That's like the perfect cliffanger for a finale.
And you guys still don't know what was in that closetDat nisio trolling
Will we find out?
That's like the perfect cliffanger for a finale.
And you guys still don't know what was in that closetDat nisio trolling
But he refused to watch it because it came out in chunks!Guys, he started the 'hype train' when the first episode's preview aired at Bandai Channel!(I remember being dissapointed at the time because he told me they didn't show the opening worked on by Mr. Anno)
Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta - Episode 12
This episode will definitely be a let down or anyone expecting super sakuga action because Norio Matsumoto is involved.
Well this is now becoming a weekly routine whenever names are dropped and people dial up their expectations up to 11. Rinse, repeat.
But it worked for Yamashita!![]()
Glad I could help you! A shame that the "to be continued" promise probably has expired by now...Ha, that's it. I should have expected you would know, thanks.
What -is- impressive from a production standpoint is that Matsumoto and Tomoaki Takase animated the entire episode on their own. No other key animators.
Well this is now becoming a weekly routine whenever names are dropped and people dial up their expectations up to 11. Rinse, repeat.
Seeing Norio Matsumoto in a solo couple tag-team like this, one has to wonder... where's his pal Takahiro Kishida? With other close friends like Shingo Yamashita getting opportunities, I wish he could show up as well.But it worked for Yamashita!![]()
well you know, even a broken clock is right at least once a day.
What's up with the giraffe?
Diamond of Diamond Episode 12:
The first string arc continues as Chris finally gets to catch in a game in spite of concerns about his shoulder injury, Haruichi displays his batting prowess. and the refinement of Eijun continues slowly, oh so slowly. Still the big feature of this episode is the introduction of that classical archetype the evil sports team rival, he even has a name to match in Zaizou, he even acts like he is from a cliched USA sports movie as his goal is to defeat his rival even if it means aggravating the injury of Chris. Hell, he wants to do that because he wants his supposed rival destroyed that badly and after the game he is getting fitted for a Cobra Kai gi. Anyway, so is Ace of Diamond taking a break here, because this shit is not over, we even get a preview for episode 13.
I've been wondering this myself. I remember somebody in here saying it was going to be 50 episodes straight but I have no idea who said it or if it was true.
Anybody know whats up with this show?
The show airs on TV Tokyo at 8:30 on Sunday mornings. It's not going away anytime soon.
I dunno why anyone even thinks it's ending in 12 episodes. Where did that idea come from?
ordANNCast randomness. Zac wants AoT to succeed for the "health of the industry" and thinks Wolf Children was a disappointment and that Hosada isn't all that great.
Not enough facepalms.
"Hosoda was never a single mom, so why would he write from that perspective?"
Should be gauging your ears instead. Eyes don't help.I don't know how you guys can regularly inflict this upon yourselves. Even my limited experience with the ANNCast made me want to gouge my eyes out.
There's an OVA on the way.I hope theres more just to see Fino again,
What's up with the giraffe?
Please don't use that site, or ANN, or MAL, as a reliable source of episode counts for currently airing shows.
Articalys posts.Then what are people supposed to use?
Should be gauging your ears instead. Eyes don't help.
Scour the internet for Japanese speakers who know how many BD volumes are being sold.Then what are people supposed to use?
Then what are people supposed to use?
Articalys posts.
People can use their own initiative to find out if there is an actual announced or confirmed episode count for a series from official sources. Check if the DVD/BD release schedule has been outlined for example, or if the official press release announcing the series mentioned how long it is. Sometimes the simple answer is that the total length of a series is not known, and hence any number put on a database site as a placeholder can be wrong.
That sounds like too much effort.
That sounds like too much effort.
Effort won't even matter much if you can't read Japanese.
Most of my series thoughts are just going to be me repeating myself from this post. I adore this show to no end, all the characters are lovable in their own way and there was some really nice fights (especially in the finale, TOO GOOD) and whatnot as well. Highly recommend to everyone.![]()
I'm sure this screencap has never been used before.
A good use of a few years to learn anime episode counts!You could put in the effort to learn Japanese.
