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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta Episode 12:

I am going to miss this show when it ends, indeed a hot contender for AOTY as I can see why this episode was hyped.
So we finally get the lowdown on Lila and I rather liked the twist that she was not one of the corrupted, just really fucking insane. As much as I am glad that Juri got called out on her bullshit, does not excuse Lila from being a creepy stalker whose obsession turned sexually disturbing. Still, we get the big emotional climax and reconciliation and the set-up for the alleged final confrontation.
I am unsure how they are going to play this out, give us a definitive end like the first series, a go read the manga end, or a sequel hook.


Tragic victim of fan death
GS Destiny 39 HD Remaster

Didn't they use the Aile Strike pack in the original? Nice to see the edited scene.
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta Episode 12:

I am going to miss this show when it ends, indeed a hot contender for AOTY as I can see why this episode was hyped.
So we finally get the lowdown on Lila and I rather liked the twist that she was not one of the corrupted, just really fucking insane. As much as I am glad that Juri got called out on her bullshit, does not excuse Lila from being a creepy stalker whose obsession turned sexually disturbing. Still, we get the big emotional climax and reconciliation and the set-up for the alleged final confrontation.
I am unsure how they are going to play this out, give us a definitive end like the first series, a go read the manga end, or a sequel hook.

The studio who rebooted the series did great work. AOTY contender indeed.


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Episode 22



A much quieter episode than the last couple, but no less important. Again, the show effortlessly tackles a dense amount of story progression by using techniques which show a respect for both the story it is telling as well as the audience watching it. The first few minutes of the episode unloads narrative movement which could easily have taken up a whole episode, simply by summarizing it as part of a captain's log. The content in question is a sequence of events which needed to happen, but in a lesser show with less confidence in itself and in the audience it would probably have taken up much more time just to literally deliver the scenes as they are, with characters repeating information to each other which the audience has already known for some time now. Here the sequences are quickly dealt with in a way which fits the setting of the series, without feeling like they are throw away sequence, but also without having to waste any time at all.

Another thing I really liked about the slower character-centric episodes of the series is how learning more about individual characters tend to contextualize their prior actions and give more depth to the motivations of both themselves and the people around them. It's a very effective form of character development which allows the show to keep moving when it needs to, but also has reminders from time to time that the characters involved in the story are real people with actual lives, histories, and personal goals, and not just puppets in a stock narrative.

One thing which kind of stood out in this episode was how "moe" the female character interactions were though. It felt a bit jarring at first, but it felt more justified as the scenes progressed and I realized that we pretty much never see the female characters on the crew interact together alone as a group of girls. Maybe the cuteness was overdone a little bit in some of the scenes, but it does show conscious effort in making character interactions make sense in context, and that's always appreciated.

The best thing about this episode? Clearly Dresler's grandstanding. The way he is depicted in this series is really fantastic. The speeches, the extravagance, the image he projects of himself to the people is everything I expect out of a charismatic military warlord who knows exactly what he's doing. Yamadare milks the hell out of the role so well too. #Sogood #Morethanwedeserve #Fuckyeah


All this OST talk has reminded me that I was determined to purchase the Gunbuster soundtrack. Considering it's probably long since gone out of print, I think the price is actually quite reasonable at 6000 yen. Whether that's me just justifying it because of what it is, or Japan has just skewed my perspective on actual value, I'm not sure!

I pray that you were being facetious. Although it probably has one of the most annoying Christmas songs of all time, it's a damn classic!

Hating on Walking In The Air? I smell heresy.

Just like to take this moment to remind everyone that Puchimas was broadcasted at the beginning of 2013. It was a long time ago so I know many forgot about this AotY. Talking of AotY, if I put some extra optional categories like 'Studio of the Year' and 'Character of the Year' which only needed one vote per person would that be asking too much?

I'd definitely like to see some discussion on OPs and EDs of the year. Only thing is, I don't think I could choose just one, I'd need to come up with a full ranking. Maybe that should be a separate thing >.>


Maturity, bitches.
While the other things would only need one vote, OPs and EDs are plentiful enough for say five nominations each. No need to rank those, one point for each vote (obviously won't count you listing the same thing five times).


Setec Astronomer
But I don't like "hurr duurr Ame is asshole thus why the movie sucked" type of complaint, because I learned my lesson with Graves of Fireflies..
I love how Takahata said something to the effect of, "Hey, you're supposed to be critical of Seita. You're not meant to be entirely sympathetic to his behavior."


