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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Walkure Romanze
The Knight Boom Makes Its Way to Anime

Visual novels are probably my most consumed form of Japanese media besides anime. They take a long time to play, but it's worth it. That gives me time to get invested in these characters. Granted, most of the VNs I play rarely get adapted to anime, but I am familiar with their general storytelling style. And adapting them is tough. Omnibus format and combined both have their downsides, and a medium that relies primarily on first-person narration transitioning into a third person anime is not going to be easy.

There's a lot of VNs about knights coming out lately. KimiKishi, Noblesse of Rogue, St. Brunhilde, the next in the Koi Kishi series. It's a profitable thing. But Walkure Romanze's parent company already had an anime adaptation, so they were first out the gate. For me, this was a chance to hear Kei Mizusawa (or as I primarily know her, Rino Kawashima), in an anime.

Perhaps because of the way VNs are, it felt a lot like a show from a few years ago. It was presenting a lot of its ideas with sincerity, and that's not a bad thing. The cast was very clearly locked in their archetypes, but the way they bounced off each other was fun to watch. Comedy, fanservice, and even a bit of drama - each element never completely overpowered the other. Romance was downplayed in favor of jousting, but it wasn't completely excised either.

My favorite of the cast, besides Celia, was probably Bertille. I like the kinds of characters whose egos are so overblown that they end up getting themselves in further trouble. The way Ema and An kept insulting her even as they acted as her hangers-on was an amusing dynamic to watch.

As far as the fanservice elements, the innuendo gags were played a little strongly early in the show, but other kinds of fanservice were used later, and with more variety. The entire windmill episode comes to mind. That one also pinged my yuri goggles a bit. There were a lot of relationships like that, actually. The contrast between the armored form of the knight and the beauty of the girls is something Japan likes to play up, and, boob armor aside, it was used well here. The rules of jousting were used smartly in a way that made for drama, too.

I also liked the SD segments at the end of each episode. The romance elements... I can see the kind of reactions this probably drew, it's the same every time. Takahiro's heart belongs to jousting for now, but he at least implicitly chose Mio by participating with her in the final round. Who he actually chose was never all that important to the central themes of the show. It was more focused on exploring the various reasons why people are participating in jousting. More of a show of the common route than any actual choice. Something has to go in these cases, just the way things are.

The OP and ED were both pretty nice and listenable.

Final Thoughts: Those watching for romance may be disappointed. Those watching for the jousting are likely satisfied. Mio's arc, everyone's arc, was plotted well enough given the amount of material they had to cut down to one cour, and the themes were presented in a good fashion. Visual novel anime may not be that common these days (and eroge anime even rarer). I'd say this is an above average representation of one. It's competently put together, and the characters all feel defined, archetypical as they are. A pleasant watch.


Beyond the Boundary

So uh..what the hell did I just watch? I feel like I was lost for the last 7-8 episodes. Can someone summarize this entire series for me please? I liked the animation a lot but I feel like this show was a giant waste of time. Lots of random babbling and stuff happening and I just felt so lost.

Mirai is dead then alive then dead again then lives again? Huh???

Izumi discovered that Beyond the Boundary was inside Akihito, so she called Mirai as her power was the only thing that could defeat Beyond. She gets close to Akihito and try to kill him many times, but since he is invincible it doesn't work. Days pass and Mirai starts to like Akihito. Meanwhile Miroku (the guy in the glasses) wants to get Byeond for whatever reason, and does that in name of the Society of Spirit Warriors even tough he doesn't belong there. He gives that weapon that absorbs yomu to Sakura, Mirai's old friend. That way she made the weapon stronger for him. Stuff happen and then The Calm comes, and then Izumi thinks of a plan to kill Beyond, but that would kill Akihito. Mirai doesn't want to kill him so they come with an alternative. Izumi traps Akihito in a "ice prison" iirc that weakens his human half, so the yomu part takes over, and since it's in the Calm, Beyond is weakened so it can be killed. Since that would kill Akihito, Mirai instead absorbs Beyond in her, making she disappear form the world and go inside Beyond. Akihito is a human again and Mirai blood ends up inside him, so he dreams of her in his coma. Miroku got his weapon back and uses that crazy mechanism in his car to make Beyond absorb the yomus that are on Earth making it more powerful. Akihito absorbs part of Beyond that was in the stone (that was created when Mirai got Beyond) and jump over inside Beyond while Izumi and friends try to stop Miroku, but he have an yomu inside him (and Izumi as well) so that's why he so strong and probably have to do with why he wants Beyond. Their battle end, Hiroomi takes Izumi's place as the head of Nase family since she disappeared at the end of the fight. Meanwhile in Beyond Akihito and Mirai fight Beyond, but Akihito ends up absorbing it back into his body. Since Mirai was inside Beyond, she disappears. Life goes on, when suddenly Mirai appear for no fucking reason. The end.


