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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Gundam Build Fighters Try

Anyone else think based on the episode preview that next episode will have the team lose? I think it's about time (The original had the first loss in episode 2, but this one has more characters to introduce as well as introducing team mechanics), and the preview has an SD gundam that I think will destroy Fumina's powered GM cardigan and serve as part of the inspiration for the SD Gunpla that's been billed with her in most of the promotional stuff. The fact that they're going to a gunpla store means that we could see the loss tie directly into her preparing her new gunpla.

Also as for the love triangle stuff: I doubt the Gyanko crush will be more than just a running gag, and I feel like most of the other shipping stuff is unlikely to be more prominent than it was in season 1.

I also think the pacing is fine and makes sense. First episode reintroduces Gunpla battle and serves as the main introduction to Sekai and Fumina, so that's similar to season 1. Episode 2 introduced Yuuma and foreshadowed a major conflict for him down the line. Now that we have all the characters introduced, we finally get to episode 3 as the showcase of the new team dynamics. It wouldn't make sense for any of the characters to really lose like Reiji vs Tatsuya just yet because we need to show off their abilities as a team.
Gundam Build Fighters Try

Anyone else think based on the episode preview that next episode will have the team lose? I think it's about time (The original had the first loss in episode 2, but this one has more characters to introduce as well as introducing team mechanics), and the preview has an SD gundam that I think will destroy Fumina's powered GM cardigan and serve as part of the inspiration for the SD Gunpla that's been billed with her in most of the promotional stuff. The fact that they're going to a gunpla store means that we could see the loss tie directly into her preparing her new gunpla.

Makes sense, I thought they would lose this episode (Fumina's Gunpla was in a position to be destroyed this episode anyway) but I didn't really see a fight in the preview.
Maybe she'll swap it out midway in typical style, but "upgrading" to an SD seems weird lol
Gundam Build Fighters TRY - 3

I really enjoyed this episode.

Though I also think I understand the complaints. Right from episode 3 we're establishing quite a few romances here. Vice president and Mantis of plamo club, Kousaka and Sekai's sister. And now we have the Gyan kid's sister now in love with Sekai.

Though I imagine that'll be fairly one sided since the main ship should be Sekai and Fumina and not the former, but I digress.

It's pretty obvious this show is trying to lay down a different foundation this time than it did the last time with the original GBF. This is the team's first match together, so it's obvious that they wouldn't already be the best of pals and perfectly in sync from the start, so I can forgive those parts of this episode. Teamwork is going to play a big part in this series, so they have to start somewhere.

Now I know what you're thinking. "Reiji and Sei we're an awesome team right from the start! So why not these guys?"

The thing about that is, those two had very different roles to play in the first season. Reiji was the fighter, Sei was the builder/assistant. There was chemistry between them from the start as they both worked together on their separate roles.

Here, it's three guys as a team of fighters. Each of which having different ways of fighting that clash with each other as they attempt to work together, so they have to build up that chemistry, which we'll see how the show handles.

As for Sekai pulling moves out of nowhere, I can forgive that too. He's a martial artist who feels one with the machine. It's obvious he's gonna know at least more than two moves! And how could you possibly hate the fact that he did a
Spinzaku kick?

But getting back on track, I think Jexhius' point about GBF TRY is spot-on. It's a solid show. Right NOW anyway. The original GBF may have had a better first three episodes, but even so the show didn't get AMAZING untill much later on in the show (I think the show's marvel really started to shine around episode 10, and then episode 15 with dat amazing fight)

All in all, my opinion's are pretty much the same as Jexhius with a little bit more if you count my fondness of G Gundam. Which if you didn't enjoy, you're probably not gonna enjoy TRY because I forsee a loooooot more G Gundam homages as this show goes on.


Makes sense, I thought they would lose this episode (Fumina's Gunpla was in a position to be destroyed this episode anyway) but I didn't really see a fight in the preview.
Maybe she'll swap it out midway in typical style, but "upgrading" to an SD seems weird lol

IIRC she upgrades to it because it offers a lot more mobility which was one of the issues she had in this fight.

Gundam Build Fighters TRY - 3
But getting back on track, I think Jexhius' point about GBF TRY is spot-on. It's a solid show. Right NOW anyway. The original GBF may have had a better first three episodes, but even so the show didn't get AMAZING untill much later on in the show (I think the show's marvel really started to shine around episode 10, and then episode 15 with dat amazing fight)

You should check episode 2 of the first series when the Zaku Amazing shows up. We haven't had anything really comparable to that which set the tone in a decisive manner. Mechanical animation quality is a step or three above what we've gotten so far too.


Here's the thing though, Reiji lost to Tatsuya because Tatsuya was just flat out better. There were no gimmicks or special tricks, Tatsuya was just a better fighter. The Try team should have lost to a legitimate good team, like the recent one. Try had no coordination and really the whole fight just seemed like a series of flukes and random powerups.

