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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Man feels like the calm before the storm, I'm actually caught up on everything and none of the new fall shows I plan to watch start until Friday or next week. Guess I can use this week to kill off a back log show or two or put extra time into Persona 3 FES

Yeah. Guess I can get back to watching Macross Frontier which I had started on.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Tribe Cool Crew was surprisingly well designed and thoughtful. I hope the dance music gets to be more varied, because it all sort of sounded like generic techno throbbing.
Unwanted harems are a burden aren't they.

I like DxD, more the books than the anime though.
The books are masterfull but the anime really did a good job with the material.
Justa shame they take 13 eps for 2 books when we have 18 already and we haven't even reached "zoom zoom iyaaan"

Berserk - 25


Honestly, im at a loss for words right now. I.. what? how? WHAT. (Not sure if Im allowed to post certain images)

First of all, why hasnt there been a followup series, this was made 17 goddamn years ago.
Second, where can I get the continued story? Manga only? I've never read a manga but this is pushing me over the edge
Alright, this show is pretty amazing. Great characters, designs, art and I cant complain at the soundtrack either. It went pretty dark and gory sometimes and I absolutely love it. I went into this expecting (through osmosis) edgy MC killing big ass monsters in a demon realm. Only that was waiting in the end.
Instead I got a buildup, seeing the journey to this crazy end. Filled with plotting, battles and some bromance. Getting attached to the three main characters, and now I feel betrayed by one of them. It hurts.
I would lie if I said I wouldnt have wanted some more monster slaying in between. First meeting with Zodd is probably one of the things I will remember the most. But I'm not disappointed in what I got instead. Sure sometimes it went a little slow and stupid, like that returning general, but I can't say I was ever bored.
It's nearly 3 in the morning and I'm going to bed. See you later Guts.


Don't fight it , pick the manga , read it , enjoy it , savour it
You'll be amazed by what you have in store and that's what matters.
i read every berserk chapter once every 2 years


The books are masterfull but the anime really did a good job with the material.
Justa shame they take 13 eps for 2 books when we have 18 already and we haven't even reached "zoom zoom iyaaan"

Yeah. I like the anime too. Just for seeing Akeno animated if anything :)

But yeah...I can't imagine em going beyond a S3 given the kind of material it is (haremy shows are never very long). So you only get a small portion of the story.
Berserk - 25


Honestly, im at a loss for words right now. I.. what? how? WHAT. (Not sure if Im allowed to post certain images)

Lol perfect.
If you want to continue down this road, you must be warned that you have a long story ahead of you and the anime adapts only about a quarter of it.
But also it will probably never end and has been going nowhere for about a decade. Have fun!


I guess I should check out this Tribe Cool Crew show. Doesn't really look like it's for me but that's never stopped me before


akami ga kill 13

not the best episode, not the worst. Either way it seems likely
that green haired guy will die in an ep or two.
(spoilered because it's a prediction that might be true, not because I know it to be true as I haven't read this part of the manga yet, if you indeed know the answer please don't respond :p)


Reminder that Tribe Cool Crew is being directed by Masaya Fujimori of You Are Umasou fame.

Everyone here should go and watch You Are Umasou if they haven't already.


Psycho-Pass 6-12

The plot thickens, with the mastermind behind several killings revealed, and the flaws in the Sybil system revealed. But man, I want to know how the characters have literature and philosophy quotes ready so they can deploy them on the fly. I thought that was the biggest weakness of this show, along with some too long exposition. It is a good police procedural, though, and I like the characters. Ep 12 also develops a character that didn't have much presence in the show, so that is good.
I wonder if Tribe Cool Crew will attempt to talk about the origins of hip hop as well as how it was appropriated by the Japanese.


For anyone who cares, the Again!! jdrama adaptation ended after the first baseball game with a pretty conclusive ending.

I still admire the fact that Jdrama writers don't give one single fuck about the source material in terms of trying not to upset the balance. Their shows need to end in 10 episodes and they'll find a way to end it, even if it means "ruining" the manga ending in some way. That's the way anime writers should operate!
In this case I think its fine if they just ignore the source material and make up their own stuff. The manga really drags on forever.


I really like Tribe Cool Crew for some reason. Neat style and I like the music.
Took me a bit to realize the MC was a boy :l


Log Horizon 5
I knew something felt off when they said that ingredients taste as they should. But alas, only high level chefs have the pleasure of cooking by hand. Go figure.

