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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Hulu does make up a good portion of my backlog shows, but some of it is dub only, which means I have to get it elsewhere. Though that's not a terrible thing, since it also means no ads and a physical copy of said shows.

As I don't own anything that will play a DVD or Blu-Ray, physical is never an option. Not to mention the fact that I have grown to dislike physical media in general.
Aikatsu - 13

Genki girls love eating , this isn't news
Idols must pay attention to their shape , this isn't news..

So what happens when our heroine gainned weight because of a holiday ?

Not sure what the show wanted to tell me since " you must shine brighter" isn't the right advice .. Is that too hard to say "be yourself and don't run away " ?

Yet this episode was alright

Meanwhile , our "best idol" is facing a crisis of her own .... i mean she realise she is getting friendly with our heroine . /s

Aikatsu - 14
I guess we're moving away from singing ..drama auditions are ok . i guess the message was the hard work and conviction can get you somewhere so it was alright . I'm happy that this episode was made without any CG o_O

Preview for ep 15 seems to focus on "that" girl again. damn it's been 4 eps since you've been introduced yet i can't remember your name. Hey girl can you please do something so i could manage to remember you ?
Cross Game 1-50 END

Great anime. Highly recommended -- and I think the anime is better than the manga. It's a romance, drama, high school baseball anime. There are only a few baseball games shown throughout the anime though. The real focus of this show is on the two main characters: Kou, a boy was the closest friend and eventually boyfriend of Wakaba since birth -- as they have the same birthday -- until her death in grade 5 and Wakaba's younger sister Aoba, a baseball loving tomboy who has an intense hatred for Kou because her sister spent too much time with him. It is the love hate relationship between the two and their memories of Wakaba that makes the development between these two so engaging. There are lots of sad moments and you can't help but cheer for the baseball to rise to the top ranks and reach Koshien. No baseball knowledge needed. Compared to this artist's other works this is much more modern and recent as well.

I'm going to have to disagree with this (although I do love Cross Game). The first volume of Cross Game is one of the most powerful reading experiences I've ever had in a manga, and while I get why the anime wanted to get to the end of it by the first episode (it is the effective hook for the series), it really needed to be two episodes. It just doesn't carry as much weight when you've only spent about 15 minutes with the characters. The rest of the series is mostly fine, but I do think the manga has a leg up on it for that reason.


Yamato 2199 - 11
And so we come to the nasty heart of it:
It's revealed that Earth shot first on the Gamillans.
As a decision though, this is really odd. For ships approaching from outside the Solar System, the immediate thought would be that they would have to be more advanced or previously signals from any nearby stars systems would have reached them.

Why then was the first instinct to a power which is most likely to be technologically superior to attack them, especially when there was more than one ship?
Even if it was a callous attempt to provide a unifying enemy for Earth, Mars and whatever other colonies there may be, to do so against a stronger opponent is laughable

Maybe I'm overthinking this.
Also that nagging spoiler about later in the series is really bugging me.

That was a low point in Yamato's writing. Really poor attempt at a "both sides are at fault" narrative.


So earlier I asked if anybody who didn't know anything about how anime comes together, was watching Shirobako. Some people replied and some were obviously being sarcastic. So I just had a notion of explaining some of the key terms that the show uses because I'm not sure how great of a job it is explaining each process/component. This is intended to be very general/introductory and I'm sure some people are going to point out where I'm wrong.

So I guess the anime production process can be covered up in four general areas. There is also pre-production but that's it's own thing altogether. These four areas are animation, coloring, post animation effects, and sound. Animation and sound can be broken down into subcategories. First let's start with animation since that's really the crux of everything.

This is how the episode/theme will flow or be framed. An animator or director will fill out the above form and the animators will expand or elaborate on the storyboards in order to create the episode. Some directors create really elaborate storyboards like Shingo Natsume for Space Dandy, others might do some scribbles and expect the animators to figure out the rest.