I love how Takahata said something to the effect of, "Hey, you're supposed to be critical of Seita. You're not meant to be entirely sympathetic to his behaviour."
The book and to a lesser extent the film after all were a sort of apology by Seita's character.


AS's look downright tiny compared to Gundams but my mind could be playing tricks on me. I hope its true that there will be more series announced because not actually having anything new will be a bummer on what is otherwise a godly lineup. I mean, EVA and FMP in the same game. Unfortunate that its the Rebuild EVAs but I hope they keep alot of the special stuff EVAs had in the previous games like EVAs being 10 times more expensive than normal units, EVAs requiring a plug, blowing Unit-01 up doesn't actually kill it but causes Shinji to go berserk, etc

I think that the AS's in the LNs are in fact smaller than Gundams, but the ones seen in the anime seem to be just a bit shorter than the ones in Wing. I also hope some new series get announced because the way Z has snubbed ZZ is just plain wrong. Getting EVAs will rock.

filler makes the world go round

Yeah, sure, okay Vitamin C

People shouldn't mad if they picking shitty series like AO or Star Driver in SRW, there's always hope the team can write more interesting story for them, what matter is the show have some cool looking mech and attack to use.. AGE doesn't count because don't have any of those cool thing.

I'd be okay with Star Driver, but I don't think AO or AGE have good mechs to offer.

Character of the Year would be a tight race between Joseph Joestar, Ramba Ral, and Inferno Cop.

Oh gosh, it's a tough call between Ral and Cop for me.

It's not really mythical so much as cultural. The reason why wolves are often seen as sad lonely creatures who have been abandoned by humanity is largely because Japanese wolves went extinct with the turn of the 20th century. They are revered by people as majestic creatures with a lot of pride, but it didn't help them survive the changes of the modern world and they're nothing more than a memory now. It's pretty sad.

But that's basically the same scenario that happened to European Wolves, except replace reverence with fear and you're good.

But I don't like "hurr duurr Ame is asshole thus why the movie sucked" type of complaint, because I learned my lesson with Graves of Fireflies..

Oh, I don't think the movie sucked. Nor was it ruined. Ame being an asshole just robbed it of the title "Anime of the Year." Something can be tarnished and still made from gold, and I'd say that's what Wolf Children is. Why give Anime to the Year to that, when I can give it to a show I found flawless?


Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta Episode 12:

I am going to miss this show when it ends, indeed a hot contender for AOTY as I can see why this episode was hyped.
So we finally get the lowdown on Lila and I rather liked the twist that she was not one of the corrupted, just really fucking insane. As much as I am glad that Juri got called out on her bullshit, does not excuse Lila from being a creepy stalker whose obsession turned sexually disturbing. Still, we get the big emotional climax and reconciliation and the set-up for the alleged final confrontation.
I am unsure how they are going to play this out, give us a definitive end like the first series, a go read the manga end, or a sequel hook.
There is yet another ova, Tsuki ni Naku, that has been out since Oct-ish and takes place right after the currently airing tv show ends. It was kinda odd seeing
Lila flying around on a broom in a nurses outfit being friendly with everyone
which kinda spoils how the tv show is probably going to end. Minor spoilerish images from the ova
Yusibe 12
charming ending for the series. A little too ridiculous fanservice with that slowmo and the censors were awkward. Fino's dance at the end was pretty cute as well


Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta Episode 12:

I am going to miss this show when it ends, indeed a hot contender for AOTY as I can see why this episode was hyped.
So we finally get the lowdown on Lila and I rather liked the twist that she was not one of the corrupted, just really fucking insane. As much as I am glad that Juri got called out on her bullshit, does not excuse Lila from being a creepy stalker whose obsession turned sexually disturbing. Still, we get the big emotional climax and reconciliation and the set-up for the alleged final confrontation.
I am unsure how they are going to play this out, give us a definitive end like the first series, a go read the manga end, or a sequel hook.

In many ways, I was really curious what a hanyou/enjin influenced Juri would have been. . . Still fantastic despite the outcome though. Hime is the best


Nuclear Christmas

There's a song mentioning Jesus, another about angels, and there's a child born who nobody was expecting. All of this took place in the middle of a nuclear fallout Tokyo against a giant robo spider, but it's still Christmas... sort of. I know this anime has a bit of a troubled production history, and that alone made it something I wanted to check out. Plus, Tomatsu and Hanazawa together again.

