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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Gargantia OVA: Meguru Kouro, Haruka - Part 1

While the two OVAs which were included on the BD box sets of the TV series were basically supporting side stories which took place before and during the series, this new OVA is a proper "after story". It doesn't really feel like a "sequel" so much as an additional epilogue-ish story so far.

Fans of the lighter elements of Gargantia will find plenty to like here. It does a good job of showing what all the characters are doing now, having settled into a new rhythm after the events of the series. The narrative in the first part serves two purposes - it introduces a new character while also giving fans more Ledo/Chamber stuff. The girl is from Kugal's fleet and she's interning under Amy as a messenger, but she also seems very interested in stories of Chamber and Ledo's relationship with his mech. So there are a few flashbacks showing showing previously unseen situations where Ledo and Chamber were broing it up. It's well done, but there's nothing particularly special or outstanding on display here.

The dramatic point for the story here occurs near the end, and involves an accident while recovering a major wreck. It's fairly predictable, and there isn't really much tension, but it does allow the show to use an excuse to show how Ledo has had to adapt to relying more on himself and his experience as a person rather than having a guidance AI with him at all times. It was one of the main points of his character arc in the series, so it's nice to see it taken further here.

Ultimately, for those looking for more "plot", there isn't anything to see in this first part of the OVA, but the tease at the end definitely hints at the next part being much more serious and with new developments in the show's scifi mythos.That might be very interesting or really bad, depending on where they take it. It's nice to see the cast and world again though, so I really don't mind the way they have divided the two halves of this OVA. Too bad we'll have to wait until next year for the conclusion.


I doubt anyone here watches it, but if any of you keep up with Naruto, is there any watch plan that cuts the filler out and keeps the important stuff? Or is there too much filler to do that? I'd like to watch, but I'm not really interested in wacking hundreds of episodes right this minute.

A bit more detailed guide here.
Saiunkoku is fantastic. You should give it a serious chance.
This is a awesome show and i mean it
Well done characters , an heroine that get things done... good backstories , colorfull and unique characters.
As long as you can wistand the obvious Tones toward the other side ( that are decoys most of the time ) you'll be fine.

Sweet, thanks. This'll keep me motivated to go on despite the length.
Flowers of Evil 7:
Well, fuck humanity, I guess. This is just such a powerful piece of television. I feel like I'm drowning under the weight of everything right now. This is one of those things where I hate seeing Kasuga putting himself through all of this, but then at the same time Nakamura's rant about 'normal people' isn't entirely off base either (which doesn't mean she isn't plenty screwed up). People's facades are playing a big role here, and we're seeing how much of normal life is just a front for something more fucked up (and of course, this show is also following middle school students, who are, scientifically speaking, the worst human beings in the world). I have absolutely no clue what's going to happen next after the way this episode ended, but I'm looking forward to finding out (is it weird to be looking forward to something like this?).

The direction and music are also really strong here. The music builds up the final scene magnificently, and there are tons of nice touches throughout the episode, from the movement of the chalk and the character's movements to little things such as the helicopter flying overhead as Kasuga feels nervous about revealing his true self to anyone.

As emotionally draining as watching this show can be, it's completely worth it.
Fate/Stay Night UBW 3

Shirou kind of grows a pair, the first battle ends in a draw because we can't possibly kill off any major characters in the story (again). Overall very enjoyable and flashy episode Ufotable makes everything they touch look golden
If a new season of Gintama isn't announced by Sunrise sooner or later, anime to me is unfortunately dead.

Though sometimes I wonder what's the point of animating shit like Cross Ange. Seriously Sunrise your better of adapting more Gintama.

I know I'm being a bit salty, but still I need more Gintama damnit :(
End of Evangelion Part 1 (Episode 25)


Hey, this is pretty good. There's some cool action, some things gets explained, like who Lilith is and some stuff about Adam and Seele. Of course there's still some weird shit, and there's that scene with Shinji being so fucked up, but ok.


