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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure TV 22

That was awesome. The chariot race is perhaps the best fight of Battle Tendency - so many back-and-forths, with thrilling suspense as Jojo and Wamuu race to outhink each other. The direction was super-exciting and managed to be dynamic despite the limitations of the budget, such as in the depiction of the crossbow shots. The great sound effects and especially the music help even more than usual. Certainly one of my favorite episodes of the series.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure TV 21

I was hoping to get a taste of what Lisa Lisa was capable of, and now I finally get it. It's interesting how her fighting style relies on bluffing and taking advantage of negligence, similar to Jojo only with more self-possession. She's a pretty cool character actually.
And looking amazingly good for 50!
I thought her voice actress, Atsuko Tanaka, brought out her character especially well. Looking her up, I guess she's also the voice of the Major in GITS? Makes sense.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 19


There's an alternate timeline running parallel to this one in which I didn't elect to not watch this 4 years ago. I'm probably happier in it, because fuck. . .

The stylistic rendition of Roy Mustang’s badass inferno conjuring is so awesome in its detail that it's borderline terrifying. The moving picture of a screaming Lust's upper body encased in roaring flames is more impactful than the vast majority of depictions of combat magic could hope to be. The desperate but futile screeching lunge that follows, and Roy's response to it, drive the message home and sell his power and certainty to the degree that they become unquestionable. Add to this the fact he’s just cauterized his own grave wounds using flames brought forth with a cigarette lighter and a transmutation circle of his own blood and you've got one of the most epic scenes I've come across in anime. It's a perfect example of an animator making the difference between a cool but forgettable action scene and something visually commanding that stands out.

If the rest of the show is half as good as this episode then it’s probably at least decent. If it isn't I’ll just watch this episode again and not care.


For what it's worth, I finally started Bakemonogatari last night. Watched the first two episodes...pretty good so far. I do really like the OP as well. Still to early though for me to have a more informed opinion, but I will keep watching.

It's not the OP you're supposed to love. It's the ED. Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari is one of supercell's best songs ever, and I love supercell.

Well, Ren'ai Circulation (OP to the Nadeko Snake arc) is also worthy of adoration, but you haven't got there yet.

Not that the other OPs are bad or anything, in fact I rather like a lot of them (Mayoi's is particularly fun IMO, though her new one in Monogatari SS is better.) They just tend to pale in comparison to Ren'ai Circulation and dat ED.

Bakemonogatari 2

So the show continues to be visually quite entertaining. Even the obvious CG is much more acceptable here than it will ever be in Mecha (Author's Note: CG Mecha is SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT). There was still some confusion at the episode's beginning, mostly due to the fact that this show does that thing Evangelion does where it interrupts what you're seeing to show you text you can't read because you don't speak moonspeak. As the episode progressed, though, a lot of things became much clearer and the narrative came out good and readable for the most part.

Yes, that whole flashing-text-up-for-a-few-frames thing is probably my least favourite thing about the Monogatari anime in general (and I say that as someone who actually can read the moonspeak). Some of the text included in them does serve to enrich the narrative a little, but they flash by so goddamn fast that you have to choose between constantly hovering over the pause button (and screwing up the pacing of the show in the process), or just missing what they say entirely.

I must admit they look cool though, as a part of the show's distinctive visual style.

Not really sure where they're going with this plot, though, now that the Weight Crab God seems to have been resolved.

Oh yeah, I forgot the first arc was so short. I guess I've got too used to arcs taking around four or more episodes in the later parts of the series, but for most of Bake they're just two or three.

Andrew J.

Yamato 2199 07

Don't like this security guy. Anime characters whose eyes are always closed, are always smiling, and speak in singsong voices are never trustworthy.

I'd actually never heard about line-crossing ceremonies before. This series might actually be mildly educational!

Not even serious sci-fi action shows are safe from maid fetishism, I see.

At least Akira is able to retain some dignity by wearing a jacket.

Man, these last messages home are getting real.

Okita has basically been an unflappable avatar of professionalism so far, it's nice to see him longing for companionship and letting loose.

shiny glasses are never a good sign.

No action scenes this episode. I wonder if that's why there was more fanservice than usual.


shiny glasses are never a good sign.

Haha, yeah.
When I saw that scene I was like "Oh well I guess Niimi will betray them or something at some point".

The fanservice definitely feels out of place fairly frequently. It's my only real complaint about the show right now.
Haha, yeah.
When I saw that scene I was like "Oh well I guess Niimi will betray them or something at some point".