The idea of genetically modified schoolgirl soldiers is such a Japanese take on a sci-fi concept. Yet, I watch anime precisely because they fit together like that. Ibara, Taeko and Aoi, as a lead trio, had a decent amount of chemistry with each other. Aoi's exaggerated reactions were fine with me most of the time, but I can also understand how some may want her to snap out of her funk quicker than she did.

The opening episodes were okay in their world building, nothing standout, and while the word "nuclear" was never explicitly used, some things can work better once they're implied. The second arc with Ibuki was more exciting to watch, having a more defined set of stakes from all parties. Not that there weren't a few odd moments in there. The battle in the swan boats was goofy, and having the characters trying to run away from the wind, of all things, made me wonder when Mark Wahlberg was going to show up. Yet the emotional stakes were present. The Ozu sisters did lean on the side of cartoon supervillainy at times. The tone could be kind of all over the place.

The filters are something I'm on the fence about. It became clear why they'd been used when the characters breached through the capital and into the world outside, the color palette suddenly became much more vibrant. It's just that the majority of the show was cast in these various shades of brown. I didn't mind the thick outlines because, with the color filters in effect, they felt necessary to actually see what was going on at times.

It wasn't a perfect show by any means, but "To miss a high aim is to fail without shame". The decisions made had a reason for being so, and the effects of the fallout on the government, the civilians and the Coppelion themselves were all explored fairly decently in the runtime they were given. I've always liked angela's music, so the OP and EDs were both pretty neat.

Final Thoughts: Disjointed tone and color filters there may be, but the show certainly doesn't fail for lack of trying. The second arc is actually pretty compelling, with a constant, action-movie like pace that keeps escalating the stakes all the way up to "giant spider robot". It was interesting and raised some questions, but the kind that could lead to a discussion about technology and the effects on our world. If a sci-fi series can do that, then it has, to some degree, succeeded.

Happy Holidays and Merry Coppelimas!


Coppelion Episode 13:

I see what you did there Coppelion, I am not seeing how that reference is making sense at all.
Hoo boy do I have mixed feelings about this, one the one hand it was nice to see the PLANET dwellers get their happy ending although The First Division going quietly has issues. I honestly think they forgot that the mere existence of The 1st was a major political problem for the Prime Minister. Speaking of which, that conference ending up being a big plot cul-de-sac. Anyway, I am calling bullshit on the whole Ozu Sisters redemption thing. The rationale behind their actions has been a combination of not only knowing the truth but also the fact they used a serial killer at the template, which was rather stupid in hindsight. Yea, they kind of needed to be hauled off to jail or decommissioned or some more then a big old kiss and make up for turning traitor and trying to doom mankind.

Coppelion Series Review:

Right, so this has been one of the more maligned titles this season and not without cause. It has some decent ideas and a nifty premise marred by the fact that they seemed to stop giving a shit about that in favor of becoming a mediocre shonen action program, something they even lampshade at one point. I think somebody here put it best when they said without the Ozu Sisters this would have been a much more enjoyable program. Though I will also add the caveats of filter abuse, thick outlines and most of all god damned fucking Aoi. If there is a category for worst anime character of the year, she is most likely getting it because I can't think of anybody who has been more whiny and useless then her. So yea, mild recommendation to avoid if you are so inclined to watch this series.


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Episode 23

Wow, this was a pure Hollywood blockbuster episode. The entire episode was larger than life, more heroic than anything before it, and completely panders to visual spectacle and characters doing what they're "meant" to do. It's a huge contrast from a lot of the more reserved battle episodes, since there isn't much of an emphasis on intelligent tactics here, but god damn I'll say the show earned it. What's a good space opera without some good old fashioned fun. It -does- feel good to see that the people making this show can let their hair hang down and just let the action entertainment roll when it's appropriate.

Yeah, this is DEFINITELY the best space opera series I've seen since Babylon 5. Yum yum yum yummmmmmmmmmmm.


[Saint Young Men: Movie]

Probably the last place that I expected to see a Matrix reference.

As anyone with any familiarity with the source material or earlier OVA's would imagine, this is largely a series of shorts strung together into a movie length piece. Not that that's really a bad thing, because it still just about works.