It's unimportant because it's an advertisement without the time to actually cover a character route.
Their stories were followed through well enough that, taken as a self-contained work, it holds up well enough. Romance isn't necessarily the be-all, end-all of a story.
Their stories were followed through well enough that, taken as a self-contained work, it holds up well enough. Romance isn't necessarily the be-all, end-all of a story.

Of course it isn't. I was just commenting on how the story is structured this way with (presumably) anime original material because it's functioning as a teaser for the VN.


Walkure Romanze - END

A fitting finale for an entertaining series. It wasn't anything amazing but it did it's job well throughout the entire run. I'm glad they didn't go for the obvious ending AND Bertille-sama cemented her place at my girls top, with Celia-senpai close on her heels.

I really wouldn't mind seeing the followup of all this, with Mizuno getting back into knightly shape. And hopefully more of the main character of this series of course!

Bonus :

<3 Bertille-sama


100% Miko

I wanted to approach this as a more heartwarming Kotoura, since both have Hisako Kanemoto as a girl with a supernatural ability who gets involved with the people around her because of it. But upon closer reflection, I realize what this series is much closer to. Wagaya no Oinari-sama. It's not a perfect match, since Oinari has more of a focus on action over heartwarming, but the relationship between man and god stands at the center of both.

Gintaro was certainly a major player in events, but for me, this show wouldn't be half of what it was without an equally strong performance from Makoto. As the centerpiece of the ensemble, she has a lot of different roles she needs to fill, and indeed, her worries about which ones should be filled becomes a major question near the end of the story. Slightly different faces of her are seen with her friends, with the gods, with Satoru...

And it's the way all those elements come together that made the show enjoyable. The stakes were never too high. I can always appreciate a good character-driven work, and the way the setting of the shrine was used, including educating those viewers who may not know that much about the particulars, was something nice to watch on a Sunday afternoon.

I felt the human side was a little bit stronger than the gods' side of the story, but both of them reinforced the other. For as much as he doesn't want to admit it, Gintaro is soft on Makoto at heart. Satoru and Haru are the same. The best relationship, I thought, was between Makoto's dad and Gintaro. He never saw the big guy, and was often speaking to nothing at all, but he trusted her and treated Gin like an old friend. A fine example for an anime dad.

Yumi and Hiwako's friendship going from distant to close was done nicely, as was Satoru's entire subplot. Everyone's lives never quite overlapped with each other, there were plenty of times where characters would be off on their own, but it always came back to that shrine.

Shows like this, that are heavily steeped in Japanese cultural elements, have been kind of a niche thing in the Western fanbase, itself already niche, but the emotions and things the characters are going through are pretty universal.

The OP and ED were both nice. The ED's drawings of the fox spirits moving around was cute.

Final Thoughts: It delivered on what it promised, something heartwarming. The characters are well rounded, as are the stories. A wide range of emotions, all transitioned into each other pretty smoothly. Enjoyable, even knowing another show involving a fox god at a shrine will be airing next season. I just see it as a chance to compare and find the differences. No two authors can express a concept the exact same way.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The fug is going on with his eyes there jesus.


People can use their own initiative to find out if there is an actual announced or confirmed episode count for a series from official sources. Check if the DVD/BD release schedule has been outlined for example, or if the official press release announcing the series mentioned how long it is. Sometimes the simple answer is that the total length of a series is not known, and hence any number put on a database site as a placeholder can be wrong.
That sounds like too much effort.
Then the known well-versed tipsters is another easy but unreliable and risky way to find them all early and in one place; this is Nanami's latest report on the winter season:

&#21682;&#20840;&#22269;&#32232;&#12392;&#12491;&#12475;&#12467;&#12452;&#12399;&#65298;&#12463;&#12540;&#12523;&#12289;&#20908;&#12450;&#12491;&#12513;&#20104;&#23450;&#12434;&#21839;&#12356;&#21512;&#12431;&#12379;&#12390;&#12415;&#12383; - &#12490;&#12490;&#12511;&#12398;&#38609;&#35352;&#37096;&#23627;

This one, along MOON PHASE or similar sites to contrast later the information, can be together your source. Approximated errors will be had this way for sure, but it can be useful to check both anyway.
Hey, at least the number of episodes given for KILL la KILL there was definitely right!


