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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Hyouka 1

Well I was going to do batch posts, but I took too long because of distractions, so lets get this out of the way.

Chitenda: IM CURIOUS!
Oreki: *fist pump*

I almost have this nagging obsession just to call her Chitendo (due to knowing someone with a similar username)

Right now, I'm getting a case of character dynamics, and what happens when you introduce a new factor into those dynamics (or Chitendo in this case), and I guess... Chitendo has this... power of sorts... Not really a power, but more like she has the eyes to make you think you're on something, but it's just her curiosity is so strong, you can't help but get tangled up in her desires.

And I'll call Oreki's friend Mr. Database for now, but something about him bugs me. I don't mean evil or anything, but more of him and his lines....

Chitandas eyes are scary. Do not trust.

i love this show. the character development is probably my favorite part. how the show delves into everyones backgrounds, shows everyones motivations, and how it makes us feel for EVERYONE even it theyre technically a "bad guy". it really reminds me of X where every character is given a story and theyre not just a throwaway.

rider also reminds me of someone from X, i forget his name but he was also the big dude who was friends with a dragon of heaven girl before they found out they were enemies.

Casters master just wanted to murder people in peace. Is that so bad?


Casters master just wanted to murder people in peace. Is that so bad?

Ladd Russo is still the best lovable psychopath, but I found Caster's master surprisingly... not sympathetic exactly, but likeable despite being insane child murderers.
Their surprisingly somber deaths were a big part of that.


Kuromajo 40


That just makes it ripe for endless trolling possibilities!

Teekyuu 30


this whole bit


Corvo's crow is bigger in space too.

I dun wanna go into space.

I am the cosmic raven, the devourer of week-old corpses of road-killed worlds.

Mobile Suit Gundam 4

So this'n sees the White Base have to escape from Luna II because the Federation will always be run by a bunch of stodgy old codgers. I can't help but laugh every time I see Katz in this show, because he's a non-character who is largely unimposing on the plot (the White Base children aren't really that bad compared to almost every group of kids they inspired), but also because when I see him with his blank expression all I can think about is how awful he'll be when he returns in Zeta.

Meanwhile Amuro begins to realize he has a boner for Char. That's okay, Amuro, because everyone does. Also Char has a sister. Which is why Frau Bow will never get to sleep with you. Poor Frau Bow.

Also this bit about the Gundam being able to learn feels like a plotline that the show and series sort of drop. I assume that Doctor Tem Ray's learning-computer is the very earliest prototype for the Bio Sensor, which in turn was a primitive Psycommu Frame. But I only assume this, because the ability of Gundams to learn is not brought up down the road, not really.

Joe Molotov

Phi Brain S3 ep.6

And spoiler time for the end of the episode and preview:
Fuck yes, Melancholy is back and on the villain's team. And next week finally Freecell gets his turn in the spotlight this season. This is going to be awesome.

I just watched the episode from Season 2 where Mely and Cubric get paired off in the sliding puzzle. It was totes adorbs. ^_^

Also, that split second where Nonoha thought that she was going to be the final boss, lol.
Saint Seiya Omega Episode 78

Every op just makes me wish they could have just continued to use Pegasus Fantasy Omega version but this one has great scenes. Unfortunately, it does make me a bit scared of the plot. If Subaru ends up having to fight Koga then :( And speaking of Subaru, he was pretty amazing this episode
getting a punch into Europa
and then the above moment was great. Why cant he stick with Koga instead of going with Eden. He too wanted Koga as well even.

Im glad the four kings are simply just having Pallas as Bait and there is a true enemy above them. She was starting to get annoying with her love thing and all her route is doing is just making Athena stand around and pose with the same facial expression every episode. It makes one litrally want to see Athena do something more, isnt she supposed to be all powerful? At least she does say the most interesting and sincere lines for the genre.
Super Seisyun Brothers 09


It's like they seen the GAF thread on this.

I do like how they are somewhat exploring the friendship between the two pairs. Just a bit but it's pretty nice.
Hyouka 2

New girl Ibara appears! I recognize you from your death glare gifs! She might not get much liking from me.

