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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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I think you guys will enjoy this discussion between Kunihiko Ikuhara and Hideaki Anno from 1997. I know I did.

Thanks for posting - I think I read this some years ago although it's good to be reminded.

Interesting that Ikuhara's had Aum on his mind for so many years; no wonder he made Penguin Drum. How many of you in the thread have read Murakami's Underground? An interesting series of interviews with survivors or those involved in the sarin attacks. I watched a pretty good documentary a few years back when PingDrum aired but I can't remember what it was called.

I'd sort of forgotten/not noticed just how much PingDrum retreads the theme of "revolution" from Utena - of course, the "Mawaru" in the title should have been a clue to that... but that's exactly what both Momoka and Sanetoshi are trying to do, in some way.

Four days to next Yuri Kuma Arashi website update!


Parasyte 2

Considering how Shinichi said "
do you want me to eat you
," makes me feel like Migi is slowly taking over.


Denki-Gai 03

Loved the Nero cosplay. (Milky Holmes TD is going to be great, I hope.) The extended dialogue about visual novels was also great. I've never delved too heavily into who writes a particular scenario, but they have their own styles as much as everyone else. Urobuchi was an eroge writer, too, so, who's to say they're not art? While the lack of or presence of romance in a series has never really affected my thoughts on it, the elements here are being done in a nice way that plays into the subculture comedy. Viva otaku!
Baby Steps 15:
Trolling Ei-chan is the best. He does a good job of changing up the tempo, but he's up against his toughest opponent yet by far. He's definitely running into something really tough, but I like how he's managing to keep calm and analyze the situation. Even in he's previous matches over the last few episodes he might have gotten really intimidated or down on himself, but you can really see how much he's grown by the way he reacts to everything Araya does. I feel like this show is just getting better and better when it comes to these things. The music is also doing a good job of getting me hyped up for each match.
Another show's season 2 comes with staff change
This time is OreGairu season 2
Basically, Outbreak Company's director and studio will in charge season 2

原作:渡 航(小学館「ガガガ文庫」刊)
監督:及川 啓(『アウトブレイク・カンパニー 』監督)(前監督:吉村 愛)
シリーズ構成:菅 正太郎(『やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。』シリーズ構成)
キャラクターデザイン:田中雄一(前キャラデザ:進藤 優)
(『とある魔術の禁書目録』シリーズ、『とある科学の超電磁砲』シリーズ キャラクターデザイン)
音響監督:本山 哲


Parasyte Episode 2:

A bit late with the write up because holy fuck was Yesterday busy. Anyway, I am curious for those who have read the manga, what they think of the modernization efforts because unlike say Jojo which in spite of being a modern production still embraces its 1980s roots. Parasyte conversely has been updated for the modern era and while I have not read said manga I can see how modern tech is changing this narrative. Nothing too major right now but you could not tell me that Migi would be able to learn this much shit this fast back in 1988. Anyway, if anything is going to disqualify this program for AOTS it is going to be that horrid soundtrack. I appreciate experiments, but sometimes they can fail, this is one of those times. Also, please dear god do not let this descend into battle shonen nonsense.
Mhh I really don't like how the major transformation sound effect in Parasyte sounds like some dry fart :S

If you want an example just take a look at the recap at the beginning of ep2. That sound is played like 3 times for the flying dog. It just sounds so darn cheap and not really like anything I'd think it would sound like.


Shirobako 02

Though it's just as specific, I can get behind the particulars of animation more than I can tanks or certain fictional magic systems. That's because it's an inherently creative art, and those need passion, those need emotional input. Those don't have right answers. She may not be in high school, but in a way, the show is still slice of life, and Aoi is still moe, because moe exists on a basis of each individual person. Changing the environment does not change the character.

And voice acting, how about that. They're just as much part of the people "making anime" as anybody else. All those multiple line reads not Ai Kayano was doing to get the nuances right, and following someone through their career (like we're doing with Shizu), seeing how they evolve, how their character types come to take on a certain persona, and how they eventually play against that type, which voices are closest to their true selves. That's all part of the art of making anime too. Even Shizuka's script, which looked to be derived from a super long title light novel, is still an important part of shaping her role in contributing to the art of anime.

Just because someone's working on a moe series does not mean everybody behind it is cynical and dispassionate. In this very episode, there was an intense debate about how to give this idol anime (which, I'll be honest, reminds me a lot of the upcoming Rolling Girls. That should be fun!) the best amount of care, the best amount of nuance, the best possible story they can tell. I don't think this series is about crushing dreams. It's about making these dreams happen. Showing the hard-work spirit that all creators embody. The people of Denki-Gai know this. Kirino knows this. Reality is a better place than it appears, and I don't know how much of that is me projecting my own feelings onto this, but this anime is a reflection of reality. Because it's a reflection of hope. To make the best damn idol anime out there.

