Which dub version though?
Much as I wish Kon from Tokyo Ravens was in all the shows, I'm pretty sure you actually mean a guy called Kyon =p
I should have known when the episode was in black and white and began with the words "FIFTEEN YEARS LATER" that shit was going to be heavy.
I just didn't realize we would be talkingheavy. I didn't realize we meantusing the planet Jupiter as a Black Hole Bomb to kill the galaxyheavy. Do you know how I felt when she saidTWELVE THOUSAND YEARS LATERI mean the entire series we've seen how"Let's put an end to this?"and now, at long last,space-time travel ruins lives by displacing peopleI choked up, but I held out, man. I held out even asNoriko is willing to die to prevent other people from having to experience that.I held out even when I saw the wordsshe ripped her goddamn heart out to give humanity hope at the cost of a galaxy.TWELVE THOUSAND YEARS LATER.
Do you know what broke me? What really had me crying my heart out in the open?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o33Rv2Z-4iIGUNBUSTER SIX
I can't talk right now. Busy crying my soul out.
I just finished this earlier as well and don't really have much to add.Mari & Gali 11-40 END
While it appears that I wasn't watching much, I was still watching this over time, getting accustomed to all the wacky interpretations of famous scientists of old, teaching Mari the glories of science through robots, apple fetishes, a perverted old man, and other foods.
The second half of the show definitely started gearing more to teaching the lessons flat out as Mari developed her interests in science. It's not a bad thing though, considering that the show was made to do that, as well as keeping the wackiness intact with things like GIANT ROBOTS and Wacky Racers.
I do feel that Galileo tends to get shit from the cast from his antics, which is funny considering that you'd think he was responsible for naming the town Galihabara. And BISHONEN Newton was still a pleasure to see because of his Apple fetishism. Darwin was quite the character, and Archimedes certainly loves to strip in front of people. I don't really hate anyone in the show, and that's great!
Of course, being a 5 minute burst per episode generally means having a problem be resolved fast enough (except the last 3 episodes for example), and sometimes you want it to be explored more, like the Robot and the Wacky Racers episode to a lesser extent.
I was fine with the sound direction, and the general artstyle overall (SHOCKING), as well as the overall interactions with everyone involved, and I wouldn't have expected less. I think now that I've relearned the wonders of science, I need to start taking on things I fell behind at, because I certainly suck at building up resolve to finish Mario & Luigi: Dream Team.
CG still isn't cheap. It's just fast. Which guess in a universe where animators got paid for their time would mean something. (hint they don't)It's really funny listening to the guys in this show talk about how CG is expensive and difficult when now it is synonymous with being cheap and easy to shit out.
I wish I cared about gundam
I forgot to mention how much I looooove Hunter X Hunter's OP. I'm so happy it's going to be included in that J-Stars PS3 game.
Golden Boy, Final Lesson
"Life is so educational!" "You're really weird, kid, you know that?"
Lecherous tit cruncher is a new and colourful term I had never before learned before. This is so educational!
It's really funny listening to the guys in this show talk about how CG is expensive and difficult when now it is synonymous with being cheap and easy to shit out.
"He's not leaving me a virgin!" *Friend in the background shouts* "Have fun being deflowereeeeeed!"
I need air
Wondering what I should watch next regarding Gundam. I think I covered all the bases regarding UC, should I check out Turn A?
Didn't see if this got posted, more casting for The Wind Rises
Joseph Gordon-Levitt main character Jiro Horikoshi
Emily Blunt love interest Nahoko Satomi
John Krasinski Honjo, Jiro's college pal and fellow aviation engineer
Martin Short Kurokawa, Jiro's grumpy boss
Stanley Tucci Caproni, Italian airplane creator
Mandy Patinkin Hattori, senior designer at Mitsubishi
William H. Macy Satomi, Nahoko's father
Werner Herzog the mysterious Castorp
Mae Whitman Kayo, Jiro's younger sister, as well as Kinu, Nahoko's caretaker
Jennifer Grey Mrs. Kurokawa
Darren Criss Katayama, one of Jiro's engineering colleagues
Elijah Wood Sone, another of Jiro's colleagues
Ronan Farrow Mitsubishi employee
dat herzog
You could watch G Gundam. Then you'd care about at least one Gundam. It's the best Gundam anyway.
but departure! -second version-It's a good thing you love it, because it will never change. Ever.
