!

On a side note, I was entertaining a delusion earlier in the thread that for once I could defeat Cajunator and be top poster since I am literally watching like more than 10 shows right now, but I looked today and I am 300 posts behind.

You could make an anime about someone trying to out post Cajun.
Lol , Trying to beat cajun is something i tried once, only to fail hard.Now i just post...
Cajun is ....well ..i guess it's part of being cajunator i guess.

And I'm working on more in May by putting them through The List.
Preventive work on The List ?? Nice initiative !
The other perk is that it might get an anime reluctant person in the group to finish up Slayers.
This much be corrected. Use all your knowledge to change this. Slayers is a must see in the fantasy anime category.
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars Nova Episode 1
Is this anime like 80% 3D?
But once you get past the fact it's all 3d, there are some VERY VERY good moments


New HxH Last Mission TVCMs got posted http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18ia7r http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18ia6o (reupped cause of region lock, dunno about new footage)

Oh looks like we got Jump leaks?



It happens to me too , only when i'm lacking sleep after i'm doing too much programming stuff

Lol , Trying to beat cajun is something i tried once, only to fail hard.Now i just post...
Cajun is ....well ..i guess it's part of being cajunator i guess.

Preventive work on The List ?? Nice initiative !

This much be corrected. Use all your knowledge to change this. Slayers is a must see in the fantasy anime category.

But once you get past the fact it's all 3d, there are some VERY VERY good moments

I am logged in several places and post whenever possible so it adds up. I just really like this thread.
I am logged in several places and post whenever possible so it adds up. I just really like this thread.
I'm pretty sure this doesn't explain everything.
I'm doing the same , i'm loggued on Gaf on 5 different devices. ( Home Pc, work Pc )
3 of them are portable. ( phone, tablet, vita )


Monogatari SS 1

Oh sure you show us lengthy bath scenes for characters we don't wanna see, but a Hanekawa Senjougahara powerhouse is utterly out of the question.

Personally, I find the show has shown me lengthy bath scenes for the characters I do want to see =p

That said, keep watching =D

Just so you know nisio ( the author ) ALWAYS , always cut the hair of his characters . if this doesn't happen , that means that the character devellopement is already finished ( said character will sit on a corner )
The only exception is when said girl is a self insert of the author himself in the serie.

I learned that painfully too with medaka box, monogatari or katanagatari.

Enjoy your short haired characters.... The author like it that way.

Huh, I never quite made that connection. He really does do it in all his series. (Medaka's haircut was totally an upgrade, mind!)

That said, he doesn't always make them shorter. Sometimes he grows them out instead. See: Kanbaru, Tsukihi (who goes through a wild variety of different styles but overall they seem to be getting longer), and for a rare male example, Araragi himself.

The most common suggestions have been:

a.) Rank 1-10, 1st place gets 10 points, 2nd gets 9 points and so on; or
b.) You only get points for the shows that you rank so if you put down 5 shows, your number 1 only gets 5 points, your 2nd 4 points etc.

Just to throw my two cents into this discussion, I'm definitely in favour of option A over option B. Option B just seems kind of awkward and unfair, and generally designed to cause drama, both through complaints about discrimination against light watchers, and due to the fact that it would heavily encourage including more shows than you actually care about (or even watched) in order to boost your own vote's weighting.

And I say this as one of the people Option B would arguably "benefit" the most, since I've been watching far too many shows and could easily fill up a top ten (hell, probably a top twenty if the rules allowed it >.>)

Always remember: I was your first follower.

That's So Kaiki(TM)

Thanks to him, Tenumi, and cnet128, I've learned to truly re-evaluate Yes! 5 and GoGo.

That being said Yes! 5 >= GoGo

I really do need to watch more of GoGo so I can determine whether this is accurate or not. That said, the reported exclusion of most of the romantic elements of the first season makes me suspect it is indeed accurate, since romance is best.

I could, but telling him to start reading Kodomo no Jikan would be the more fun option I think

<3 Kokonoe Rin is goddess. I can't even begin to imagine how Corvo would react to that series, other than to picture giant walls of all-caps and suicide gifs.

Golden Time - 11

Linda and Nana are best girls of the show



Samurai Flamenco's second OP is a FLOW song!!!!!!! :D



The second ED is another Mineral Miracle Muse song. Zzzzz.

Also yaaaayyyyyy! (I ended up liking the current ED far, far more than I initially thought I would. Here's hoping the new one has a similar super-feelgood quality.)

