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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
SamFlam 11


How can a show ride the razor edge of stupidity, intrigue and entertainment so proficiently while keeping together internally consistent logic that defies all logic. Given that the entire show is based on well-known tropes in super hero fiction, no trope in this show has yet to follow the expected logical progression that would classify it as an actual trope. They all start with the familiar and then flips it in the forth dimension so you end up with something completely unrecognizable but still connects. This just leaves the viewer watching something completely insane without feeling lost in the plot. This show has conditioned me to expect the unknown and implicitly trust its mastery of it guaranteeing I always leave each episode thoroughly entertained.

Can you here the chanting? Listen... what was that?...
*AotY!* *AotY!* *AotY!* *AotY!*...


Kill la Kill 12:



Kill la Kill - 12

Well I can toss my theory out the window. But damn if I didn't think it was going to go that route right until the end of this episode.

It went everywhere I expected it to, right until the end. I mean, Ryuko lost her mind and went out of control with Senketsu and turned into that...thing. Satsuki then has her showdown like I thought she would...and then Ryuko is saved by Mako and is back to her former self.

Also there's Satsuki's motivations. World domination? Is she attempting to fight against her mother? It would seem that way. But it also seems like all she cares about is having power and control over others. Or maybe that's what she WANTS it to seem like. Maybe her mother is so powerful (wouldn't be surprised since she has rainbow radiation) that even a mere mention of her could cause chaos should word get out?

But now there's the real question. What the hell is Ryuko gonna do now that she found out the truth? Will she join Satsuki or will she continue to fight against her? I'm hoping that its the former, although it seems unlikely, but I just want to see a Gurren Lagann-esque team up with the two already!

But all that should be revealed in due time. This episode was certainly worth the wait!


Kill la Kill - 12

Well I can toss my theory out the window. But damn if I didn't think it was going to go that route right until the end of this episode.

It went everywhere I expected it to, right until the end. I mean, Ryuko lost her mind and went out of control with Senketsu and turned into that...thing. Satsuki then has her showdown like I thought she would...and then Ryuko is saved by Mako and is back to her former self.

Also there's Satsuki's motivations. World domination? Is she attempting to fight against her mother? It would seem that way. But it also seems like all she cares about is having power and control over others. Or maybe that's what she WANTS it to seem like. Maybe her mother is so powerful (wouldn't be surprised since she has rainbow radiation) that even a mere mention of her could cause chaos should word get out?

But now there's the real question. What the hell is Ryuko gonna do now that she found out the truth? Will she join Satsuki or will she continue to fight against her? I'm hoping that its the former, although it seems unlikely, but I just want to see a Gurren Lagann-esque team up with the two already!

But all that should be revealed in due time. This episode was certainly worth the wait!

What was your theory?


Nagi no Asukara #12 - so I guess as expected Tsumugu is going to lose. Some interesting stuff though.

I liked the scenes with the father of Hikari/Akari. And some tidbits of extra stuff on the whole sleep thing. The scene with Tsumugus grandfather...is that suggesting he will sleep too? Curious that his mother turns up on the very same day as that scene.
What was your theory?

My theory was that Ryuko was
going to go berserk from hearing about the truth of her father. That part was only partially correct (I predicted she'd go insane AFTER Satsuki lost to her. My ultimate theory was her getting consumed and turning into the main antagonist while Satsuki became the hero.

It may turn out to have
Satsuki become part of the protagonist sooner or later
, give or take what happens in the next few episodes. But we'll just have to wait and see.
If I decided to embark on a Precure journey, would my best bets be Heartcatch and Smile?

Probably would opt to throw in Splash Star and Fresh. Splash Star being the best of first era Precure (as well as the last attempt at Futari wa's formula) and Fresh as the beginning of the current Precure era, which is also good in its own rights.


My theory was that Ryuko was
going to go berserk from hearing about the truth of her father. That part was only partially correct (I predicted she'd go insane AFTER Satsuki lost to her. My ultimate theory was her getting consumed and turning into the main antagonist while Satsuki became the hero.

It may turn out to have
Satsuki become part of the protagonist sooner or later
, give or take what happens in the next few episodes. But we'll just have to wait and see.

Shit that would be TOO awesome, WAAAAAAAAAAY TOO AWESOME


The second part I actually do think will happen, and it'll be a fucking dream.

Joe Molotov

Kill la Kill 12


I like where this is going.


Seikon no Qwaser 02
More :chet and silliness still not really feeling it. A healthy amount of buttocks too.
I digress however. Sasha is the most moe so far.

Fine is also a legit (though obsolete) way to say fin. More commonly used in music though.
Fin is French. Fine is Italian.
Musical terminology is largely in Italian is why.