Sora no Method 3
So as the OP implies, they all knew each other all those years ago. Not only that, but
they helped Nonoka summon the saucer only for her to leave pretty much immediately after that. And naturally, Noel is the saucer as if it wasn't obvious already.
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete 3-4
Ken provides some interesting lines but compared to the first episode, there has been little suspense. There've been some moments where one thinks there should be suspense based on Yui's reaction, but it was not really that bad. Closest thing to bad was when Sou got beat up. Some moments were cute but slice of life feel of the show just feels off.


Twintails 1

This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a long time.

Will follow for sure.

hehee thats the spirit!

It's rare now. I have a friend who has a bluray copy thankfully. Good luck finding one cheap or even normally priced.

Hell yeah! They've been good to me.

rare or not I will find it and make it mine.

The Story Of Saiunkoku - 01

Starts out strong with a beautiful OP. History with some mythical battle and a hero who saves the empire as told by our main character Shuurei, one of the daughters of a noble family.
She seems like a pretty earnest and hard working lady who has ambitions to make a better life standard for herself in a mans world. To her surprise she's offered to be the kings consort in order to "straighten him out".
This had some funny moments with Shuurei's way of thinking, and her comments, along some side characters. There's been many characters introduced, it's going to messy at first keeping all the names in check. All in all this was enjoyable and I can tell this has many likeable characters already.

Oh shit Light Yamagi is the king.. and this is 78 episodes long, this is going to take a while if I decide to ride this one out. I haven't seen much talk about this show, but after a google impression search the story and characters are supposed to be great?

Oh cool a Saiunkoku watcher. Ive had the show a long time. The traditional setting and music kind of sold me on it but it turned out to be a pretty good story. Its quite shoujo with a ton of manservice. DtL would love it.
the OP is indeed gorgeous.
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 10:
While this is a fairly well worn trope, with the two enemy ships trapped in a hostile situation and needing to work together long enough to escape (if only they can trust each other), the episode executes on it perfectly. I think that's been the biggest thing the show has done right so far. All the stories are fairly standard, but they're executed at the top of the class. All of the characters behave in a believable manner, and develop well during the episode. There are some nice, tense moments, such as the cutting back between the two different standoffs at gunpoint, and the sudden gunshot before revealing who was actually shot. Yamamoto's scenes with Melda are well done, down to little things like them talking about blue or red, and the mementos people carry, and what the causes of the war were.

I also feel like I noticed in this episode more than in the previous ones just how nice so much of the show looked (although obviously it has always looked nice). The details on the various machines on the bridge and what not all look great, and the whole show just really looks incredible.
Grisaia no Kajitsu 04
super rushed Michiru
route dont know how it would seem going in vanilla must be confusing,
rip cat
Michiru best
Log Horizon S2 E4

I don't care at all about Akatsuki and her sub plot about wanting to be stronger, my question is when exactly did she get nerfed? She was a level 90 at the start of the series and was depicted as fairly powerful, but now she acts like she's barely stronger then Minamori who's not even at the old level cap. At least the rest of the world and character building was strong even if Akatsuki had negative growth.


Sora no Method 04

Man, this drama. It's getting a little ham-handed, but I'm expecting proper explanations for why Yuzuki is so mad that is more than just not being able to see fireworks. OST continues to be top of the season at least.

Grisaia 04

So it looks like it'll be 2 episodes per VN route. Not unexpected considering the amount of episodes and the stuff to go over, but still disappointed that a lot scenes will be cut out.
Akame ga Kill - 17

noooooo ;_;. Atleast
his killer died soon after!
I've seen that pole image from the manga edited with other anime characters. Now I know who it really is.
Unless she's lying I don't think it's a good idea to expose vital key information to the enemy..


Sora no Method 4
I still don't necessarily understand why Yuzuki hates Nonoka so much. Sure Nonoka up and left after it was summoned, but at the same time, how were she supposed to know it would actually happen. Holding a grudge on a child for doing a childish act that you helped with doesn't make sense. Hell, everyone in the town has seemingly moved on and even embrace it a bit but her and Shinoe. Hopefully things smooth over between Yuzuki and Nonoka in the next episode. But it doesn't look like it
Log Horizon S2 E4

I don't care at all about Akatsuki and her sub plot about wanting to be stronger, my question is when exactly did she get nerfed? She was a level 90 at the start of the series and was depicted as fairly powerful, but now she acts like she's barely stronger then Minamori who's not even at the old level cap. At least the rest of the world and character building was strong even if Akatsuki had negative growth.

