No Im talking about people who only reveal half the face in shows. Its an annoying trope.
You take that back.
Ben-to is awesome and Brunette is a goddess.
No Im talking about people who only reveal half the face in shows. Its an annoying trope.
You take that back.
Ben-to is awesome and Brunette is a goddess.
Kyokai No Kanata END
I'm gonna need some crackers and wine with all this cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese. No seriously that was able to do what I always complain about endings in many shows: resolve the current stuff and character interactions, close the ties and don't leave many threads hanging. I appreciate that. But the rest of the episode was just pure LN cheese. No thanks. I wouldn't recommend this anime to anybody outside of people who want cool smooth action. But I'd recommend many other shows beforehand.
Also, here are the Tamako movie teaser images.
The face of a fucking winner!
Staring makes you blush
Also can anyone tell me why KyoAni gets so much crap in anime circles? I am pretty new to anime, but i love almost everything I have seen of theirs. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is one of my favorites. Working my way through Clannad/After Story now and so far so good. Nichijou looks fun and cute. And people seem to like K-On and Lucky Star.
What is it that draws so much ire towards them>?
Sparse shows with top-tier production values means people get frustrated at the "wasted talent" (real or not). Once upon a time they were a proxy through which people bashed moe and stuff, nowadays that seems to have died down and it's just sad to see them waste themselves in bottom of the barrel LN stuff, especially after they put out amazing stuff like Hyouka.
Need something to watch. What's been good lately?
Guess i need to watch Hyouka next then huh?
ponpo animeI totally missed the short Pupipo PV that was published a few days ago
Alot of the KyoAni bashing comes from a place of love. We know they can do better and wish they would stop wasting their time on disgusting shit like KnK and do more stuff like K-On and Hyouka.
This is in contrast to the SHAFT hate. That one is real. Fuck them.
:/ I liked Madoka, Haven't seen anything else SHAFT, but i thought people generally enjoyed the Monogatari series?
:/ I liked Madoka, Haven't seen anything else SHAFT, but i thought people generally enjoyed the Monogatari series?
SHAFT is the best studio.
They are certainly the most interesting one.
Studio Trigger is getting there though.
Then surely this is Hell, and I need to summon a giant angel robot to help me battle Hitler's hordes and ride that elevator to meet Thoth.
Monogatari SS 5
This is honestly the best episode of the entire Monogatari series thus far, and for good reason. Hanekawa has been this show's secondary protagonist basically since Tsubasa Cat, gaining prominence in Nise by befriending Araragi's sisters and receiving an overwhelming amount of development during the two Nekomonogatari arcs. The revelation that class-rep was actually a deeply messed up person, as well as the fact that her personal troubles, combined with her own innate talents and abilities, made her the deadliest threat Araragi has faced on screen. The Cat herself was a dangerous, pointed foe because her reasons for fighting Araragi were much more personal than even Suruga's, and note that Kanbaru's intent was flat out to kill.
The Tiger, appropriately, proved far, far more terrifying. If Hanekawa's stress created Cat Woman, then her envy created the Dark Phoenix. Tiger's line "I don't know everything, but everything burns." is undoubtedly the most terrifying line in the entire show because, as the tiger points out: the pyromaniacal desires he has stem directly from Hanekawa's own mind. The house burned down because Hanekawa wanted it to. The cram school, too. The apartment would burn, and it would not be an accident that Senjougahara was inside. The apartment would burn BECAUSE she was inside.
Tsubasa's decision to accept these monsters as traits of herself was pretty damn heroic, too. In some ways it was a mirror of the Weight Crab returning Hitagi's emotions, though there's been considerable more build up to this. Senjougahara had to elect to have pain returned to her life, whereas Tsubasa had to elect to have all that was negative about herself returned. All her pent up frustration, anger, and envy.
I also have to say that Hanekawa's relationship with Araragi, while not void of sex, is considerably more romantic than basically every other girl in the harem, Senjougahara included. And really, that's something I think the series is failing at: with all this development given to Hanekawa, Araragi's declaration that, while fair and necessary to the development of both characters, does leave the viewer wondering "Why?" Not because Senjougahara is unlikeable, but because we haven't really seen much relationship development for the two of them. Araragi's alone time with Senjougahara is rare and sparse, and I think we're due for some upgrades there.he loves Senjougahara more than her
The episode's end in particular was powerful,because Hanekawa, after electing to take upon herself everything that was wrong with her, is confronted by Araragi, which shakes her nerve until he assures her. She works up the courage to spit out the last bit of what she'd been bottling up, and when she's shot down we see her cry for the first time. At the end of the episode she has the courage to ask her so-called parents for a room of her own, and for the first time Tsubasa gets to say "I'm home." The room itself symbolizes her gaining a complete identity.
But basically the following .gifs are where it is at:
Mana's dick is a terrifying thing.Yuri Yuri Precure! 44 - The Yuri is Not a Lie
Then surely this is Hell, and I need to summon a giant angel robot to help me battle Hitler's hordes and ride that elevator to meet Thoth.
