Tribe Cool Crew - Episode 2-4
Now on the other hand this is the sort of cartoon which we need more of. I really like how the characters play off each other, especially how the guy is literally a young kid who has a ton of passion but lacks experience and fundamentals, while the girl is older and more knowledgeable about dancing, but lacks a bit of self-confidence. There isn't a bunch of eye-rolling drama either, instead it deals mostly with how different people are drawn to street dancing and how they express it. Very peasant and positive tone, with very attractive character designs.
In particular Yuzuru teaching them how Isolation can be fun by using childish motifs is a great example of how well the show succeeds at being at not just a children's show but also one for all ages. Totally relatable, but also funny and well executed.
Seven Deadly Sins-3
That ending was weird. Not so much on the fakeout but the Knight putting his sword away.
Seem like the whole thing also fakeout, the knight had interest to let the crew achieve something but he also want looked he really try to kill them.. If I understand the thing properly.
Shingeki no Bahamut 3
So what the hell happened at the end of this episode? Is he a necromancer or what now.
Gundam Wing 41-44
Fucking lol, Relena'sAt least they're seemingly done with the constantly changing allegiances, nonsense character motivations and are finally ready for the end as a queen of Earth didn't last long. Treize just walked out of his prison and effected a hundredth coup in the series. Who needs Gundams when all you need to take over Earth is 10 armed men ?
My assumption is thatRita had a trick up her sleeve or something. Or Kaisar used the book perhaps?
How she looked at the end gave me the impression that she's mirroring a card now considering the new outfit (and other character designs that seem to be from the cards).
What, you mean you didn't love all character development being reset for more monsters of the week with an excuse plot to bridge them back to the manga?I guess now that Hulu's Sailor Moon stream has gotten to R I should actually finish it up and move to S. But maaaaaaaaan that first arc fucking sucks and killed my will to do so.
Shingeki no Bahamut-3
This was a really poor episode in how stuff was framed and the episodic story itself was pretty flat.
Kaisar couldn't have used the book as Favaro destroyed/took it. I have no fucking clue how that ending happened.
My assumption is thatRita had a trick up her sleeve or something. Or Kaisar used the book perhaps?
How she looked at the end gave me the impression that she's mirroring a card now considering the new outfit (and other character designs that seem to be from the cards).
I actually liked this episode, but I agree that I am not exactly sure why the Mom bit her or any of the stuff that happened after that point.
Shingeki no Bahamut 3
So what the hell happened at the end of this episode? Is he a necromancer or what now.
Gundam G Reco 3
Also, werent there supposed to be 2 G-Selfs? The one Raraiya fell from in episode 1 that the army took and the one that Aida came on board with? What happened to the other one? Or am I missing something?
You are. That's the same machine.
At the start of episode 1 Raraiya is inside the G-self, falling. The Capital Army and the Amerian Army are in pursuit. The Capital Army took Raraiya as she fell, the Amerian army took the G-Self. Later, Aida pilots the G-Self.
She's a necromancer. She doesn't need the book to keep herself alive or control zombies. The book was what created the illusion of the town being alive to everyone else. Presumably after Kaiser didn't decide to kill her, she regained control of her body and fixed herself.
It's not the Ameria Army. It's just the pirates. Most of them are from Ameria, but they're a different faction, not working under the Ameria military.
You are. That's the same machine.
At the start of episode 1 Raraiya is inside the G-self, falling. The Capital Army and the Amerian Army are in pursuit. The Capital Army took Raraiya as she fell, the Amerian army took the G-Self. Later, Aida pilots the G-Self.
AH Gotcha. I need to rewatch that scene again. Assumed it was just one group that was chasing after Raraiya. That clears a lot of things up, thanks!
It's not the Ameria Army. It's just the pirates. Most of them are from Ameria, but they're a different faction, not working under the Ameria military.
I think you mean the noble, heroic leader who lover her subordinates.Cross Ange 3
Well, at leastthe rapist is dead.
