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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Serial Experiments Lain 3

There seems to be something wrong with all the people in this show. None of them seem to realise that shadows are covered in blood stains. -_-

After the 50th time I was treated to the shot of a power line, I'm beginning to think they're supposed to mean something.

This episode made me think me that I should take the title of the show more literary. Between some fancy black suits trailing Lain, her unique "abilities", her mother and father not giving a shit about her, I'm jumping on the obvious "Lain has been experimented on, one way or another" bandwagon. Her sister is the only one who seems to care about her but even she seemingly remembers a time when Lain actually smiled and acted more naturally. Which means at some point something changed.

Or this is all a dream/simulation/whatever.
Gundam Build Fighters Try 3
Always thought the word "Try," was in the title as a way to make a obvious use of the number 3,when in actuality, it's the name of the team. I honestly don't like how everyone is being shipped off so quickly. It just doesn't feel right compared to how the original did it.

Now, the real question is, how is Ral still 35 even though this is 7 years later?

Ral is forever 35 ....
in his heart at least
Detective Conan 331:
Sonoko is always fantastic, but she's really on point here. I love the way she winds up all of the other characters. TMS also really brought out the humor during certain moments in this episode, with a number of instances with exaggerated faces being played for comedy. These bits elevate what might have otherwise just been an ordinary setup situation with the characters finding themselves in a secluded location.


Denki-Gai 04

The Valentine's Day segment was cute, but I liked the first sketch - about Hiotan setting up her booth and discovering what kind of manga works for her - better. The idea that all female anime fans like BL is a sticky one, but the thing is, even if they do, I'd like to talk with more female fans. Manga does cover every genre, after all. For fans of Yuu Kobayashi's character, she returned in the Valentine segment.
Persona 3 FES has completely hooked me and sucked me away from anime time, gonna try and catch up on my big shows whenever I can so I don't fall TOO far behind :X


Yeah a lot of repeat information and deliberate not information that anyone who's seen F/Z already knows (or knows the answer to) but I was okay with this episode as it does help people who didn't see F/Z to catch up on what's going on along with establishing what our MC does and does not know. The ending was hype though looking forward to next episode


Chaika: Avenging Battle 3
Starting to feel bad for Fredica a bit. She's basically never in the show, and when it's time for her to be, it's only to move the plot forward. She almost has no involvement with anything outside of being a free ride.


Chaika: Avenging Battle 3
Starting to feel bad for Fredica a bit. She's basically never in the show, and when it's time for her to be, it's only to move the plot forward. She almost has no involvement with anything outside of being a free ride.
If Fredrica did get more involved, the show would be over instantly because she can just fuck everyone up. There would be no issue getting the remains.
Chaika: Avenging Battle 3
Starting to feel bad for Fredica a bit. She's basically never in the show, and when it's time for her to be, it's only to move the plot forward. She almost has no involvement with anything outside of being a free ride.

It's kind of the inherent problem with having a main character in the cast be ridiculously over powered, the author has to either never have them around, or make up reasons why they can't/won't solve all the problems in a few seconds.

Log Horizon S2 E3

The raid was a lot of fun, though I am glad we did get to spend a bit of time with the rest of the guild at the end. Really looking forward to the idol girl (I'm convinced it's a boy in a girl avatar) officially joining Log Horizon and meeting the rest of the cast. Should lead to some great comedy moments
Chaika: Avenging Battle 3
Starting to feel bad for Fredica a bit. She's basically never in the show, and when it's time for her to be, it's only to move the plot forward. She almost has no involvement with anything outside of being a free ride.

Well, Frederica just
got owned by a bunch of dragoons
so now she has powerful enemies to beat up and have lots of screen time doing so.


Cross Ange 3
Slowly becoming less annoyed with this show. It's either slowly getting better or I'm just getting desensitized and adjusting accordingly... The sooner Ange accepts the situation and face facts the better this will be and that seems to be the case at the end here.
Although judging from the preview there still seems to be a lot of unnecessary sexual tension here... Although at the end of the day, I guess it could be considered a stress reliever considering their situation.

If Fredrica did get more involved, the show would be over instantly because she can just fuck everyone up. There would be no issue getting the remains.

It's kind of the inherent problem with having a main character in the cast be ridiculously over powered, the author has to either never have them around, or make up reasons why they can't/won't solve all the problems in a few seconds.

