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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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People were probably turned off by the censored and somewhat poorly adapted beginning compared to the first tv series. That and animegaf is pretty adverse to long running shounen in general.

It's a shame since it's such a quality series that has gone far and beyond both the original anime and the manga.
I try to fly my Conan-Shonen flag as frequently as possible, but the opportunities— or means— don't present themselves as often as I would like.
Should I be ready to become even more confused after the 4th episode of Katanagatari? The preview from episode 3
had shown what could have been an amazing fighting sequence with the deviant sword owner, in my opinion
, and nothing even comes from it in episode 4 except for
finding out Shichika's older sister is not some weak girl but a powerful fighter
Since I'm watching what is apparently the remake, I can see why some people who are fans of the original would be turned off. It's not as bloody as I expected it to be. But for a newcomer like myself, I'm perfectly fine with it. It's nowhere near terrible.

The thing is the censorship early on is made more jarring by the fact Madhouse just threw up their hands and said "fuck it" once an arc you'll get to in a little bit starts. Definitely makes people in the "they butchered it!" camp more difficult to convince.
While Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was probably my favorite thing I've watched since first getting in to anime a few months ago I'm not sure a whole series about Nagato is a great thing. Nagato was great in the movie, but not sure that character is primed for a whole series.


While Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was probably my favorite thing I've watched since first getting in to anime a few months ago I'm not sure a whole series about Nagato is a great thing. Nagato was great in the movie, but not sure that character is primed for a whole series.

You got into anime a few months ago? I'm jelly. So much good stuff sitting there ready to be watched.
Hard to imagine they would be ready when untill recently there was a chance for the event to be cancelled again. Any PR need to get ready ( or have time to ).. as for the fan themselves i'm pretty sure they are glad this mess is over , but even then they need time to make something for conventions.

We are unfortunatly too close to winter comiket 2013 to hope that they do something significant.( did they rent a place to hold a event , as small as they could ? ) i would love to be proved wrong in 2 weeks BTW.

But you're right they can get ready for some nice limited event and get the PR machine working sooner than march

Wow and it was only a day even!
Comic City Osaka, a prominent dōjinshi event in the Kansai region of Japan, announced on Sunday that it would be dropping the ban on Kuroko's Basketball goods and dōjinshi at the event.

Additionally, Studio You, the company that organizes the Kuroko's Basketball-themed "Shadow Trickster" dōjinshi events across Japan, announced on Tuesday that it will be reviving those events starting with the "Shadow Trickster Osaka 3" event on February 23.
You got into anime a few months ago? I'm jelly. So much good stuff sitting there ready to be watched.

There's like 15 shows in my CR queue. Since I have Mondays and Thursday off I tend to have a lot of free time in the middle of the day and can punch through a series in two-three days.

A lot of stuff on Hulu I want to watch as well, but I desperately don't want to sign up for Hulu (did the trial for K-On!!) but the ads just make it a horrible experience.


Mobile Suit Gundam 20

This is the final episode of Ramba Ral, and it is an amazing episode. Hayato and Kai bitch out because Bright's been paying too much attention to Amuro, and so consummate soldier Ryu Jose kicks their asses back onto the ship just in time for Ral to show up with a daring invasion of the White Base. No other villain has managed to land his men on the White Base (and in fact villainous infiltration of the Argama and Nahel Argama was even lower, despite the fact that the Argama had inarguably pathetic security) and Ral's men really tear into the White Base. As they comment on how odd it is that the people they're gunning down are so young, Ral grimly remarks "you'll find a shortage of personnel everywhere these days." This is a man who has seen some shit and is about to unleash some of his own.

An unusual quirk of the episode's animation is that in scenes where Ral is sympathetic he is fat, whereas in his scenes as the villainous commander he is muscular. It's odd, but it works, especially because it is done very subtly.

What does Ral in in the end is that he isn't evil. He's no Ghiren, he's no Char or Kycilia or M'Quve. Ral is a genuinely good man. When he meets Frau Bow aboard the ship, he knocks the gun from her hand and gives her a stern admonition, like a father, rather than the leader of the enemy force. When Ral meets Sayla, he is overcome with joy
because he has known her since she was a child.
That brief mistake proves his undoing, but not before Ral distinguishes himself as
being the first villain to kill a member of the White Base crew. He shoots Ryu in the gut, a wound from which Ryu never recovers.

