G-reco 5 is cementing this show as my favorite of the season, it's just too fun
That scene on the bridge just had me cracking up as much as anything I can think of in quite a while.
Suppose I should finally plow through the Monogatari series. Will I go completely insane and become an avid anime Gaffer after going through such an endeavor?
Pretty Guardian Sailor Twin-Tail 3
Soji explores his new body, Twoearle continues to be best, and Aika becomes Mega Man. This show keeps on firing on all cylinders!
Yuki yuna wa yusha de Aru - 03
I think this is a perfect example of calm before the storm and at this point i'm fully expecting some delirious twist later ..
but as of now this is alright ... TSUNDERE GET !!
Friendship RULES
Detective Conan is on Crunchyroll?!? When did this happen?
Detective Conan is on Crunchyroll?!? When did this happen?
i think it started this week. It was announced at NYCC
Oh nice, yeah I hope they get around to releasing some of the old episodes (and some of the ones the fansubs skipped.)Just this week.
Now here's hoping they put up the old episodes before the wait is too long.
KuwabaraTheMan's backlog of Yamato, Flowers of Evil, Ping Pong, The Eccentric Family, and Rozen Maiden Z is a pretty fantastic suite of shows from the last two years.
KuwabaraTheMan's backlog of Yamato, Flowers of Evil, Ping Pong, The Eccentric Family, and Rozen Maiden Z is a pretty fantastic suite of shows from the last two years.
Yeah, I'm kind of jealous. Although watching FoE and Rozen Maiden at the same time seems really depressing.
This was an extremely strong episode. The direction is on fucking point at times. Yes it's drama laden but I don't really feel it's artificial or forced but rather the characters themselves are dramatic. I'm sure the heavy drama is coming though. The comedy does seem awkward occasionally as the show does the dramatic moments way better than the comedic ones, which is extraordinarily rare for this to be case.
This week on "Hipster Cuisine with Chaika."
Don't know what to think of this. The premise is very anime, but the combination with Blink 182.0 soundtrack reminds me a bit too much of Titan AE. Might be worth a watch once it comes out though.
Happy birthday Nafe.
Chaika: Avenging Battle 3
What kind of spear was that guy using? It looked more like just a really long mace.because anime. SMH at Fredrica jobbing again. She deserves better from this show.More Chaikas, and this time they're twins,
This was far and away the best episode of the four. I don't think the comedic direction was as strong as the first episode but the comedic material itself was really solid. There wasn't really any Fumoffu/Kanye fighting as the two seem to have come to an understanding. This instead was a much more melancholic episode than the first three.![]()
Well damn it.
This episode was really all about Sento and her own problems/issues. It's clear that Sento was a very large, if not the major, reason why the park was going under. The show not only established how Kanye is a good manager but also how Sento was a bad one. Both leads are in large ways, the products of their upbringing. Sento is a soldier through and through and so she has problems trying to convince or sway people to do what she wants. She expects people to obey orders without question but she also knows that she's a failure in leadership. She really does feel like a female Sousuke at times. I found her reaction, to being outshone by Kanye and essentially told that she's deadweight, to be surprisingly normal. She wants to help out but she knows she's useless and so when a competent person shows up, it only highlights her own flaws that much more. The ending of the episode did give her at least one victory under her belt so she doesn't seem completely useless.
One thing I like about the show so far is that Kanye has already fucked up a lot. He's apparently very good at managing but he also makes mistakes. Most shows I feel would have set him up as a god character and might have him stumble down the road later in a big dramatic moment. Here however, the show does point out that he's not a miracle worker and the park isn't exactly skyrocketing even with the changes implemented in the last episode. I'm not sure what to make of his
I was starting to get annoyed with the repetition of the tracks in the OST but then the final one at the end of the episode made me smile. Those saxophones man. There wasn't anything really stellar on an animation standpoint other than Kanye' big speech. I do think there were a number of smaller moments but they stood out due to the direction and atmosphere moreso than anything related to the animation.
I though Pedotops was my favorite mascot but after today's episode I think it goes either to Tirami or Totodile.
The first arc of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni comes to mind. Four episodes, relatively self-contained, creepy.
Alien nine
Cat soup
Blood the last vampire
Afterschool Midnighters. CG film about spooky and funny things in a school. Go in blind and with no expectations and you'll have a good time!
Curse of Kazuo Umezu
Another maybe? It's basically Final Destination: The Anime.
The guy who is scoring this is also working on Robin Hood in Anime Boobland this season.Your Lie in April-3
The OST in this episode was phenomenal. Really great stuff with all the piano work. This is the first episode this season where I was really blown back by an OST in a positive way.
Hm... Any anime that would be good for Halloween? Good or bad, doesn't matter. Just need to be less than 3 hours in total.
Amagi Brilliant Park-4
Anime Limited have unboxed the Blu-ray for HAL, don't know what it is about but the art-style looks interesting.
From the studio that brought you ATTACK ON TITAN! lol![]()
Glasgow, UK 25 October, 2014 - Anime Limited, the Glasgow-based anime licensing company and parent company of All the Anime, are pleased to announce the release of the Gankutsuou (The Count of Monte Cristo) for the UK.
Albert is a young man of privilege in Paris, but the trappings of his aristocratic birth leave him bored and unsatisfied. Seeking adventure, Alberts restless spirit leads him to a festival on the moon and to the Count of Monte Cristo.
An enigmatic man of charm and wealth, the Count of Monte Cristos charisma and sophistication captivate Albert. The fascinated youth invites the nobleman to mingle within the upper echelons of Parisian society, and the Count is soon courting the favor of Frances most powerful families. Little does Albert know, as his new friend walks the ornate halls of the highest class, the Count of Monte Cristo wants only to bring them crashing down through vengeance.
Gankutsuou will be released in the UK on home video blu-ray and DVD and on video on demand by Anime Limited. Andrew Partridge, president of Anime Limited says: Its great to be able to release this classic series based on a classic piece of literature- here in the UK and on blu-ray too! I really enjoyed this series when it was first out and Im glad to bring it back to the front of peoples minds. What can I say? We were due a classic release anyway!
Gankutsuous release date is yet to be confirmed in 2015.
Gankutsuou will be released in the UK on home video blu-ray and DVD and on video on demand by Anime Limited. Andrew Partridge, president of Anime Limited says: Its great to be able to release this classic series based on a classic piece of literature- here in the UK and on blu-ray too! I really enjoyed this series when it was first out and Im glad to bring it back to the front of peoples minds. What can I say? We were due a classic release anyway!
This is the first time that Gankutsuou has been released in the UK for reasons that probably involve Manga being twats.