Ugh. Grave of Fireflys absolutely wrecked me. I was going to post about this the day I watched it, but I was so emotional I couldn't bring myself to do it. It literally wrecked/shattered and emotionally drained me. I tend to connect to art/media more than some people, so when something is really beautiful or sad, it hits me hard. And wow, that film just made me feel so much despair, grief and sorrow.

It's such a strange film, because on the one hand I would easily rank it as one of the best films I've seen of all time (including live film, especially live film). But the impact it had on me and the specific emotions it brought out...I just feel like it would be too unbearable to watch it again. I guess I'll see how I feel about it the more time passes. But wow. I feel like it's a film that everyone should have to watch at least once. Just in terms of War, and the human condition (and the kind of situations we needlessly cause).

I think what hurts me so much about the film, is I realize how in the grand scheme of things, as individual people we don't really matter. That people die and suffer all the time, and it doesn't matter. But because we see this story told through the lens of these two that suffer immensely, it destroys your heart. But then reality hits you, and you realize that people like this die and suffer at the hands of others all the time, and no one really seems to care. (EDIT: Individuals DO matter, I just mean they don't matter to the greater scheme of the world - that is what saddens me greatly).

Yes I cried. The last scene had me at a loss of breath.

Anyways, I'm going to tackle Millennium Actress now that I've had a day apart. On a side note, I've decided to start buying all my Anime films. I want to support them, and I'm building a massive collection. I've already bought all of Miyazaki's films and most of Ghibili's that are currently available on Blu Ray. Still waiting on Mononoke, Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery etc to hit Blu Ray in the U.S. I just bought Children Who Chase Lost voices, Garden of Words & Wolf Children. I've actually seen all of these, but I'm going to watch them for the first time in proper HD.

So yeah, that's where I am at currently. I'm really sad that 5 Centimeters Per Second & Girl Who Leapt Through Time are going to be difficult to get. The Bandai release of Girl is out of print, and people want freakin $150 for it. Maybe I need to just invest in a region free Blu Ray player, because the British version is cheap as hell on Amazon. I don't think they even made a Region A version of 5 CM Per Second on Blu Ray.

Walkure Romanze 12

Well MC chose to coach Mio as expected, but thankfully it didn't matter at all since Celia defeated her. Would have been mad pissed if she managed to win.

The anime leaves off with a stereotypical open ending
unless you count him choosing the horses
, so just like every other VN adaption, they're tempting you to buy and play the game. Honestly might give it a shot solely for a Celia route, whenever I have enough confidence in my Japanese.

As a whole, I didn't really like the anime.

Had your typical fanservice, but that's expected of all adaptions like this. Bunch of horses as well, who were unexpectedly one of the highlights of the show. Some of the jousting scenes weren't that bad, but I can't call them good either. Characters themselves were a big hit or miss, with the unfortunate case of the two leads being two big misses.

Mio herself, exemplifies everything that's wrong about trying to make an anime girl cute. She's not endearing when she screws up. Two examples of scenes she had, running full speed down a hill with a lance and jumping naked into the hot spring with MC, made her out to be genuinely seemed stupid. There's no "Awww" or anything of the sort, her antics were unnecessary and honestly hurt her character more than it needed to. Her personality is nice, but its also unoriginal and another unfortunate case of every other girl in the show being far more interesting. Her voice is more annoying than anything else. Some of you may like Ai Shimizu, and she may be a good VA for another character in another series, but her VA for Mio sucks. Not talking about a screeching voice over that would make someone's ear bleed, but a voice that sounds like when another person speaks, the first words in your mind are "Please shut up". If there was an award for worst female lead of the year, she should handily win it.