Chitendo's eyes are just too powerful, too much for Oreki to refuse (well... especially when you have other people involved).

Noticed the continuation of the whole Rose Colored/Grey school life metaphors playing again, with Chitendo being the one to slowly force Oreki out of his gray path. Although its pretty blatant about it.
One day they'll get a talking dog.

Fucking cliffhangers!


Gingitsune 6


best girl

Mopey McAngst might be doing his best to try and drag down the show with his crippling social retardation due to the abuse he's copped over the years but fortunately the rest of the main cast is there to lift him back up and put a smile on his face. Good stuff.
Nagi no Asukara Episode 6

Hikari is continuing to be a really good character affecting everyone around him in positive ways. What was best about this episode was at least highlighting the changing opinions of those around him. I like how the anime at least shows that with time and understanding that people can become more accepting and friendly towards one another even though they come from different cultures and different backgrounds. Consistently seems like a theme that is much needed in the world of today.

Marine snow always looks phenomenal and combined with a major scene made for one of the most memorable moments in the anime in terms of scenery and defining how gorgeous the setting can be.


Precisely when I saw earlier your impressions on the episode I was thinking on how what you mention there, about cramming too much and not letting space for powerful moments to breath which could kind of hurt the narrative on this cases, was very close to what I thought... until that episode's end and consequently I started to think about what it could mean for a possible expanded plotline down the road!

Speculation like that only goes this far, but that contrast on his later meeting with Satsuki, now facing her after earlier covering her back, not feeling obliged to endulge on her rewards after acting as a total servant on the earlier episodes... to me it feels like a fitting development where his 'mind eye' let's him now see beyond what he was doing up to that moment.

Who knows, maybe we soon watch Sanageyama joining the ranks of 'Nudist Beach'... he has already shown it all anyway!

The reason I doubt this because it treads too much on Viral's character.

Oreimo 15

Awwwww, that was so sweet.

Been awhile since I've seen a ending that gave me so many good feelings. Only real downside was the whole traveling to America bit, but that's just minor compared to Kuroneko's kiss
and Kyousuke's talk to Kirino
Total Siscon

I know people have misgivings about the series, but watching S1 has been a fun ride. The various opening scenes were nice and I really did enjoy seeing all the characters personalities and interactions with each other. Yes, Kirino can be a real bitch when she wants to be. But getting past those moments and seeing her emotional side was a joy to watch. Kyousuke himself I don't really care for, but I am willing to give him a nod for sticking up when he needed to.

Without a doubt, the other major characters were the best things about the series. I've been handily convinced that Kuroneko is the real standout of the series and a extremely memorable character. Ayase is still my personal favorite though. Even with the limited screen-time, every moment she appeared in was enjoyable. Sena as well, why such a great character like her didn't appear sooner is beyond me.

Unfortunately, there were some characters I didn't like as much. Don't really hate Manami but she's way to normal compared with the rest of the vibrant cast. Saori had some good moments, but I didn't enjoy watching her nearly as much as everyone else. Still haven't seen her without those glasses, so I gotta find out what she looks like without them pretty soon.

Final Best Girl Ranking

Ayase > Kuroneko > Sena = Kirino >>>> Saori >> Manami

8/10 Good. Will ignore S2, so that all of my positivity towards the series doesn't become tarnished.
Hyouka 3

So that's the personal matter!

All Oreki is doing is showing just how powerful laziness can really be to solve a mystery, no matter how mundane it is. Ibara is obviously impressed with him, that's why she's even here. Meanwhile our Mr Database is just.... doing other things. I doubt he's actually important.

Soundtrack seems very fitting for this show, feels a bit relaxed to put it in a way. Dialogue feels like an improvement as well... probably because Mr. Database wasn't in this episode.


Hyouka 12

Blame duckroll
I'd have heard a lot of hype for the festival arc of Hyouka before and this episode didn't disappoint. Everything is just so lively and detailed and it just feels like a real festival. Watching Chitanda's distracted adventures was pretty nice. As was the dance scene.
It just screamed of life and energy!
New OP/ED owns btw.