Kill la Kill 12

I like where this is going.
:SDBurton is all about that hatesex.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Kill La Kill 12

Welp, that was worth the wait.

Jesus, Nui is a fucking psychopath. At least now we know that Nui is the true killer and there is some tension between her and Satsuki's organization.

I doubt Satsuki will become an ally so quickly though. Perhaps at the end of the season it could be a possibility but there are still too many unknowns. It's kinda ironic that Ryuuko said she would tear down Satsuki's system and while she literally tore the academy apart, she has only helped to make Satsuki's army even stronger.

Mako has moved up my charts from meh to semi-awesome.

Team Satsuki was always right - Satsuki is the best.

Hell to the yes.


Kyousougiga 10 END (except the part where there's a special next week)

You guys win at family forever. Glad
your grandpa
is such a cool and laid-back dude.

Yeah, this last episode tied things up pretty neatly and the whole series felt nice and satisfying in the end. This one gets a thumbs-up from me.


Samurai Flamenco ep 11

Man this show getting awesome. I don't see how some people having negative opinions or calling it so bad it's good, this episode is basically super sentai in anime form, even the suits are a similar design to Choudenshi Bioman.

How is it this episode have low production values in every scene but the panties scene is detailed? Japan sure know it's priorities.

Joe Molotov

Probably would opt to throw in Splash Star and Fresh. Splash Star being the best of first era Precure (as well as the last attempt at Futari wa's formula) and Fresh as the beginning of the current Precure era, which is also good in its own rights.

I was thinking about watching Fresh next, after I finish HeartCatch.


Incestbait LN series about a massively overpowered protagonist (who of course doesn't think he's all that great and is in the "lower class" of magic users at school for dumb plot reasons about how his powers work. He also has a harem of course, though none of them get anywhere compared to his sister, not that he responds to any of them of course.)... it seems at least partially decent at first, but it's so, so dumb when you think about it at all.


I tried a sampling of the manga version. The sibling relationship certainly is bolder than I'm used to for this kind of thing. Otherwise though found it a kind of enjoyable, but unoriginal magical school story. And currently for that I have Tokyo Ravens, which has the great advantage of having Kon.


Kill La Kill 12-

There are two problems with this show right now, the first is the pacing. The show feels like it's dragging its heels. I thought there might be some big change in status quo or something but seemingly we might be in for more episodes of Ryuuko fighting against the Academy but only on a somewhat larger scale. It's frustrating as Satsuki's mom is seemingly the final boss and instead of any progression to that, we're in this circling pattern. Now if Satsuki and Ryuuko had reached an understanding at the end of this episode, it might have been different. If they're really going on this Big Field Trip thing and it takes up multiple episodes, then it should have been done long ago in the series. The second problem is Ryuuko. She's not an interesting protagonist at this stage and we're halfway through the show. Simon had kicked it into high gear long ago and even excluding that, Ryuuko doesn't have shit on Simon. I never get the sense that there is any intelligence in how Ryuuko thinks or fights. That might be fine if the emotional core or depth was there but I can't say it is.
This episode we see Ryuuko rage but even Mako points out how earlier in the series that Ryuuko just wanted to understand her father better. It somewhat reeks of plot contrivance in that they needed Ryuuko to go berserk here
. There isn't anything interesting about her and it's becoming really clear that she's the worst person in the show.


Its my big gripe. There's like 3-4 recap episodes. Now maybe that was also true of other seasons, but it seems bad this year.

Episode actually stuck out to me because I cannot name a single clip show in any other episode thus far. Araragi recaps stuff all the time, sure, but an entire episode had not been dedicated to reusing footage until this very moment.

Jeez I can't imagine what it was like when this aired. "Super awesome emotional high and turning point in Araragi and Tsubasa's relationship this week!" Next week. "CLIP. SHOW."

Clip shows are the "You lose 1 turn, go back 2 spaces" of anime.


Its because SHAFT can't budget and manage time for shit. When your show is half stills and quick cuts and there are no backgrounds to speak of, there's no reason to put out a clip show every month.
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 14

Wow, this episode was straight-up psychological horror used doubly as the conflict-of-the-week to fight out of and as a way to deepen our understanding of the backstories and characters of Kodai and Mori. And it was completely successful on both levels. A tour-de-force executed brilliantly by both Izubuchi's clever storyboard and Murai's surrealist script. One of those cases where things aren't stated explicitly but left to us to put the pieces together. I love episodes like this, and this is easily among the best I've seen this year.

Still confused on what's up with Misaki. I'm sure the show will explain more of that as it goes on.