The best part about Ral really is that he is the most effective enemy the White Base has ever faced, but that he harbors them absolutely no ill will. And not in the sense that he's insane and doing this for the evulz and incapable of feeling hate. Ral genuinely likes people aboard the ship, but he has to destroy the ship because the war demands he do so. Even so, Ral and his men are portrayed with a surprising amount of nobility. One man takes the time to warn Mirai and Kikka to get clear of a bomb he has just set. Ral's men only ever fire on the men aboard the ship, too. The Zeon troops under Ral's command are a far cry from the serial rapists who work for affirmed cradle-robber Cronicle Asshat.

So yeah, Ramba Ral is basically the best dude in the entire Zeon forces.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Tokyo Ravens episode 12
This episode featured lots of what the most important character is, and that's kon! She is adorable, more kon pls
Samurai Flamenco 10

Even bad guys can't resist the power of Moe.

That was pretty damn nuts.
Can't believe he revealed his identity to the press.


Happy Birthday duckroll.
(I think I might be a few hours late though...)

Hopefully you're feeling better from your flu. Maybe some guimauve will cheer you up. ;)


Catching up with the thread and it looks like it was Chronoexe's birthday just recently as well.
Happy Belated Birthday Chronoexe. Hopefully you had a good one.
Jeez. I understand your pain, but for different reasons. The Street that connects our road to the outside traffic constantly gets worked on, so it generally fucks up my routes. Bus Stops are a big pain for me when construction gets involved. The worst part is that it takes for-fucking-ever for them to even finish, so it's nothing but a huge inconvenience for me.
Construction working hours are over ! i'm back !

Wanted more Haruhi anime? Congratulations! The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato spinoff manga has had an anime greenlit.
I didn't know about this spin-off , i might try to read it

Should I be ready to become even more confused after the 4th episode of Katanagatari? The preview from episode 3
had shown what could have been an amazing fighting sequence with the deviant sword owner, in my opinion
, and nothing even comes from it in episode 4 except for
finding out Shichika's older sister is not some weak girl but a powerful fighter
Nisio ( the author ) was trolling you.
Omg did you see how that fight was awesome and the degree of mastery both opponents had ? Well i wish i could show you but ....
Wow and it was only a day even!

Damn they did have plans ready. I must say i'm impressed and appy to be proved wrong
But late february is almost march , i was damn close !
Nisio ( the author ) was trolling you.
Omg did you see how that fight was awesome and the degree of mastery both opponents had ? Well i wish i could show you but ....

I should have expected NisiOisiN would do something like that, and there's probably more to come. Still was an enjoyable episode.


I'm not really familiar with the Nagato manga but as long as Haruhi's screen time is kept to a minimum, I'll be very happy with this adaption.


The 08th MS Team 9

At this point in the show, I feel there is a noticeable decrease in the quality of the plot. Of course this is due to the fact that the original director died, but it still bears saying. Shiro's reason to hate the Zeon is apparently entirely gone now that he has a boner for one in particular and he gives a speech to the General which gets him booted to the curb because we're talking about an enemy that was willing to drop a fucking colony on the continent of Australia. I should also point out that unless you've drunk the kool-aid and sided with the Zeon, MSG out and out states that Ghiren's goal is not independence for Spacers, but WORLD. DOMINATION. See this is the thing right here. The Space people always are like "Waaaah the White Devil keeps us chained to the Earth!" except that's not a very fair portrayal of what really happens. Zeon drops a fucking colony on Australia and Ghiren decides they're going to conquer the world. The Delaz fleet gets together and what do they do? "Hey let's drop a fucking colony on the Earth!" Haman Khan conquers the Earth. She doesn't even say "I want to conquer the Earth." She flat out fucking conquers it. So much for the "Earth is irrelevant" bullshit that Zeon spews. Haman conquers the Earth and then when she can't have it because Judau is wrecking her shit she's like "Well fine I'm gonna drop a colony on this." Char? Same deal "Fuck it I can't actually convince people the peaceful way, so instead I'm going to DROP AN ASTEROID AND DESTROY THE WORLD." Then along comes Cosmo Babylonia and they're like "BTW you know how it was Spacenoid ideology for like a century that the Earth was ruled by shitty bastards who considered themselves the elite? Yeah so we're the elite now but we're not the bad guys because we're FROM SPACE. Waaaaaah White Devil nooooooo!" Then Crux Dogatie is like "My wife left me for Earth so I'M GONNA BLOW IT UP." Then the League Militaire. They're like "We have to save the Earth! BY CRUSHING IT UNDER THE GIANT ASS WHEEL OF PROGRESS!"