MC isn't that much better. He may not be on the same levels of dense as Ichika, but the guy has to be one of the blandest MC's ever. His default face is this, 95% of the time. His VA must have been bored stiff, since he obviously sounded like he could not give a single fuck. The one time he actually did show some personality were in the final minutes of this episode, when he acted like a horny horse wanting some of the girls to ride him (See the horse puppet in the images? That's him).

In contrast to them Akane, Bertille, Noel, and especially Celia, were all good characters and its almost a shame they could not have appeared in a better anime. If the show had just focused on them, specifically Akane trying to win Celia, this could have been far more enjoyable. Episode 7 proves this by being the best episode, when it focused largely on both of them, instead of the dull MC.

Final Girl Ranking

Celia > Akane > Noel > Bertille > Reina > Lisa >>> Fiona >>>> Shit >>>>>>>>>> Mio

4/10 Subpar. Still want a Celia H-Ova.


Thats the ocean people anime right?

Yep. Were it not for Renchon, I'd say it most definitely contains the three most adorable girls of the season. Even with Renchon in the picture, I'd say it still has a good shot at taking all three top spots. And the whole look of the show is goddamn beautiful.

Plus the romance/magical-racism/friendship/family human drama is enjoyable enough. It's Mari Okada on good form (and seemingly taking a few cues from NatsuMachi), so there's plenty of nice emotional stuff.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Because you sound like someone with a lot of opinions and fuck all experience.

You're right. I have zero experience in animal cruelty and torture. Do you have experience in that field?

I really don't know how you can defend what they're doing in the show. Even the characters themselves can't defend it, their rationale is a "its just the way it is" type of response which is about the weakest defense you can have for your disgusting actions.

These are people who are taking horses that would otherwise be used for productive tasks for farm work and making them participate in barbaric events that leads to them getting killed on the track and put down when their bodies break down from the trauma that is being put on them.

Clearly though I'm not an expert in the field. I'm sure there is some sort of justification for the characters in this show abusing animals for no reason what so ever other than deriving some sick twisted pleasure at watching these animals being forced to participate in a sham of a sport.


Yes. I watched the first three or four episodes. It didn't hook me.

I see what you did there!

Ugh. Grave of Fireflys absolutely wrecked me. I was going to post about this the day I watched it, but I was so emotional I couldn't bring myself to do it. It literally wrecked/shattered and emotionally drained me. I tend to connect to art/media more than some people, so when something is really beautiful or sad, it hits me hard. And wow, that film just made me feel so much despair, grief and sorrow.

It's such a strange film, because on the one hand I would easily rank it as one of the best films I've seen of all time (including live film, especially live film). But the impact it had on me and the specific emotions it brought out...I just feel like it would be too unbearable to watch it again. I guess I'll see how I feel about it the more time passes. But wow. I feel like it's a film that everyone should have to watch at least once. Just in terms of War, and the human condition (and the kind of situations we needlessly cause).

I think what hurts me so much about the film, is I realize how in the grand scheme of things, as individual people we don't really matter. That people die and suffer all the time, and it doesn't matter. But because we see this story told through the lens of these two that suffer immensely, it destroys your heart. But then reality hits you, and you realize that people like this die and suffer at the hands of others all the time, and no one really seems to care. (EDIT: Individuals DO matter, I just mean they don't matter to the greater scheme of the world - that is what saddens me greatly).

Yes I cried. The last scene had me at a loss of breath.

Anyways, I'm going to tackle Millennium Actress now that I've had a day apart. On a side note, I've decided to start buying all my Anime films. I want to support them, and I'm building a massive collection. I've already bought all of Miyazaki's films and most of Ghibili's that are currently available on Blu Ray. Still waiting on Mononoke, Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery etc to hit Blu Ray in the U.S. I just bought Children Who Chase Lost voices, Garden of Words & Wolf Children. I've actually seen all of these, but I'm going to watch them for the first time in proper HD.

So yeah, that's where I am at currently. I'm really sad that 5 Centimeters Per Second & Girl Who Leapt Through Time are going to be difficult to get. The Bandai release of Girl is out of print, and people want freakin $150 for it. Maybe I need to just invest in a region free Blu Ray player, because the British version is cheap as hell on Amazon. I don't think they even made a Region A version of 5 CM Per Second on Blu Ray.

