*watches KLK 12 subs and laughs*
Who knows.Yeah I noticed it wasn't on CR. When is it delayed 'til?
Who knows.Yeah I noticed it wasn't on CR. When is it delayed 'til?
Aikatsu! 3
So basically Mizuki is like idol Batman.
What's more distracting about the CG sequences than anything else is the crowds. They look like what you'd see in the crowds of an early Xbox 360 baseball game. Or in next-gen Madden.
Do they really have idols make appearances on financial news shows and the like? Or is Mizuki so special an idol that she can comment on the subject of new taxes and shit and sound reasonably intelligent while doing so?
That's part of what I meant! She went through a whole year of incredibly intense idol training, unlike anything the manager had ever seen.Mizuki is just good at what she does! She had a training arc yo.
I love that show. I don't think I've seen that ep, tough!The I.T Crowd, famous british comedy
That's part of what I meant! She went through a whole year of incredibly intense idol training, unlike anything the manager had ever seen.
I disagree with the manager's definition of "prodigy" though. You can dedicate your life and work incredibly hard at something and still be a prodigy if you're that talented. LeBron James could be the hardest working man in the world, that doesn't mean he's not a prodigy. Maybe she just wanted to teach the two of them about the work they have to put in if they really want to make it.
He's one of the worst main characters in tv anime ever (one of the worst white knights in anime!) and pretty much ruins the series all on his own, so yeah, no problem there.Fate/Stay Night
Nice series. Lots of action. Goddamn the main guy.gets stabbed a lot
.... Uh, you've seriously never heard of King Arthur??Also, what's with Saber at the ending?She goes back to her world, but tells her second in command that she's going to sleep for a long time? Her second in command asks if Saber is dreaming again? I don't get it. Does Saber die? Or does she go back to the main guy?
F/SN Illya is insane. Fate/Kaleid Illya isn't. And yeah, non-crazy Illya is better for sure.Also, Illya is a bitch. I prefer the magical girl version better.
Log Horizon Episode 6
I am a bit confused. Why did he tell the girl to cough in response to his questions? The communication system is telepathy. Nobody can overhear it. So why not just have her use complete sentences? Or at least just answer yes or no normally.
SDF Macross 22
"Singing mustn't be defeated by weapons of barbaric war!"
And then I realized that the first Macross series had become complete and utter shit.
case in pointI disagree. Loved NMH 1 and 2 way too much.
Good parenting imo.I wouldn't let my kids with people who don't like Polar Bear Cafe
holy shit
Log Horizon Episode 6
I am a bit confused. Why did he tell the girl to cough in response to his questions? The communication system is telepathy. Nobody can overhear it. So why not just have her use complete sentences? Or at least just answer yes or no normally.
Golden words.More isn't always better
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars Nova Episode 9
Oh god! I was wondering where those 2 were, shit just got real!
You haven't seen the bottom of that rabbit hole yet Corvo-kun!
OK, I lied. I totally forgot about this, and I wasn't aware that it had shipped either:
The spines do say which one is DVD and which is BD, but funny to see the cases being the same. Time for some plot...
why did 9000 damage take out a monk with 14+k hp?
Hello all. Question:
What does "fine" mean when used as the last word to appear at the end of a series?
Hello all. Question:
What does "fine" mean when used as the last word to appear at the end of a series?
Are you sure that's not "fin"?
Golden Time 12
And y'all nuts, Koko is obviously best.
Also, we damn well better get a new OP next week. I like this one just fine, but I'll take any reason for a new Yui Horie song.![]() what the fuck is this?
Thanks. Learn something new everydayFine is also a legit (though obsolete) way to say fin. More commonly used in music though. all. Question:
What does "fine" mean when used as the last word to appear at the end of a series?
lol I didn't even notice that. know the extra lewdness is on the reverse side of the DVD/Bluray covers.
I think you meant to click on THIS
That art can't hurt me. I read early Megatokyo.
awful looking cm for an adaptation of an awful series. seems accurate
Aikatsu! 4
When are they gonna get new outfits and start singing new songs? And when's that brunette going to join the fray?