Leave Ohio then?
To be fair, Taco Bell is legitimately inferior to most any proper Mexican restaurant. It's just cheap and open late.
I would have about a hundred times over if I could, but we all know that it's impossible.
Leave Ohio then?
To be fair, Taco Bell is legitimately inferior to most any proper Mexican restaurant. It's just cheap and open late.
I would have about a hundred times over if I could, but we all know that it's impossible.
Can't you like... drive outside of Ohio at least? That's more than Alaska... hell even Juneau.
you can but then you're just in Kentucky.
I had too much Popeye's while at CEO. Really not as amazing as some say.SO glad the local Arby is changing into a Popeye's Chicken.
I had too much Popeye's while at CEO. Really not as amazing as some say.
Granted, I still enjoyed it. I also enjoy Taco Bell. I just enjoy other places more.
It's just Ohio, except that there are more drunk drivers and you have to pay tax on Amazon purchases.
That is nothing compared to the shitty drivers here in Florida.
At least we don't have to pay taxes on online purchases. :V
nooooooooNo, looks like there's no preview for the MILF scientist girl yet.![]()
People are saying Popeyes is amazing? I mean, I can't even remember what it tastes like, but that doesn't sound like a proper descriptor, haha.I had too much Popeye's while at CEO. Really not as amazing as some say.
Granted, I still enjoyed it. I also enjoy Taco Bell. I just enjoy other places more.
That is nothing compared to the shitty drivers here in Florida.
Now, my biggest gripe, is that this episode captilizes on just how far Cure Sword has fallen, and how she really hasn't lived up to what she was given. I mean for a surviving warrior of the Trump Kingdom, she isn't particularly strong.
It's interesting watching Dokidoki and Heartcatch together and comparing Cure Sword and Cure Moonlight. They're both the more experienced Cures that join the team later, but with Moonlight, she's so obviously stronger than the other Cures. It's really exaggerated early on, less so after they all get their upgrades and level up, but even then it's pretty clear she's the strongest. Her solo fight against the Baron in the movie was pretty impressive.
Cure Sword though, she just kinda....well, you know how it is, Mana does everything. Even when Mana's not there, they're only able to win because the power of Mana was still in their hearts. -_- Even Cure Ace doesn't really seem that powerful after the first few times she showed up and saved them. It's all about dat Mana.
It is amazing in comparison to KFC.
Tokyo Ravens 12
I've been waiting for this episode. For so god damn long. What are the chances there's actual development instead of the typical harem hiding the truth until the last episode bullcrap?
Pretty small. But a man can dream.
Who am I kidding, they've already introduced the other members of the harem so nothing will happen. Fucking Infinite Stratos syndrome.
Main items, sure, but sides are lacking.It is amazing in comparison to KFC.
Corvo apparently can't stop watching clipshows apparently.
Gotta clip em son.
Who said I actually watch these episodes? I start it up, see it is a clip show, flip my shit and move on to the next episode. But the sheer number of these things in Monogatari SS is egregious to say it nicely.
I do. You do. Also that random polar bear over there.
Except if mai waifu is Taco Bueno.Taco Cabana>your waifu
That polar bear is a filthy liar and his mother knows it.
He's not filthy he's ---- wait won't go over well.
Polar bears are pretty clean.
Except if mai waifu is Taco Bueno.
I like how everyone is all of a sudden watching Yamato now!
I've seen it nearly twice! Copycats.
Currently catching up on everything, pretty much. I'm want suggestions - so if anybody is offering
Yamato is already in the bag.
Only watched Free! and Watamote from this season, so it's been distinctly mediocre on my end.
Main items, sure, but sides are lacking.
Except if mai waifu is Taco Bueno.
That'd be the stockholm syndrome taking hold.
Yamato is already in the bag.
Only watched Free! and Watamote from this season, so it's been distinctly mediocre on my end.
That'd be the stockholm syndrome taking hold.
Currently catching up on everything, pretty much. I would like suggestions - so if anybody is offering
Yamato is already in the bag.
Only watched Free! and Watamote from this season, so it's been distinctly mediocre on my end.
Kill la Kill is getting good, but there's been absolutely no characterisation to speak of. I guess some don't look for that kind of stuff - but there's only so many scenes of Satsuki standing ominously/sitting drinking tea that I can tolerate.
I loved this show. Glad that other people enjoyed it, too. I have a tendency to enjoy series that have science-fiction themes, and/or modern warfare. I didn't expect those themes to be combined with a harem anime, but that's what it ended up being. And I enjoyed it the whole way through.
I'd really like to see another season of this.
Liars are liars whether fair or filthy.
Monogatari SS 17
I'm confused on this show's chronology now. I assume that Nekoshiro > Mayoi Zombie > Shinobu Time, but I really don't know when Nadeko Medusa takes place now. Presumably some time after the first day of school?
Genshiken Nidaime OVA
Pretty weird of them to adapt a story that they skipped earlier to reach the new kids.
Was pretty cool to see more focus on all the original gang and all that focus on Sue as well.
Monogatari SS 16
HOLY SHIT DOES THERE HAVE TO BE A FUCKING CLIP EPISODE AFTER EVERY ARC? That last arc didn't even END. It just had creepy School Days smiles and Satsuki Kiryuin Senjougahara Hitagi telephone calls and now we're doing ANOTHER clip show? This has to be the fucking third one in 16 episodes. What in the fuck is this bullshit?
it couldn't move on from the end. nidaime ended in the middle of nowhere right before a big arc.I was really pretty surprised by this. I thought for sure it would follow on from the end. Did not expect it to be a Nidaime prequel