So sure, the Earth Federation Empire is ruled over by a bunch of lazy, corrupt, incompetent bastards whose control over the Solar System is a miracle built on the back of Gundams, but the Spacenoids are a bunch of pissy, genocidal bastards so don't root for them, either.

Anyway the only good part of this episode happens before the 08th MS team arrives on the scene, with the guerillas and the Zeon fighting each other because they're both pigheaded lots. The 08th MS Team is pretty much irrelevant in this episode, and don't be surprised, but they're going to stay that way for the rest of the show. There's gonna be an awesome Gouf battle but literally everything else about this half of the show blows.

Note, though, that even at its worst the 08th MS Team is much, much better than other Gundam shows at their best. LOOKING AT YOU, STARDUST MEMORY AND VICTORY GUNDAM.


Oh here you are! I wrote "lengthy" final reviews of Nise and Neko expecting you'd talk about them and you snubbed me! See if I ever offer to brush your teeth.

Sorry, Corvy! I did read your impressions but couldn't think of anything much to add. This is why I will never approach Cajun in terms of postcount >.>

Not enough impressions? Lots of people post in its thread though.

I was giving impressions but it was in the HxH thread :p

I don't believe in series OTs, y'all know that. If it ain't in AnimeGAF proper, it doesn't count.

I think he means not enough people who post their impressions from the show from scratch.

This too.

Wanted more Haruhi anime? Congratulations! The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato spinoff manga has had an anime greenlit.

Huh, another adaptation of something I bought from BookWalker but haven't got around to reading yet. Can't complain about moar moe Nagato.

It's just some spinoff with the worst girl.

Yuki is boring.

Your opinions are wrong.

Guess not for me!

If you haven't seen the Haruhi movie, that's an issue you probably ought to fix.

Should I be ready to become even more confused after the 4th episode of Katanagatari? The preview from episode 3
had shown what could have been an amazing fighting sequence with the deviant sword owner, in my opinion
, and nothing even comes from it in episode 4 except for
finding out Shichika's older sister is not some weak girl but a powerful fighter

This is what we in the business call a "troll" =p The classic bait-and-switch.

That said, Shichika's sister is way more awesome than that dude, so we all win in the end.

Tokyo Ravens episode 12
This episode featured lots of what the most important character is, and that's kon! She is adorable, more kon pls

This is the thing that I like to hear. Kind of looking forward to this episode now =D

(But surely you mean episode 11?)
Gundam Build Fighters 7

After neglecting this show as well, but harder for some reason, I'm jumping back in because Dream Team isn't doing much to ensure that I come back.

Sure the Beach stuff wasn't a large focus of the episode, and neither where the finals, but hay, I didn't come here for the former. I came for Build Fightan, and this episode certainly gave me that, on top of justifying its Plavsky particle science.


Nyarko-san EP 1

Something I will never understand is how
in the bath scene, Mahiro denies the cute, totally naked Nyarko who has already openly confessed to him and wants them to be the "new Adam and Eve". What is wrong with this kid? Unless he's gay, which is totally fine.

Well, shes tbe crawling chaos. No matter how adorable she is (and she absolutely is) shes still an eldritch abomination lol.

Okay then. I mean, I was always going to watch, but I'll feel less hesitant knowing that these were all authorized and produced by the actual Happy Science people.

On a side note, Mom and Dad never made me watch Saturday's Warrior. I don't think I've even seen The RM. The only stuff like that I've seen is Singles Ward, Charlie (which I confess made me bawl) and Mr. Kruger's Christmas (again, I cried.). Oh, and the new version of Johnny Lingo, which was funny, but not really up to the snuff that older generations had built it. I saw a really old cartoon version of the Joseph Smith story once, and I only remember it because the old man's eyebrows changed color from scene to scene.

