Galilei Donna
Galileo. Galileo? Galileo! (Figaro)
Adding noitaminA to my rotation for the first time in a while has been fun, and it's all because the stories looked appealing. Three sisters on a world hopping adventure was something I'd want to see. As far as the series itself, I found it enjoyable.
I was expecting something like your Indiana Jones pulp fiction adventuring, and it delivered on that. Wasn't expecting all the focus on mecha and airships, much less ones that look like goldfish. They were pretty cool, though, in the few airfights that were sprinkled throughout the series. What I was expecting even less was for things to get all Back to the Future. Made for a heartwarming ending (and a temporal time loop), so the logic is sound on this one. There were enough interesting elements that I was never bored.
This was, above all, Hozuki's story. The supporting cast was colorful, but given the nature of the show, many of them were passing acquaintances. Having the Ganymede guys turn out to be pretty alright was a bit of a surprise, and I can't say I was expecting a court trial to be how the series ended. The various parts of - the corporate intrigue, the time travel, the adventuring - did kind of feel disjointed at times from one another, but the characters and the setting held things together well enough.
The central theme of the series was obviously about Galileo and family, with everyone being estranged at the start and traveling the world together at the end. The theme was carried strongly enough, and was drawn upon by several of the other characters that were met along their journey - Hans and Robert both had things happen with their families that made them the way they were, serving as examples of what the sisters could possibly become.
The opening and ending were easy to listen to, the ending in particular.
Final Thoughts: The sum of its various parts never quite gel together, but the series has a goal it wants to accomplish, and in that regard, its theme is followed through, and the characters are likable as the series goes on. Maybe it's because I've always liked the junior scientist types like Hocchibi. As an example of what noitaminA can do, I liked it.