Key Animation/Genga:
Key animation is the main part of an animated work. They're the key frames in an animated sequence. An animated sequence can also be referred to as a cut, and usually each key animator is assigned a certain number of cuts per episode. What most animators do, some exceptions being Mitsuo Iso or Bahi JD, is that they draw certain parts or frames in a cut and someone else animates the rest.

This is 'the rest' that I just referred to, it's seemingly referred to as inbetweens because they're in-between keyframes. This is outsourced to another studio, or Korea at times, as not only is it mind-numbing work but it also requires an insane amount of manpower. If someone is complaining about the animation being jerky or the characters being offmodel, then chances are somebody fucked up with the inbetweens. There are people who check the inbetweens for quality issues but 'shit happens' as the saying goes. There are thousands of inbetweens in an episode.

Animation Director:
They essentially check or correct key frames and possibly send it back to the original animator to fix. They're usually the more experienced of the staff. Changes can be elaborate or very subtle. In some ways, they're responsible for the animation quality of an episode or movie.

Background Art:
Just that. It's what you see in the background. Most animators usually just do the characters and the background artists (although they're animators/artists too) do the background work. This is always outsourced as well.
Animators normally don't color their stuff. This most often is left to a different studio that specializes in coloring. What happens is that each color has a certain number, determined by a color design person, and the studio pretty much just fills it in.
Post Animation Efffects:
This is not only CGI work but also can include stuff like putting in depth of field in particular shots. This is also usually outsourced although a number of studios such as Ufotable can do large amounts inhouse.
Background music/OST:
The soundtrack for an anime.

Sound work:
The sounds you might hear in an anime letting the closing of a door or the sound a sword a might make. A notable example of good sound work would be Flowers of Evil.

Voice Acting:
What comes out of a character's mouth. Also the worst part of anime fandom.

I expect Shirobako to go over the VA work and post production stuff later (since they have girls dedicated to each). Honestly, there are much better sources of info than this post such as the Little Witch Academia documentary or a multitude of websites covering all of this in much more detail.


It's a really generic series yeah, but it has the setup for some cool lookin' fights. Hopefully WIT delivers on that front.
Cross Ange 04

I see the Norma were taught English by watching Mean Girls.

This show can't decide if it wants to be OZ or Degrassi. I'm pretty sure it would fail at both if it committed to one. And we get our first look at Not!Kira Yamato, and it saddens me that I was not at all shocked at how straight creeper his introduction was.
Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen 4:
Jun's life just keeps on rolling, but he's still finding himself in such a strange place. His musings on how differently his life has gone compared to what he would have wanted was a great moment. The direction and music in this episode was completely on point. I loved the execution of the winding scene, which harkened back to the start of the episode, and the scene with Shinku exploring the apartment was really well done, with some great music that did a good job of conveying the scene without any words. There's also some nice background work on display. I love the look of the bookshelves in particular.

Jun's brief scene with Saito also gave him a chance to bring out his design sense once again. It's a small little bit, but it shows a real sense of who his character is, and it seems like he's becoming more comfortable with that side of himself.


It bothers me that Hulu seems to have the best selection after Crunchyroll. Lot of stuff on there I want to watch but I don't want to deal with ads.
I don't usually mind the ads too much. But I've not used it much lately since they thought it would be nice to sell ad space to political campaigns.
Akame ga Kill 17

Was really expecting THAT scene to be censored. White Fox has some crazy balls to show it in full. Seeing it animated is even more disturbing 0_o


the holder of the trombone
Twintails 2-3

The aliens are the best characters of the show.

They show us what it truly means to be human and live out our passion. A lesson that can be learnt by all.

Yet to survive they must destroy what they love. Truly, this show is a allegory to what it means to live in this world.


Grisaia 04: Oh wow they're already deep into Michiru's route all in one episode only for it to be concluded in the next. I suppose the one cour dream is real and this adaptation is gonna suck, a shame since it started off so well.

Link Man

Gugure! Kokkuri-san 4

This show definitely has balls. Second half kid of dragged a bit, though (the little sister gag got me, though).


