The final shot of the show should tell you all you need to know; they just wanted to do a show about a cute girl with glasses.
God Bless Kyoto Animation.
The final shot of the show should tell you all you need to know; they just wanted to do a show about a cute girl with glasses.
The final shot of the show should tell you all you need to know; they just wanted to do a show about a cute girl with glasses.
God Bless Kyoto Animation.
I have the strangest urge to try and force a KYOANI 2014 KONY 2012 pun out of this, but alas, I am not clever enough.
Kare Kano Episodes 1-4 is the best romance anime ever.
monks are for losers.Yes. Switch to the monk class. Didn't pick a monk and can't switch? Serves you right for not picking the monk class.
You are certainly corny though *shrugs*.
Not really too interested in picking up other winter shows at this point. eugh.
I'm gonna make an exception for Nobunaga the Fool because that show is too stupid to skip, but otherwise yeah, not gonna pick stuff up for the Winter.
Monogatari SS 7
So it looks like this arc is about Hachikuji, which I'm sure means that Cnet fist pumped the air when he found out. Can't say I'm super upset, 'cuz Hachikuji is pretty funny. Shinobu being along for the ride is pretty meh to me. Also can we talk about Ougi Oshino for a sec? Who is this person? Why does she have a horrible, soulless face? Can she never ever ever ever be on screen again? Good grief what a nightmare creature.
Anyway Time Travel happens and it sends Araragi back TO THE EARLY 2000s!!! Armed with his futuristic knowledge Araragi can now tell the people of the past that Obama is gonna win the election, FFXIII is going to blow freaking chunks, and also maybe warn somebody about that whole nuclear fiasco in Japan.
I guess that this is all going on technically at the same time that Hanekawa's arc is going on, which means that Araragi was in the past while Hanekawa and Senjougahara were getting it on in the shower.
Time travel makes you miss out on all the things in life.
...I guess I considered fall for winter..... whoops...
Then again, I only remember that, Space Dandy, and maybe Sakura Trick....
Golden Time 12
Really good episode! Thought the club scene was nicely done. Love how active Mitsuo became, was rather funny.
I'm still a fan of Linda. It'll be really interesting to see how things develop further, how many more memories he'll recover.
I was surprised howForgiving Koko was after seeing Linda and Banri together like that. We know how hot-headed Koko is, but she just wants to be loved and not lied to either.
One of the better love triangles in Anime I've come across in recent memory.
On the spoiler
She understands it was a weird situation. Hence when Linda said it was her she said she understood that. The slap had to do more with her thinking Banri was ignoring her, combined with the surprise of:
- finding out he's working, unlike what he said
- lying to her about the work
- Having Linda in the same work in that situation when she's already confused as hell about why he's not telling her the truth and what they could have had.
Hence why she went full psycho mode.
I think that's why the explaining scene in the apartment works so well. They sat down, talked it out, told each other the truth about their issues and even went one more step above in their relationship by being so honest and passionate about it. Linda on the other hand is still on the NOPE GONNA LIE state.
Hunter X Hunter 80
Fuck this shit, I'm going to bed. This anime is great, by the way. Thanks for recommending it. Fuck this though. And apparently CR comments are saying it gets even worse. :|
Good points. You gotta hand it to Koko forEven going back to Banri's apartment in the first place. I was a little surprised myself she even took the key, then actually being there at the end.
I think someone mentioned this early, but how the hell did she even find them at the party? Maybe the manga shed more light on this.
Love the review. :jnc
I've been contemplating checking it out myself, but it sounds like both good and bad advice. xD
kyoukai no kanata 12
i dont know what happened but it was sure pretty.
so why did shego poof.... and come back?
most of the plot just glosses over me head.
Yeah I was surprised a bit she found it. I'm assuming she investigated and maybe one of the folks working mentioned it to a friend that Koko got in touch with. Either ways I assume the LN is more obvious about it.
The LN and anime are two different beasts with the story telling from what I hear. The anime is a bit more vague like real life tends to be. While the LN is more direct about stuff. I guess this comes down to choose what you prefer.
Dds X gj I g gj jh g ffdssssghjjiucb b jok if ffddfhiik ml lbvgf g huytfccddfvv
Non Non Biyori 02
This show's adorable, and pretty funny. I refuse to believe that Hotaru's a fifth grader though.
Hunter X Hunter 80
Fuck this shit, I'm going to bed. This anime is great, by the way. Thanks for recommending it. Fuck this though. And apparently CR comments are saying it gets even worse. :|
Indeed. Did you also see the Vita game coming out next year? 20 routes, and dat Koko statue![]()
No I haven't. But even if it magically decided to come to the west, I wouldn't play it seeing how the only way I get to play Vita games are by borrowing my friend's Vita and renting the games. And then he'd see what I'm playing. He understands I watch anime and all, even watches a few with me, but this might be the thing that makes him judge me with that
The extents of my anime viewing are greatly... the opposite word of exaggerated.