GOTF didnt sadden me, it made me angry. I didnt shed a single tear or close to it.
Millennium Actress is really good though. Good luck with your collection. At this point a lot of older stuff might be a bit out of reach or difficult to obtain so be sure to check Ebay often.

Yep. Were it not for Renchon, I'd say it most definitely contains the three most adorable girls of the season. Even with Renchon in the picture, I'd say it still has a good shot at taking all three top spots. And the whole look of the show is goddamn beautiful.

Plus the romance/magical-racism/friendship/family human drama is enjoyable enough. It's Mari Okada on good form (and seemingly taking a few cues from NatsuMachi), so there's plenty of nice emotional stuff.

Hmmm. Thanks Ill check it out!


I see what you did there!

GOTF didnt sadden me, it made me angry. I didnt shed a single tear or close to it.
Millennium Actress is really good though. Good luck with your collection. At this point a lot of older stuff might be a bit out of reach or difficult to obtain so be sure to check Ebay often.

Hmmm. Thanks Ill check it out!

Interesting the drastically different reactions.
Yowapeda 1

Our dude is an otaku who likes to sing OPs from Yes! Precure 5, but does shit on a mommy bike.

I like how manager sister person seems like a stalker. She's so weird. Even got our superstar biker singing it briefly in the tub!


Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (3 OVAs)


Between the two main girls I actually preferred Misa to the titular Sammy.

These three OVAs were pretty fun I thought. I haven't seen any of Tenchi Muyo! or know anything about it either so these characters, regardless of how close they are to their original counterparts, are all new to me. Pretty much right off the bat they are entertaining. I found Ryoko's initial mischief more amusing than Sasami's mother's karaoke though. Honestly that was maybe the only kind of character trait that I found could go above that threshold of being kind of funny to a bit annoying at times.

I found the first OVA was probably the most lighthearted and funny. I liked how self aware the show is and pokes fun at the tropes and cliches of the magical girl genre. Sasami is surprised that she transformed only to immediately point out that she doesn't really look all that different. Instead of being reluctant to fight the monster because she's initially scared, she's actually more worried that people will recognize her and the resulting embarrassment.

There's just a lot of funny general kind of jokes like Sasami's mother not wanting to deliver a CD from her shop because the house has a scary atmosphere to it but has no problem sending her daughter. Washu's story was pretty obvious but how Mihoshi just messes it all up is even better. Anyway, I'll leave it to anyone who's interested to look forward to the rest.


The OVAs needed more Kiyone. I quite liked her despite her more limited screen time.

The second and third OVAs came across as a bit more serious, going more into general magical girl type things, but I found it was still well done and entertaining. It's not like they still didn't have their own slapstick moments though. For the second I found they came more in the latter part and during the big battle. The third OVA it seemed more spread throughout.


The show has a large enough support cast with most bringing their own wacky antics or personalities leaving me wanting to see more.

The show delivers as far as reaction faces and that sort. While the art and character designs could be well done or at least alright sometimes, other times they seemed more QUALITY or off model unfortunately. Animation wise it seemed competant to pretty good though. Again, despite introducing quite a few characters, probably because of being an offshoot of Tenchi Muyo!, and maybe having only a little bit of screen time for a few, I still found most of them to be interesting or entertaining and wanting to see more. Ayeka and Ryoko's kind of rivalry antics and Washu usually just kind of messing around.

I loved the introduction of Pixy Misa though and her funny mixture of throwing in English words along with the Japanese. (The night after watching this I actually had a dream where someone was also talking similarly to this,haha. Obviously she left an impression on me,haha.) Despite it being more slapstick I still felt a bit bad most times a character would get hit and I also felt bad for Misao and her feinting for certain reasons. It was kind of funny in the third OVA how her clothes kind of just magically changes a time or two though,haha.

I don't know what to expect of the television series when I get around to it but the OVA left me wanting to see more, especially the extended cast and more of their antics or hopefully they are fleshed out a little more along with Sammy herself. Thanks to Hitokage and then others for mentioning this show, it was pretty fun. If you're a fan of the magical girl genre or even if you're not and just want to see something more self aware that has a bit of fun with some general tropes, then you might want to give this a try. :)

P.S. to /XX/

If you're reading then I had actually planned on watching this due to Hitokage and others comments. While I appreciate your post of the news of more Tenchi Muyo!, the timing is just coincidence,haha. ;)
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