Goch&#363;mon wa Usagi Desu ka? cast Ayane Sakura, Inori Minase, Risa Taneda, Satomi Satou, Maaya Uchida http://0taku.livedoor.biz/archives/4592036.html

Hnnnnnnghhhhhh @ that Kirara Max magazine cover. I need more girls cuddling Alice in my life. Hell, I need more Kin'iro Mosaic in my life in general.
Huh, I never quite made that connection. He really does do it in all his series. (Medaka's haircut was totally an upgrade, mind!)

That said, he doesn't always make them shorter. Sometimes he grows them out instead. See: Kanbaru, Tsukihi (who goes through a wild variety of different styles but overall they seem to be getting longer), and for a rare male example, Araragi himself.

When the hair grows, it's just a feint . Also i couldn't really go into details since corvo is just starting monogatari S2

Anyway , all will be fine as long as shinobu keep her hair intact

And no medaka haircut was a splendid waste ..she is still god-tier with short hair , but long hair is DAT best



Started my 2013 deliberations by trying to come up with a shortlist.

After about 6 I got kind of stuck.

After that nothing really stands out. Sure theres lots that I enjoyed (like silver spoon, blast of the tempest, gargantia, minami-ke), but I'm not sure any really stand out from the crowd for me. Here I thought this would be easy.

Yea, been contemplating my shortlist here for AOTY 2013 and I have a few caveats, no shows that have not finished in this year, which is why Gundam Build Fighters, Log Horizon, Ace No DIamond and Kill la Kill will be missing from this list. Also, no god damned OVAs and especially no god damned movies, I hate that shit, I hate it so much. We don't pair up entertainment mediums over here and I refuse to do the same with anime. Narrowed down to six titles spanning the year.

Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta
Gatchaman Crowds
Love Lab
Attack on Titan
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

Episodes 11 - 20

Ohoooooooooo man.

So the rest of the Hunter Exam arc went pretty smoothly. But holy crap at
Gon getting beat up. The crazy thing about that scene was he could have gotten another chance but his freaking pride got in the way of that. I can't remember the last time I was actually rooting for a show's main character to surrender. It was getting really hard to watch. I like how our show's main character isn't entirely happy about how he got his victory. He feels like he didn't earn it, even when he and his opponent both played by the rules, and his opponent surrendered fair and square in the end. It wasn't a grandiose triumph with love and spirit, it was just a simple victory through and through. But at least he accepts it later.
But that was nothing compared to what the hell happened after that.

So Killua is now definitely my favourite character at this point, if only because he&#8217;s the most interesting out of all of them (he pretty much sealed the deal when he ripped that guy's heart out in episode 11.) When it was told that he failed the exam, I thought &#8220;ah, poor guy just couldn&#8217;t control his instincts and killed someone didn&#8217;t he?&#8221; BUT THEN they drop the bomb that his brother was taking the exam with him the whole time. Then the bombs kept dropping. "You have no free will. You only live to kill." I mean damn. When that ass said that he was gonna kill Gon, I thought for sure that Killua was gonna make his finishing move on him. But no. He takes it out on some random exam bystander like I thought he did from the start. Why man. Why.
Was it something the scary clown said? Oh yeah that&#8217;s another thing.

THIS GUY. I shake in my boots every time this guy is on-screen. This guy is like a calm and composed Joker. The only way you could make the Joker in Batman more evil would be to take away his over-the-top happy attitude and make him more bloodthirsty, psychotic, and all the round creepy. Then you have Hisoka. Seriously that tension in the air when Gon was following him around to get his tag. Everything about this guy is unpredictable.

Hell, everything about this show is unpredictable. I love shows like that do things like that. Cannot wait for the next arc.


HappinessCharge Precure stuff

"All around the world, Precures have been fighting against the invasion of the enemy known as Saiark!
Shirayuki Hime, the princess of Blue Sky Kingdom is in fact a Precure, but unable to defeat the enemy alone, she's fallen behind the others and is in a quite a terrible situation.
Then, on her quest to find a partner, she meets with Rabuno Megumi (Cure Lovely) and they begin to battle the enemy together.
Having learned that assembling all PreCards, you can get any one wish fulfilled, the team up with the fairy Ribbon to protect the world peace, transform, dress up and form change as they fight!
With the dress-up theme beloved by girls, a completely different Precure story begins!"

Seems legit
This is going to be Precure Ryuki, isn't it?

Well, given Madoka is DTR they're good to go do that I guess.


Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Episode 11

Whew.. Takao is still there! Best girl lives!
Kinda sad to see the twins go in such a manner, but they deserved it for taking down our tsundere waifu. In the end, it seems like they wanted to be like Ionia herself, but it was already too late.
This series is the surprise of the season for me. Did not expect it to be both entertaining and a little smart when displaying naval tactics (that captain is a badass).

EDIT: Woot! I'm a Member now :D
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