Either shows I am watching or definitely plan to watch.
Is there anything else I should pay attention too?
I plan to check out Twintail and that SeHa Sega show.
I always do kind of forget that Log Horizon treats this like it's actually an MMORPG and doesn't just use that as an excuse to have modern day lingo in a fantasy environment. Guess that makes sense, still doesn't make it that compelling though.
I also feel like I noticed in this episode more than in the previous ones just how nice so much of the show looked (although obviously it has always looked nice). The details on the various machines on the bridge and what not all look great, and the whole show just really looks incredible.
Yamato 2199 is such a brilliant show. I need to crack open those BDs.
Just realised i said "elder scrolls" , instead of "elder tale" , man , too many franchises in my head.I always do kind of forget that Log Horizon treats this like it's actually an MMORPG and doesn't just use that as an excuse to have modern day lingo in a fantasy environment. Guess that makes sense, still doesn't make it that compelling though.
So many death flags , impossible to see witch one is effective or not.
Akame Ga Kill 17
Those death flags were raised to high an in particular for. I'm legit shook that they left the death scene uncensored after watching so many anime where even mild gore is covered in shadows to see aChelsea her power was just too good, she pretty much had to get taken out for the story to not turn into she just cloaks and kills everyonewas legit surprising.head on a pike with blood dripping from it
Syrinx twintail power level : 0Twintail 3
The people who said that this was so stupid it's awesome were full of shit. It's just obnoxiously stupid.
She's the type of max level person who get passed over for raids when it comes time to do it because you realize all her equips are shit that is purchased or player-made.I guess it would based on the viewers MMO experience. The moment she said she never joined any large raid I instantly realize her gear suck.
In any MMO, hitting max level is just the beginning of the game. Until they increase the level caps, the top equipment you can get from quests will never get updated. However, the game will keep releasing new raids periodically to keep players busy, and better equipment with each new releases. So naturally the gap between raider and non raider will get bigger and bigger.
Welcome to the NHK - 15
Really like Tatsuhiro's decent into gaming addiction, neglecting everything important as a result. The likelihood of that happening to a Hikikomori must be rather high. I also really appreciated the portrayal of the game world and how it feels to him, opposed to how it's actually like. The game also seems to be a darn game, something that SAO has yet to get right and that anime is all about futuristic MMOs for crying out loud.
-posted on GAF.Loved this arc. WoW was basically my life years ago. MMOs are seriously one of, if not the biggest time waster someone can take part in.
Amagi Park
Shingeki Bahamut
Either shows I am watching or definitely plan to watch.
Is there anything else I should pay attention too?
Yamato 2199 - 08
One thing that strikes me about this episode is how strong the trust the crew has towards the captain. I can only assume most of this is earned through reputation as, although they have been through a couple of scrapes thus far, it doesn't strike me as enough to pilot towards a star without questioning.
On the other hand, I have to applaud the leader of Gamilians(?) for his reaction to how events turned out. The sign of a powerful leader to retain that much poise.
End of Evangelion Part 2 (Episode 26)
So this is what happens when you mix religion and drugs.
That's enough Eva for a while I think.
Welcome to the NHK - 15
Really like Tatsuhiro's decent into gaming addiction, neglecting everything important as a result. The likelihood of that happening to a Hikikomori must be rather high. I also really appreciated the portrayal of the game world and how it feels to him, opposed to how it's actually like. The game also seems to be a darn game, something that SAO has yet to get right and that anime is all about futuristic MMOs for crying out loud.
Loved this arc. WoW was basically my life years ago. MMOs are seriously one of, if not the biggest time waster someone can take part in.
Get rekt other series, get fuckin' rekt. In the end, Mushishi is going to be again AOTY.
Thus far they've mentioned that he was the Hero of the Second Battle of Mars I think? Other than that, it's just kinda been floated around that he's the best captain around.I think at your point they should've mentioned his past by now. No huge exposition dump, but at least mentioned in passing or something. There's good reason they trust him.
Thus far they've mentioned that he was the Hero of the Second Battle of Mars I think? Other than that, it's just kinda been floated around that he's the best captain around.
Yamato 2199 - 9/10
I still have mixed feelings about ep 9 but it still rubs me the wrong way for some reason. It's a well executed episode but I still feel it was a little heavy on the metaphor of "Do synthetic androids with independant AIs have souls?" This especially crops up when the 2nd in command is having a philosophical discussion with the chief of security in the middle of a tense moment.
That and Au09's voice really grates on me. It's the little things.
Ep 10 (broken past my original barrier yay) and the crew finally encounters the enemy proper. It does raise a large number of questions about the origins of the Gamillans (of 1st and 2nd class) but I wonder if those will ever be explored.
One last point, these episodes seem to go really fast in terms of pacing. I wonder if I'm just too used to the traditional format of dragging 5 minute long fights out for half a century.
Anyway , the cast goes up by adding 3 more characters to the mix , they were all good .. this is more enjoyable than anything the chuuni anime by kyoani tried in 2 seasons already. The scene with the 4 girls actually was well done in the sense that they have used it to properly delimit what the girls can and can't do . i liked this subtle touch.![]()
now that's a chuuni i can get behind