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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Ojamajo Doremi - 21

This episode was a lot weaker than the previous ones.

I mean, the only thing that was learned was the fact that Majo Ruka's effective items had some bad side effects, that witch hairs make the magic items work, and that's pretty much it.

Ah well. Next episode is level 6 exam, so at least I can expect the plot to move forward a bit there.

Hmm, IIRC ep 22 wasn't that good, 23 is pretty cool, 24 is awesome and then the series kicks into stride until past ep 30 or so. This was when I started to really enjoy the show's brand of antics and humour.


Thursday is really my favorite day of the week. Two music shows, two shows about anime culture and two magical girl shows. It's everything I love about anime, themes and variations. Also Amagi if I decide to go ahead with that.


Thursday is really my favorite day of the week. Two music shows, two shows about anime culture and two magical girl shows. It's everything I love about anime, themes and variations. Also Amagi if I decide to go ahead with that.

This season is pretty fun already
The Ideon: Be Invoked:

So, I think everyone whose been around anime fandom for some amount of time (or at least mecha anime fandom, anyway) probably has a general idea of what happens in Be Invoked, but the ending still really surprised me.
I was basically expecting the complete downer of everyone is dead, but the final ending actually carries a more optimistic note to it, with everyone's souls finding peace and being lead to a new beginning (and also everyone is randomly naked).
Before we get to the ending, there's a lot of other stuff which happens. Be Invoked manages to cram quite a lot of action into a little over 90 minutes. We've got a lot of fighting, and some good character moments for most of the cast. The film manages to move from one big action setpiece to another while still keeping the focus on the characters and what their experiencing. In fact, just about every character gets at least one or two nice little moments, which is a decent surprise given how large the cast is and how little time there is to work with. The first really big punch comes with
Sheryl's death, which is a sad moment, but it also is built up to by how unhinged she has become leading up to this. Sheryl's scenes with Lou in her room are generally unnerving. In the scene where she's trying to feed something to Lou I was actually legitimately concerned that she might be trying to kill him. So while her death is sad, it's also a powerful moment to see her soul finding peace in the aftermath.
After this moment, the feel of the entire film changes, and we see the scope of the action change. In fact, while most of the TV series focused on mecha battles (which generally weren't especially well executed, and had lower stakes due to how powerful the Ideon was), Be Invoked focuses the majority of its action on ground level combat. It eschews the Ideon, and it puts every character into the crosshairs.
This is when the real tragedy starts, and over the remained of the film we see a number of sad and shocking scenes. Karala and Lotta's deaths are the first big ones, and then later on we see Kasha's sudden death. The most shocking moment, however, is obviously Ashura's head being blown off. This is supremely dark even for Tomino. Over the remainder of the film, almost every beloved character of the Solo Ship is shot and killed at close range, with only a couple managing to live long enough to be killed by the Ganda Rowa instead. Harulu's haunted feelings as she comes to grips not just with the fact that she killer her sister, but why she did so, are very well played. Even Doba, the main antagonist of the film, gets some really tragedy played with his death.

Koichi Sugiyama's soundtrack for the film is exceptional. It elevates just about every scene, and keeps the tone of the film clearly in line at all times. It's also just a genuine treat to listen to. Visually, Ideon has never been a looker, and that remains true here. This is not a good looking film, although the Ganda Rowa is the exception to this. It really does look pretty neat.

There's only so much I can really say about this film, but I found it to be an enjoyable one. Space Runaway Ideon was probably one of the most uneven shows I've ever watched, often even within a single episode, but Tomino did a very good job of wrapping everything up in Be Invoked. Whereas the TV series was wildly inconsistent, Be Invoked was extraordinarily consistent, and it built up to each of its moments very well. The journey here was a crazy one, and maybe not always 'good', but it was almost always an entertaining one.
Inou Battle 2

This was slightly better than the first ep but the series is still relatively meh.

Chifuyu is freakin adorable though. The whole "family name" bit and the talking Lissun plushie parts were way too damn cute. I almost died. Kinda feel bad about the class prez. Kinda ruined the whole emotional feeling with her running into walls and stuff but I guess its gonna be that kind of show.

Really like the character designs though. Its so colorful, and I really like the ways the eyes are drawn. *thumbs up*


This season is pretty fun already

I like that the shows I am watching this season aren't all grouped on the weekend...
it kind of sucked when I was busy for a weekend coming back and having to make time to watch like 9 shows that came out over two days lol.

This time I think I have a show on every day of the week.... though I will have to drop some shows to have time to watch some american shows.



Oh my god.