Now I get why Shiroe kept thibking about those kids. He was playing with them for the past few hours and then the apocalypse happens. Well, they're in his presence now, so what's he going to do?
I really like Tribe Cool Crew for some reason. Neat style and I like the music.
Took me a bit to realize the MC was a boy :l

Love the dancing, rewatched the major dance three times. Best part was when they had them both side by side doing it and then when they finish off.

I wish it gets engDub.


Akatsuki no Yona Shōjo is going to be two cours. So thats now two shows this season I have an interest in that are two cours.

Makes me sad that The World is Still Beautiful wasn't.
Tribe Cool Crew 01

Yeah, pretty nice show. Good and colorful. I don't know if I'll stick with it but it's definitely charming, just not really my thing.
Characters introduced in the next episode (Eggman, Zoro and #animemidriffs) might make me watch that one though.
Space Dandy 14

I'm a fan of alternate dimensions in fiction, so I enjoyed the start of this episode greatly. The amazing animation, including quite a bit of Imaishi-ish stuff, didn't hurt either. It did feel like they overdosed on ideas however, and it began to feel a bit long in the tooth after the late title card. There were just too many Dandys running around! I did like the idea of the universe breaking down into inconsistencies though.


Wonder why it's so cheap? The same sort of deal is on Amazon.ca right now. I'm honestly tempted to dive in at that price.

The Non Non Biyori deal is also on Amazon.ca. I now have a RightStuf order to cancel...

Lately Amazon has been getting serious with anime pricing. Usually it's just Funimation items but lately the prices for certain Sentai shows got good pricing for preorders


Neo Member
Space Dandy 26

Space Fun Club
Universal imagination
SFC Paradise Galaxy
Space dimension
Get alongside that planet at mach
Universal imagination

- Episode 26 ED

I remember listening to the song when I got the first soundtrack album and always wondered what the fuck these Japanese rappers were on about. They turned out to be pretty bullshit lyrics but I think they encapsulate some of the things I love about the show.

As to the episode itself, almost literally 20 minutes of eye-popping sakuga. I like to think Studio Bones budgeted for the first 25 episodes, realised they had a big pile of money left sitting in the vault, went "ah fuck it" and spent every last penny on Episode 26. I could see just, wads of yen peeking out between every single frame of animation in this episode.

(Yeah I know that's probably not how things work)

I did find the whole reset gimmick a little flat in terms of producing a climax but overall, inoffensive. What I really enjoyed about it was all the single elements of previous episodes all showing up in the finale (as it should!). Not even the big parts like Johnny or the Hulkider or whatever - the little elements we saw in previous episodes, like the cosmic string from the first episode, C.O.R.E and A.R.E, the Aloha Oe's grappling arm and its giant fuck-off death beam that were only used once or twice, not to mention all the incidental music from previous episodes finally making their glorious comebacks.

I really need to get the second soundtrack, holy shit.

Space Dandy really was something important. This was a show that was basically a huge creative jam hosted by Watanabe over at Studio Bones, and whether or not they turned out well it was clear that every episode was a labor of love for anime as a medium.
It speaks to the sheer breadth of the show as to how varied peoples' favourite episodes are, and to me the universal message was that every genre has a place. You want moeblobs? That's fine. You want gratuitous tits and ass? We got that in spades. You want balls-out fightin'? All for it. You like sappy romance? A-Okay. Want an LSD trip? All of the LSD. Did you mourn Ghibli? We did too!

But even though nearly episode runs with tropes and genre (as a Watanabe show often does), it always aspires to be a cut above. I never ascribe to the "saving anime" business, but Space Dandy should serve as an example to other creators that you can always aspire to be a cut above the rest and make the dollars while looking good.

Initially I wanted all the future seasons, but when I think about it further I'd rather Space Dandy finished on a high note. It doesn't feel like a show that should be forced to exist - unless, of course, the creators believe they have enough material for it. I'm also not sure about an OVA or a movie, as I feel its strength lies in its episodic nature, to run with a single idea (quite brilliantly) for 22 minutes and never outstay its welcome. It's always been the case where if the concept works, great! The viewers want more, but if it doesn't, that's fine because there'd always be another week of something completely different to look forward to.

