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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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PK Gaming

[Space Dandy] - Finale

This was a very entertaining send off to the series. A never ending series of twists, turns and utterly crazy action set pieces that really paid homage to a number of over-the-top finales within the medium of anime. A real feast for the eyes. A spectacle in the truest sense.

Unfortunately, the entire thing fell rather flat for me. While I'd say it was a decent episode of Space Dandy it was several points off 'great'. The best episodes of this show have either had a solid emotional core (see the recent Scarlet episode) or have shown the audience something new and beautiful (Yuasa's episode, the Planet of the Dead etc). They're unique and interesting in a way that captivates the audience.

This finale was just a load of fun action set pieces. They were great, but I didn't really find anything satisfying there. The unique hook at the end was really something that's been explored in a more interesting way recently (Samurai Flamenco).

Like everyone else I have my own favourite episodes from this show, but I'm not quite sure on all the fine details yet.

Yeah, I felt the same way. I was looking for either of the things you outlined, and was disappointed to discover that the final episode failed to deliver in either regard. My biggest issue with the episode was the fact that they did very little with the Pyonium concept. I was looking forward to a mind boggling twisting (akin to the "secret of warping" but even grander) but we're treated to a by-the-books universe reset. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't one of those Space Dandy conspiracy theorists, but I just wanted... more.


Log Horizon 3
Shiroe still thinking about things. Whether it be his time in his previous guild, those kids we saw in ep 1, etc. He even thought up of a way to kill the boss despite being almost 30 levels higher.

Meanwhile we see our antagonist for this arc. Wants nothing more than world domination it seems and for some reason, some cat-human and a little girl are big threats. Eh
Berserk - 22

Welp, this turned dark pretty quickly. Im very keen to see what these monsters are and their reasons.
Poor Griffith, heartbreaking to see the once proud captain now an empty shell. Guts goes on a rampage after seeing him, hell I was angry through the screen cheering for him to continue slaughtering


Unfortunately it's boring as dirt for a good section of its runtime.

That depends. It's really not a plot-based show, to say the least, but in my view even the lesser episodes had an amusing gag or two.

Two episodes in it's not even entertaining nonsense.

Explaining what some people may find entertaining in it is almost like explaining a joke, so I won't do that. It's not going to help.

My favorite episode(s) happen(s) much later, but if you don't find anything entertaining at all by the end of episode 5 or 6, I'd advise quitting.


Well if they're planning this as a one off, they'll probably cover everyone but I have no idea how they'd end it satisfactorily. Probably Not-Senjou Sakaki's closing part of her route I would have thought.

However, if they were trying to tease for a possible second series they'd work in aspects of Amane's utterly boring cliffhanger route. (I'm still fucking mad about that)

(Sachi still the best despite the Key-esque inspired writing. Michiru next for Kaori Mizuhashi VA.)
Dunno how they'll be able to show most stuff since shit changes dramatically during the Yumiko and Makina routes. Interested nonetheless.
[Space Dandy] - Finale

This was a very entertaining send off to the series. A never ending series of twists, turns and utterly crazy action set pieces that really paid homage to a number of over-the-top finales within the medium of anime. A real feast for the eyes. A spectacle in the truest sense.

Unfortunately, the entire thing fell rather flat for me. While I'd say it was a decent episode of Space Dandy it was several points off 'great'. The best episodes of this show have either had a solid emotional core (see the recent Scarlet episode) or have shown the audience something new and beautiful (Yuasa's episode, the Planet of the Dead etc). They're unique and interesting in a way that captivates the audience.

This finale was just a load of fun action set pieces. They were great, but I didn't really find anything satisfying there. The unique hook at the end was really something that's been explored in a more interesting way recently (Samurai Flamenco).

Like everyone else I have my own favourite episodes from this show, but I'm not quite sure on all the fine details yet.

Agreed, if I'm going to point out my favorite episode, 26 wouldn't be it, the ones who has some emotional connection as you mention are the best, for me at least.
The plot development of this episode... it left me pretty flat. The animation was great yeah, but when there is no heart and the plot leaves you cold, it's wasted.

So, who is going to make a summary of all the references? I saw a pair of Evangelion, one from Cowboy Bebop, one of Gurren Lagann but it could be something older that GL referenced too, and a pair of scenes that tingled my memory but I'm unsure still.