The fanservice definitely feels out of place fairly frequently. It's my only real complaint about the show right now.

At least they had the dignity of making the fan service very minimal and since this is set not in high school we don't get upskirts and pantsu every 4 minutes.
Is there a series about a space battleship city thing that's a giant high school?

Because I would watch that.

Well there's that show where there's a war going on and there are giant movable cities that travel around the desert. Can't remember its name, but it was a semi harem with action and a bit of mystery.

I don't see any correlation between high school settings and a high number of panty shots.

In terms of percentages I'd argue I wouldn't be too far off since high school comedies/romances and all.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I got into anime/manga thanks to my fujoshi friends in high school.

(I was searching for Kill la Kill on tokyoto Wikipedia and I accidentally typed in Mako la Mako)
Does BRS TV make more or less sense than KnK so far?
BRS TV is about SUFERING, not making sense , BRS plot is very simple , it's just full of SUFFERING

case in point :

Dual Parallel Trouble Adventures 10

So basically I would like to send the following message to world governments, military organizations, and paramilitary pseudoscience groups who are charged with protecting the world from evil mad men, aliens, giants, dinosaurs and the like.

If you employ a hormonal teenage boy and equip him with a giant robot powered by his teenage emotions, maybe, just maybe you shouldn't fuck with him by trying to screw up his one chance at scoring with a girl he likes.

Because he has a goddamn giant robot which can and will destroy your entire civilization while he's on a rampage. I mean REALLY is every villain in the universe so dumb that they make it their one goal to piss off the kid with the super robot that runs on his anger and unbridled passion?

What would be an old school mecha show without a bit of drama and bad decisions ?
Sure that was a really bad decision but it's also part of the fun :p


Ouran High School Host Club 20

Great backstory episode on Kaoru and Hikaru and their lifelong search for somebody who can tell the difference between them, to see who they were beyond the twin of the other. Those girls' confession scenes were pretty hard to watch. On one hand they were just overly mean to them. On the other hand, how would that feel, having a girl claiming to love you say "Either one of you is fine"? That just has to feel so insulting, to be perceived as so interchangeable that these girls would actually say "Either one of you is fine".

This was also one of Tamaki's best episodes. Much as an oaf as he can come off as, he's also very compassionate. Though he was not able to tell the two apart, he actually made the effort, and he seemed to genuinely understand how they felt and why they were playing that game. And he gave them that real talk that if they kept isolating themselves into their own little world, they never would meet anybody who could tell them apart.

But now, years later, they met Haruhi who was able to tell them apart with ease. No wonder the two of them are so fond of her.


Is there a series about a space battleship city thing that's a giant high school?

Because I would watch that.

Sounds suspiciously like Valvrave...

Coppelion 7

Yeeeeeah, screw the Aoi haters, she's probably my favourite character in this. Her straightforward emotional and impulsive reactions are a blessing in this crapsack world full of serious and competent professionals (and, it would appear, a fair few crazy psychopaths). Having her around lightens the mood a little.

Not to say that Ibara's a bad character, in fact she's pretty awesome with her charming Kansai-ben, her unrelentingly positive attitude and her considerable skills to back that positive attitude up. But she's certainly not the most relatable character I ever saw.

Anyway, just in case we didn't already have enough drama to worry about,
the pregnancy finally reaches critical mass! Oh boy! So everyone's like BETTER GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL. Personally, I would have thought it safer to try and deliver the baby within the one secure and non-contaminated location in the entire city than to drag the mother out to deliver her baby in the City of Death where the air is poison and there are psychopaths trying to kill everyone. But I could be wrong.
Pocket Monsters X/Y 05


Woo, gym battle. And the first real sort of characterization for any of the gym leaders as well. Ok, there wasn't much. But still better than nothing!

The gym battle was pretty awesome, pretty nice to see Ash get outmatched and now going through training to overcome this.

Eureka is still adorable and I guess her thing is to play matchmaker to every possible girl she comes across with for her brother. Serena finally meets up and now we end the episode with the childhood friend flag.
I'd like to nominate the narrator of Negima!? for the best narrator in all of anime. His random "amigo!" and "love power!" make the show for me.

Closest persona in a show I love would be the bounty hunter announcers from Cowboy Bebop" Well howdy there buckaroos!"
In terms of percentages I'd argue I wouldn't be too far off since high school comedies/romances and all.

