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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Jesus Christ! That show needs to be put down :(

Or at least get a new protagonist. You can even let an older Ash guest star from time to time or let him take the Mentor role like Brock did of seasons past.

Please, his lost wasn't terrible. Viola just had a better strategy than Ash and took advantage of Pikachu not being to move as well on ice.

I mean, if season past, Pikachu was some Olympic Ice Skating Champion, sure this is a problem.

I would just be happy if they took the tone of the manga.

The manga is completely nothing like that anymore.
Because the first thing I would do would be shove a dang thunderstone down Pikachu's throat and puberty down Ash's.

The next thing I'd do is forget whatever stupid story line we're in and move the show directly to Ransei and then Orre.

Also I would pander to Charizard and Mewtwo, and you better believe post-puberty Gary would be depressing as hell. Because unlike Ash, Gary has to get a real job and run Viridian gym. And by real job I mean he'll be trapped in a soulless marriage to a Nurse Joy, and Brock will be on the run from the law for reasons which are obvious.

You had me until that last paragraph

my early teenage years in a nutshell, more or less



What's the deal with Nurse Joys anyway? Are they all sisters? A hive mind? Do you give up your former identity when you become one?

They can't be a hive mind because Mewtwo hijacked one and if he'd hijacked a hive mind God only knows what he'd've done.

They're a religious sect. Just like how Popes take new names, the Divine Sisters of Joy take that name as they travel across the land. They offer their service and remind you to come again soon not out of any sick and twisted desire to see you in pain, but because they want you to employ their services instead of PokeMart Incorporated, the MultiTrillion dollar industry which sells Pokeballs and Potions. Think about it, if not for PokeMart Inc, no Pokemon outside of Ransei and Fiorre would ever be captured. SILPH company is just a subsidiary, a shell corporation run by PokeMart Inc. So Pokemon Centers are free services run by the Sisters of Joy to provide care for your Pokemon for free, allow them time outside the capsules so the Sisters can put chips in them preventing PokeMart from rescinding your Pocket Monster License Agreement at any time and laying claim to the Gods in your boxes. Bill and his colleagues are of course all employees of PokeMart Inc.

So these women take up the name and ceremonial dress in a symbolic gesture to the removal of identity which PokeMart's Always Box Online policies are slowly forcing you toward.

You had me until that last paragraph

Honestly I'd just plain pander to Fire types. Darmanitan, Arcanine, Torcoal, Camerupt, the works. FIRE TYPES. And in response to Marill and Pikachu a show-exclusive Firechu Pokemon. Probably would be a total Mary Sue. Also the opening credits would show a man pushing a truck and finding a Mew under it. Missingno would show up.
I'll start for with Kiritsugu. He didn't have a relationship with Saber, or anything approaching normal. He viewed her as a tool, clear and simple, from the beginning to the end. The way his mind works is that he was a true pragmatist. He would use a tool till it broke and throw it out without hesistation.
Hell I don't think he gave a shit when Maiya died.
Saber literally couldn't do anything Kiritsugu due to the command spells and he didn't give a flying fuck about her as long as she followed orders. She clearly doesn't like his tactics but pretty much has to go along. They aren't supposed to understand each other and that's fine. They work as a contrast compared to some of the other functional partnerships in the anime such as Rider and Waver. Kiritsugu is a man without morals or chivalry because it would have gotten him and others dead. That is the whole point of the flashback, to show that he is willing to do whatever it takes, no matter what others think of him. You're not supposed to necessarily like him as he isn't a bro like Rider. The only time he acts like a normal person is around Ilya and even at the end you can see that he has his limits. He's the protagonist because he's the opposite of Kirei in a lot of ways.
I understood their relationship and how Kiri viewed her, which is why it was so frustrating they didn't have more words. There were only a few moments, and they never delved deep enough. Heck, Arthur spends more time drinking with Alexander and Gilgamesh discussing what it is to be a King than she does arguing with Kiri over their worldviews. I simply wanted the relationship to be fleshed out, even though it wasn't necessarily a positive relationship. It's one thing for us to put together the pieces on the relationship, but it's another to have the two of them hammer it out in front of us.
Kirei had the best character development on the show. None of his development is supposed to be surprising. He does seriously fuck some people over though and hard. That church scene was him at his best.
Maybe he had the best development, but what he was and what he developed into were both unintersting to me. In the end, Kirei came off like a soap opera villain with Gilgamesh pushing him the entire way.
Berserker was supposed to stand out. If he had just looked like a normal knight in 2D then it wouldn't have portrayed the shroud hiding his identity as well. He's not normal on a lot of levels and the decision to make him CGI was the right one.
I guess I wish they found a better way to make him stand out, or shroud him, if that was their true motive. He was simply too jarring for me.
Oh and Lancer
killing himself was full of pure emotion
. I don't know what to say if you didn't like that scene. He's completely raging because he's been screwed over so many times and just when he think he's getting a fair fight, nope.
It was definetely close to hitting home, but it didn't quite get there. The framing of the scene spent way too long at one point on his back, far off, while he was unleashing his scathing, verbal attack on the group. I also didn't enjoy him doing the deed off camera. You see Arthur's reaction first, and before they show Lancer fully it is clear what just happened. It would've had a stronger impact if they were in the middle of fighting then BAM. It happens. These small choices took away from the scene, though in the end it is just personal preference for me.


