Evangelion 26
Now watch EoE!
Evangelion 26
Evangelion 26
I give ittroll out of troll.
I actually found the last episodes of EVA uplifting in a weird, "we have no money" way
It wasn't as worse as karekano was.I actually found the last episodes of EVA uplifting in a weird, "we have no money" way
Take your time, just don't forget to watch it.No. I can't take any more right now!My stomach hurts from all the laughter.
We're all waiting for it.Mike's reaction to EoE is gonna be great.
The message at the end itself wasn't bad, if you manage to forget everything else about the show
Guess this answers the question I didn't ask as well of why there aren't any director's cut of the last 2 episodes, but only of episode 21-24.
But there is....it's called The End of Evangelion.
You should post in Love Live GAF as well:
Edit: Those 6 newest(?) pics are those of your living quarters?
Well... Now I'm afraid to watch it...
Well... Now I'm afraid to watch it...
a quick, partial summary of the event:
-the festival itself was at the tokyo international forum (where the national high school mahjong tournament in saki takes place, a few pics of the forum here: http://imgur.com/a/SGqTd) -got there about five hours early to line up for goods. was undecided on whether to join team chitoge, kosaki, or marika until the last moment, but then my decision was made easy when chitoge and kosaki's happi sold out >_> (for the record, the order the happis sold out were chitoge, kosaki, marika, tsugumi, and ruri's happi was still in stock at the end of the festival lol) -hung out with other nisekoi otaku until the start of the festival, since nobody from my comiket circle or anybody else i know that likes anime was able to get tickets
-festival opened with the seven seiyuu (Uchiyama Kouki, Touyama Nao, Hanazawa Kana, Kaji Yuki, Uchiyama Yumi, Asumi Kana, and Komatsu Mikako) coming on stage -Uchiyama (Raku's seiyuu) begins by saying he has no idea what the actual plan for the festival is (they usually don't release the schedule for these things beforehand), but then Kaji reveals that he will be the gameshow host for a contest to be held between the five female seiyuu
-the rules of the game are: uchiyama will be the judge. the five female seiyuu will compete for his affection, in various categories such as quiz games, acting, and singing -uchiyama will award rakus based on how good he thinks each seiyuu did: one raku is worth one point, one "super" raku is worth three points -uchiyama also has the ability to take away points at will, if one of the girls does something that annoys him lol
-the first corner was "nisemono", based off of toyama nao's nisemono section on nisekoi radio -for the first question, they brought two dorayaki (japanese snacks) out onto the stage, and the seiyuu had to guess which one was more expensive. everyone got this question wrong, so no points were rewarded -for the second question, they showed two photos, and the girls had to guess which one was taken by a professional photographer, and which one by an amateur. funnily enough, one of the photos was of toyama nao, so she already knew and told everybody else the answer was A, but some of the girls didn't believe her and got it wrong... -for the third and final question, they showed two videos of employees of aniplex dancing to the nisekoi op click, and the girls had to guess which one was designed by a professional choreographer. toyama nao works at aniplex, and she mentioned that these were the kinds of shenanigans that goes on there everyday...