<Could be alright i guess>
Non Non Biyori - 04
Why are people putting salt on watermelon ? what the heck .. I don'r understand , if a watermelon is sweet , putting salt doesn't make it sweeter afterwards , that's a fake sensation made by the confusing sense people have on their tongue.
Anyway Putting salt on a watermelon is a big NO.
Don't do that at home folks , even if it's summer , even if you've seen in anime.
Bad idea.
Renge sub story was too hearwarming , those little second without music after she realise the fact before she started to cry , almost broke my heart. I guess that's a Good reason to be sad during 1 week.
Remember folks ! Airplanes > bullet train
I know i'm in the minority but i like the OAV timeline more , and despite sme problems i enjoyed OAV3. i also wish GXP was more ...serious but in the end it was entertaining.
Sekai Seifuku CM5 (dunno if it was posted already)
Beyond the Boundary
So uh..what the hell did I just watch? I feel like I was lost for the last 7-8 episodes. Can someone summarize this entire series for me please? I liked the animation a lot but I feel like this show was a giant waste of time. Lots of random babbling and stuff happening and I just felt so lost.
FirstMirai is dead then alive then dead again then lives again? Huh???
Galilei Donna was originally planned as a 2-cour series but the director was told to cut it down to one by Aniplex, so it ended up being more of a summary, lol.
Truly the hero animegaf needs but not the one it deserves.
Outbreak Company
Give My Regards to Akihabara
I'm extremely glad to see the reaction to this show has been positive. When it was first announced, knowing that it was from Ichiro Sakai - writer of Magician's Academy, which made for a suitably wacky fantasy anime - I was hyped. Yet seeing it called "preposterous and self-masturbatory" before it even aired means that there's a bit of a petty side to it, but I won't dwell on that. Because it was one of my favorite anime of this season, tied for first place.
There's so many things I like about it. You have an "ordinary human goes to a fantasy world" plot that doesn't involve war. This is a step below even Dog Days here. It's all about an exchange of ideas. And talking about otaku culture and examining it, while something that's hardly new, is a concept I'm always glad to return to. The anime references never completely overtook the plot, and everybody got to have their own little voice actor jokes, from Petralka doing the Rosetta pose to Myucel meeting her other roles... even Akibaranger got a reference. Naruhisa Arakawa's cool like that.
Ultimately, it all depends on what filter one chooses to view a show through, and I see it as sort of a reverse Nyarko. With slightly less madness. The segments in class, brief as they were, were some of my favorites in the series. The way the dwarves became interested in figures and the elves in beauty plays to the fantasy stereotypes a bit, but in a new and creative way. And episode eight, I felt, said a lot more to me about the hikkikomori condition, more than any single episode of Watamote, though that's a bit of a strained comparison in the first place.
I love all the characters. Elbia and Minori have my favorite designs. For Minori, I may be biased because of her chest and her voice actress, and that she's a fujoshi is also neat. Elbia's just attractive, and even Myucel and Petralka have their strong points. Seeing them learn the language and using magic as a crutch is another part of how this series was tongue in cheek, but also believed in what it was saying. There was a real love for the material, and coming from the pen of Arakawa, I can believe he both knows and cares about this stuff.
In fact, the episode set in Akiba was entirely original, not existing in the LNs at all, and was one of my favorites in the entire series. A temporary reversal of the formula just to drive home what Shincihi was doing. A sequel focusing on Eldant starting up their own doujinshi would be amazing, or wherever they decide to go with the story.
The opening was almost Disney-like in its whimsicalness, and the ED was a fine piece by Fuchigami. I've placed an order for the character songs, because I want to support this show. I want a second season.
Final Thoughts: Not quite a fantasy show, not quite an otaku show, it's all of those things at once, and the things it had to say about otaku culture, the way it can be used to cross cultures, makes it sort of a commentary on Cool Japan, if one can read it that way. All the heroines (even Romilda) are lovable, and it's just a lot of fun to watch. A highlight in an already strong season.
Regular horse racing already disgusts me, so this type of horse "racing" is even more disgusting.
Then what are people supposed to use?
Enjoy this! Two full seaasons and lots of cute waifus, not including Elsie and Haqua.
Both are on lburay too if you decide you want them
Is no one else still watching White Album 2? I don't think I saw any impressions of the most recent episode.