Also, I wish to see these surreally animated boobs. It's purely for research purposes.



I'm not going to be able to write anything substantial up and I'm going to go out on a limb in regards to just mentioning this show but I watched Koi Kaze recently. The show was interesting and such and although a lot of people dance around the fact of if weather of not they liked it, I won't pussyfoot around it, I enjoyed it.

It's a 13 episode show that came out in 2004 and surrounds a guy who's in his mid-20's whose down in the dumps to say the least. Eventually he comes across a little girl who shows kindness towards him and from then onwards a whole bunch of things are revealed in regards to the two main characters as their relationship meanders.

I don't agree with the themes of the show; however I feel that the show doesn't really sway one way or the other. It presents a scenario without sexualizing it and presents it in a 'what if' scenario. I feel that one of the greatest things about film and such media, especially animation is the ability to delve deep into themes in a contained environment. The ability to explore such themes without causing harm.

It's not the kind of show that I’d usually watch but it was short enough and the theme didn't faze me. I watched it subbed and the voice acting was great and did a terrific job of giving emotion to each character. The animation isn't anything special in a vacuum but together it works really well with the cinematography and art style and soundtrack which is actually pretty nice. The characters have mannerisms that make them feel human although as with most people I don’t see eye to eye with his predicament, not being able to get close with your siblings, not being able to get in touch with your softer side and become the idolized big brother is something that I can relate to. Not being able to give and receive love and happiness.

It's basically about a guy who feels that he hasn't felt loved or hasn't ever dished out love, so when a little girl comes along and shows him some sympathy, he doesn't know how to handle it. It's depressing, unconformable and such but I enjoyed it. It did a good job of tackling a taboo topic that most either avoid or sexualize but it’s not perfect.
Shirobako 2:
This show is just incredible. The production is excellent, and the story is really strong through the first two episodes. Once again we have a very interesting look at the process of making anime, and we expand things further via looking at the process of the voice recording. We can see the professionalism of the voice actors as they dub their lines and give different readings to find the best one, and watch the director and other supervisors trying to figure out exactly how to make things sound right. There's also a look at how the production could be running off the rails. After the first episode was done two weeks in advance, the third episode is now just ready a few days in advance, and things are on the verge of disaster, and that's before the director decides to go back and redo stuff, change aspects of how the characters are drawn and more (while still not sure how the final episode will end). But the director is also a passionate guy who I can really get behind. You can see how deeply he cares for the show, and we get an uplifting look at the creative process, especially as everyone comes together towards the end and collaborates on how to make the characters work. Even Yamada, who had been firmly opposed to the director, manages to bond with him. So even as we see the production threatening to run off the rails, we can also see how much most of the people involved in the show care about putting out the best product they can.

I'm also really impressed with Aoi, who is just fantastic as our protagonist. She's a great viewpoint character to have in the way that she can interact with just about every aspect of production, and her character is really starting to shine. She's asserting herself a little bit and proving her worth to people around her, and her discussion about the likes and dislikes of the characters was a good jumping off point for everyone involved.

The production is also a very slick one. This is a nice looking show with some strong animation and really outstanding art. It's just a very pretty show to look at. The music is also pretty good. When coupled with the subject matter and the strong writing on display, I really feel like we're looking at one of the best anime in at least the last year plus. If Shirobako can keep this up, it will be something really spectacular.


Touka Gettan 15-20

All stories are about starting out in a situation we're only aware of the basics for, making us aware of them and providing a world for us to analyze. If the reveals hold more dramatic weight when they're told anachronic order, it becomes more about the emotional order of things than the strict chronological order. The story becomes something that depends just as much on how we react to it as to how the characters react to it, because we know how the characters are going to react, and that dissonance only increases our awareness.

What I'm saying is, while I was uncertain about the way this show was structured, as it's moved on, it's proving to be not the worst thing. There's a lot of stock anime plots here (like the Groundhog Day loop, a beach episode, catgirls), but because they're brought about by Yumiko unconsciously(?) rewriting reality, it adds a slight layer of meta to it. The humor is alright (oh, Shoko, you and your interest in Mako's peaches), but the most interesting episode so far was probably episode 18.

All the backstory explained in the form of a stage play, put on strictly for the audience at home as opposed to the audience in the show, since they were never seen. Given the nature of the backstory (
incest and murder
), perhaps having it performed only as a show, instead of seeing it for real, gave the audience some distance from how brutal that must've been, not that the effects haven't been felt throughout the series.