-the second corner was "monotsuri", where the girls were given a word, and they had to write down a list of keywords that they guessed the dictionary definition of the word contained. for each keyword they got right, they would get one raku -uchiyama bullied toyama nao a lot in this corner, taking away tons of points from her because she annoyed him lol
-in between the corners, the seiyuu did mini-skits in pairs of two. there were five pairs in total: the four main girls with raku, and ruri with shuu. all the skits were about how the girls were feeling nervous about the concert, and most involved the girls asking raku what they thought about their uniform (the uniform in question being the one in the festival's official promotional artwork). -in the skit between raku and chitoge, toyama nao went off script, which caused uchiyama to get mad and take points away from her later lol -the skit between shuu and ruri was funny, because shuu kept saying ruri was the real main character of the festival, because she's the one in the center of the official promotional artwork (although in the back: http://www.nisekoi.jp/event/img/head.png)
-the third corner was "mousou", by far the funniest of the three corners, inspired by toyama nao's corner in nisekoi radio -in mousou, the girls are each given a ridiculous scenario (for the festival, they were all related to romance), and they had to act it out on stage, under pink lights and with sexy music playing in the background lol
-the first scenario was for komatsu mikako (tsugumi). her scenario was that she was at the 2014 world cup finals, and her crush was playing on the field. uchiyama joked that there was no way this scenario would happen, causing everyone to laugh (if you don't know, japan epically failed in the world cup). uchiyama awarded her the full three points for the skit
-the second scenario was for toyama nao (chitoge). in my opinion, this was probably the funniest of all the mousou performances (although i love toyama nao, so maybe i'm biased :X). because she hosts the mousou corner on nisekoi radio, expectations were high for her. her scenario was that she was on a beach in okinawa, when her crush suddenly unexpectedly comes swimming up to her. unlike all the other girl's mousou performances, she also played the part of the guy, jumping from one half of the stage to the other, and speaking in low, manly voice when playing the part of the guy. also awarded full points
-the third scenario was for asumi kana (marika). her scenario was that she was on a first date in harajuku with the guy she liked, when the guy asks asks her to eat at one of harajuku's cat cafes, except asumi kana's character is allergic to cats (asumi kana is also allergic to cats in real life). asumi kana went from sounding like a princess in the beginning, to someone who sounded like she was dieing in the end. in the end, the guy finally notices that asumi kana is allergic to cats, and asks to eat somewhere else, which caused everybody to say "awwww"
-the fourth scenario was for uchiyama yumi (ruri). legendary performance. her scenario was that she was in tokyo disneyland, spying on her crush, when suddenly the song "let it go" from frozen starts playing in the background. they actually started playing the karaoke version of let it go in the middle of the skit, and uchiyama started singing the whole song. uchiyama kouki was so moved by the performance, that he gave the rest of the raku dolls he had on the table (probably worth something like 100 points)
-the fifth scenario was for hanazawa kana (kosaki). hanazawa started complaining that it was unfair, because there were no more points left to be awarded to her (she was also in last place at this point festival). then, the staff solved the problem by bringing out an entire new cardboard box full of raku dolls. hanazawa's scenario was epic. she was a 25-year old (lol) girl who still had a crush on her former elementary school basketball coach named "subaru" (lol), and she decides that it's finally time to confess. when she confesses, she gets rejected, with "subaru" saying that he only likes elementary schoolgirls. then hanazawa says "i see, so you were that kind of person...". kaji (who, if you don't know, plays subaru in ro-kyu-bu!) jumped on stage and started reciting the lines of subaru. at this point, the crowd kept chanting for him to say "that line", so in the end, he shouted at the top of his lungs "shougakusei wa saikoudaze!!!" -uchiyama started worrying that they would get in trouble with the staff promoting an anime unrelated to nisekoi. he was so moved by the performance though, that he awarded hanazawa the rest of the box full of raku dolls (probably 1000s of points...)
Well... Now I'm afraid to watch it...
Well... Now I'm afraid to watch it...
The characters look a little odd, but it's got a nice mystery atmosphere going for it.Is this show any good? nobody really talking about it..
The characters look a little odd, but it's got a nice mystery atmosphere going for it.
Method isn't quite the show I'd compare it to. While both have mystery elements, they don't have much in common otherwise.Yeah. Im gonna start watching it soon. It looks reasonably cute and mysterious. But I have a feeling Celestial Method is superior.
Method isn't quite the show I'd compare it to. While both have mystery elements, they don't have much in common otherwise.
Well... Now I'm afraid to watch it...
If you can get beyond the animation in the first two episodes, you'll be fine. Episodes 3 and 4 look okay at best. As for the quality itself, since we're dealing withIs this show any good? nobody really talking about it..
If you can get beyond the animation in the first two episodes, you'll be fine. Episodes 3 and 4 look okay at best. As for the quality itself, since we're dealing withit can go either way and it's too soon to tell which way it is since only one thing has happened so far.time travel
Yeah, this has potential
In Search of Lost Future/ Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete.what is this, i want to watch it
what is this, i want to watch it
Is this show any good? nobody really talking about it..
In Search of Lost Future/ Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete.
Cross Ange ep 4 is out and I'm still waiting for my ep 3 review.
Where art thou, Corvo?