Pretty sure she was a solo player, so she has very little experience with any social or raiding situations. Max level without raiding is a gulf between max level with raids. On top of that, Minori is getting more experience with leading parties and stuff, despite being lower level, so it's pretty easy to feel inferior in ways other than just levels.
Log Horizon S2 E4

I don't care at all about Akatsuki and her sub plot about wanting to be stronger, my question is when exactly did she get nerfed? She was a level 90 at the start of the series and was depicted as fairly powerful, but now she acts like she's barely stronger then Minamori who's not even at the old level cap. At least the rest of the world and character building was strong even if Akatsuki had negative growth.

If you've played a mmo , it's pretty much the same problem.
Reaching the max level doesn't make you strong for everything, you need equipement from the end game content too.
She doesn't have that
Then she lack experience in order to play this end game content properly. Her first big event in elder tale was the goblin attack and even then , she was soloing the wolves, not playing as a team member.
When elder scrolls was a game she did party a couple of times with shiroe but not on content that required the high level of coordination , the content shiroe is doing requires.

Also she is not powerless , she is still more powerfull than minori , HOWEVER minori growth was out of anyone expectations ( she really did something else , as of now she can do a limited version of shiroe total battlefield control) and as a result akatsuki feels pressured since minori manages to convey most of her feeligns to shiroe while she can't
Welcome to the NHK - 14

And another quite strong episode. The production value is rather lacking at times but nothing too bad and man, the characterization is really darn strong and the struggle of our HIkikomori and other characters feels real. Empathizing with them really isn't an issue.

Fortunately the entire ero game part has been less important the last bunch of episodes.

Gotta say though, that janitor/cleaning employee's speech was garbage though. Those "the people around you will suffer" simply isn't a great argument for suicidal people eventually, especially in this judgmental way. All these characters from the last 2 episodes were also somewhat lucky that they really DO still have people left to care for them. Even the old man's child shows up and instigates a family reunion. Overall it seemed like the situation wasn't quite as dire for everyone as they imagined it to be. Which is fine for the most part because it's still perfectly reasonable that they'd want to take their life, especially in Japan's rather honor-focused society. However, it would've been interesting if there was at least one who doesn't have this backbone and would try better now anyways.

To some degree Tatsuhiro seems to be that guy for this episode and it feels really bad how he feels left out when everyone else rejoices some. But at last he, too, at least has someone in Misaki (and Kaoru).

Well after these two excellent episodes I'm much more invested again.
Akame ga Kill - 17
Unless she's lying I don't think it's a good idea to expose vital key information to the enemy..
There are like 2 characters in the entire akame ga kill universe that can manage to do this , so i wouldn't be that surprised if she doesn't care.
The 2 characters are
Akame and esdeath

That this isn't something for me :p

And no thanks.
then you've stopped where i did , congratulations again.

Oh (.____.)
Will watch maybe, but not this season
Can you imagine the faces of everyone watching that film after the ending, bearing in mind the film was meant to make more sense of the ending of the tv series
let me imagine :
"what a rip-off "
"i want a refund"
"did anyone manage to understand what happenned ?"
"So deep i don't understand what's going on !"
"O-of course i ..i undertood the end , it was about god , right ?"
"i was sure i didn't fall asleep yet it felt like i missed something"
The Eccentric Family 5:
That chopstick battle was just insane. So ridiculous, and yet so enjoyable. A lot of care is put into the design of this show, and the general feeling it gives off, and it really is just a pleasing viewing experience from start to finish. The Friday Fellows are a bit different than what I expected from the previous few episodes, but that makes it kind of fun. Yasaburo and Kaisei's conversation early in the episode was really nice. But of course, the star of this episode is Benten. She just steals the scene whenever she's around. She's definitely one of the best femme fatale characters I can think of in any anime. A real handful of a person, but everyone is hanging on her every action.

No wonder. It's really an impressive feat, and I'm definitely impressed by just how much care they put into it. This is the sort of thing that almost every show neglects.
I can imagine some kind of uncomfortable stunned silence.

followed by a roaring applause...?

