Take note, all you twisted shows that are airing episodes set in midsummer even though it's December.
Non Non Biyori 11
Take note, all you twisted shows that are airing episodes set in midsummer even though it's December. This is how you do a glorious seasonally appropriate episode.
Though it is making me sad there's no snow where I am. Screw you, weather.
I haven't yet. And you come because it is your duty as my sworn blood brother.
Hopefully.God damn it. This is the Takemoto anime isn't it? God damn it.
You should really change that! Don't watch Fam though.
I shed a single tear right now.
You'll probably end up liking the show, DTL.Rurouni Kenshin Episode 1 (engDUB)
The dubbed op song sounds pretty atrocious, expected better but otherwise I guess its a decent start. Kenshin makes the funniest faces all the time and has good personality, while at this point in time, he carries the show far. The other characters are kind of forgettable so hopefully more join up fast, preview character looks incredibly so am hyped to continue this.
I guess you should have been reading my impressions!
For what it is worth, after seeing undeniable proof that Loran is a boy in the first episode, you are perfectly free to pretend that Loran is a girl for the next 20 or so episodes. The show WILL indulge you on that if you so choose.
I already posted some comments about the first half of the show where I agreed with you about its silly over the top nature though. I also loved how Yami Yugi was just a big "troll" on everyone as well...
Tokyo Ravens ep 1 to 10
Kon is the most adorable character of the show.
I remember you liking it, but to my knowledge you're not really into "List" culture so I didn't want to misconstrue your impressions as an endorsement that it belongs there!
Haha my bad!
Oh really? :O
This is just my guess but ....
Truly a beautiful bromance is upon us.
When is a Cat Girl not the best girl in the harem?
Yes, really.
Originally, Tomino wanted Loran to be a girl, but Sunrise was like "Uh, brah, we can't have a girl be the main character in a Gundam show." So Loran is the result.
Please note that after the 20 episode mark it becomes increasingly less reasonable to pretend that Loran is a girl.
This is true. Case in point:When is a Cat Girl not the best girl in the harem?
Have you seen any High School DxD? Koneko loses out to Akeno, maybe Xenovia too.
Well daaaaaaaamn.
Garzey's Wing and The Mystical Laws dub are hard not to like.I do remember Nafe writing impressions for The Mystical Laws. That's on the List.
I'm almost halfway through The Laws of Eternity now.
I have thoughts.
you should watch it thenI have not.
Well, to that I say:
This whole series is so sexual. I'm only on ep 3 and I'm not sure how much more I can take lol.
Golden Boy, Final Lesson
"Life is so educational!" "You're really weird, kid, you know that?"
Lecherous tit cruncher is a new and colourful term I had never before learned before. This is so educational!
It's really funny listening to the guys in this show talk about how CG is expensive and difficult when now it is synonymous with being cheap and easy to shit out.
"He's not leaving me a virgin!" *Friend in the background shouts* "Have fun being deflowereeeeeed!"
I need air
Corvo, you've watched Last Exile right? If you haven't I think it's something you'd enjoy.
It's like you summon me every time you start a discussion on Brazil or G Gundam. You need to stop this.
Finish so you can put your thoughts all over our faces.
you should watch it then
The two best gundams united
I will, but a brief preview is that I enjoy it more than I do Arjuna. Make of that what you will.
High School DxD?
I will, but a brief preview is that I enjoy it more than I do Arjuna. Make of that what you will.
just make sure no one else is around, unless that someone also is into it
I can't say I'm surprised.
Is it that bad?Garzey's Wing and The Mystical Laws dub are hard not to like.
High School DxD?
The fact that it doesn't actively hate the human race helps it alot. That its CG is much less offensive as well.
Is it that bad?
So what's the consensus on Rurouni Kenshin on CR, wait for all of the subtitled episodes, or watch the dub episodes?
Pro tip: you probably shouldn't introduce out of order flash backs, a coma induced dream, and an alternate dimension all at the same time. I have no idea what the main antagonist's motive is. He just wants to blow up the world and also kill himself I guess? I dunno, there will probably be more lame twists.
I'm not exactly one who cares on what language its viewed in, but this is a case where my opinion will probably amount to a grain of salt.
Beyond the Boundary 11
Pro tip: you probably shouldn't introduce out of order flash backs, a coma induced dream, and an alternate dimension all at the same time. I have no idea what the main antagonist's motive is. He just wants to blow up the world and also kill himself I guess? I dunno, there will probably be more lame twists.
I don't care either, i've been watching subtitled stuff since i was a kid, but a good english dub is great too.