She doesn't necessarily have to help fight. Otherwise the series would just have a lot more fights indoors or small areas which would go against Chaika's own capabilities. It's just that as a character, she doesn't really do anything in particular. She's just a taxicab when there are no other options/when the plot deems it necessary. It'd just be nice if she conversated with the cast a bit more instead of just never having any screentime at all.

Well, Frederica just
got owned by a bunch of dragoons
so now she has powerful enemies to beat up and have lots of screen time doing so.
That's true. She actually HAS to do something now that's more than just transportation.


Shirobako 03

I, personally, think that Shirobako showing us the behind the scenes should increase the appreciation not just for Mizushima's works, but for all moe anime. It's not an easy job, and even though it was only to see one scene (I do admit, I'd like to see the full episode. Of anything this show makes.), it shows there's a real labor of love here. I do like seeing Aoi's side of things, but I'd also like to delve into the worlds of the writers and the voice actors. They bring anime to life, too, and it really is a collaborative effort. It's also clear that the opening scene wasn't a bait and switch. It was setting the tone, and going by the preview, will still continue to be relevant even into the later episodes. I don't know if the reasons I'm enjoying it are the same reasons why others are, but hopefully I can at least offer a different perspective. Because knowing that this was going on while Joshiraku was being made says a lot.

Link Man

Denki-Gai 4

I really hope that this isn't running out of steam, but there were a lot of reused jokes in this episode. Still enjoyed it.
Shirobako 3:
This was yet another fantastic and very well crafted episode. The show is really going all out with just about every scene, and it uses the music very effectively to build up the tension as the episode is approaching the climax. There are also a lot of nice directorial touches, and some very good cuts from one scene to another (I especially loved the shift from the kid needing to pee to Yamada saying "I can't hold it in"). Just about every scene in this episode is dense enough that I feel like I can only just scratch the surface of it on my first viewing.

Unlike the first two episodes which balanced out the highs and lows of the process somewhat, this episode was almost all stress and crunch time. We're already into all nighters and staff sleeping at the office and other such things. There are a lot of places where things nearly fall completely off the rails, but somehow they manage to survive. And that flaky Kisa has probably surpassed Taro for the biggest douche in the show category. Aoi nearly got completely engulfed by what was going on in this episode, but she managed to make it through thanks to the help of the other people around her, and in the end the changed version wound up being for the better.

Once again we're seeing various little touches of the technical aspects of the process, too. For example, we have the scene with Yamada saying the line out loud with a stop watch in hand (versus the other guy who is just saying the lines in his head), and we're seeing Aoi manage all the different places that various cuts of animation are at the moment as they prepare to get everything off and ready, as well as seeing just how much difference drawing one new line could make on the way a character looks. It's a pretty enlightening process.

There's still plenty left to come, but right now this show is, at least for me, the Anime of the Year frontrunner by a mile.


Unless they deviate a ton from the novels, Fredrica should be front and center within a couple of episodes.
Well that's good to hear.

World Trigger 3
We get an explanation on how power levels work in that it comes from some sort of invisible gland in the body... Also, Osamu will be in trouble for a bit. Especially if they ask him to do a repeat performance.
Evangelion 14

So now they're just following the script. :p

Half a recap episode and then some weird shit when they try to use swap Eva units. Guess it
retains some memories from the operator or something?
I dunno.


Shirobako 03

I, personally, think that Shirobako showing us the behind the scenes should increase the appreciation not just for Mizushima's works, but for all moe anime.

Knowing how hard people work on shows I think are terrible makes me resent the shows more, not increase my appreciation for them :p


Shirobako 3

Yeah this is definitely in the driver's seat for best show this season. Who knew watching an anime about making an anime can be so engaging? An anime studio works well as a setting, there's a lot of characters to play off each other and a ton of visual detail that makes it interesting to look at. It's dense imagery, but not excessively so.

Poor production staff, all that work and all those retakes and all that Aoi stress for a changed five-second cut. I mean yeah it turned out better than before but still!.

So uh, have these guys ever heard or Dropbox? Or Google Drive? Or well, anything that prevents having to drive three hours to deliver key production data?

