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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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x 50ppp

Only way to roll.

A true man's man right here, folks.


This show is legit awesome. Fino is adorable as hell.
Unfortunately every girl has boobs that are way too big :/

I wholeheartedly support this opinion.

NouCome 6

Kanade, Kanade, Kanade. Another episode, another choice badly made.

I know that final choice was clearly set up to guilt him into choosing Option 2, but Option 1 was still the correct choice. Yukihira said herself that she wanted to tell him the truth but was too scared that he wouldn't accept her for who she really was. By revealing himself then and there, he could have granted her wish by reassuring her that he WOULD accept her. It could even have been a touching and beautiful scene if he had played it right. But no, he had to take the cowardly option and suffer in the process. Foolish, foolish, foolish.
God, I don't remember much about that show anymore except
mountain of letters that were never answered, several suicide attempts, and how the accusations of incest were getting so tough for the twins to handle that they had to move away

So yeah, it was kinda dark I think.

From what I remember, it was melodrama at its melodramaiest
guy and girl who obviously like each other lying to everybody else and eventually dating other people because they don't have the guts to say how they feel. Mother lying about relation because no reason. I actually had assumed the twins moved away due to the incest accusations and because they truly did want to incest it up. Then at the end after all the bullcrap is done and protagonist finally asks main girl out full-on she plays hard to get. FFS.
Well thats true heh.

This show is legit awesome. Fino is adorable as hell.
Unfortunately every girl has boobs that are way too big :/

Lam would attest to that.

Airi and Lore are at least normal.

Also, because it's a thing I do to report R1 anime acquisitions, Maiden Japan picks up 2007 VN adaptation Myself;Yourself.


Surprised to hear that name after all this time.


Anime is about extremes lol

Either they're too big and the male protagonist can't stop staring at them, or they have no breasts and the male character can't stop making flat jokes.

Though the best flat jokes imho were in Baka Test where in one episode she literally transformed into a giant washboard haha

I suppose thats true.

Penguindrum 1-2

Penguins revive the dead then stalk a school girl who is herself a stalker.

Whats going on here?
Other than awesome, and win.

Well this is going to be a very interesting ride for you :D
Naruto Shippuden 338

Took me a second rewatch, but I managed to understand the 1st half of Itachi's explanation about Izanami. Thankfully, the 2nd half was much easier to comprehend and overall, it was a much better explanation than the one in the manga.

Thought the story Itachi told about the Uchiha's was fairly interesting. Still needs to be said that the Uchiha's are a pretty fucked up clan and Itachi did a favor to everyone when he wiped them out.

Ill just comment on this instead of making my own post (plus itd just be lots of Sasuke images) but I still think the description of it was confusion, I guessed id need to see and physicaly touch a diagram of it to understand it. But I think it was better than how Kishimoto paneled it.


Kill la Kill 7

This was a really sweet episode. There was a lot of characterization going on for both Ryuko and Mako. We got to see a determined, hard working side of Mako to go with her easy-going, loveable comic relief aspect. We got to see Ryuko longing for a family and some pretty poignant imagery of a family destroyed by worldly wealth, as well as Mako's Shut It to Satsuki.

But in the end, this episode was essentially this:

Major Revolutionary Girl Utena Spoilers


Oh right, another hilarious thing from today's Samurai Flamenco:

When Moe lightly kicks the guy in the crotch the first time, instead of the "ding" sound and his screaming in pain like when the other two girls stomped on him, there's just a softer "doink" sound effect and the guy just goes "ah." Great little detail there.


Kyousougiga 5.5

Mmmmmm, pretty temples. Now I kind of wish I was back in Kyoto so I could go visit some of these places. Not that I need any excuse to wish I was in Kyoto.

Curse those seiyuu though, eating delicious cakes in front of me. Now I want delicious cakes.
Why do you think ita bad?

The structure of Penguin Drum is a sloppy, unfocused mess, with dangling plotlines all over the place and inconsistent development of characters. One of these days I'll rewatch it so I can have a considered second opinion on it, but I don't have a fondness for the show as remembered.


Well there's that show where there's a war going on and there are giant movable cities that travel around the desert. Can't remember its name, but it was a semi harem with action and a bit of mystery.
Chrome Shelled Regios. It wasn't quite IS levels of denseness but from what I saw of the show, he ends up with a ridiculous sized harem. Only really worth it for Felli.


Golden Time 7

I hope Banri doesn't fry from the emotional rollercoaster. I'd still be mighty suspicious of Koko given her past....and the fact she does it all over again.

In other news, I was in Paris just yesterday...and nothing of that kind happened :'(


Golden Time 7

I hope Banri doesn't fry from the emotional rollercoaster. I'd still be mighty suspicious of Koko given her past....and the fact she does it all over again.

In other news, I was in Paris just yesterday...and nothing of that kind happened :'(

Clearly you need to find a mentally unstable clingy college-aged Japanese girlfriend of your own.

Also my first real conundrum in ages: I have a great Mako avatar from this episode to use but I also have a great Koko avatar to use, I can't decide which way to go!

Is this what being a harem protag feels like?
Penguindrum 3

So we have a break in-a penguin finds a pair of panties behind the counch, and then que the v̶a̶g̶i̶n̶a̶ curry monologues. Follow that up by stalker girl being confronted by cold hard reality. Then this happens:


Still awesome.


Clearly you need to find a mentally unstable clingy college-aged Japanese girlfriend of your own.

Also my first real conundrum in ages: I have a great Mako avatar from this episode to use but I also have a great Koko avatar to use, I can't decide which way to go!

Is this what being a harem protag feels like?

Go Koko because I'm going to switch to Mako soon. :p
Clearly you need to find a mentally unstable clingy college-aged Japanese girlfriend of your own.

Also my first real conundrum in ages: I have a great Mako avatar from this episode to use but I also have a great Koko avatar to use, I can't decide which way to go!

Is this what being a harem protag feels like?

Koko, always Koko.

...maybe i should change my avatar...


If KLK ends with everyone turning into cars I'm either going to laugh or have a mental breakdown.

Drill cars, clearly.

Gundam Build Fighters 6


Thank you, Mecha Jesus.

I die now a happy man.

I'd kill for them to upgrade to a Build Freedom, though. Screw the haters.
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