The animation is pretty nice too.


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Episode 23

Yeah, this is DEFINITELY the best space opera series I've seen since Babylon 5. Yum yum yum yummmmmmmmmmmm.

I would personally disagree with that. Despite Battlestar Galactica's many many faults the highs of BSG do outdo the stuff in Yamato. I do think Yamato is more consistent in quality though.


I would personally disagree with that. Despite Battlestar Galactica's many many faults the highs of BSG do outdo the stuff in Yamato. I do think Yamato is more consistent in quality though.

The only thing BSG outdoes anything in, is in giving people a headache from crappy shakycam. LOL. I guess the live action Yamato guys liked BSG though!


The only thing BSG outdoes anything in, is in giving people a headache from crappy shakycam. LOL.

The Galactica drop at the beginning of Season 3, Season 2 altogether, the ending of S1, and the mutiny in S4 is flat out great television. It's just the show is inconsistent as fuck.


The Galactica drop at the beginning of Season 3, Season 2 altogether, the ending of S1, and the mutiny in S4 is flat out great television. It's just the show is inconsistent as fuck.

Good scenes don't make a good show. A good show makes a good show. BSG is not a very good show!


Subete no aware
I would personally disagree with that. Despite Battlestar Galactica's many many faults the highs of BSG do outdo the stuff in Yamato. I do think Yamato is more consistent in quality though.

[Saint Young Men: Movie]

Probably the last place that I expected to see a Matrix reference.

As anyone with any familiarity with the source material or earlier OVA's would imagine, this is largely a series of shorts strung together into a movie length piece. Not that that's really a bad thing, because it still just about works.

The animation is pretty nice too.
How does that work as a movie though... does it even have a throughline?


Good scenes don't make a good show. A good show makes a good show. BSG is not a very good show!

At the end of the day I can't disagree too strongly because the show does vary wildly in regards to quality. It's just the physics aspect in BSG really made the show stand out to me, just because physics in scifi is something thrown to the side so often. That's why scenes like the Wave Motion Gun shot throwing the Yamato backwards is so cool and fun for me.


I'm fully aware about the faults of the writing team. Lord knows I ripped them apart about the finale. Moore better get his shit together for Helix.


At the end of the day I can't disagree too strongly because the show does vary wildly in regards to quality. It's just the physics aspect in BSG really made the show stand out to me, just because physics in scifi is something thrown to the side so often. That's why scenes like the Wave Motion Gun shot throwing the Yamato backwards is so cool and fun for me.

BSG has pretty great production design work, but in the end like every other scifi series in the last decade, it promised a solid "planned" narrative, and it couldn't deliver. Ever since Babylon 5 ended, there have been so many pretenders who have tried, and they all fail. :(


Have they hinted at remaking Yamato season 2? Or is the official word they're just remaking the original series and stopping there?


Have they hinted at remaking Yamato season 2? Or is the plan to just remake the original series and stop there?

There is a new theatrical project in 2014, so it looks like they're continuing. I don't think it was part of the original plan, but considering how successful it is, they'll be stupid not to do another series.


BSG has pretty great production design work, but in the end like every other scifi series in the last decade, it promised a solid "planned" narrative, and it couldn't deliver. Ever since Babylon 5 ended, there have been so many pretenders who have tried, and they all fail. :(

I might be fine with a lack of planned narrative if the writing team is good enough. Breaking Bad wasn't planned at all yet it turned out fantastic with many cues and throwbacks to older plotlines. It requires a writing team that is careful and smart about the direction of the show. I agree though, for people with less talent, like Moore, they need to plan this shit out.

Of course now, there are like no spacefaring scifi shows on the air.


Subete no aware
I might be fine with a lack of planned narrative if the writing team is good enough. Breaking Bad wasn't planned at all yet it turned out fantastic with many cues and throwbacks to older plotlines. It requires a writing team that is careful and smart about the direction of the show. I agree though, for people with less talent, like Moore, they need to plan this shit out.

Of course now, there are like no spacefaring scifi shows on the air.
Remember, THEY HAVE A PLAN. They even made a movie called THE PLAN.


I don't really care if a show is "planned" from the start or not honestly, but I think it adds insult to injury when you -say- something is planned and then just proceed to unload bullshit at the end. Lost comes to mind too! :p
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