Cross Ange ep 4 is out and I'm still waiting for my ep 3 review.
Where art thou, Corvo?
Cajun , i don't know why you said that nobody was talking about it.
We did
talk about it
at least i did .
don't read my posts they will be spoilery...
anhd no i didn't post pics since i'm not watching this show for the character design but for the plot
You poor soul.thanks
im on board
Even the manga version cut the bandits part, simply no one cares, not even Japan.Madan no ou to vanadis - 04
Let's get something out of the way first :
is trully the best way to wakeup someone.
Now , i don't get this show at times.
First episode was faster than the wind , and then you spend 2 eps on the battle, and now your speeding things up , then slowing then speeding up again ?
In the book it's specific on the fact that there was only certain characters present when the ellen reported to the king . not only you add 2 people ( one that also said that she never went to the capital in a long time when the cast meets her ) BUT you cut the explanation to calm the king , you cut the sub plot with the bandits entirely ( that the main reason for lim change of behavior toward tigre , the ambush was only the final nail ), you totally mess up the change of time by making them irrevelant.
I don't want to have a narrator tell me " lord massas went to the capital to talk to the king" , there was a freaking scene that actually explained tigre action , plan and behavior , same with the nobles afterwards ? All the political aspect of the show is dropped.
I don't want a scene with vanadis boobs jiggling , i wanted the political intrigue
Where was the punishment by thenardier for his troops that let his son die ? why did you cut this scene ?I mean he has the design for a last boss , but showing him actually doing something is better , right ? Heck in this scene he should not be in his throne drinking wine , while making plans for the future, he was supposed to be so angry he couldn't enjoy his wine.
What the heck vanadis ?
I might be nitpicking , honnestly i don't know ..but Something it feels like the show is focusing on the wrong things. When you cut the bandits out of the equation , you cut lim character develloppement , and tigre as well but worse , you cut the entire part of managing your army that was present in the novels. How to find the money to pay up your soldier ? how to find ammunition and food ? the logistics ? Those were questions tigre had to find an answer and that are the key to the future arcs ...
At this rate they are going to make tigre just a regular MC with a magic bow and be done with it ... screw this.
Even the manga version cut the bandits part, simply no one cares, not even Japan.
Not sure what you mad for, you feels like if there a little part not follow what you think, it's bad.
I'm already read all volumes btw, even vol.10(RAW).
Oh that will be explained!FSN UBW 3
Budget? What does that word mean?
So how did Shirou know that an arrow of that calibre was on the way? Sure he sensed it, but, how?
Forget it, i checked 2ch, there are some complain from LN reader but none of them is bandits part.I'm upset that the aspects i enjoyed in the novels aren't properly conveyed in the anime.
And don't worry i am fairly up in the books too.
Ps: that the manga cut this part is not my concern i felt that this part did express the characters of lim and tigre in a certain way and it's not there. I guess they better do some world building by showing the vanadis boobs jiggle instead./s
Forget it, i checked 2ch, there are some complain from LN reader but none of them is bandits part
And i think they should let him show up as soon as possible
oh the bandits aren't my only complain ..my real complain is about the focus the anime takes and on that aspect i can go all day ..
OH he can't show that fast we haveand then they can use him as en episode cliffanger.the 2 vanadis fight first
I'm waiting for him because he is cool but honnestly ? i'm more intrested in the part that comes right after . and by that i mean :As i said there is a part of the franchise that interest me more and it's the politic and the army part. The vanadis are cool , but they are one - woman armies , adding a one man army in the mix won't change much to me if they treat this franchise that waythe invasion
As i said, "boobs jiggle" won't waste any time, nothing to do with which part getting cut.
You can keep upset about it but no need to blame "boobs jiggle", this animation part exist or not won't change anything.
I might be nitpicking , honnestly i don't know ..but Something it feels like the show is focusing on the wrong things. When you cut the bandits out of the equation , you cut lim character develloppement , and tigre as well but worse , you cut the entire part of managing your army that was present in the novels. How to find the money to pay up your soldier ? how to find ammunition and food ? the logistics ? Those were questions tigre had to find an answer and that are the key to the future arcs ...
Eva TV end is GOAT, EoE is also GOAT