Kiri and Natalia's relationship was more of a mother son one. They even aired the 2nd flashback on Mother's day.
I know that wasn't intentional.
Kiri's relationship with Maiya was more of a partnership though compared to Natalia and it functioned differently.

Yeah there's more to it but in principal, they're close.. Either Maya or Natali will not have their emotion mixed up, hell the irony in all of this Emiya is the most melancholic person among them.

Btw I just realize that post dissing Kirei too, I wonder if that's the case for many casual people that not have experience with the franchise.

He's deliberately "dull" character, and took the biggest focus in the series.. Its fair to say if you're not enjoying him, you not gonna enjoy the show.
Honestly I'd just plain pander to Fire types. Darmanitan, Arcanine, Torcoal, Camerupt, the works. FIRE TYPES. And in response to Marill and Pikachu a show-exclusive Firechu Pokemon. Probably would be a total Mary Sue. Also the opening credits would show a man pushing a truck and finding a Mew under it. Missingno would show up.

But fire types generally look cool. Even Flareon. It's not like they have a Dragonite situation.


Berserker was supposed to stand out. If he had just looked like a normal knight in 2D then it wouldn't have portrayed the shroud hiding his identity as well. He's not normal on a lot of levels and the decision to make him CGI was the right one.


My friends and I absolutely loved CG berserker because he stood out and the animation was more than decent enough. Unlike Berserk movie 1.


oh, no, I'm not proud, just honest. Pokemon is a dark, dark fucking path when you're young and relatively new to the internet.

That I'm aware of. So was Digimon. My interest in those two is what led me to find out about the existence of Doujins... on eBay no less

Exactly. Fire types look dang awesome, and they fight with fire. I would always exploit that awesomeness for my own interests.

But what if they had ROCKS!?


Maybe he had the best development, but what he was and what he developed into were both unintersting to me. In the end, Kirei came off like a soap opera villain with Gilgamesh pushing him the entire way..

The entire point of his development is too see how he became the exact man that he became in F/SN, this is prequel afterall.

Funny thing is "Soap Opera Villain" is perfect way to describe Kirei and basically what the writer make him for with some philosophical babble to make him amusing, He found amusement in evil just because, but he also deliberately avoid evil because he's faithful to his religion. Gil just push him to that origin of him.


I understood their relationship and how Kiri viewed her, which is why it was so frustrating they didn't have more words. There were only a few moments, and they never delved deep enough. Heck, Arthur spends more time drinking with Alexander and Gilgamesh discussing what it is to be a King than she does arguing with Kiri over their worldviews. I simply wanted the relationship to be fleshed out, even though it wasn't necessarily a positive relationship. It's one thing for us to put together the pieces on the relationship, but it's another to have the two of them hammer it out in front of us.
But then we wouldn't have gotten this doujinshi:
I think the anime made it clear how Kiri viewed her. He didn't view her as someone worth talking to or interacting with. She's nothing more than a tool and why bother your energy explaining something to someone who is irrelevant anyway. Even Iri pointed out how dysfunctional their relationship was after the Lancer bit and he didn't care at all.
It was definetely close to hitting home, but it didn't quite get there. The framing of the scene spent way too long at one point on his back, far off, while he was unleashing his scathing, verbal attack on the group. I also didn't enjoy him doing the deed off camera. You see Arthur's reaction first, and before they show Lancer fully it is clear what just happened. It would've had a stronger impact if they were in the middle of fighting then BAM. It happens. These small choices took away from the scene, though in the end it is just personal preference for me.