There are like 2 characters in the entire akame ga kill universe that can manage to do this , so i wouldn't be that surprised if she doesn't care.
The 2 characters are
Akame and esdeath

then you've stopped where i did , congratulations again.

Will watch maybe, but not this season

let me imagine :
"what a rip-off "
"i want a refund"
"did anyone manage to understand what happenned ?"
"So deep i don't understand what's going on !"
"O-of course i ..i undertood the end , it was about god , right ?"
"i was sure i didn't fall asleep yet it felt like i missed something"

I was that guy....until the scene at the end where we
Shinji strangling Asuka, and the her saying disgusting

what just happened?
Pretty sure she was a solo player, so she has very little experience with any social or raiding situations. Max level without raiding is a gulf between max level with raids. On top of that, Minori is getting more experience with leading parties and stuff, despite being lower level, so it's pretty easy to feel inferior in ways other than just levels.

If you've played a mmo , it's pretty much the same problem.
Reaching the max level doesn't make you strong for everything, you need equipement from the end game content too.
She doesn't have that
Then she lack experience in order to play this end game content properly. Her first big event in elder tale was the goblin attack and even then , she was soloing the wolves, not playing as a team member.
When elder scrolls was a game she did party a couple of times with shiroe but not on content that required the high level of coordination , the content shiroe is doing requires.

Also she is not powerless , she is still more powerfull than minori , HOWEVER minori growth was out of anyone expectations ( she really did something else , as of now she can do a limited version of shiroe total battlefield control) and as a result akatsuki feels pressured since minori manages to convey most of her feeligns to shiroe while she can't

I always do kind of forget that Log Horizon treats this like it's actually an MMORPG and doesn't just use that as an excuse to have modern day lingo in a fantasy environment. Guess that makes sense, still doesn't make it that compelling though.

Akame Ga Kill 17

Those death flags were raised to high an in particular for
Chelsea her power was just too good, she pretty much had to get taken out for the story to not turn into she just cloaks and kills everyone
. I'm legit shook that they left the death scene uncensored after watching so many anime where even mild gore is covered in shadows to see a
head on a pike with blood dripping from it
was legit surprising.


Ehhh EoE makes plenty of sense and actually tries to resolve the multitude of plot threads that were set up and then completely ignored by the TV show.
Them VNs and their new-fangled words.

Words don't die even if they're killed.

WORDS are the magic that turn dreams into reality

Words are the ones that do the killing.

Yeesh folks, I was just saying that Ufotable makes the whole thing look great in motion and that I'd rather experience F/SN that way rather than go back to the VN from 10 years ago.

I didn't mean to imply that I had a hatred for words! Words did nothing wrong. :p

Sora no Method - 4

Yeesh this NO SAUCER girl. She's going nuts to get people to somehow get rid of this saucer and when her friends and brother tell her to chill out she's all: "NOOOO YOU'RE AGAINST MEEEEEEEE".

NO SAUCER girl is all upset that fireworks have stopped because of it, but if you said to this girl that the saucer isn't doing anything but standing there, she'll reply with "MENACINGLY!"

Also, can we please go into some detail as to what the saucer actually is? I know in the last episode
they explained it was Noel
, but I'm afraid we're gonna need a bit more that to help move this along.

I swear, at the rate this show is going we may have our Ano Hana 2 folks. Sing it firehawk!
SAO S2 E16

Guys what is this? SAO is actually kind of decent, it was straight just action with some level of stakes and some light harem comedy to spice it up. This is what SAO should have always been and it's boggling my mind that we're actually getting an arc that's embracing this concept.


Girlfriend (Beta) 3
I swear this show isn't bad, but it's the slowest and most boring thing I've seen in a long time. Episode 1 can be forgiven since you can say that it was a way for us to be introduced to everyone. But,jeez man. This isn't even "cute girls doing cute things," this is "cute girls doing virtually nothing."
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - 04

Takeru is introduced, the prince's friend. Erika asks him for advice and help to make Kyoya like her more.
Erika going through each advice to impress Kyoya was funny, and that haunted house trick caught me off guard.
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