Otherwise, though, my parents weren't one of those "No TV, only DVDs we approve, make you watch veggie tales" kinda families.

EDIT: I think I've mentioned before that my dad is as into anime as I am. We're not into the same kinds of anime, though. I'm a mecha buff and dad is much more about the kind of violent 80s OVAs that make the list all the time. He was watching that one french titled anime that Felix Orion watched awhile back. One time he watched a bit of Sword Art Online, and another time I had an awkward conversation in which dad and I both realized we had both watched High School of the Dead and both more or less agreed to never speak of it again.

It was like that scene in The Last Crusade where Indy realizes he's slept with the same woman his dad has, except not at all like that and only about anime.

Also mom and dad watched Project A-Ko. Like years ago.

Luckily my parents usually let me watch whatever I wanted to. Never had to fight censorship.

I actually just finished watching GJ-bu/GJ Club last night. Didn't seem to go anywhere, but had its humorous moments. Contrast that with Going Home Club which didn't seem to go anywhere and didn't have its humorous moments. But I'd probably watch a sequel.

Yeah gjbu is pretty adorable. We need more.

Yaya usually saves the show from being a dull affair.

Always. Yaya is the whole reason I watch it.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Sorry, Corvy! I did read your impressions but couldn't think of anything much to add. This is why I will never approach Cajun in terms of postcount >.>

I don't believe in series OTs, y'all know that. If it ain't in AnimeGAF proper, it doesn't count.

This too.

Huh, another adaptation of something I bought from BookWalker but haven't got around to reading yet. Can't complain about moar moe Nagato.

Your opinions are wrong.

If you haven't seen the Haruhi movie, that's an issue you probably ought to fix.

This is what we in the business call a "troll" =p The classic bait-and-switch.

That said, Shichika's sister is way more awesome than that dude, so we all win in the end.

This is the thing that I like to hear. Kind of looking forward to this episode now =D

(But surely you mean episode 11?)
yeah I meant 11
I'm surpised there are people here who don't like Haruhi as a character. Easily one of my favorite. I tend to have an affinity for characters who tend to be over-confident/over-assertive but can't (or don't want) to recognize their own weaknesses. Haruhi fits that bill, talking about GJ-bu I would say Mao fits that, hell Ritsu is the best in K-On!


So if I was to run the AOTY vote with the simple 'rank up to 10, first place gets 10 points, 10th gets 1' system, what is a good eligibility criteria?

I mean technically Wolf Children is a 2012 film. Also what about shows where only half a season aired in 2013 (either due to late 2012 starts or late 2013 starts)?

With the latter I'd probably argue that shows that aren't finished this year should be included in next years as they have not been seen in totality.


I think the problem with Haruhi is her char development is really goddamn slow and the very nature of the plot involves basically keeping her in the dark.


Sorry, Corvy! I did read your impressions but couldn't think of anything much to add. This is why I will never approach Cajun in terms of postcount >.>

Just answer this question then: Is Cat Hanekawa the BEST girl, or is she the BEST woman?

I'm surpised there are people here who don't like Haruhi as a character. Easily one of my favorite. I tend to have an affinity for characters who tend to be over-confident/over-assertive but can't (or don't want) to recognize their own weaknesses. Haruhi fits that bill, talking about GJ-bu I would say Mao fits that, hell Ritsu is the best in K-On!

Haruhi is a manipulative, abusive jerk. Of course people aren't going to like her. People never like a character that always gets their way. This is why Mandy of Billy and Mandy is the single most obvious reason that show blew chunks after its first season. Because characters like Mandy need to be taken down a peg and nobody has the stones to do it.


There's nothing wrong with a manipulative, abusive jerk as a character, but only for so long. Without development you're just spinning your wheels.