A critic must strike a point between seeing what they want out of the show and what the show is actually doing, and looking at it, the further in I go, it's actually managed to hold my interest beyond the reverse-order gimmick. There's some potentially interesting themes in here.


Gundam Build Fighters TRY 2
So that's how he joins the club? I would've been fine with one last push. Well,at least the club will be left alone.

It's nice to see that Ral finally has a reason to be at their school instead of seemingly be an omnipresent being
Shirobako - 02

Thumbs up from my side as well. Definitely gonna continue watching this one. Coincidentally I went through Mangaka-san to Assistant-san or how it's called recently and was sorely disappointed that it didn't really deal with the process of manga creation much, and certainly not in a realistic and detailed manner.

NIce to have a show that actually does do just that for anime.


I was thinking budget issues. Wolf's Rain also had that problem.

Oh yeah forgot to post this.

Gundam Wing 25

Many game changes are to be had here.
Trieze tells the Romerfeller foundation off in the most affably way possible and gets imprisoned for his troubles, only for Trieze loyalists to start fighting The Romerfeller Fundation. Meanwhile, Lady Une helps Duo and Wu Fei escape and then gets shot for her troubles.

Oh and Trowa supposedly gets killed but probably survived the whole "5 Gundam Pilots save the world" thing would fall apart if one of them died.

Yeah with his body left intact, it's pretty much inevitable.

Gundam Wing 25

"People in space have lost all reason. That's why I'm gonna destroy everything."

Great plan


I'm not going to be able to write anything substantial up and I'm going to go out on a limb in regards to just mentioning this show but I watched Koi Kaze recently. The show was interesting and such and although a lot of people dance around the fact of if weather of not they liked it, I won't pussyfoot around it, I enjoyed it.
Screw those people. Koi Kaze is amazing and they know it


[GBF Try] - 2

This was a fairly decent episode, all things considered. However, the reservations I had about the first episode have turned into full-blown problems in a couple of areas:

- We've already spent a fair amount of time in anime high school doing anime highschool things. I would be pretty happy to not spend a second more on this setting. It's so tired.

- There's very vague hints about the possibility of a love triangle. I don't expect this to materialise but please, no.

- Blue dude's backstory is pretty awful. He literally failed in one battle and then quit forever? He'd have a hard time doing anything in life if one setback could destabilise him so badly.

- The fight was fairly underwhelming.

- Speaking of Blue dude, his angsty backstory scenes were fucking awful. The original show would directly make fun of this kind of overblown angsty scenes, not embrace them unironically.

- The original GBF was so much fun to watch because it maintained a fairly light tone throughout. I don't need this kind of overblown drama, at least, not so early in the show with undeveloped characters. I know this show is trying to do it's own thing but you can try to pull that tone off later, once you've earned it, not right away.

- Praying Mantis giving his rapey speech was terrible. How is this even in the show? Is supposed to be funny?

- Generally, the show doesn't feel as slickly paced as the original.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Parasyte Episode 2:

A bit late with the write up because holy fuck was Yesterday busy. Anyway, I am curious for those who have read the manga, what they think of the modernization efforts because unlike say Jojo which in spite of being a modern production still embraces its 1980s roots. Parasyte conversely has been updated for the modern era and while I have not read said manga I can see how modern tech is changing this narrative. Nothing too major right now but you could not tell me that Migi would be able to learn this much shit this fast back in 1988. Anyway, if anything is going to disqualify this program for AOTS it is going to be that horrid soundtrack. I appreciate experiments, but sometimes they can fail, this is one of those times. Also, please dear god do not let this descend into battle shonen nonsense.

Migi learned stuff fast in the manga through MC's books.
Glasslip END - I kind of wish they put a warning at the beginning of this show saying "Nothing of note will happen over the course of the next 13 episodes." Because that's kind of what it felt like. Towards the middle I was kind of getting some Myself; Yourself vibes, but it never got dark in the same way, and obviously there was no murderous old lady in an assisted living home. A big issue was that the "seeing fragments" gimmick felt underexplained and underutilized. And the two primary characters just weren't well made. Tokou seemed underdeveloped and wayward, while Kakeru was an unlikable d-bag. The start of the show seemed like it was going to build into something interesting, but then halfway through they just kind of said "Naaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" and turned it in to something confusing and kind of boring.
One Week Friends 11:
How a once promising show can get drowned in contrived melodrama.

Seriously, some of the stuff in this episode is just contrived beyond belief. It's a shame, given how good the show was at the start. I guess I've still enjoyed it overall, but I really wish it had ended a few minutes prior to the end of Episode 9. Oh well, just one episode left now.
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