So in this scene, the first thing I was say that is handled well is the surprise. Nobody knows what is going on and using Lancer's POV shows how confusing it is. You then have the guttural sound Lancer's VA does and the bloodshot eyes filled with rage. They also position the camera facing the direction that Maiya is firing from. Which gives the sense of layout so that the audience knows where Maiya is, later on.
But then we wouldn't have gotten this doujinshi:
lol. Can't stop laughing.

So in this scene, the first thing I would say that is handled well is the surprise. Nobody knows what is going on and using Lancer's POV shows how confusing it is. You then have the guttural sound Lancer's VA does and the bloodshot eyes filled with rage. They also position the camera facing the direction that Maiya is firing from. Which gives the sense of layout so that the audience knows where Maiya is, later on.
I think it is just personal preference that I would've liked it to hit out of nowhere in the middle of those two going at it. The fact it happens following an obviously tough decision by Archibald in the contract made what happen obvious to me, even before they showed it. I did love the rage in his eyes though. That was one angry man.

The entire point of his development is too see how he became the exact man that he became in F/SN, this is prequel afterall.

Funny thing is "Soap Opera Villain" is perfect way to describe Kirei and basically what the writer make him for with some philosophical babble to make him amusing, He found amusement in evil just because, but he also deliberately avoid evil because he's faithful to his religion. Gil just push him to that origin of him.
So would you, or anyone for that matter, recommend Fate Stay Night? I'm damn curious at this point, even knowing most (all?) prefer Fate/Zero.


Yamato 2199 13

Sooo Niimi knew Kodai's brother.

Please jettison Mr. Squinty Smiley out the airlock. Noting good will come from him, I suspect.

New enemy looks like a pirate. I approve. Cool fight in this episode, it was pretty awesome how it was basically submarine warfare in space.
Those are demographics, not genres.

They're basically interchangeable nowadays aren't they? And the message got across that each feature themes aimed at different groups. I know it's all semantics but the message got across.

I didn't want to have to write 3 paragraphs explaining why Fate Stay is the typical hero getting stronger and eventually overpowered (at least in UBW) with harem mixed in while FZ explored more mature and intricate themes.


Please, his lost wasn't terrible. Viola just had a better strategy than Ash and took advantage of Pikachu not being to move as well on ice.

I mean, if season past, Pikachu was some Olympic Ice Skating Champion, sure this is a problem.

Bleh. It's all just so contrived. That a Pikachu with the sort of experience, speed and power of Ash's Pikachu could lose to a Surskit is just silly. I can appreciate the "power doesn't always lead to victory" mantra but by any reasonable metric the gap should be too large and Pikachu should have too many other advantages. At least let a pokemon Ash just caught fight it so my suspension of disbelief isn't so violently broken :/

After the B/W reboot, it's harder to care because it was clear that not only were the writers interested in destroying the character development Ash had to that point (and he definitely did develop as a character since his Pallet Town days) but that they were hellbent on making sure the series would spin its wheels forever.

We've stopped being the target demographic for years now but just because its a kids show shouldn't mean we can't/aren't allowed find any enjoyment in it. I'm just disappointed that the show has effectively regressed (as opposed to me just growing out of it).

Welp, sounds like no Fate Stay Night for me then. In 3 weeks my friend and I will marathon JoJo's Bizarre Adventure from GAF recommendation. I swear I'm not picky, GAF, but I hope the show rocks me.