My pictures are super awful so please see much better images here
Not directly. They seem to be funded and sponspored by Ameria, just not an official branch.
Super jelly right now. I've ordered mine from Amazon, but apparently they didn't receive enough copies to send me one. I'm kinda worried now if they'll have more in stock soon.
There is actually a substantial number of quality shows this season, such as Rage of Bahamut, Shirobako, Parasyte, and Mushishi.
Yuki Yuna wa Yusha de Aru-1
This is Madoka without Shaft/Urobuchi. The scriptwriter for this is Makoto Uezu who actually is pretty good. He did School Days, Humanity has Declined, My Bride is a Mermaid, Kamisama Dolls, Carnival Phantasm, and Katanagatari. The music is obviously reminiscent of Kaijiura's work in Madoka with the heavy emphasis on vocals in the later half. I know the director Seiji Kishi, for Carnival Phantasm and My Bride is a Mermaid. I've seen Kamisama Dolls as well and thought a number of scenes in there were pretty well directed. So the staff behind this are for the most parts capable.
The episode itself is pretty slow but it picks up in the 2nd half. The 2nd half has some really great magical girl transformation sequences and smoke effects. The characters are CGI at times when they're jumping around, which is sort of weird but it's not a big deal at all.
Honestly I'm not sure what to make of it, as there was a sense of isolation and otherworldliness similar to Madoka in the 2nd half but I don't know if that's enough for a full 13 episodes.
Pretty Cure Splash Star 01 - 03
They really didn't stray very far from the Futari wa formula with this show, did they?
Code Geass 10
Hey this is okay when the highschool hijinx is cut down to a minimal.
Zero obtains an OP mech. Orangey stand there and takes it. For honor.
Yuki Yuna wa Yusha de Aru-2
The older girl is going to die isn't she? The whole thing feels a bit too artificially happy.
They're all similar.
Nah, that honor goes to Hirai.
Code Geass 12
This episode.
Zero's harem isn't zero.
I have no idea who this is.
Gaze from afar.
I put my absolute faith in a masked man.
Mysterious witch of green haired maidensaka worst girls
Umm... Why is writhing to pictures of the princess? What?
Well fuck.
What a rollercoaster from harem filling to lesbian pleasuring to.daddy killing
Celestial Method 03
Noel's design reminded me of Syanon from Okiba ga nai!, and it's not just design, her character type and function are pretty similar, too.This is going to be conflicting for Yuzuki. She hates the saucer, but she loved Noel and called her cute and wanted to hug her when they met. Shione getting a bit more screentime was also good. This show's flying under the radar in a season that has a lot of other good things going for it, but it's one of my favorite parts of Sunday. Mysterious, lightly dramatic, peaceful. A good show to become invested in.She's the personification of the saucer that everyone summoned when they were kids.
[Cross Ange] - 3
The Elfin Lied or So Ra No Woto of Cross Ange.
Why do some anime lack noses :/
Hanayamata 09
Hm... Is that blushing fingers? Guess I should have spotted that earlier, but...
Well... It's the sister drama episode.
Finally made it to AnimeGaf! Been lurking for 2 years and finally got an university email to register. Ironically because of uni work I probably won't be able to post here as regularly as I want to.and I figure you guys don't want a daily reminder that Despera is dead anyway
I've got a lot of good anime recommendations from here over the years, many thanks for that. On that subject can you guys recommend me some sad/tearjerking anime? I'm kinda burnout on anime atm and want to be passionate again. I never cry watching anime but Millennium Actress was the one that got the closest to get me to. Gundam 0080, Texhnolyze and Tsuiokuhen were good gut-punches too.
Yeah it started out with promise and I like the theme of the story but then...I don't know. The sobfest at the end was more awkward than tear-inducing for me. I guess they tried too hard to make me cry and it backfired.
You know I still use this whenever I need to get a song stuck in my head out.
Oh that's the one with the main character who looks like that ace pilot from Yamato 2199. Yeah added. Kaiba too, my experience with Yuasa is kinda limited to just that one ep from Champloo. Thanks for suggesting.
