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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Evangelion 2
It uneventful for the most part except for the last 5 or so minutes.
So are EVAs biological or was that just Shinji hallucinating? Either way it's weird and my interest is definitely piqued.
Pen-pen is pretty badass though.

It's way too apparent to be ignored though. It's pretty lame if they are just using it for the hell of it.

Yeah, slow episode but the last minutes you mention are so, so great. One of my favorite anime scenes, ever.

Shinji in the bed, the eyes lost in the roof, the clashing sound of the fight start to sound more and more, then flashback is finally shown to the viewers. And the end, with Shinji still on shock looking at a "mirror" in the skyscraper, and seeing the truth of the "robot", a hideous giant biological thing which grows an eye. And he is inside of it. And the eye twitches, and focus on the mirror, looking inside, inside his own being, at him.
Cue scream.

Think about it for a while. It's actually a Lovecraftian horror scene. Shinji is famous for being a "bitch", but normal people would have run away to never come back in that moment!

So, TFS are abridging Attack on Titan? Might be fun to watch, even though it'll probably be like five years before we see the end of it.

Kyoukai no Kanata 7

Well that was... anti-climatic. Even the action scene was pretty weak this time around.

Honestly, the DTL-esque shenanigans are the best part of this show right now, and I can't believe I'm saying that.

Akihito/Hiroomi is practically my OTP for KnK, because frankly, they seem to be the only characters that really have any chemistry together. Haven't seen the new episode yet (about to start it), but I'm happy to know there's more :DTL in this one.


That is not true either, some the symbolism as actually rather central to the proceedings.
It's central in that it's a vehicle for what's being driven in the story's fiction, but to say anything else is incorrect. GAINAX members and Anno himself have seemed to repeat this this ad nauseam...

From NGE's Assistant Director Kazuya Tsurumaki:
"There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us. Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians. There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool. If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice"


It's central in that it's a vehicle for what's being driven in the story's fiction, but to say anything else is incorrect. GAINAX members and Anno himself have seemed to repeat this this ad nauseam...

From NGE's Assistant Director Kazuya Tsurumaki:

Well, yea, the Christian symbolism is quite useless,
the Jewish/Kabbalhism Symbolism, that is the important shit.


Yeah, slow episode but the last minutes you mention are so, so great. One of my favorite anime scenes, ever.

Shinji in the bed, the eyes lost in the roof, the clashing sound of the fight start to sound more and more, then flashback is finally shown to the viewers. And the end, with Shinji still on shock looking at a "mirror" in the skyscraper, and seeing the truth of the "robot", a hideous giant biological thing which grows an eye. And he is inside of it. And the eye twitches, and focus on the mirror, looking inside, inside his own being, at him.
Cue scream.

Think about it for a while. It's actually a Lovecraftian horror scene. Shinji is famous for being a "bitch", but normal people would have run away to never come back in that moment!

I agree. I think I would have reacted the same way as Shinji. I mean if these things are biological in nature, then being inside of them would be very unnerving. Plus that liquid that filled the cockpit seems way stranger now than I previously thought.


Kyoukai no Kanata 7-

Oh boy what a shit episode. The narrative is dog shit. Let putrid Riley shit level. The best parts are some of the comedic bits. It's clear that Hanada can't do drama nor should he even try. The only bite the narrative has had so far, and it's a backhanded compliment when I say this, is that Sakura would continue trying to kill or at least be semi-serious about the whole thing. Instead we get some bullshit that is remarkably half-assed. This episode felt like a quick way to clean up some crappy storyline that the writers knew was shitty, so they just dump the conclusion here. It didn't feel like a climax or anything of note. The whole Sakura plotline has felt like a complete waste of my time.

Let me discuss the sewer fight scene for a bit. It's clear that the animation sequence is very well animated in regards to detail and motion. So why is it a bad action sequence? There is no sense of choreography, stance, threat, footwork, space usage, or even camera positioning. It's just two people swinging swords at each other at a very fast speed.
For example the camera is positioned under Mirai a couple of times during the fight sequence and it does nothing to add to the dynamism of the fight. There a few good shots shots such as the fireball/hellfire sequence where the camera does some work or where the camera is repositioned in front of Mirai pointing towards her but the general lack of choreography really kill this sequence.

Oh and the last scene totally fucks up the story.
At some point the two are seen grieving together and Sakura even brings Mirai a sandwhich.
Like what the fuck. So why was she even intent on killing Mirai in the first place?
Kyoukai no Kanata - 7

I either have Stockholm syndrome, or absolutely terrible taste, because this episode wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.

AnimeGAF, what should my penance be for even slightly enjoying this?
Kyoukai no Kanata - 7

I either have Stockholm syndrome, or absolutely terrible taste, because this episode wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.

AnimeGAF, what should my penance be for even slightly enjoying this?

Continuing to watch the show is probably more than enough.


Kyoukai no Kanata 7-

Oh and the last scene totally fucks up the story.
At some point the two are seen grieving together and Sakura even brings Mirai a sandwhich.
Like what the fuck. So why was she even intent on killing Mirai in the first place?

As best as I can tell (and it's not very well-supported since the show is bad at telling us things we need to know),
Sakura harbored a grudge against Mirai for killing the other chick, but was also harboring a grudge because she was a pithy normal person while her friend and sister were super special awesome spirit world warriors so when she was offered this evil super scythe by obviously-evil-dude she jumped at the chance to be an awesome super duper super special awesome spirit world warrior while using Mirai killing her sister as a pretense for control? I guess? Maybe?