Oh my gooooooooood.
tomino still keeping itanos advice in mind even after all those years ;-;


well not really...yet
The Ideon: Be Invoked:

So, I think everyone whose been around anime fandom for some amount of time (or at least mecha anime fandom, anyway) probably has a general idea of what happens in Be Invoked, but the ending still really surprised me.
I was basically expecting the complete downer of everyone is dead, but the final ending actually carries a more optimistic note to it, with everyone's souls finding peace and being lead to a new beginning (and also everyone is randomly naked).
Before we get to the ending, there's a lot of other stuff which happens. Be Invoked manages to cram quite a lot of action into a little over 90 minutes. We've got a lot of fighting, and some good character moments for most of the cast. The film manages to move from one big action setpiece to another while still keeping the focus on the characters and what their experiencing. In fact, just about every character gets at least one or two nice little moments, which is a decent surprise given how large the cast is and how little time there is to work with. The first really big punch comes with
Sheryl's death, which is a sad moment, but it also is built up to by how unhinged she has become leading up to this. Sheryl's scenes with Lou in her room are generally unnerving. In the scene where she's trying to feed something to Lou I was actually legitimately concerned that she might be trying to kill him. So while her death is sad, it's also a powerful moment to see her soul finding peace in the aftermath.
After this moment, the feel of the entire film changes, and we see the scope of the action change. In fact, while most of the TV series focused on mecha battles (which generally weren't especially well executed, and had lower stakes due to how powerful the Ideon was), Be Invoked focuses the majority of its action on ground level combat. It eschews the Ideon, and it puts every character into the crosshairs.
This is when the real tragedy starts, and over the remained of the film we see a number of sad and shocking scenes. Karala and Lotta's deaths are the first big ones, and then later on we see Kasha's sudden death. The most shocking moment, however, is obviously Ashura's head being blown off. This is supremely dark even for Tomino. Over the remainder of the film, almost every beloved character of the Solo Ship is shot and killed at close range, with only a couple managing to live long enough to be killed by the Ganda Rowa instead. Harulu's haunted feelings as she comes to grips not just with the fact that she killer her sister, but why she did so, are very well played. Even Doba, the main antagonist of the film, gets some really tragedy played with his death.

Koichi Sugiyama's soundtrack for the film is exceptional. It elevates just about every scene, and keeps the tone of the film clearly in line at all times. It's also just a genuine treat to listen to. Visually, Ideon has never been a looker, and that remains true here. This is not a good looking film, although the Ganda Rowa is the exception to this. It really does look pretty neat.

There's only so much I can really say about this film, but I found it to be an enjoyable one. Space Runaway Ideon was probably one of the most uneven shows I've ever watched, often even within a single episode, but Tomino did a very good job of wrapping everything up in Be Invoked. Whereas the TV series was wildly inconsistent, Be Invoked was extraordinarily consistent, and it built up to each of its moments very well. The journey here was a crazy one, and maybe not always 'good', but it was almost always an entertaining one.
The OST is beyond stunning.


One of the tracks in End of Evangelion directly references it IIRC.

Be Invoked is kind of a rosetta stone for anime in the decades to come. Crazy ahead of it's time really.

Shame the hero has a fro.


Just thinking about the 2nd episode of Inou Battle makes me feel like I'm going to look back at this episode and think about how much of a waste this series is.

I feel the examination of a bunch of normal kids who get superpowers and don't know what to do with them would be interesting in concept. The problem is that the writing is so full of harem dogshit in such an artificial manner and the main character acts like a twelve year old.

It could be a really good/interesting show if done properly, but I know it won't.
Cross Ange 2


That death flag was so obvious from 1000000000 miles away

And that soft core hentai, thank you based Sunrise

Even the preview for the next episode admitted the story was bad this week


The OST is beyond stunning.


One of the tracks in End of Evangelion directly references it IIRC.

Be Invoked is kind of a rosetta stone for anime in the decades to come. Crazy ahead of it's time really.

Shame the hero has a fro.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ideon was one of the big inspirations for Eva. It's been a while since I saw the TV series and Be Invoked, but I remember thinking some things were similar.

With companies like Discotek picking up lots of older anime, I wonder if they'll pick up Ideon? I'd love a BD release of Be Invoked, at least. It's a brutal, but pretty fantastic movie.


The Ideon: Be Invoked:

Haven't watched the film (it's on my list of things), but if it seemed unusually competent mechanically for a Tomino thing, it's because Tomino didn't process it. It was Toshifumi Takizawa's work (Dirty Pair). He was the line director, but as far as I can tell he put in some big work for Be Invoked. Anipages seems to agree as well


Just thinking about the 2nd episode of Inou Battle makes me feel like I'm going to look back at this episode and think about how much of a waste this series is.

I feel the examination of a bunch of normal kids who get superpowers and don't know what to do with them would be interesting in concept. The problem is that the writing is so full of harem dogshit in such an artificial manner and the main character acts like a twelve year old.

It could be a really good/interesting show if done properly, but I know it won't.

To be fair, that's all the fault of the source material, not Trigger's writers. We have no idea how much leeway their sponsor would allow them to make alterations and of course LN fans seem the type to be adverse to changes (a generalization + assumption on my part to be fair)



Link Man

K-on! 2

Part-time jobs, sweets, shopping for guitars and evil Mugi. This show is so fun and relaxing.