Monogatari SS 5
This is honestly the best episode of the entire Monogatari series thus far, and for good reason. Hanekawa has been this show's secondary protagonist basically since Tsubasa Cat, gaining prominence in Nise by befriending Araragi's sisters and receiving an overwhelming amount of development during the two Nekomonogatari arcs. The revelation that class-rep was actually a deeply messed up person, as well as the fact that her personal troubles, combined with her own innate talents and abilities, made her the deadliest threat Araragi has faced on screen. The Cat herself was a dangerous, pointed foe because her reasons for fighting Araragi were much more personal than even Suruga's, and note that Kanbaru's intent was flat out to kill.
The Tiger, appropriately, proved far, far more terrifying. If Hanekawa's stress created Cat Woman, then her envy created the Dark Phoenix. Tiger's line "I don't know everything, but everything burns." is undoubtedly the most terrifying line in the entire show because, as the tiger points out: the pyromaniacal desires he has stem directly from Hanekawa's own mind. The house burned down because Hanekawa wanted it to. The cram school, too. The apartment would burn, and it would not be an accident that Senjougahara was inside. The apartment would burn BECAUSE she was inside.
Tsubasa's decision to accept these monsters as traits of herself was pretty damn heroic, too. In some ways it was a mirror of the Weight Crab returning Hitagi's emotions, though there's been considerable more build up to this. Senjougahara had to elect to have pain returned to her life, whereas Tsubasa had to elect to have all that was negative about herself returned. All her pent up frustration, anger, and envy.
I also have to say that Hanekawa's relationship with Araragi, while not void of sex, is considerably more romantic than basically every other girl in the harem, Senjougahara included. And really, that's something I think the series is failing at: with all this development given to Hanekawa, Araragi's declaration that, while fair and necessary to the development of both characters, does leave the viewer wondering "Why?" Not because Senjougahara is unlikeable, but because we haven't really seen much relationship development for the two of them. Araragi's alone time with Senjougahara is rare and sparse, and I think we're due for some upgrades there.he loves Senjougahara more than her
The episode's end in particular was powerful,because Hanekawa, after electing to take upon herself everything that was wrong with her, is confronted by Araragi, which shakes her nerve until he assures her. She works up the courage to spit out the last bit of what she'd been bottling up, and when she's shot down we see her cry for the first time. At the end of the episode she has the courage to ask her so-called parents for a room of her own, and for the first time Tsubasa gets to say "I'm home." The room itself symbolizes her gaining a complete identity.
But basically the following .gifs are where it is at:
Not enough motionless head tilts and text cards to reach true SHAFT status.
There are a number of flaws in your theory (consider the symbolism of a relatively empty small town as opposed to a largely abandoned city), but this one threw me the most.
It's common knowledge that Marcie and Peppermint Patty are in a lesbian relationship. So while I admire your intuition in equating Patty with Kanbaru, it's downright irresponsible to ignore the bond that Patty and Marcie share. In your analogy, Patty would be yearning for Lucy. As anyone with any sense should be able to tell, that's patently absurd.
With huge innaccuracies like that, I'm sure we can safely discard this theory.
Dem feels. . . Monogatari S2 really capitalizes on them. Each arc has an even more devastating emotional finale.I saw your reactions to Nise, and yeah, it's a low point, but it has its perks too. Kaikiiiiiiiiiii.
But I have a 'fro, and therefore would not wear a cap at all.
You ain't double D.
Also should note that there was some cut out dialogue of that letter she wrote concerning the abuse from her parents which she talks about, on a site someone posted that edited out part from the light novel
Episodes 21 - 30
If I had to guess what Hisokas motives were for letting Gon live (going so far as helping him during the exam, AND by technically saving him and Killua by not letting them enter in the 200 floor rounds), Id say that Hisoka is trying to preserve his own powerful strength. He wants to be stronger than anyone else, but he realizes in order to preserve his strength, he needs good strong opponents, which he sees in Gon (Hence his Ill kill you when youre worth killing shtick). Then once Gon is strong as him (or stronger THAN him), then hell kill him for the good experience points.
If I had one small complaint about this show, its that nothing really massive has happened yet. Its been 30 episodes and the show hasnt arrived at that one powerful moment that everybody remembers the show for. Something like this is in every Shounen. I know I'm probably being impatient here, but with the direction this show is headed in, I cant help but wonder when this show is gonna strike me right in the feels. Aw well. I'm sure when it does, it'll be amazing.
Monogatari SS 5
This is honestly the best episode of the entire Monogatari series thus far, and for good reason.
Every character in Code Gease can kiss my ass. One more episode to go and a nuclear bomb could suddenly take everyone out at this point, I don't even care.
I stuck with the show because the plot and the dynamics between the characters are truly interesting, but I don't sympathize for any of them.
chuu2 s2. ripp
I'm so glad I picked this up, this show is wonderful. From the great production values, to the likeable cast and with a seemingly well paced story those 6 episodes were a joy to watch.