It really is a shame that the release method of this show eliminated the possibility of week-by-week discussion that would otherwise have occurred here.


Its because SHAFT can't budget and manage time for shit. When your show is half stills and quick cuts and there are no backgrounds to speak of, there's no reason to put out a clip show every month.

That said I am still enjoying the Monogatari series way more than I did Attack on Titan. Which is odd, because AoT attempts all those same tricks.


Galileidonna 11 END

Oh, I guess this must be where the "Fine" talk came from. Figures they'd use the Italian term in this show, really =p

Anyway, I'm not sure what I was expecting from this last episode, but the whole thing being revolved in
sudden courtroom drama
was not it. Still, I guess it fits this show's style in a way.

All in all, I can't really call this a great series. It had its definite weak points, and it didn't feel like any of the plot's elements were really utilised to their full potential. For starters, it presented itself as a story of three sisters, but really turned out to be a story about the youngest sister, with the other two occasionally doing stuff here and there. Then there was the Kamiya Hiroshi pirate dude who was ultimately just a side character without any huge significance, and the "main villain" wasn't even present for this episode's actual resolution of the plot.

Despite these odd underwhelming elements where the series didn't feel like it quite lived up to its own potential, though, I still think that overall this was an enjoyable little series that told a fun little story for what it was. Hozuki was cute (as was Kazuki sometimes). The whole goldfish mech thing was cool, unique, and fun to watch. There were nice character moments dotted around the series, and despite the focus being squarely on Hozuki, the whole "family" theme did come across pretty well. Would watch again.


Sword Art Online 1-25


So, is it possible to erase the second half of this show from my memory?

I did warn you, did I not? I mean I had your future self come on and thank you to not watch this and everything. I tried to help you but now you have to live with the rape slugs and Kirito's inability to tell his sister he won't date her in spite of having a wife and all.
Samurai Flamenco Episode 11

Red = Black > Blue > Green > Pink. Of course the one voiced by KENN (Anji) would be my favorite, but Souchi is a close second. They made him blush even which was just wow great.

So many minor things made this an entire product of epicness. It was even wholly entertaining, the character song for the Flamengers in the background, the posing, , larger than life antics, and even the fancy pvs for FROM BEYOND. Ill have to go out and buy the merchandise and what not so we can hope this gets a second season, it would be really good to give them a full season of just the antics at this point in time.


I did warn you, did I not? I mean I had your future self come on and thank you to not watch this and everything. I tried to help you but now you have to live with the rape slugs and Kirito's inability to tell his sister he won't date her in spite of having a wife and all.

I was already on episode 21 when you warned me. Your time machine was off by a few hours, which was unfortunate for me.
I did warn you, did I not? I mean I had your future self come on and thank you to not watch this and everything. I tried to help you but now you have to live with the rape slugs and Kirito's inability to tell his sister he won't date her in spite of having a wife and all.

Protip for the next AnimeGAF OT onward.

Have a note in giant text, bright bold red, stating that telling someone that something is bad is an ineffectual means at actually stopping someone from watching it.


That said I am still enjoying the Monogatari series way more than I did Attack on Titan. Which is odd, because AoT attempts all those same tricks.

Episode 3 (4?) of AoT, the one where they were eating in the cafeteria or something, and they fucking tweened Mikasa so she looked like she was moving was the moment I realized that the AoT creators didn't value my time so I shouldn't be wasting it on them.


I was already on episode 21 when you warned me. Your time machine was off by a few hours, which was unfortunate for me.

Oh by then it was too late to save your soul. I must've found alternate timeline you.

Protip for the next AnimeGAF OT onward.

Have a note in giant text, bright bold red, stating that telling someone that something is bad is an ineffectual means at actually stopping someone from watching it.

Isn't this why I'm watching the entire List? In one go?

Episode 3 (4?) of AoT, the one where they were eating in the cafeteria or something, and they fucking tweened Mikasa so she looked like she was moving was the moment I realized that the AoT creators didn't value my time so I shouldn't be wasting it on them.

It wasn't until the 20 seconds become 20 minutes that I lost faith in the show. From that moment onward the magic was dead for me.

But I mean, Monogatari has yet to kill my interest and I mean, Nisemonogatari has some crazy shit happen.


Sword Art Online 1-25


So, is it possible to erase the second half of this show from my memory?

Time. Watching Log Horizon. Rewatching the first half so that's the only prominent bit. Or just have a bad memory like me...so already I don't remember much about it.


So I finished watching the OG: Mobile Suit Gundamoo.

It was 75% draaag, 25% awesome. Especially Char's crowning achievement.

My GOD. That was just beautiful.

What comes next?
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