Make sure you watch Jojo's in a well lit room. Sometimes its just straight up hard to tell what's happening in that show.
Welp, sounds like no Fate Stay Night for me then. In 3 weeks my friend and I will marathon JoJo's Bizarre Adventure from GAF recommendation. I swear I'm not picky, GAF, but I hope the show rocks me.
Has the anime fanbase pooled its collective knowledge to declare a Harem king yet? And I mean one with the biggest harem. I always though that title belonged to Toma from Majutsu No Index but you never know.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
KnK 7

You know shit's getting real when they say the title of the show in the show.

But really, not much else to say that hasn't already been said. Fight scenes were great, drama stuff was kinda zzzzzzzzz.


But then we wouldn't have gotten this doujinshi:

I think the anime made it clear how Kiri viewed her. He didn't view her as someone worth talking to or interacting with. She's nothing more than a tool and why bother your energy explaining something to someone who is irrelevant anyway. Even Iri pointed out how dysfunctional their relationship was after the Lancer bit and he didn't care at all.
Best doujin.

And I agree with your explanation of their relationship.
What other options were you looking at?
I had quite a few suggestions....looking for something with good action, but enough plot/character to bite into. Some suggestions that are sticking out right now:

Hunter x Hunter (I've currently taken a break after last arc, but am enjoying)
Fate/Zero (Just finished)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Code Breaker
Darker than Black (I've seen before. Love it)
Black Lagoon (Seen it before. Love it)

On a completely different note, does anyone use a site like Anime-Planet to keep track fo anime you've watched and get recommendations? I'm bored out of my mind and reading reviews for a good laugh. Here is a snippet of someone's review of Cowboy Bebop:

So every episode, after the intro, opens with a terrible rendering of the our potential future. The art in this show is terrible, low-grade, and of the minimum quality. In attempt to create fully detailed, fine quality art, they sacrifice smooth animation. Their failure in both regards is near unforgivable, and provokes vomiting in the uninitiated.

Then we have the voice acting. Imagine grabbing 3 random porn-stars, shooting them up with painkillers, and having them read lines about random outer space shenanigans. This is the "acting" quality we get. The fact that people find this satisfactory is just shocking.

The characters in this cartoon are among the worst I've seen. None have a personality, only a role. Fearless hero, weary veteran, oddball, and sex symbol. Oh man, I feel attached to these cliches already! Nothing new is offered here, at all.


One quick note about Fate/Zero. I loved how they portrayed the Servant/Master relationships. You had buddy buddy relationships such as Rider/Waver but also completely dysfunctional ones such as Kiri/Saber and Lancer/Kayneth. Also it kinda contrasts Fate/Stay Night where the Masters were the ones affecting the Servants, in F/Z the Servants are the dominant force and influence the Masters. Kirei is shaped by Gilgamesh, Waver by Rider, Ryūnosuke becomes even more twisted due to Caster, and Berserker on Kariya (although part of that could be attributed to the strain of controlling Berserker as well).


I miss Tenchi. Harem protagonist who was also actually cool and not a prude.
I mainly miss Ryoko. Characters with personality like hers don't really get to be love interests.

They're usually the side character who teases the protagonist by flirting or making him pay for her shit but nothing really comes of it


I had quite a few suggestions....looking for something with good action, but enough plot/character to bite into. Some suggestions that are sticking out right now:

Hunter x Hunter (I've currently taken a break after last arc, but am enjoying)
Fate/Zero (Just finished)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Code Breaker
Darker than Black (I've seen before. Love it)
Black Lagoon (Seen it before. Love it)

On a completely different note, does anyone use a site like Anime-Planet to keep track fo anime you've watched and get recommendations? I'm bored out of my mind and reading reviews for a good laugh. Here is a snippet of someone's review of Cowboy Bebop:

AnimeGAF uses hummingbird.

Also, of that list I'd choose Code Breaker. Jojo is something you watch if you used to read the manga and/or enjoy the property. Not being familiar with the manga, the anime was a big turnoff for me.

You should watch Code Geass.


They're basically interchangeable nowadays aren't they? And the message got across that each feature themes aimed at different groups. I know it's all semantics but the message got across.

I didn't want to have to write 3 paragraphs explaining why Fate Stay is the typical hero getting stronger and eventually overpowered (at least in UBW) with harem mixed in while FZ explored more mature and intricate themes.
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