I'm something at least :/
I would've called you a miserable pile of secrets but a dude willing to share that fapping causes him chest pain with people on the internet has no secrets. You've achieved like, enlightenment or something.
Yeah, I had a feeling you'd love this arc. Personally I feel it's one of the weaker arcs of the series, but that's only because a) I feel Hanekawa's story gets a little too much focus over the series as a whole and ends up dragging on a little, and b) Hanekawa isn't exactly one of my favourite characters. It's still a very good arc at achieving what it sets out to accomplish, namely providing a satisfying conclusion to Hanekawa's whole story and some well-earned resolution for her issues.
No comments on the fabulous new hair, though? (Screw the dye!)
I didn't want to comment on the new hair because I thought it might be spoilers. I never know what is and isn't when I'm watching a show everyone has already watched.
I do agree that Hanekawa has gotten way more focus than pretty much anyone else, though. I love her to bits, but I feel that if it goes beyond this point it would be overmuch, since girl has had three major arcs to herself, while Araragi's own girlfriend has had only one. Two if you want to say that much of Karen Bee is really Senjougahara's story. That said I think Hanekawa's development over the series has been fantastic, and that these arcs did a great job of examining her character and handling the "abused becomes the abuser" in a way that I would say was careful and thoughtful enough not to provoke any negative feelings toward the writer.
The only thing I still find odd was that brief period in Nise where Senjougahara seemed to be completely afraid of Hanekawa. That was just Hitagi screwing with Araragi's head, then?
Polar Bear Cafe 1-8
I thought this show was supposed to be funny. I'd rather rewatch Nichijou than anymore of this.
You're going to get a lot of flak for this, but I agree with you in part. I watched maybe 10 episodes of the show, and while there were some parts I did find funny, a lot of it seemed more centered on being cute. I think the show does a great job of accomplishing that, but since it wasn't what I was looking for at the time, I also stopped watching.