Seems easiest just to follow the same criteria that were used last year, which is any series that had at least one new episode in the year in question, and any movie that saw its first disc release in the year in question.
Excluding shows that haven't finished, while there's a certain amount of logic to it, just feels like a bit of a fun-killer.
Which is, I would argue, the problem with Haruhi.
On a note completely unrelated, I have decided that the reason that every woman in Monogatari wants Araragi's dick so bad, his sisters included, is because some apocalyptic event occurred which slaughtered the vast majority of the men on the planet. Meaning Araragi is probably one of like, fifty guys in all of Japan.
Gundam Build Fighters 8
A better showing of the new surpassing the old generation than Naruto. Then again, that's not a surprise, especially in a show geared towards marketing Gunplas to kids.
That being said, so much hype! Fucking science!
Woah. Taking any harem show with this interpretation changes everything!
I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking eventually. There's no way streets could naturally be that empty all the time!
Sorry, I wouldn't rank Hanekawa (cat or otherwise) very high at all. Though that's more a result of the excellence of the rest of the harem than it is a slight on Hanekawa. She's still pretty cool. (I particularly like her in Kizu, fuck-you-Shaft.)
Doesn't work for his sisters, I'm afraid, since they both have boyfriends already.
Hanekawa is pretty high tier. Im possibly biased of course.
Or because the rest of the world isn't exactly important. Kinda like that in many cases.
Hell, maybe Araragi is just a natural born Lady Killer
This show has really been surprisingly good. Love seeing all the machines (and their variations) that I never thought I'd see again. So much nostalgia.
Who is doing the AOTY thread this year?
So if I was to run the AOTY vote with the simple 'rank up to 10, first place gets 10 points, 10th gets 1' system, what is a good eligibility criteria?
I mean technically Wolf Children is a 2012 film. Also what about shows where only half a season aired in 2013 (either due to late 2012 starts or late 2013 starts)?
With the latter I'd probably argue that shows that aren't finished this year should be included in next years as they have not been seen in totality.
Except School Days. Those girls were better off staying as far away from men as humanly possible.
And the school. And all public places. I'm telling you, the world was hit by a disease which killed off basically all men. There are probably only 50 dudes in every single country left.
Soon now, so very soon.
Wha!? Hanekawa is best girl, sir, and certainly at the top of the list. She's catwoman! I defy you to name something better than catwoman. Well, I mean, Tsuhiki is Phoenix, but we'll worry about that when she starts wearing the skin-tight green get up.
Boyfriends we have never seen and only assume are boys based upon conversations. Maybe, like Kanbaru, other girls have just lopped their hair short and pretended to be boys because the world is too depressing without dudes or something.
Is it called being biased if your taste is simply superior?
No your idea is dumb and I hate it.
Monogatari SS 2
Probably the best episode ever for obvious reasons. Catwoman faced down with the tiger in this episode and Senjougahara proved that androids are probably not the kind of women you want to screen the girls who date you. It's just sort of funny that robotic Senjougahara is riding Hanekawa about being a robot and not having anything she likes or dislikes. Maybe that's half the point, though. I was a little worried when Catwoman first popped up, though, that sleep-over at Senjougahara's was the cause of Hanekawa's stress. But no, it is just the destruction of a building in which she had no room.
For reals, though, Hanekawa's plight is sad and unhealthy. No wonder she doesn't care about going to college and just wants to go see the world. Girl probably just desperately wants out of that house.
But I think she did develop. When Haruhi changed her hairstyle because Kyon mentioned the ponytail fetish, or when Haruhi stuck around when Kyon fell asleep in the club room, or the end of the movie when she slept beside Kyon's hospital bed. All "moments of weakness" for Haruhi that indicate she's more than just an "abusive and manipulative" character.
I suppose my tastes could be superior. It would be nice.
i'm making the anime hat of the year thread. please don't thread snipe.
i'm making the anime hat of the year thread. please don't thread snipe.
I like this hat because it tells me what it is.
