Wow what the hell happened there? Yall werent kidding about crushed blacks.
It's unfortunately nothing new to Funimation. Same thing happened with Terror in Resonance.
Wow what the hell happened there? Yall werent kidding about crushed blacks.
Well if I were going to offer anything I would either make it 3 for 3 and offer Mushishi or since you've watched a number of off-beat shows like The Tatami Galaxy and Ping Pong, perhaps Trapeze instead since it's a worthwhile show that doesn't get nearly enough love.
I doubt Ive seen EVERYTHING you find acceptable. there has to be something.
If I'm going to watch something terrible I'll make Mike watch along side with me.
Celestial Method - 2
Ohhhhh boy. What are the odds that making the saucer in the sky vanish is gonna end up causing some really sad things to happen later on in this show? And why oh why do I think it's gonna involve Noel in some way?
I would be down for Yamato. Would finally provide the impetus I need to watch it all.I was actually going to start Mushishi as the next series I watch but I guess I could watchbet instead. As for series I could recommend there is Starblazers(Yamato 2199), Rainbow, Usagi Drop and Ergo Proxy from comparing MALs.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha - Episode 5
The first half of the episode didn't really offer that much in terms of story progression and quite a few scenes were just stills with some voicing on top (it's a hot spring episode so I didn't expect too much anyway). Yuuno being so awkward in the situation he was in was the highlight of the first half by far.
The second half is where things got interesting with another duel with the mysterious new Magical Girl, Fate and her familiar who has dog ears which would be great to some but it was not for me.After the duel we find out the full name of the girl is Fate Testarossa which wouldn't look out of place in a Tomino series to be honest.Not too fond of dogs, I like cats far more.
Did you watch the OVA and movie for Steins;Gate yet?
Inou Battle 2
To be frank, I wasn't looking forward to this at all. Episode 1 was fun, yes. But, nothing worthwhile. With this, my opinion has certainly changed for the better and I'm officially sold. This was a lot better than the first episode. The RomCom element here was especially great.
I watched the OVA. I heard there was a movie, but I just assumed it was a recap up until now after looking it up. It's a continuation?
I'm...not sure I want to see it. The ending of the series and OVA was perfectly fine. I remember a certain other anime that got a sequel film that took the entire ending of the show and screwed it all up even though the way the show ended was perfectly fine.
When viewed in a different context, the show makes a lot more sense. That context is the world of softcore porn anime like Queen's Blade. No one talks about how ridiculous and unpleasant those titles are because that's basically what you'd expect from that kind of work. No one world watch Queen's Blade and then write a whole essay about how badly it treats it's female characters because that's what you expect to see when you watch that work. However, when you're watching Cross Ange you expect it to be just like any other anime and it just happens to be an exploitation film.
Once again, I'm not defending the material present in the show, I'm just saying it's hardly unusual for Japanese anime to have that content. It's certainly no worse than a lot of those shitty fanservice shows because they're all equally bad.
I got the impression that it was (directly or indirectly) drawing influence from exploitation films.I think people also miss the 'genre work' that Cross Ange is largely a part of. It's not a part of the mecha genre, but instead the "Women In Prison" exploitation film genre. Elements of said genre include:
Strip searches, group shower scenes, cat-fights, lesbianism, rape, sexual slavery, bondage, whipping, degradation, and beatings, torture, cruelty.
Plot points include:
Sound familiar? Cross Ange is basically Women in Prison x mecha, with very little actual mecha so far.
- an innocent girl (or group) being sent to a penitentiary or reform school run by a male or lesbian warden (who may also run an inmate prostitution ring)
- group strip searches
- lesbian sex scenes between prisoners and the guards, or the female prisoners being raped (or forced into prostitution) by male guards
- female prisoners being sentenced to hard labor (such as scrubbing floors or digging dirt holes while nude)
- fights between the prisoners (sometimes in the shower)
- beatings and punishment by guards
- female prisoners being sprayed by a firehose
Inou Battle 2
To be frank, I wasn't looking forward to this at all. Episode 1 was fun, yes. But, nothing worthwhile. With this, my opinion has certainly changed for the better and I'm officially sold. This was a lot better than the first episode. The RomCom element here was especially great.
I got the impression that it was (directly or indirectly) drawing influence from exploitation films.