The Light of El Cantare
Ariel Visual & Ariel Deluxe

A pair of two-episode "cute girls piloting mecha" OVAs from 1989 and 1991, apparently adapted from a long-running sci-fi novel series by Sasamoto Yuichi. The 1991 OVA series is a prequel to the 1989 OVA series, but I watched them in original air order.

The Ariel story is defined by a pretty entertaining conceit, albeit one that remains unfortunately underutilized. Basically, aliens from a galactic corporation discover Earth and decide to take it over, and while they would be perfectly able to succeed in the task at full capacity, the ship's destructive force is hamstrung by the its chief bean counter, who continually refuses to permit an all-out assault due to the expenses involved. Furthermore, it's a capital ship large enough to sustain an internal economy, and the ship just happens to be in the throes of a depression at the time of the invasion which results in its critical systems going unmaintained and ultimately breaking down at inopportune times.

This is all pretty funny when it's happening, but the antagonists have little screen time and so this twist on the typical alien invasion scenario never comes close to reaching its full potential. Furthermore, the 1989 OVA dedicates most of the time allotted to the invaders to their reminiscing over a love triangle rekindled after a former romantic rival arrives to provide military support to the ship's captain. It never goes anywhere. At least Simone, the bean counter, is always entertaining if only for being a fanged, pointy-eared alien voiced by Hirano Fumi (I swear this isn't why I watched this).

The majority of the time in the OVA is dedicated to Dr. Kishida, genius rogue scientist and director of Japanese science organization SCEBAI (a blatant parody on sukebei ("pervert") and his three granddaughters, who pilot a female-shaped mecha called ARIEL. Each of the granddaughters is reluctant to pilot the mecha for a personal reason (one is cramming for college entrance exams, one doesn't want to miss out on dates, one just plain doesn't feel like doing it), and each episode typically takes the form of the girls going about their lives until they're finally forced to pilot ARIEL due to some planetary existential crisis while their grandfather juggles coaxing them into the job and developing countermeasures against alien invasion. The final episode of the 1991 OVA does particularly enjoyable things with the sci-fi aspect, basically being an even more extreme version of Evangelion's Operation Yashima that, beyond draining all of Japan's electricity to power a superweapon, also involves
detonating nuclear weapons in Japan's volcanoes to launch a crashing spaceship back into orbit

They're really not bad entertainment for what they are, and especially from a purely visual standpoint everything oozes nostalgia with intricately-detailed industrial tech and delightful 1990 fashion, electronics, and interior decor. The plights of the individual characters are relatively disposable throughout and there's no growth per se, but these are pretty inconsequential criticisms compared to the one really awful thing about both OVA series that, at least to me, relegates them to unrecommended status.
There's a character in both OVAs named Starblast Saber--all we're ever told about him is that he's a terrifying alien living on earth and feared by all of the invaders. Short clips of him living a solitary, spartan life in observation of bushido principles are interspersed throughout the episodes and have no discernible bearing on events until, at the climax of each story, he appears and singlehandedly bails the pilots of ARIEL out of certain destruction after they've failed in their mission. In one episode, he slices through the enemy commander's mecha--a mecha riding a kaiju, no less--with one sword stroke, and in another, he stops the decent of a Tokyo-sized spaceship moments from its collision with the Earth and pushes it back into space after the ARIEL pilots fail to generate enough power to sustain a gigantic anti-gravity matter deflector.

Perhaps the intent of these events fails to be properly translated from novel to super-condensed animated feature, but there's really no scenario in which they don't make the viewer's investment in some kind of meaningful culmination to the narrative progression feel like a total waste of time. If it's meant to be comedy, it's at odds with the tone of everything else in the story, which is typically lighthearted but not overtly comedic. If it's meant to be dramatic, it's simply an awful copout, especially in consideration that
in both cases, the stories abruptly end after Starblast's appearances. There's no denouement, no resolution; simply "the day is saved! Hooray!" and roll credits.