It's not a good sign when the director/writers are already pulling this stuff when we had a ton of it near the end of season 1.
Makes sense, I thought they would lose this episode (Fumina's Gunpla was in a position to be destroyed this episode anyway) but I didn't really see a fight in the preview.
Maybe she'll swap it out midway in typical style, but "upgrading" to an SD seems weird lol
Preview indicates some sort of trouble, and we see an unknown SD gunpla in the preview that doesn't seem to be the winning gundam. Site also says the winning gundam takes full advantage of it's SD characteristics (whatever that means), so I get the feeling that they'll lose the fight, but the opponent will help inspire the winning gundam
[GBF: Try] - 3

This series feels like it's made by really talented fans of the first show, but it's not as slick or exciting or well produced in any aspect.

It's a solid little show.
It hasn't sounded like a solid show from your impressions and those of others.
IIRC she upgrades to it because it offers a lot more mobility which was one of the issues she had in this fight.

That makes sense, then.

Preview indicates some sort of trouble, and we see an unknown SD gunpla in the preview that doesn't seem to be the winning gundam. Site also says the winning gundam takes full advantage of it's SD characteristics (whatever that means), so I get the feeling that they'll lose the fight, but the opponent will help inspire the winning gundam

Wow I completely forgot that. You're probably right, then.


Yea, it isn't so much that Team Try lacks chemistry and coherency, that is to be expected. Sekai actions should have cost them the match flatout but instead he is rewarded for his recklessness. It was all actually written quite poorly actually since they seems to watch to turn Sekai into John Cena at the expense of the team and also because this show seems to be obsessed with shipping. Gundam Build Fighters had its shipping but actually allowed that to develop over the course of the season so it felt very natural and it never came at the expense of the main action. This series is making some mistakes that I hope get sorted out soon.
Here's the thing though, Reiji lost to Tatsuya because Tatsuya was just flat out better. There were no gimmicks or special tricks, Tatsuya was just a better fighter. The Try team should have lost to a legitimate good team, like the recent one. Try had no coordination and really the whole fight just seemed like a series of flukes and random powerups.

It's not a good sign when the director/writers are already pulling this stuff when we had a ton of it near the end of season 1.
I disagree about them losing here, because they needed to show off team dynamics and the type of potential tri fighters had. Gyanko had a similar role to her brother in season 1, except she's showing off their potential in team dynamics rather than straight up fighting. Keep in mind that Gyanko's team's placement (Top 4 of regionals) was exactly as far as her brother got in season 1 before losing to Sei and Reiji (albeit he got that far due to Tatsuya dropping out), and he was the guy Reiji beat as a completely new fighter in episode 1. That's why I suspect that the major rival group akin to Tatsuya will be shown off next episode and beat them then


I disagree about them losing here, because they needed to show off team dynamics and the type of potential tri fighters had. Gyanko had a similar role to her brother in season 1, except she's showing off their potential in team dynamics rather than straight up fighting. Keep in mind that Gyanko's team's placement (Top 4 of regionals) was exactly as far as her brother got in season 1 before losing to Sei and Reiji (albeit he got that far due to Tatsuya dropping out), and he was the guy Reiji beat as a completely new fighter in episode 1. That's why I suspect that the major rival group akin to Tatsuya will be shown off next episode and beat them then

We already knew what the team dynamics were though from earlier in this episode and the previous episode. Blue is sniper, yellow is team leader and all around, and red is melee. The fight didn't really establish or show us anything new. Partly because there weren't any tactics in this fight. It seemed random as fuck that yellow found and positioned herself at that crack that let blue have the perfect killshot.

Reiji was a top tier fighter going solo against another solitary individual. So yea it was fine he beat whatshisname. Here however team dynamics come into play. A team is only as good as their weakest link.
TO add to my points, Reiji never lost to anyone who wasn't already a world class fighter who made it to the tournament. I mean yeah you can say Tatsuya beat him clearly in episode 2, but Tatsuya was also the final fight in the tournament season 1, and the favorite to win the entire tournament, so it's not exactly a fair comparison to this week's opponents
We already knew what the team dynamics were though from earlier in this episode and the previous episode. Blue is sniper, yellow is team leader and all around, and red is melee. The fight didn't really establish or show us anything new. Partly because there weren't any tactics in this fight. It seemed random as fuck that yellow found and positioned herself at that crack that let blue have the perfect killshot.

Reiji was a top tier fighter going solo against another solitary individual. So yea it was fine he beat whatshisname. Here however team dynamics come into play. A team is only as good as their weakest link.

We knew their roles, but this is about showing it more clearly in an actual battle setting. And I'd say there were good teamwork moments by the main chars in this episode (Although it's worth noting both times it was Fumina with one of the guys). Stuff like Fumina leading them to a point where Yuuma could snipe inconspicuously, then dodging when it looked like she was cornered so he could get a shot and take one out, or Fumina taking out an enemy blown away by Reiji's attack


We knew their roles, but this is about showing it more clearly in an actual battle setting. And I'd say there were good teamwork moments by the main chars in this episode (Although it's worth noting both times it was Fumina with one of the guys). Stuff like Fumina leading them to a point where Yuuma could snipe inconspicuously, then dodging when it looked like she was cornered so he could get a shot and take one out, or Fumina taking out an enemy blown away by Reiji's attack

I think that demonstrates adaptability on her part to handle people doing their own thing rather than any sort of effective leadership which is what's expected of her by the audience. I'd love for this to transition to said leadership role but we'll see.