Ah. I haven't watched it, just going off images and impressions. If icarus was still active around here and actually watched it, she probably would have recognized those conventions as well.I'm pretty sure that it's directly. It's far too similar in structure to be an accident or simply a case of recycling tropes. It's hitting the same notes, as it were.
This is now one of my top shows of the season. Kuduo-san a best
Mushishi for Yamato? Works for me.I would be down for Yamato. Would finally provide the impetus I need to watch it all.
The movie is a self contained story from Kirisu's perspective. It doesn't really add or detract from the series but I guess it's worth a watch if you like Kirisu.I watched the OVA. I heard there was a movie, but I just assumed it was a recap up until now after looking it up. It's a continuation?
I'm...not sure I want to see it. The ending of the series and OVA was perfectly fine. I remember a certain other anime that got a sequel film that took the entire ending of the show and screwed it all up even though the way the show ended was perfectly fine.
Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 2
Dont really see how the girl though Midousuji is gross. We need more people focused in this anime on victory and can reach that point since some characters were clearly ignored in that area (unforgivable that Imaizumi has done nothing significant).
I kind of want Kyoto Fushimi to win, the others on the team need a chance to shine, and one has to admire how they are all a tight knit group anyway.
I was actually going to start Mushishi as the next series I watch but I guess I could watchbet instead. As for series I could recommend there is Starblazers(Yamato 2199), Rainbow, Usagi Drop and Ergo Proxy from comparing MALs.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha - Episode 5
The first half of the episode didn't really offer that much in terms of story progression and quite a few scenes were just stills with some voicing on top (it's a hot spring episode so I didn't expect too much anyway). Yuuno being so awkward in the situation he was in was the highlight of the first half by far.
The second half is where things got interesting with another duel with the mysterious new Magical Girl, Fate and her familiar who has dog ears which would be great to some but it was not for me.After the duel we find out the full name of the girl is Fate Testarossa which wouldn't look out of place in a Tomino series to be honest.Not too fond of dogs, I like cats far more.
Well, no and I doubt it'll go any further until much later. For clarification purposes, I just meant that it handled it a lot better than it's episode one counterpart didWere there even any other elements?
Kinda weird to have a second episode where the powers don't really play a role and not only does it become a full RomCom but also the confirmation that literally all main girls love our MC. You know, the one guy with the usual lack of attractive qualities apart from being a good-hearted guy :| Yay harem!
However, overall I don't want to continue watching some mediocre harem RomCom with magic elements on the side, especially not when the comedy falls completely flat. You know where the comedy comes from here? Mostly from having characters be either moronic or extremely childish. Zero effort.
Not even once.
Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road 2
How low can you go?
From those watching Kaitou Joker how is it? Decent?
Sailor Moon 45
Whelp that got dark quick
I did like how of all the Sailor Senshi death scene's, Minako's feels rushed and underdeveloped, summary of her whole arc this season.
Speaking of, I did like how Toei used rough drawings for ghosts, it's like the anime enables them to half ass their work.
Sailor Moon 46
The final battle with Beryl was as exciting as I remember it being, and it was nice to see Usagi vs Endymion uncensored where he chokes her out... but other then that I found the ending to be kind of weak. They all died and the Silver Crystal just revived them without their memories... again. For all the DIC version botched I did like how Serena wanted to go back to living a normal teenage life and it was a straight up mind wipe, it felt more in character for what Usagi would have done.
Overall thoughts on S1
It's still very enjoyable, but the lack of development across the board really hurt it. Anytime the characters begin to show a bit of character growth it gets undone the next episode so we can go back to the status quo of monster of the week shenanigans. Inconsistent really does summarize this season, when it's good it's really good and when it's bad it's almost unwatchable. Glad to have seen it uncensored after so long.
Kukkuri-san 02:
Seven of Deadly Sins 01-02
The lukewarm response in here kinda made me cautious, but its really fun so far.. the character is charming, and I like the color.. the sakuga at the end of eps 2 is awesome too, damn this show had pretty messed up power level.
I like the OST too between this and Aldnoah Zero, I enjoy Sawano's work lately, mainly for the main theme, he can made pretty memorable main theme and fast to stick.. still his vocal track is fucking terrible.
Fuck this harem shit.. #teammirei