Jeez they're really gonna adapt every girl's route in just two episodes each?? Man so much stuff is gonna get cut. I guess we all knew this wouldn't be good.


bahamut 2


The stuff at the beginning and the end are these unwelcome reminders that there's a backstory with Gods and Demons and Dragons and such lurking around. What a goddamn bummer. As rough as the episode looked, it was still pretty damn enjoyable, and seeing Favaro indulge a Flashman-esque knack for villainy was a nice touch to keep him from turning into a sap all too soon.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 49

I have made my disdain for the Tree of Doom arc known previously, but since we are revisiting this arc episode by episode, one should be fair as possible in reviewing while engaging in this process. This particular episode is thematically stronger then the opening two episodes an featuring some genuinely new character development since the season began. That being said, the weakness of this episode is overall it is supremely generic affair, most of the events and circumstances could be placed in any arc of any season and basically remain the same; moreso then usual. Shibozaki is less a character and more a plot device to enforce generic pathos so that we get the iron will of Makoto. Also, modern trends have kind of ruined the scenario for me for the moment.

So here is one of the big reasons why the Mamoru amnesia subplot was not resolved in like two seconds, even though it should have. Indeed, the other big reason is to try and fail to recapture the chase of season one. Anyway, in the myriad of ways this arcs exposes itself as being a filler arc, this one is the oddest. So, we have this new persona of Moonlight Knight, and I recall watching these episode back in the younger days being really confused why the highly fungible character existed at all. As it turns out, this was one big in-joke being perpetuated by Toei as I have learned that Moonlight Knight is a pretty thin expy of one of the most important but also one of the most obscure in this day and age characters in modern Japanese fiction. More on that in a future review as this is getting pretty long as it is. I will finally note that the saddest thing here is Moonlight Knight already has a biggest moveset then Tuxedo Mask. Anyway, the episode gets a mild and harmless recommendation to watch.


amagi brilliant park 3-4

if theres anything this succeeds at, it's that it makes me want to give KnK a second chance as at least they seemed to actually care about how it looked. only reason im bothering with it at this point is to see if it does anything interesting with the dragon at the end (it wont ._. )


now, the whole shot's crap from top to bottom but notice how the digital mesh applied to the background to give it some "depth" is also mistakenly applied to the dinosaur lookin motherfucker. sickening


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 50

On the flip side of the coin we have this episode which is very emblematic of all that is wrong with with the Doom Tree arc as we have to watch them force this insipid love quartet onto the audience with all the grace and subtlety of a drunken swan. I am reminded of one of the big reasons this arc fails is because the incest twins here are just terrible, terrible villains and it didn't have to be that way. The thing about Ail and Ann is that they have different base motivations then any other group in the Sailor Moon anime, they are fighting for survival ostensibly and they could have lead to some very interesting storylines and instead we get more warmed over generic energy draining plots that once again feel left over from last season.

I could go on about how terrible these two are, so I will as this arc progresses. Last real thing to note here is in a truly stunning display of sloppy writing
Sailor Moon's tiara stops working for literally no reason. I mean, it literally stops working and we are not even given an attempt at a rationale of this turn of events other than if she did do it the battle would have been over in five seconds. Indeed, that is another reason why this arc is kind of terrible, the Sailor Scouts already outclass the villains power-wise
Also, I was prepared to call laser tag a curious artifact of the 1980s and 1990s but I have learned it is a thing that exists and is active even over here. Anyway, mild recommendation to avoid this episode.
Twintails 2-3

The aliens are the best characters of the show.

They show us what it truly means to be human and live out our passion. A lesson that can be learnt by all.

Yet to survive they must destroy what they love. Truly, this show is a allegory to what it means to live in this world.

the aliens are amazing
Grisaia no Kajitsu 4
So they are really adapting the entire VN (3.73 MB script) in 13 episodes. Good luck with that, I don't see any way this will end well.

The curse of text-heavy game to anime adaptation.

You can still brace yourself for the anime original ending ( hopefully it'll be a bad end so it can get a school days-like recognition :p )
Oreca / DraColle Episodes 30

DraColle gets the winning edge this week, that gutsy guts passion was incredible. Though kind of chuckled at the dragons response, mindblown if that little one is truly the Platinum Drake.