[Hunter x Hunter]
I don't know about "far beyond the manga"... There really isn't a lot of changes or original material, but what's there generally is painful.
I would probably pay money to read your reactions to Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0. While it's failed to "impress" everyone I've recommended it to, I feel like it would really click with you the way that it does with me.
Season 0 is a failed List candidate, technically. I laid out my justification for it being an "unquantifiable" show last year, but everyone I screened it with found it simply, unironically bad leaving me alone in my impression.
I forgot to mention how much I looooove Hunter X Hunter's OP. I'm so happy it's going to be included in that J-Stars PS3 game.
Wondering what I should watch next regarding Gundam. I think I covered all the bases regarding UC, should I check out Turn A?
well I did I watched G gundam back when it was on toonami years ago and liked it
I forgot to mention how much I looooove Hunter X Hunter's OP. I'm so happy it's going to be included in that J-Stars PS3 game.
So Golden Boy is done. I have to work out another 500 words on my final essay and probably feed my body, then we'll probably begin watching The Laws of Eternity tonight. Hold onto your butts, 'cuz things're about to get Happy.
There you go, then.
Guys, I'm not Brazilian, but as somebody who loves Brazil and its people, the Brazilian character in Laws of Eternity offends me deeply. Specifically that he wears his national colors and still cannot properly pronounce Churrascaria. WTH.
Episode 5 of Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars Nova proves my suspicion that Haruna is best girl.
but departure! -second version-
When is a Cat Girl not the best girl in the harem? Breath of Fire II taught me this as a kid. Katt > Bleu > Nina > Spar
i'm making the anime hat of the year thread. please don't thread snipe.
Just a different part of the same song. Doesn't count.
Tokyo Ravens 11
Best. Episode. Ever.
I want to wake up in the morning with a Kon next to me. Where can I get one. WHERE.
Hell, if I had a Kon, this episode's "problem" wouldn't even be a thing because I would always keep her materialised constantly no matter how much energy it took out of me.
Anyway , this character is really superbWhat is this smell , lol
It's a good thing you love it, because it will never change. Ever.
Well fortunately for you, you'll be hearing it A LOT, even when it isn't even close to being appropriate.
Hum you say that now , but will you still say that with more episodes ? i'm not so sure.
Just a different part of the same song. Doesn't count.
For what it's worth I also found what I saw of S0 mildly amusing. Though I still purged it from the list as was desired.I already posted some comments about the first half of the show where I agreed with you about its silly over the top nature though. I also loved how Yami Yugi was just a big "troll" on everyone as well...
Corvo, you've watched Last Exile right? If you haven't I think it's something you'd enjoy.
It's like you summon me every time you start a discussion on Brazil or G Gundam. You need to stop this.
Youve got a very good point. Im sure there have been a couple exceptions.
K. If I can recall correctly, there's a cute girl in it named Loran right? Hype incoming.
I guess you should have been reading my impressions!....
Rurouni Kenshin Episode 1 (engDUB)
The dubbed op song sounds pretty atrocious, expected better but otherwise I guess its a decent start. Kenshin makes the funniest faces all the time and has good personality, while at this point in time, he carries the show far. The other characters are kind of forgettable so hopefully more join up fast, preview character looks incredibly so am hyped to continue this.
If Suruga Kanbaru is in the harem.When is a Cat Girl not the best girl in the harem?
If Suruga Kanbaru is in said harem
Wanted more Haruhi anime? Congratulations! The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato spinoff manga has had an anime greenlit.
God damn it. This is the Takemoto anime isn't it? God damn it.