The 08th MS Team 9

At this point in the show, I feel there is a noticeable decrease in the quality of the plot. Of course this is due to the fact that the original director died, but it still bears saying. Shiro's reason to hate the Zeon is apparently entirely gone now that he has a boner for one in particular and he gives a speech to the General which gets him booted to the curb because we're talking about an enemy that was willing to drop a fucking colony on the continent of Australia. I should also point out that unless you've drunk the kool-aid and sided with the Zeon, MSG out and out states that Ghiren's goal is not independence for Spacers, but WORLD. DOMINATION. See this is the thing right here. The Space people always are like "Waaaah the White Devil keeps us chained to the Earth!" except that's not a very fair portrayal of what really happens. Zeon drops a fucking colony on Australia and Ghiren decides they're going to conquer the world. The Delaz fleet gets together and what do they do? "Hey let's drop a fucking colony on the Earth!" Haman Khan conquers the Earth. She doesn't even say "I want to conquer the Earth." She flat out fucking conquers it. So much for the "Earth is irrelevant" bullshit that Zeon spews. Haman conquers the Earth and then when she can't have it because Judau is wrecking her shit she's like "Well fine I'm gonna drop a colony on this." Char? Same deal "Fuck it I can't actually convince people the peaceful way, so instead I'm going to DROP AN ASTEROID AND DESTROY THE WORLD." Then along comes Cosmo Babylonia and they're like "BTW you know how it was Spacenoid ideology for like a century that the Earth was ruled by shitty bastards who considered themselves the elite? Yeah so we're the elite now but we're not the bad guys because we're FROM SPACE. Waaaaaah White Devil nooooooo!" Then Crux Dogatie is like "My wife left me for Earth so I'M GONNA BLOW IT UP." Then the League Militaire. They're like "We have to save the Earth! BY CRUSHING IT UNDER THE GIANT ASS WHEEL OF PROGRESS!"

So sure, the Earth Federation Empire is ruled over by a bunch of lazy, corrupt, incompetent bastards whose control over the Solar System is a miracle built on the back of Gundams, but the Spacenoids are a bunch of pissy, genocidal bastards so don't root for them, either.

Anyway the only good part of this episode happens before the 08th MS team arrives on the scene, with the guerillas and the Zeon fighting each other because they're both pigheaded lots. The 08th MS Team is pretty much irrelevant in this episode, and don't be surprised, but they're going to stay that way for the rest of the show. There's gonna be an awesome Gouf battle but literally everything else about this half of the show blows.

Note, though, that even at its worst the 08th MS Team is much, much better than other Gundam shows at their best. LOOKING AT YOU, STARDUST MEMORY AND VICTORY GUNDAM.

Directors should really stop dying in the middle of shows. I've got a while to go till this point, at least.


I mean technically Wolf Children is a 2012 film. Also what about shows where only half a season aired in 2013 (either due to late 2012 starts or late 2013 starts)?

With the latter I'd probably argue that shows that aren't finished this year should be included in next years as they have not been seen in totality.

Well, that didn't stop Fate/Zero from being eligible (and placing very high) in last year's vote.

Same case with the JoJo anime when I think Part 2 had just started at the time of voting (which also placed very high but then again the JoJo fanbase is pretty big).


There's nothing wrong with a manipulative, abusive jerk as a character, but only for so long. Without development you're just spinning your wheels.

Which is, I would argue, the problem with Haruhi.

On a note completely unrelated, I have decided that the reason that every woman in Monogatari wants Araragi's dick so bad, his sisters included, is because some apocalyptic event occurred which slaughtered the vast majority of the men on the planet. Meaning Araragi is probably one of like, fifty guys in all of Japan.


So if I was to run the AOTY vote with the simple 'rank up to 10, first place gets 10 points, 10th gets 1' system, what is a good eligibility criteria?

I mean technically Wolf Children is a 2012 film. Also what about shows where only half a season aired in 2013 (either due to late 2012 starts or late 2013 starts)?

With the latter I'd probably argue that shows that aren't finished this year should be included in next years as they have not been seen in totality.

Those are some of the rules I go by, we must always be wary of Sword Art Online syndrome.


On a note completely unrelated, I have decided that the reason that every woman in Monogatari wants Araragi's dick so bad, his sisters included, is because some apocalyptic event occurred which slaughtered the vast majority of the men on the planet. Meaning Araragi is probably one of like, fifty guys in all of Japan.

Woah. Taking any harem show with this interpretation changes everything!