Oreca had a great evolution, prince of mesotamia needs to come out more, wow.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Yuna Yuki is a hero 1-2
Well, what do you know, it's actually a good mahou shojo anime. The animation and soundtrack is quite pleasing. i might follow this for now.
Hero Bank 30

This show is so funny but also so sad at times with the debt issue, hopefully kids can avoid getting into too much debt, millions and billions and trillions of yens wow.

Everyone going around the toilet though for the warp, lol.
Sword Art Online II Episode 10

LOL What a gag worthy episode. Holy shit. This episode was just too good, for all the wrong reasons.


Really loved this comment on CR though

"Sinon realised after 10 minutes of hitting Kirito that she had killed him by witling down his health"
Aikatsu - 15
I feared this episode because it was about "otome" and i don't like her.

After watching this episode i still don't like her ... this wasn't a bad episode but it didn't make me change how i see her in any way ... The other 3 are just supérior.

But at least the "regular cast" is ust as good as before , in particular johnny-sensei that delivers the BEST LINES


A prophetic prédiction !

It seems it's finally time to get to the good stuff , the special live is next and it's a multiple part story this time ...can't wait.
Detective Conan 334:
Yukiko taking center stage is always fun. She gives off the deductions with such a flare about her. Yukiko and Eri taking charge of the investigation and leaving Megure just kind of having to roll with it was also a fun moment. And this is one of those cases where most of the people involved are pretty shitty, so you have to laugh at the final 'fuck you' they get from the victim at the end of it.
Baby Steps 25:
No, Ei-chan, no! You're supposed to tell her how you feel about her, not dilly-dally around it like that. Oh well, I guess that was too much to hope for. But the scenes with the two of them together were really sweet, even if they couldn't just say that they liked each other. I'm glad a second season is coming next year, because this has been a really fun show to watch.


[Amagi Brilliant Park] - 1

I dismissed this show from the very start. As one is want to do, I simply happened upon some promotional artwork and decided that it looked trashy or whatever. But, you know, as irony would have it, that same thing drew me into actually watching it – Well, for this episode at least.
KyoAni was the main draw here, because having not watched anything in a little while, I was curious to see if this running-theory (trend?), about them being on a downward trajectory, was still holding up. And I’m not entirely sure what to make of that myself, as it has been a good while since any of their output has personally interested me. For the most part, I was perfectly willing to deem it as such – a personal disinterest, and nothing more.

But after having seen this, it just seems so inherently...silly. The premise sounds interesting (and I was even tempted to say promising), and I certainly enjoyed the initial setup – a dilapidated park, being run into the ground. Which sounds intriguing in itself, and I can certainly see were fun can be derived from that. After witnessing (numerous times), just the absolute saccharine nature of the likes of Tokyo Disney, both in its presentation, and how others react to it; that’s fodder ripe for the picking. So I did appreciate the allusion towards ‘tricking’ children into enjoying these sorts of experiences, though I just didn’t expect literal magic to figure into that equation.

And therein lies the rub for me. It has a solid enough setup, which it then promptly convolutes, by adding those fantastical elements. Once I realized it was adapted from a light novel, it all suddenly made perfect sense. It’s indicative of that particular style – a belaboured narrative.

It’s maybe a little presumptuous of me, but what I enjoyed was quickly swept aside for elements that I didn’t care for – ones which I fear will become the norm, rather than the exception. Gratuitous fan-service shots included.


[Amagi Brilliant Park] - 1
It’s maybe a little presumptuous of me, but what I enjoyed was quickly swept aside for elements that I didn’t care for – ones which I fear will become the norm, rather than the exception. Gratuitous fan-service shots included.

Not trying to scare you off here, but Sento butt is nothing compared to some scenes in the third episode.

I went into this season expecting to love Amagi (KyoAni finds a way), now im at the point where im only going to continue watching it because I crossed the 4th episode threshold and because its a KyoAni production.
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