I don't feel particularly robbed since it was only a 2.5-hour investment and ARIEL certainly has its good points, but or I can really only recommend it if you really like what you see in the above pictures. Just ignore the plot and bask in the sweet spaceship greebles and cassette boom boxes.
Pokemon Movie 16: Genesect and the Legend Awakened

So yep, another Pokemon movie. On the plus side it still looks visually great. All that extra budget put to good use. I really did enjoy how the movie did scenes that makes it feel like the city is alive, which doesn't really add to the plot but instead just gives life to this city.

On the other hand, the plot was pretty dumb. It was pretty much Genesect hating on everything and causing mass destruction every chance it got.


I don't feel particularly robbed since it was only a 2.5-hour investment and ARIEL certainly has its good points, but or I can really only recommend it if you really like what you see in the above pictures. Just ignore the plot and bask in the sweet spaceship greebles and cassette boom boxes.

Of course we do, there is a distinct lack of CG! It's precisely why I'm drawn to those types of shows. They retain that handcrafted feel, and aren't subject to that overbearing artificiality that seems to be so pervasive, nowadays.


I also took a quick look at the OP and noticed this nonsense:

The superior Persona game finally gets an anime adaptation. Yay.

Why would you use this as a platform to spread lies? WHY!?
Kill la Kill Episode 6 – Don't Toy Me on a Whim

Best episode thus far, 5 and 6 have been the anime's highlight and really made me thankful that I gave it another week or two after episode 4. Personally six has been really amazing and both parts quite good. Definitely a huge Uzu fan now
though wish he wasnt blinded, but that band over his eyes is really kind of stylish now, especially with the two tails coming off the band behind him
. Easily best performance yet of any character
and how epic was his attacks completely devastating, crushing, and even annihilating Ryuko, so badly that she had to run away (what kind of lead character flees even :( )

So many good scenes and images, wish I could post but...


Oreimo 15

Awwwww, that was so sweet.

Been awhile since I've seen a ending that gave me so many good feelings. Only real downside was the whole traveling to America bit, but that's just minor compared to Kuroneko's kiss
and Kyousuke's talk to Kirino
Total Siscon

I know people have misgivings about the series, but watching S1 has been a fun ride. The various opening scenes were nice and I really did enjoy seeing all the characters personalities and interactions with each other. Yes, Kirino can be a real bitch when she wants to be. But getting past those moments and seeing her emotional side was a joy to watch. Kyousuke himself I don't really care for, but I am willing to give him a nod for sticking up when he needed to.

Without a doubt, the other major characters were the best things about the series. I've been handily convinced that Kuroneko is the real standout of the series and a extremely memorable character. Ayase is still my personal favorite though. Even with the limited screen-time, every moment she appeared in was enjoyable. Sena as well, why such a great character like her didn't appear sooner is beyond me.

Unfortunately, there were some characters I didn't like as much. Don't really hate Manami but she's way to normal compared with the rest of the vibrant cast. Saori had some good moments, but I didn't enjoy watching her nearly as much as everyone else. Still haven't seen her without those glasses, so I gotta find out what she looks like without them pretty soon.

Final Best Girl Ranking

Ayase > Kuroneko > Sena = Kirino >>>> Saori >> Manami

8/10 Good. Will ignore S2, so that all of my positivity towards the series doesn't become tarnished.

That is an acceptable ranking. Also s2 doesn't exist. I hope it never gets made.
Phi brain - 06

Good episode

Why ? raerae tried many different clothes.
Ana is still pretty high on my list , very good character as usual.

Next week we're upping the stakes at bit more with the return
of melancholy!!

Kaiot, freecell , gyamon this should make a great team... i hope the challenge will be worth it .. Freecell seems to have lost his cheat from season 2 so the fight will be hopefully balanced

Can't wait

enigma is a **shole confirmed, i didn't believe in the makata jin plan since the start but by now this make it obvious ... unfortunatly by now the only way for raerae to understand will be some serious convincing or jin himself but let's not kidding ourseves, he will not regain his memories untill the 3/4 of this season at least.