They aren't gonna resist the urge to make another DX movie... toei wants to.Behold Saturation Precure!
ConsideringCoppelion 12
lol @at the end. Because why the hell not.the glorious return of Giant Spider Robot
Oh, and gotta have thoseshocking childbirth complications for added DRAMA. Inbefore it's actually twins.
Two anime episodes watched this evening, two protagonists given new strength by the metaphorical ghosts of recently-departed comrades. Go figure.
Gravity holds no candle to magic acessories.Gravity-what now?
I see they don't offer creditless OPs.Psycho Pass is Funimations next premium releases (march 11, 2014) ($160->$119))
That picture is amazing.
Man i haven't seen this episode yet , but this look like a great episode.Yuri Yuri Precure! 44 - The Yuri is Not a Lie
Let us set the tone for the rest of this. By the way, she's blowing a kiss towards Mana. Ohohoho. Here we have our Christmas episode, and a tra-- I mean contest is up and about to take Mana away from them because the Precure would be useless without her. And can you blame Regina? That was our thoughts too! However, this plan had some... kinks in it
Mutual I love yous. But not just any I love yous. This is something known as "Aishiteru", which was in fact, stated here. NOT DAISUKI MOTHERFUCKERS! AISHITERU!
Hell lets give more context to this scene. We pretty much get this exchange during work
"Even when they're apart, Rikka is always thinking about Mana". Makopi
"It's LOVE" Racquel
And then we have touching Mana Memos, in where she pretty much thought about Rikka's needs during work, INCLUDING FOOD made by her just to make sure Rikka is alright. And on top of that, she gives an aishiteru with it. And by golly she's fucking happy. Even the dude that was in the room was gone! He knows this was the time of yuri. He got the fuck out!
Fuck, lets drive the point home with a scene happening afterwards at the fair! They're playing a crane game, and Rikka starts hallucinating because she lost. She imagined Mana's voice, and even called out Mana's name despite that she's not there. Her friends should be upset that they apparently can't quell the loneliness in Rikka's heart.
I would like to bring up a couple things. In Episode 3 (or two, I can't check) Rikka wants to be Mana's Swallow. Go read The Happy Prince. This also isn't the first time Mana used "aishiteru" either, she said it towards Rikka in episode 12.
Also, I think it gave this scene back in Alice's episode more meaning, or rather, establishing the yuri intent behind this scene (on top of the fact that no males were named before Alice's dad arrived so...)
However, because we have to preach to our kids, we just can't have Rikka keep winning right?
NOPE, Forced Regina to confess her undying love to Mana, but not before a betsuni... In fact, she arrived just on time to hear it thanks to the helpings of MALIBU STACY WITH NEW HAT
God damn, Regina blushed like a tomato here. How adorable. Been a while since her brainwashingAnd we do see some nice Blue Eye Regina here
All these feelings! From girl to other girl! They managed to outbeat the Lava Pit scene, and that had sweating (because lavapit... yeah that's right) and close hugging (so they didn't fall to their deaths)
It's like, I never thought that Toei would ever manage to beat that, but they actually did. Based Toei.
Sadly, this is probably as much as we'll be given. Toei may have given us something awesome for Christmas, enough for SDBurton, it also means expecting some form of a kiss is now actually reasonable. That's definitely something that won't be delivered on TV, since kissing is for movies only! And the movie we have isn't canon anyway, so who gives a fuck lol.
But hay, we pretty much established full front and center Mana, the Harem King. All bow down to Mana!
he upgraded the picture i saw weeks ago. Nice pic even if i'm not sure every detail is in there.
Every character in Code Gease can kiss my ass. One more episode to go and a nuclear bomb could suddenly take everyone out at this point, I don't even care.
I stuck with the show because the plot and the dynamics between the characters are truly interesting, but I don't sympathize for any of them.
Consideringbut since there are much more pressing issues with the anime i wasn't talking about itthe size of her belly , i'm pretty sure those aren't twins but triplets. That size has been bothering me from the start
More fuel to the SAO S2 fire. They will be doing a rebroadcast of the first SAO season using the remastered copies used in the BD and not the original broadcast version.
It sure FEELS like they're priming the pump for an announcement of something. Let's hope its just a movie and not a new series.
Every character in Code Gease can kiss my ass. One more episode to go and a nuclear bomb could suddenly take everyone out at this point, I don't even care.
I stuck with the show because the plot and the dynamics between the characters are truly interesting, but I don't sympathize for any of them.
I think you may be overthinking this. Hisoka has a massive fetish for strong people (more specifically, for fighting/killing them). Gon's potential excites him deeply in the nether regions. That's about all the justification I think he needs.
More fuel to the SAO S2 fire. They will be doing a rebroadcast of the first SAO season using the remastered copies used in the BD and not the original broadcast version.
It sure FEELS like they're priming the pump for an announcement of something. Let's hope its just a movie and not a new series.