Ouch, a whole season? Hope I don't get banned before then. Thanks for letting me know.
Girlfriend (Betai) Episode 2:
Does the one called SD Burton still even post here, because yea, this seems t obe the yuri show of the season.
Youve gotten my attention
Amen,. AmenAnderson
Well she did a shitty job as one of her own bit her. I thought the book was controlling was her and when she lost the book, the zombies went out of control biting her. Also aren't necromancers usually restricted in reviving themselves.
Girlfriend Beta 02
For fans of Sakura Tange's Engrish, this episode continues to deliver. That's also why I got a kick out of this part.
Also because the star of the episode was Nao Miyoshi, played by Mayayan. Her voice is pretty distinct, and a sleepy character like Nao is one I haven't really seen from her. The diet storyline of the episode wasn't too bad. I think stock plots are the order of the day here, because it's all about the girls. The slowest and most peaceful of Sunday's shows. Plus I'll watch almost any daily life/heartwarming anime. It's working for me.
I only hang out here and actively avoid fanservice-y anime nowadays so I guess I'm good? (with the exception of Grisaia this season since I read the VN and wanna see if they can adapt the humor).
I was on ep 2 of Gunbuster before school start and I kinda trail off. Hmm, I always thought it was more on the epic space mecha side of things, rather than tearjerking. Will continue, thanks.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's - Episode 1
Let the watchbet resume!
They really aren't holding back any punches in this one. Streight away and they put Nanoha in the middle of something big again, she really can't catch a break!
The battle was great fun and shows how much better Nanoha is at being a mage since we last left off.
What a great start to the series!
Someday's Dreamers 01-03
This feels like something that could be live action. I know there's already a movie based on the same material, and while I don't watch live action stuff that's not toku very often, it may be a fun experiment to compare the two. This is very bureaucratic take on magic, and making something so mundane and studied until it's treated like that could (and has *sideglance*) result in it being dull, this show...
...does not. Because an interesting world is for the guidebooks, but interesting characters are for the storybooks. Yume's mage apprenticeship still maintains very human motivations for wanting to do magic. Love, fear, second-guessing oneself. Even with all the government instructional videos, magic still feels... well, magical. Not an easy feat.
I like the OP and ED, very peaceful. Also more male chests than I was expecting in episode one. It's a unique show based on these first three episodes, and Yume being voiced by someone who was a live actor before becoming a VA lends her voice a unique tone.
Anime really can be so many things.
Sailor Moon Crystal 8
Holy crap she just kissed him outright! I don't think that's even happened yet in the original series yet! Overall very enjoyable episode Minako has more of a personality in this one episode then in all of the original series. I really am in love with this pacing and action scenes that aren't just stock footage a thons. Great episode
Ore Twintail ni Narimasu 1-2
lol this is so hilarious. So stupid.
Well she did a shitty job as one of her own bit her. I thought the book was controlling was her and when she lost the book, the zombies went out of control biting her. Also aren't necromancers usually restricted in reviving themselves.
Rhythm Emotion really captures the tone for the final episodes.
I thought it was an upgrade.
I typically rewatch Wing every year or so, and it never fails to disappoint me how badly the politics in this show collapse.
Really impressed with how this show is holding everything together. This was a great episode to have around Halloween, and it sold the gloomy aesthetic exceptionally well. The distant flashbacks actually had something resembling dialogue, we got specific character backstory for multiple characters and it actually fit the context of the situation. Even though it's pretty obvious how characters relate to and feel about one another in this show, Bahamut actually has a lot of good facial expressions that go a long way towards showing that the characters care about each other. For a show that's about people who are openly self-centered it makes everyone just seem more endearing and connected to one another.
Shingeki no Bahamut-3
This was a really poor episode in how stuff was framed and the episodic story itself was pretty flat.
Kaisar couldn't have used the book as Favaro destroyed/took it. I have no fucking clue how that ending happened.
How can you put a spoiler in a post with literally no context. not even a series let alone an episode? How does that work?