Remembering that the majority of anime are set in high school, and hence most ecchi shows will be at high school, I don't think you can really draw a connection there. There are plenty of high school shows that do not ogle a girls' underwear, whether it be a shoujo romance such as Lovely Complex, a mostly-girls comedy such as Love Lab, or others. Meanwhile there are shows not really set at high school that do, such as the current Yozakura Quartet.

So, it's not like the original Yamato at all...

No kidding. (NSFW)


So been listening to the full versions of a bunch of OPs and EDs.

Full version of Gomen ne, Iko Ja Irarenai(KLK ED)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Full version of Sirius (KLK OP)

The guitar work in Gomen ne is pretty decent.


What would be an old school mecha show without a bit of drama and bad decisions ?
Sure that was a really bad decision but it's also part of the fun :p

Fair enough. I just know that if I trusted teens with super robots, you better believe I'd be careful with how I treated them.

Unless their name was Katz. But in fairness, I don't think Bright ever really GAVE Katz a mech.
Fair enough. I just know that if I trusted teens with super robots, you better believe I'd be careful with how I treated them.

Unless their name was Katz. But in fairness, I don't think Bright ever really GAVE Katz a mech.
If you're too gentle with them they act like spoiled childs!!

Kidding i understand what you mean, this is why IRL , you're not military until you've reached a certain age.

Log Horizon - Episode 6

Talk talk talk talk talk

Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk

Talk talk

They better talk since all of it will become very important in the 3 next episodes

i hope you've paid attention.

Tokyo raven - 02


BAD CG everywhere !
Omg this is really a case for the unexpected.i don't see how you can make the episode more mismatched than this .. i have no problem with CG in anime ( i like appegio for example ) but when you're blending 2D et 3D in the same scene , in the same shot , you have to do better than that
I cannot describe this show cg unless by those words .

"it's better than marchen cgs"


Key drama incoming

I have to admit the whole 2nd part of the episode did absolutly nothing for me, everything moved too fast for me to have any kind of emotionnal response to what happenned and most of the action was as cliché as possible. even the first part with the little drama over the " she was cute" was something i wished i didn't have to go through.


blushing girls are cute
Overall the episode was not that great , barely average and full of clichés .. thankfully the end of this 2nd might prove to be something intresting for our male lead character, at least i hope so
Don't expect the lead character to get interesting at least until a decent more episodes. Until then he's just your typical shonen character like Naruto. All bark, no bite but everybody swears "boy he has potential!"
Don't expect the lead character to get interesting at least until a decent more episodes. Until then he's just your typical shonen character like Naruto. All bark, no bite but everybody swears "boy he has potential!"

In Naruto's case, for everyone, it was like "lets stop treating him like shit before we consider giving him blow".
In Naruto's case, for everyone, it was like "lets stop treating him like shit before we consider giving him blow".

in naruto , the third hokage made a rule about not talking about this , and the hokage is supposed to die saving everyone , and the 4th died yet people died leading to a bunch a stupid shit that needed to be resolved .

But at the start naruto did plenty of stupid things , mainly because he had no parents to guide him ..what was the point of painting the wall of hokage , again ?

many years later you can see the road to his improvement and how he changed but a part on how he was treated was also his damn fault.
in naruto , the third hokage made a rule about not talking about this , and the hokage is supposed to die saving everyone , and the 4th died yet people died leading to a bunch a stupid shit that needed to be resolved .

But at the start naruto did plenty of stupid things , mainly because he had no parents to guide him ..what was the point of painting the wall of hokage , again ?

many years later you can see the road to his improvement and how he changed but a part on how he was treated was also his damn fault.

I think it was stated that he was initially treated like shit, which is why he was doing the things he did. For attention.

Naruto sure did change though..... for the worse
and I mean the series, although the character is pretty suck ass now.
Tokyo raven - 02


BAD CG everywhere !
Omg this is really a case for the unexpected.i don't see how you can make the episode more mismatched than this .. i have no problem with CG in anime ( i like appegio for example ) but when you're blending 2D et 3D in the same scene , in the same shot , you have to do better than that
I cannot describe this show cg unless by those words .

"it's better than marchen cgs"


Word of warning.

Episode 3 has CG much worse than the ones from EP 2
Pocket Monsters X/Y 05


Woo, gym battle. And the first real sort of characterization for any of the gym leaders as well. Ok, there wasn't much. But still better than nothing!

The gym battle was pretty awesome, pretty nice to see Ash get outmatched and now going through training to overcome this.

Eureka is still adorable and I guess her thing is to play matchmaker to every possible girl she comes across with for her brother. Serena finally meets up and now we end the episode with the childhood friend flag.

how was pikachu nerfed this season?
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