I salute you, Shinichiro Watanabe, for being one of the best motherfuckers in this industry.
Tribe Cool Crew 01

Unbelievable! Could you imagine the step? It's genius!

I really liked how bright and vibrate the color pallet is, as well as how stylish all the designs look. Its like if Hideki Naganuma was in charge of a kids show this is what it'll be. The tracks are less Hip Hop and more EDM/Dubstep tho, which is a downer.


Lately Amazon has been getting serious with anime pricing. Usually it's just Funimation items but lately the prices for certain Sentai shows got good pricing for preorders

I need to be on the lookout for more deals there; these two items are priced significantly lower than anywhere else I've seen. Part of me wonders if it was a mistake on Amazon's part.


Log Horizon 6

It only took 6 episodes, but now Shiroe has a goal in mind. He wants to clean up his city and give it hope. And to start off, he'll need 5m Gold. Are we going to have a few odd jobs/sidequesting episodes that expand the world a bit more now?


Lately Amazon has been getting serious with anime pricing. Usually it's just Funimation items but lately the prices for certain Sentai shows got good pricing for preorders
Target started selling anime on their website too. Almost debated buying both seasons of TWGOK from them cause they were only like $38 each a couple weeks back.


Akame ga Kill 12-13

The humor is so bad :(

I wish this show understood anything about tonal whiplash and appropriate comedic timing. Also wish the art and character designs weren't so damn generic. I think the overall premise of this series is fine but it really needed better writers and artists to make it shine. As it is it's just middling :/
Akame ga Kill 12-13

The humor is so bad :(

I wish this show understood anything about tonal whiplash and appropriate comedic timing. Also wish the art and character designs weren't so damn generic. I think the overall premise of this series is fine but it really needed better writers and artists to make it shine. As it is it's just middling :/

Yeah, the anime fucked up the designs. Not that the manga's are amazing or anything, but I think they just work better there.
Space Dandy 15

Like Nobumoto's earlier Dandy episode but even more so, there are some interesting themes at work here but they don't really gel into an overall package. I'm really not sure what this episode wanted to do, but whatever emotional attachment it was trying to get, it didn't succeed. Nothing was given enough time to fully develop. Also, what was the point of Gel again? He generally seems a bit of a superfluous character, but here even more so. I think 11 was the episode that best used him so far.
Fate/Stay Night Ep1 is going to be 1 hour long. Just like Fate/Zero. Based Ufotable. <3

Fate/Zero was like an awesome rollercoaster ride.

The first episode might as well have been the boring uphill climb. By the end of it before the first drop, you can see that the ride ahead of you is going to be full of fun twists and turns!

...This doesn't necessarily apply to my case seeing as the gap between me watching episode 1 and me watching episode 2 of Fate/Zero was approximately one year.


Log Horizon 7
In order to obtain money, they've gone public with the "real," food. Those burgers aren't cheap either. Other guilds are trying to figure out how its being done, but who knows how far they'll get.
I need something actually good to watch alongside Overman King Gainer. :| Which would I probably like better, From the New World or Rozen Maiden (2013)?
I've been on a KyoAni binge, and was wondering...

Is Free Eternal Summer yaoi?
Always assume faux yaoi aka queer baiting unless proven otherwise.


I've been on a KyoAni binge, and was wondering...

Is Free Eternal Summer yaoi?

I wouldn't really call it that. Its pretty equivalent to any number of school haremy comedies. Just guys instead of girls.

It would be too clean for me to call it yaoi.


Which would I probably like better, From the New World or Rozen Maiden (2013)?

Past the first ep, the early eps of Rozen Maiden (2013) is some of the best stuff I've ever seen. It sort of loses itself when the other dolls show up and plot needs resolving though.


Not outright, but there is lots of Ho Yay to make up for it.

Oh wow, the Makoto/Whoever one is huge.

Always assume faux yaoi aka queer baiting unless proven otherwise.


I wouldn't really call it that. Its pretty equivalent to any number of school haremy comedies. Just guys instead of girls.

It would be too clean for me to call it yaoi.

Yeah I wasn't quite sure on the terminology. Do they take the M+M relationships further than just a bunch of close buddies playing sports together?

Past the first ep, the early eps of Rozen Maiden (2013) is some of the best stuff I've ever seen. It sort of loses itself when the other dolls show up and plot needs resolving though.

Theres a new Rozen Maiden, what.
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