Oh, and the sound of the instruments is making me nerdgasm.
K-on! 2

Part-time jobs, sweets, shopping for guitars and evil Mugi. This show is so fun and relaxing.

Oh, and the sound of the instruments is making me nerdgasm.

It's really good music! You should stop by the Keion thread with these impressions as well, we're always happy to talk with new fans of the show.

I could use one.

Sure thing. I'll PM it to you in a bit.

Still have one left for someone else.


Magic Kaito 1412 - 2

Still a lot of fun. Damn Aoko is needy. Implying that Agasa is supplying gadgets for Kaitou Kid brings up a pretty big conflict of interest, unless Jii is getting them independently or something. I don't think Snake was introduced so early on in the TV specials, but glad to see they got that ball rolling early. Looks like next episode is uncharted territory which should be fun!
One Week Friends 9:
Oh fuck you.

Super melodramatic shit out of nowhere. A shame, because the first two thirds of the episode were pretty good. I really hope this new development doesn't completely ruin the rest of the series.


To be fair, that's all the fault of the source material, not Trigger's writers. We have no idea how much leeway their sponsor would allow them to make alterations and of course LN fans seem the type to be adverse to changes (a generalization + assumption on my part to be fair)

I'm not putting all of the blame on Trigger. It just feels like the show as a whole is going to be a waste because of Andou being a dumbass.


Xam'd Lost Memories 1

Definitely going to continue watching this one, I'm getting a lot of good vibes from it. Not really much more to say about it, the animation's great, and it kept things interesting.

Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 00 - 01

I wasn't too into Fate/Zero when I watched it, but I'm feeling a lot better about this show. The first episode not being a giant blob of information helps a lot, I think. Although
Saber's entrance
wasn't nearly as cool as it was in Fate/Zero. Also, the fights are hype as fuuuuuck, hope they keep up the quality throughout the show.

Persona: Trinity Soul 1

Forgot I even watched this. This show is awful and makes me want to throw up.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm not putting all of the blame on Trigger. It just feels like the show as a whole is going to be a waste because of Andou being a dumbass.
Do you genuinely think the show would be better in any meaningful way if the main character behaved differently?


It's really good music! You should stop by the Keion thread with these impressions as well, we're always happy to talk with new fans of the show.

Sure thing. I'll PM it to you in a bit.

Still have one left for someone else.
Go browns
I'll take it


Do you genuinely think the show would be better in any meaningful way if the main character behaved differently?

Going by the 2nd half, kind of. I don't think him being Chuuni is the worst, but rather it's the level to which he takes it, that makes the show so unfunny. It's like watching a Will Ferrell comedy.

I guess I want something like Chronicle but without all the Akira drama shit at the end.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Going by the 2nd half, kind of. I don't think him being Chuuni is the worst, but rather it's the level to which he takes it, that makes the show so unfunny. It's like watching a Will Ferrell comedy.

I guess I want something like Chronicle but without all the Akira drama shit at the end.
I'm pretty sure the show is just not funny to begin with. The reason the voice actors went more over the top in the first half of the episode is because they are literally trying to making flat shots of notebooks and linguistic jokes amusing.

Like, it's kind of a lousy interpretation but the show is working with nothing. Even the distinguishing feature of the "powers" went basically unused throughout the second episode. If Inou-Battle sheds that it literally becomes the most dreadfully boring harem shit where the cast is a bunch of girl characters in love with one loser guy. To put this into perspective: even KyoAni's Chuu2 isn't this fucking bad.

Breaking this down and thinking about it almost makes it depressing that anyone is even giving this show the time of day.


Chaika 1-12

That was a long day.

Finally finished S1, had to rewatch the earlier episodes to remember what was happening.

Red Chaika > White Chaika > > > Blue Chaika


I'm pretty sure the show is just not funny to begin with. The reason the voice actors went more over the top in the first half of the episode is because they are literally trying to making flat shots of notebooks and linguistic jokes amusing.

Like, it's kind of a lousy interpretation but the show is working with nothing. Even the distinguishing feature of the "powers" went basically unused throughout the second episode. If Inou-Battle sheds that it literally becomes the most dreadfully boring harem shit where the cast is a bunch of girl characters in love with one loser guy. To put this into perspective: even KyoAni's Chuu2 isn't this fucking bad.

Breaking this down and thinking about it almost makes it depressing that anyone is even giving this show the time of day.

Honestly I didn't expect the show to be full harem. I knew going in there was a love triangle with pink and red but black and oniichan seem invested too which just made the whole thing super awkward.

Anyway I would be fine if the show spends less time revolving around the powers and more about the social and mental consequences that go with them. I also think the show/light novel royal fucked up by skipping the initial timeframe when they got their powers. It would have been a great way for the characters to organically develop a relationship with each other while conveying that to the audience.

All of that would require good writing though hahaha


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Anyway I would be fine if the show spends less time revolving around the powers and more about the social and mental consequences that go with them.
I'm sure it would be really deep and emotional.
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