Agreed, if I'm going to point out my favorite episode, 26 wouldn't be it, the ones who has some emotional connection as you mention are the best, for me at least.
The plot development of this episode... it left me pretty flat.

So, who is going to make a summary of all the references? I saw a pair of Evangelion, one from Cowboy Bebop, one of Gurren Lagann but it could be something older that GL referenced too, and a pair of scenes that tingled my memory but I'm unsure still.

Macross Plus
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom 1-26 (End)

Working my way through my backlog. This was a gentle reminder that I should never go into an anime with any kind of expectations just because a prominent name is associated with it. Somewhat simplistic plot with an amnesiac assassin questioning his existence. Characters were vaguely interesting, and pretty much carried the show as I couldn't care too much about the main plot about underground organizations doing underground organization things. Music was thoroughly average. Timeskips are a terrible way to develop characters, and part of the reason I couldn't feel invested as much.


They've often deviated from the source material in some of their newer work, haven't they?

Amagi is definitely supposed to deviate. Hell The Second Raid had some major changes like the incest yuri sisters were male in the light novels.


Log Horizon 4
Now we're playing with cool down times. They're going to trip up if they keep doing this. I can feel it.

Serera's level is actually 19, but her maid level is 44+. Must've done a lot of cleaning the past few days.


There's always two different definitions of "fail" in contexts like these. Sales and artistic/creative. I prefer to think in the second one. Sales numbers are interesting and an okay determinator of future sequels, but they don't paint the whole picture. Plus, even a failure can be worth discussing.
Berserk - 23

Rescue mission is sort of a success. Biggest loss was the troops morale after witnessing what Griffith has become
Jesus what the hell is going on, egg necklace along with eclipse is starting some weird shit. Demon invasion? Is Griffith gonna be consumed and become some sort of demon?
Dandy 26 wasn't by any means the best episode, for me that will always go to 21(?). The visuals, the topic, the symbolism, the callback to famous mythology, the scene with the angel playing the spaghetti western guitar song, everything was masterful and if you didn't like it you are wrong and deserve to be tried as a witch in Salem.


Should I be watching the dub or subs? There is a noticeable difference in the dialogue.

Sub because mad scientist it's so cooooooooooooooooooooool


Berserk - 23

Rescue mission is sort of a success. Biggest loss was the troops morale after witnessing what Griffith has become
Jesus what the hell is going on, egg necklace along with eclipse is starting some weird shit. Demon invasion? Is Griffith gonna be consumed and become some sort of demon?

The show had some really striking art, animation flaws aside.
Berserk - 23

Rescue mission is sort of a success. Biggest loss was the troops morale after witnessing what Griffith has become
Jesus what the hell is going on, egg necklace along with eclipse is starting some weird shit. Demon invasion? Is Griffith gonna be consumed and become some sort of demon?

Hoo boy.

After you're done watching this series, you have to read the manga, otherwise you'll go mad.
Space Dandy 13

Only Space Dandy would start with a tender, intimate romance (between appliances!) and end with a lavishly animated giant robot beatdown. The appliance twist was the only new thing it brought to the age-old "Can AI love?" question that sci-fi is obsessed with, but it was entertaining none-the-less. Decent episode, decent first season (the selected episodes I saw anyway).
Terror In Resonance 9-11

It honestly did feel like the Americans came into this and mucked things up for no good reason. Five was a poorly written and motivated character who either needed a complete overhaul or to be scrapped. It's a shame because without that the series really could have been something special.
Honestly the best recent anime I've seen that dealt with "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" was Yamato 2199 with that robot focused episode. Beautiful.

Yes, Yamato 2199 9 was a really good, really well directed, sensitive and meditative episode about the subject of AI. It conjured up a feeling of bittersweetness which is perhaps the best emotional response to that question.


Berserk - 23

Rescue mission is sort of a success. Biggest loss was the troops morale after witnessing what Griffith has become
Jesus what the hell is going on, egg necklace along with eclipse is starting some weird shit. Demon invasion? Is Griffith gonna be consumed and become some sort of demon?
Everything you've witnessed has been build up for this moment.
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