Gundam Build Fighters 2-3

I'm already starting to cringe. Are they really going to pull love triangle/rectangle nonsense? Fucking really?

Sekai's bullshit is what is pissing me off the most right now. He just feels like "Asspulls:The Character". Him also being a flat out idiot isn't helping matters either. Hell Reiji was from a different planet and he seemed to understand and fit into society better than Sekai.

Also good lord is Gyanko a contender for best girl already. That awkward laugh and thick body do all the right things for me.

Is it really a love triangle when it's just shitty blushing and flirting? Now, G Gundam, THAT was a damn good love triangle.


parasyte 3

Pretty good, but dat music is dat bad or when it's not bad, it's just ignored. When the best you can say for it is that you can suffer it quietly, dunno, it's like, bad, man. Did I mention it's bad?

chaika 3

A town built out of mismatched lego blocks.



Everyday Battle 3 - dat Trigger show

I can tell the animators had fun with the teacher earlier in that episode LOL.There were some sweet moments intermixed with the shitty comedy. Thief girl from last episode was sorely missed :( Is this Literature Club ever going to read literature? Why is there a loli from another school amongst the cast? When do the Stand battles start? This turns into a battle show at some point right? Please?

Amagi Brilliant Park 3

Senjou in a bikini = Good :)
Latifah in a bikini = Nobody asked for this, shame on you Japan :(

So yeah, this is less that the MC is a genius and more the people at the park are morons. I feel they deserve to go out of business. They have fucking magic, how are they not raking in the bucks? I feel they are setting up "drama bombs" for later and I can't say I'm looking forward to that at all :/

Parastye 2-3

And so the slow ascent into badassery begins. Teacher character is a nice mix-up. I'm really interested in seeing the mystery of these aliens unfold. I hope the show doesn't pull any punches in the future, stuff is going down and quick!

Gundam Build Fighters Try 3

"Early Naruto" feels like an adequate description. Sekai's idiocy is getting kind of annoying already and Fumina's the weak link in terms of power/skill and doesn't have the experience to control her team. The leader shouldn't be getting punked so often. Also only in anime can you do a moderately nice but unnecessary thing and have girls throw themselves at you in response. I still enjoyed this obviously but I'm inclined to agree with some of the dissenting opinions.


Im still eternally confused how this whole thing plays out. So This is part of Hanamonogatari? It doesnt seem to be part of Bakemonogatari 2 since that ended with Hitagi. I think. Im just so confused.

From what I understand (haven't read the LN or anything) Hana chronologically the last thing that ever happens. Araragi is graduated, Kanbaru is a third year, life has moved on. This upcoming stuff are things that happen after the Hitagi end I think? Might need someone who read the books to shine some light.


sealed with a kiss
From what I understand (haven't read the LN or anything) Hana chronologically the last thing that ever happens. Araragi is graduated, Kanbaru is a third year, life has moved on. This upcoming stuff are things that happen after the Hitagi end I think? Might need someone who read the books to shine some light.

we all know Kizu will be the last -monogatari media released
Inou Battle 3

This show is so fucking stupid and pointless. Goddamnit Trigger I am so disappointed. I dont even feel like finishing this episode.


The Light of El Cantare
Let me see, Sailor Moon R had a filler arc, Sailor Moon Super S could basically be considered to be a filler season, though that it partially due to other missteps made during that season that actually lead to Super S getting cancelled part way trough its run and being resolved at the beginning of Stars.

BluWacky already corrected the record on SuperS being cancelled (now that's one I've never heard before), but 90% of the entirety of Sailor Moon is anime-original, regardless of season. This is the same old misuse of "filler" to mean "anything that doesn't directly advance a central narrative" and to automatically dismiss anime-original content regardless of purpose or quality. The anime is largely comprised of self-contained stories by design and has a highly divergent structure from the manga.

People just rag on the Doom Tree arc because it's not related to the Silver Millennium when, if you ignore that, it's not appreciably different from the rest of the show aside from its secondary purpose of undoing the finality of S1's ending. Toei didn't plan all 200 episodes in advance and, typically, the first season of any magical girl franchise is scripted in a way in which it can have a definitive ending in the event that the show doesn't perform well enough to warrant more seasons. SuperS backpedals on some of the character development from S but it has some of the best episodic content in the show. Both have essentially the same ratio of self-contained stories to plot advancement as anything in S1, R Black Moon Clan, S, or Stars.


Parasyte 3
The show took it another level here considering it shows that not all of them are evil and want to fit in their new found lives.

Does their school not have security cameras?
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