On a note completely unrelated, I have decided that the reason that every woman in Monogatari wants Araragi's dick so bad, his sisters included, is because some apocalyptic event occurred which slaughtered the vast majority of the men on the planet. Meaning Araragi is probably one of like, fifty guys in all of Japan.

I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking eventually. There's no way streets could naturally be that empty all the time!


Could I include Girls Und Panzer for my AOTY vote this year? I didn't vote for it last year due to the rest of the episodes aired in 2013.
So if I was to run the AOTY vote with the simple 'rank up to 10, first place gets 10 points, 10th gets 1' system, what is a good eligibility criteria?

I mean technically Wolf Children is a 2012 film. Also what about shows where only half a season aired in 2013 (either due to late 2012 starts or late 2013 starts)?

With the latter I'd probably argue that shows that aren't finished this year should be included in next years as they have not been seen in totality.

I would say films that released on Blu-ray in Japan and in other countries in 2013 should count. Wolf Children wasn't eligible in last year's voting and others like the Blue Exorcist movie are bound to show up on a few lists in the upcoming vote.

I agree with excluding unfinished shows, but I'm fine with it going either way if that turns out to be the case.
Just answer this question then: Is Cat Hanekawa the BEST girl, or is she the BEST woman?

Haruhi is a manipulative, abusive jerk. Of course people aren't going to like her. People never like a character that always gets their way. This is why Mandy of Billy and Mandy is the single most obvious reason that show blew chunks after its first season. Because characters like Mandy need to be taken down a peg and nobody has the stones to do it.

She was really only abusive to Mikuru but that tends to happen all the time between strong-willed and naturally submisive characters like that. And then she was really only manipulative towards Kyon, but even then I felt she kind of grew out of that towards the end of the timeline (coming from someone who watched it in chronological order).

There's nothing wrong with a manipulative, abusive jerk as a character, but only for so long. Without development you're just spinning your wheels.

But I think she did develop. When Haruhi changed her hairstyle because Kyon mentioned the ponytail fetish, or when Haruhi stuck around when Kyon fell asleep in the club room, or the end of the movie when she slept beside Kyon's hospital bed. All "moments of weakness" for Haruhi that indicate she's more than just an "abusive and manipulative" character.


While Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was probably my favorite thing I've watched since first getting in to anime a few months ago I'm not sure a whole series about Nagato is a great thing. Nagato was great in the movie, but not sure that character is primed for a whole series.

you aee so lucky.
be sure to add stuff like Haibane renmei, Kinos journey, Mushishi to your list! Theres soooooo much that you can watch. A lifetime of entertainment.

Happy Birthday duckroll.
(I think I might be a few hours late though...)

Hopefully you're feeling better from your flu. Maybe some guimauve will cheer you up. ;)

Catching up with the thread and it looks like it was Chronoexe's birthday just recently as well.
Happy Belated Birthday Chronoexe. Hopefully you had a good one.

Happy birthday yall!!


Just answer this question then: Is Cat Hanekawa the BEST girl, or is she the BEST woman?

Sorry, I wouldn't rank Hanekawa (cat or otherwise) very high at all. Though that's more a result of the excellence of the rest of the harem than it is a slight on Hanekawa. She's still pretty cool. (I particularly like her in Kizu, fuck-you-Shaft.)

On a note completely unrelated, I have decided that the reason that every woman in Monogatari wants Araragi's dick so bad, his sisters included, is because some apocalyptic event occurred which slaughtered the vast majority of the men on the planet. Meaning Araragi is probably one of like, fifty guys in all of Japan.

Doesn't work for his sisters, I'm afraid, since they both have boyfriends already.

So if I was to run the AOTY vote with the simple 'rank up to 10, first place gets 10 points, 10th gets 1' system, what is a good eligibility criteria?

I mean technically Wolf Children is a 2012 film. Also what about shows where only half a season aired in 2013 (either due to late 2012 starts or late 2013 starts)?

With the latter I'd probably argue that shows that aren't finished this year should be included in next years as they have not been seen in totality.

Seems easiest just to follow the same criteria that were used last year, which is any series that had at least one new episode in the year in question, and any movie that saw its first disc release in the year in question.

Excluding shows that haven't finished, while there's a certain amount of logic to it, just feels like a bit of a fun-killer.
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