This entire subplot is baffling and I have no idea why it's in this show.
I didn't mention this at the time but at episode 4 I was confused because I thought Sakura was the person Mirai killed and she was an apparition the hollow shadow made up but oh it turned out it was the girl's sister? The character that literally was not mentioned at all up to that point, and she's trying to kill Mirai and I guess they were going to tell us more about who she was and what led her to her current actions except they did none of this and just abruptly skipped to the end in this episode after two episodes spent on literally nothing important or noteworthy
because I don't even know why, like I said, this whole show reads like an 8th grader wrote it and it's just a confusing mess to follow. And of course I'm already halfway through so there's no chance I'm dropping this now. I apologize AnimeGAF, I am part of the problem and I deserve all scorn directed at me because of this fact.

Why can't the Haruhi author write more books so we can see more of that instead of this?


As best as I can tell (and it's not very well-supported since the show is bad at telling us things we need to know),
Sakura harbored a grudge against Mirai for killing the other chick, but was also harboring a grudge because she was a pithy normal person while her friend and sister were super special awesome spirit world warriors so when she was offered this evil super scythe by obviously-evil-dude she jumped at the chance to be an awesome super duper super special awesome spirit world warrior while using Mirai killing her sister as a pretense for control? I guess? Maybe?

No I understood that, but why was she even playing along as if it was for revenge?
If it was just so that she could become a SWW fine. However she gives up after Mirai's pep talk.
The whole thing is so half-assed.


No I understood that, but why was she even playing along as if it was for revenge?
If it was just so that she could become a SWW fine. However she gives up after Mirai's pep talk.
The whole thing is so half-assed.

Dude if I had the answer to that I would have put forth something, anything resembling an explanation. Frankly I'm just as confused about all this as you are.
Kyoukai no Kanata - 7

I either have Stockholm syndrome, or absolutely terrible taste, because this episode wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.

AnimeGAF, what should my penance be for even slightly enjoying this?

I thought its only really had one bad episode and that was the super heavy action one, the screens from this one make it look absolutely fantastic.


Kyoukai no Kanata - 7

I either have Stockholm syndrome, or absolutely terrible taste, because this episode wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.

AnimeGAF, what should my penance be for even slightly enjoying this?

Its probably somewhere in between. Not as bad as people say but not as good as someone who loves the show thinks it is. I will probably enjoy it.
Kyoukai no Kanata 7

I would love for the hilarious lack of commitment given to the drama in this episode to be the signal of its death, because all it does it hold the show back from the masterpiece it would clearly otherwise be. That isn't true, but I'd still like it gone.

I got some enjoyment out of Hirofumi's violation of Akihito's ears, and their dumb scenes together in general. How and why is this more compelling than any of the M/F relationships in the show.

Still hate myself for watching.


I'm not sure how much a topical cream could do for a poopy blood infusion.

Well that depends on the nature of the infusion! Sometimes when you're really constipated it can be like trying to squeeze the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube and that can result in some... damage.


Dual Parallel Trouble Adventures 10

So basically I would like to send the following message to world governments, military organizations, and paramilitary pseudoscience groups who are charged with protecting the world from evil mad men, aliens, giants, dinosaurs and the like.

If you employ a hormonal teenage boy and equip him with a giant robot powered by his teenage emotions, maybe, just maybe you shouldn't fuck with him by trying to screw up his one chance at scoring with a girl he likes.

Because he has a goddamn giant robot which can and will destroy your entire civilization while he's on a rampage. I mean REALLY is every villain in the universe so dumb that they make it their one goal to piss off the kid with the super robot that runs on his anger and unbridled passion?
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure TV 21

I was hoping to get a taste of what Lisa Lisa was capable of, and now I finally get it. It's interesting how her fighting style relies on bluffing and taking advantage of negligence, similar to Jojo only with more self-possession. She's a pretty cool character actually.
And looking amazingly good for 50!


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure TV 21

I was hoping to get a taste of what Lisa Lisa was capable of, and now I finally get it. It's interesting how her fighting style relies on bluffing and taking advantage of negligence, similar to Jojo only with more self-possession. She's a pretty cool character actually.
And looking amazingly good for 50!
The ripple does wonders.
For what it's worth, I finally started Bakemonogatari last night. Watched the first two episodes...pretty good so far. I do really like the OP as well. Still to early though for me to have a more informed opinion, but I will keep watching.


Bakemonogatari 2

So the show continues to be visually quite entertaining. Even the obvious CG is much more acceptable here than it will ever be in Mecha (Author's Note: CG Mecha is SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT). There was still some confusion at the episode's beginning, mostly due to the fact that this show does that thing Evangelion does where it interrupts what you're seeing to show you text you can't read because you don't speak moonspeak. As the episode progressed, though, a lot of things became much clearer and the narrative came out good and readable for the most part.

Not really sure where they're going with this plot, though, now that the Weight Crab God seems to have been resolved.
For what it's worth, I finally started Bakemonogatari last night. Watched the first two episodes...pretty good so far. I do really like the OP as well. Still to early though for me to have a more informed opinion, but I will keep watching.

Well, unfortunately for you, the OP changes with each arc, and it's changing to the Mayoi Snail one next episode.

It comes back for episode 12, though.

I like all the OPs, though. My favorites are Ambivalent World (the one for Suruga Monkey) and Sugar Sweet Nightmare (the one for Tsubasa Cat).
Looks like I'll finish Titan after all thanks to the abridged series.

But abridged series never actually get finished. They just take longer and longer between each episode.

hbi2k has actually finished three, but those are the only well-known ones I know of that are finished.
But abridged series never actually get finished. They just take longer and longer between each episode.

hbi2k has actually finished three, but those are the only well-known ones I know of that are finished.

Then I'll pretend the abridged version is canon and let the story end wherever it ends :p
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