Hunter X Hunter 80
Fuck this shit, I'm going to bed. This anime is great, by the way. Thanks for recommending it. Fuck this though. And apparently CR comments are saying it gets even worse. :|
True, but you could always get it for the awesome Koko figure, which you do not need a Vita for, and your friend never has to see ;D
Fucking snail arc.Yes, that would be wise
kyoukai no kanata 12
i dont know what happened but it was sure pretty.
so why did sheBecause there are more novels to sell!go poof.... and come back?
most of the plot just glosses over me head.
She's excitable like one.
That's just what she wants you to think.
Outbreak Company end
He's not seriously wearing that shirt, is he?
True, but you could always get it for the awesome Koko figure, which you do not need a Vita for, and your friend never has to see ;D
Hunter X Hunter 80
Fuck this shit, I'm going to bed. This anime is great, by the way. Thanks for recommending it. Fuck this though. And apparently CR comments are saying it gets even worse. :|
Koko is lovely. Would much prefer a figure of her in her dress or at least that pink outfit in the ED.
For a follow-up to Madoka I'd highly recommend Fate/Zero. Same writer, so it's a similar torrent of nihilistic depression, but in a different way. Really well developed characters, awesome fights, high production values.*snip*
I recommend that you buy the Wolf Children BD and watch it.
Hi guys. I'm pretty new to the world of anime, just started during the summer this year when I was bored. Looking for suggestions on what to watch now that I'm on winter break between semesters.
Here is what i've watched so far:
Girls und Panzer
K-On! & K-On!!
For a follow-up to Madoka I'd highly recommend Fate/Zero. Same writer, so it's a similar torrent of nihilistic depression, but in a different way. Really well developed characters, awesome fights, high production values.
If you like SAO, check out Log Horizon this season. 'nother MMO anime, but it does some stuff to set itself apart and it's very enjoyable so far.
I will also highly recommend Steins;Gate to anyone who asks because it is so good.
Some day I want to find someone who's never watched anime and make them marathon Utena Clockwork Orange-style.
Hi guys. I'm pretty new to the world of anime, just started during the summer this year when I was bored. Looking for suggestions on what to watch now that I'm on winter break between semesters.
Here is what i've watched so far:
Girls und Panzer
K-On! & K-On!!
Kojoro Connect
Lucky Star
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica & the third movie
Neon Genesis Evangelion
NHK ni Youkoso!
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Sword Art Online
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
I'm currently watching Kill La Kill and enjoying it. However, I'm only watching whatever is the current free episode on crunchyroll so I'm a week behind.
I've watched all of SAO and I didn't find it as bad as some of you found it. I played WoW really hardcore during it's first two or three years so the concept of the show really appealed to be. The first half of SAO was pretty good but the second half of the SAO was really bad.
My favourites so far have been Madoka and NHK. The cutesy nature of Madoka initially turned me off but after the third episode I was hooked. NHK's exploration of social anxieties and depression was so different from the other anime that I've watched and I found it really interesting to see how the main character would escape his anxieties.
Oh, I also just finished A Link Between Worlds. Totally deserving of Gamespots GOTY imo.
I tried watching one or two episodes of Log Horizon but I found it didn't start as strong as SAO so I kind of lost interest. Does it get better as you go along?
Hi guys. I'm pretty new to the world of anime, just started during the summer this year when I was bored. Looking for suggestions on what to watch now that I'm on winter break between semesters.
Here is what i've watched so far:
Girls und Panzer
K-On! & K-On!!
Kokoro Connect
Lucky Star
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica & the third movie
Neon Genesis Evangelion
NHK ni Youkoso!
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Sword Art Online
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
I'm currently watching Kill La Kill and enjoying it. However, I'm only watching whatever is the current free episode on crunchyroll so I'm a week behind.
I've watched all of SAO and I didn't find it as bad as some of you found it. I played WoW really hardcore during it's first two or three years so the concept of the show really appealed to be. The first half of SAO was pretty good but the second half of the SAO was really bad.
My favourites so far have been Madoka and NHK. The cutesy nature of Madoka initially turned me off but after the third episode I was hooked. NHK's exploration of social anxieties and depression was so different from the other anime that I've watched and I found it really interesting to see how the main character would escape his anxieties.
Oh, I also just finished A Link Between Worlds. Totally deserving of Gamespots GOTY imo.
I would recommend Bokurano, which Madoka borrowed a lot of ideas from. It's essentially a mecha version of Madoka.
I'd say so, yeah. Depends what you want from it, though. Action is pretty low outside of the first ard so far, and it's actually had a surprisingly political bent in the last arc.
Monogatari SS 8
LOL. So much. I just. Loli Hanekawa. Shinobu Hanekawa. The end of the world. Manages to save the girl with more ease than The TIme Machine had lead me to believe. This arc is either going to troll like nobody's business or it is going to get depressing as hell.