EDIT: Need to learn to spell.
Parasyte the maxim 03

Cliffhangers! Gaaaaaah! Also A is pretty damn stupid, but he is a brain parasite so I guess its asking too much of him to have foresight.


Shirobaka 3

So uh, have these guys ever heard or Dropbox? Or Google Drive? Or well, anything that prevents having to drive three hours to deliver key production data?

Depending on the amount of content, it might be faster to drive 2-3 hours to deliver it than for one party to upload to a less secure third party cloud, before the other party can download it. There's also no assurance that there won't be any further interruptions which could torpedo the entire thing. The bulk of the delay was not the drive, it was the many other hours they lost while trying to fix the FTP issue.


Depending on the amount of content, it might be faster to drive 2-3 hours to deliver it than for one party to upload to a less secure third party cloud, before the other party can download it. There's also no assurance that there won't be any further interruptions which could torpedo the entire thing. The bulk of the delay was not the drive, it was the many other hours they lost while trying to fix the FTP issue.

Yeah, I'm not trying to dismiss an FTP server going down as not a huge problem (it absolutely is) I was just referring to the specific instance of a contractor delivering their work. I suppose it makes sense that whatever work they had was just too large for them to send by other means in that reduced time frame. I've obviously never worked a lick on anything resembling the type of work these people do so I don't know for sure.


Psycho-Pass 2 - Episode 3

Every week after watching this crap I feel my hue coloring more and more. I fear that before the end of this series I'll be a target for enforcement. The opening scene here was totally 2EDGY4ME. As expected from the Master of Edge himself, Tow Ubukata. Just dumb sick shit which gets teenagers so excited about how DARK it is. As bad as the show is, I still can't stop watching. Probably because they dropped the episodic structure and just decided to go for a full season of a single ongoing mystery. I'm such a sucker. :(

Oh, they updated the OP too. They've added like 50 different hardcore AfterEffects filters to every single scene, making it pure visual noise to go along with how try-hard everything else is in the series. They added and changed some animation too, making it feel more complete, but goddamn it's hard to see anything under those filters. :p


Psycho-Pass 2 - Episode 3

Every week after watching this crap I feel my hue coloring more and more. I fear that before the end of this series I'll be a target for enforcement. The opening scene here was totally 2EDGY4ME. As expected from the Master of Edge himself, Tow Ubukata. Just dumb sick shit which gets teenagers so excited about how DARK it is. As bad as the show is, I still can't stop watching. Probably because they dropped the episodic structure and just decided to go for a full season of a single ongoing mystery. I'm such a sucker. :(

Oh, they updated the OP too. They've added like 50 different hardcore AfterEffects filters to every single scene, making it pure visual noise to go along with how try-hard everything else is in the series. They added and changed some animation too, making it feel more complete, but goddamn it's hard to see anything under those filters. :p
Let's be honest, people who watch anime would be marked for instant execution by the Sibyl System.


Shirobako 3



Aoi is the definition of suffering moe.

Another great episode. I love how it shows all the different individual screw-ups that can delay a production, like the guy who sleeps too late, and the ftp server crashing. Other nice touches were the key animator being so locked in that she didn't notice anything around her, and Goth Loli-sama making one small correction for her animation check.
Unless they deviate a ton from the novels, Fredrica should be front and center within a couple of episodes.

Show almost seems like torture porn-esque at this point with how many times
she gets 'killed' or has a body appendage cut off
. So hopefully that doesn't happen too often from now on.
Hi-sCoool! SeHa Girl 03

I'm just now realizing that the sound used in the beginning of the show is the bootup sound for the Saturn =/, I should have picked up on that the second I heard it. I was never a big SC5 fan, but that's because I was and still am awful at rhythm games.

I wait with eager paitience for the Shenmue episode.


Psycho Pass 2 ep 3
So basically this Kamui guy wants to turn everybody into a Makishima Shougo.

Let's be honest, people who watch anime would be marked for instant execution by the Sibyl System.

And bronies and gamers and sonic fans and comic book/manga readers.etc


Psycho-Pass 2 3
I still don't understand the point of Kamui's character if it's established in the 30 seconds of the first episode that there is a new on the go medication that can temporarily lower your hue just like he can. It'd be a lot more interesting if the new big bad was someone who was abusing this new drug instead of having a more or less repeat of season 1.
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