Ana is a nice trap , window shopping , get to the pool , smell girls and he isn't afraid or anything.


Valvrave the Liberator 13

Man Haruto your curse isn't even that bad.
All you have to do is bite people, it doesn't even harm them most of the time. Yeah there was the Saki thing but you're more upset about it than she is. Of course that's because she's completely insane.

Valvrave the Liberator 14

My little sister can't be such a hacker

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 7


Steins;Gate 7

Where little girls have the voices of a woman in her mid-twenties
Teekyuu 30
Those are awesome cakes. Can't wait for the DLC

Gingtsune 6
Hopefully, that sourpuss will get away from his anti-social tendencies before the show ends.
Golden Time 6
Man, now I see why Banra is a dick. lol
What an asshole!

he actually has a freaking reason to.
Both female were leaving him in a status quo -like situation where he couldn't do much . totally understandable , especially given his past.

At least the superior female upped her game to rise for the challenge and managed to speed up the story by a significant amount.
Strike Witches S2 10-12
Fairly good ending to the series. Miyafuji was fairly cool in the ending.

Ranking of Strike Witches


Space Shattlebip Yamato 2199 03

The warp effect is awesome but I forgot to take a picture so have this instead

This show suddenly became awesome. After the setup of the last two episodes, this series is now ready to fly like a... space... battleship...

Some cool action and light character moments this episode, but the visuals are the main thing that really wowed me. From the explosions to the GUI to the warp effects to the environments, everything looks really good. The whole test scene with the Wave Motion Gun was awesome. I loved how long the whole set-up took, made it really tense.

Of course Warp Speed Clothes Disappearing Syndrome only affects the women. :p

Andrew J.

Yamato 2199 03

Mmm, that's quality technobabble there.

Ugh, just noticed Yuki's uniform has high-heel shoes. Why.

That's a cool effect, but really not the best time for playing darts.

Completely gratuitous shot of Yuki naked.

The way the Yamato looks like it's crashing into a sea before coming out of warp is so fucking hype!

Floating continents? In my relatively hard sci-fi? It's more likely than you'd think.

Wasn't the robot buddy from Star Blazers entirely an invention of the localization side? What a weird element to reverse-import.

I can't help but wonder what the crew complements of those enemy ships are...this episode was willing to show us that the commander had a daughter back home that missed him, but not to show a Gamilan perspective of the battle. Guess they can't be too sympathetic.

The procedures for firing the Wave Motion Gun are so elaborate, it really sells the sense that this is a really dangerous weapon on a entirely different scale from the rest of the ship's guns. It was followed up with a worthy visual spectacle to pay off all the tension the preparation built.


Tired of Writing This Title Yamato 2199 04

how did the Yukikaze get all the way to a moon of Saturn after being blown up outside of Pluto? That seems like a pretty long way to randomly float.

Anyways, good episode! They kinda pushed back the larger scale stuff and took time to focus more on the characters, which is great. Kodai and... his friend giving each other space bro fists and not questioning the magic of the food machine. Also we learned that
the Gamilans have robots but these robots are kinda wimps and are susceptible to kicking.

Ugh, just noticed Yuki's uniform has high-heel shoes. Why.

You obviously have no understanding of practical military equipment. :p
Hyouka 4-5

So that's what Hyouka means.....
How tragic

Didn't think this would've been short. I don't know, must be a bit of pessimism speaking from some other source of animation. Uhhh anyway...

There's a lot of visual metaphors that go about, two of them being very prevalent as far as I'm aware. You know, Grey, Rose Colored and whatnot. The ones that get repeated rather often. Of course there's also dialogue explaining the metaphors as well.
I don't know why, but doing both bothers me for some reason, like a do one, but don't explain every metaphor you're trying make. Like I'm fine with the imagry that was presented on the Anthrology at least. But I don't know, it feels heavy handed without me looking into it.... Must be pessimism from other source of media on my behalf.

The Sister sure knows how to play the game without being there though.
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