Who is doing the AOTY thread this year?
i'm making the anime hat of the year thread. please don't thread snipe.
There's nothing wrong with a manipulative, abusive jerk as a character, but only for so long. Without development you're just spinning your wheels.
That's why the real star of the show , Kon had plenty of them ( character devellopement arcs ) since the very start of the show.
People think that haruhi is the star because her name is on the cover , but the real main character is KON.
KON is the character every female ( except 2 ) in the whole universe has the lust on.
KON is the one living advantures across time, dimension and stuff.
KON is the one that drew that freaking alien message on the ground
Haruhi can be a jerk all she wants , for me the real focus has and will always be KON
Who is doing the AOTY thread this year?
So what does animegaf think of Hellsing Ultimate? I bought the first half of the BD release when it came out, where it's sat in my backlog. Just bought the 2nd half from Amazon since it's fairly cheap there.
That's why the real star of the show , Kon had plenty of them ( character devellopement arcs ) since the very start of the show.
People think that haruhi is the star because her name is on the cover , but the real main character is KON.
KON is the character every female ( except 2 ) in the whole universe has the lust on.
KON is the one living advantures across time, dimension and stuff.
KON is the one that drew that freaking alien message on the ground
Haruhi can be a jerk all she wants , for me the real focus has and will always be KON
It's called CAP because all the letters are capitalized. Think outside the box, that's what your thinking cap is for.
So I'm thinking of starting Hunter X Hunter due to nintendoman's impressions and due to recommendations from a couple of people I know. I'm guessing it's fine to start with the new series even if you know nothing about Hunter X Hunter?
Well I did put my name forward but then REDACTED started to complain.Who is doing the AOTY thread this year?
Nobody's disagreeing, but Haruhi's still an extremely important character in-show who sets up almost every situation so caring about her character isn't exactly an outlier or a weird thing.
It's Kyon, btw. Yare, yare.
But going back to what I said before, the "moments of weakness." Conceding the baseball tournament, being modest after filling in on guitar/vocals for the band, or going along with Kyon's desire to finish homework at the end of the Endless Eight. I think there's more than enough examples of her being a genuine person to make up for what, dressing Mikuru in skimpy outfits and making Kyon do all the club's tedious work? Its not like Haruhi is a sadist or something.
That's right! Everyone's favorite Battousai is coming to Crunchyroll, in BOTH DUBBED and SUBBED versions!
The complete series will be available to Crunchyroll audiences in the following territories: North America, United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa.
We will be debuting ALL 94 EPISODES of the dub TODAY at 5pm PST for all you Premium Members, along with Episodes 1-4 of the sub!
It's hard for me to say, since between the non-chronological order and the integration of second season with first season (not to mention Disappearance Haruhi being from an alternate universe) it's a bit tricky to keep track of her development. Ultimately, it's just like... as if she had about a season's worth of development in twice the time.
Yeah, there are these great moments of her being a genuine person, displaying loyalty or caringness or whatever, but there's just so little of it because she's a periphery character to the show as a whole. She's a catalyst, but she can't be part of solutions and it's difficult for her to spend time with Kyon, the viewpoint character, without it seemingly like part of his - well, his job, monitoring her. So you're kind of relegated to these little glimpses of genuineness once in a while, and for me, that's just not enough.
the uguuface designs of the first series hasn't aged well. rip haruhi
So I'm thinking of starting Hunter X Hunter due to nintendoman's impressions and due to recommendations from a couple of people I know. I'm guessing it's fine to start with the new series even if you know nothing about Hunter X Hunter?
Well, shes tbe crawling chaos. No matter how adorable she is (and she absolutely is) shes still an eldritch abomination lol.
What, Hanamonogatari?The book about kanbaru isn't even out ! (unless i missed it ? )
I don't know about "far beyond the manga"... There really isn't a lot of changes or original material, but what's there generally is painful.It's a shame since it's such a quality series that has gone far and beyond both the original anime and the manga.